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I also have to add that if Rembrandt had been given a camera then that guys understanding of light and form would have blown the rest of us shooters into a black hole of despair.
Steve Merrick
God creates the beauty. Through my camera, I am a witness.
Mark Denman
My pictures are about making people realize we've got to protect those who can't speak for themselves.
Michael "Nick" Nichols
Stirton's work, he says, is now all about investigation. 'You literally are trying to find out what's happening and, finally, manoeuvre yourself to the point where you can take a picture, and then you're presented with a 20-minute window where it's: Okay, now get your picture!' His voice is charged with emotion. 'Fucking angst and worry and, you know, FEAR of failure – every aspect of that comes into those 20 minutes, so it's a very intense experience. So when I make those pictures, I'm worried; I’m nervous.
Antonella Gambotto-Burke
What's required of me in the field is to feel,' Stirton says with emphasis. 'And trying to take that feeling and put it in a form that communicates a particular set of emotions or circumstances - whether that involves depicting masculine pride, or a particular kind of suffering, or love, or closeness - my primary job is to feel and to try to put that feeling into some kind of visual form. My goal is to get to the heart of each story, you know? I’m trying to evolve in my work.
Antonella Gambotto-Burke
DEWA Profesional PhotographyDEWA Photography Pre Wedding & Wedding Organizer Plaza Victoria Blok B no.01 Sentul City Bogor 16810. Telp : 021-87953067 Fax : 021-87953076 Hp : 0856 9481 456 8 - 089 660 990 160 - 0853 2788 4373 E-mail : dewaphotography19@yahoo.com / dewaphoto19@gmail.com
Two kinds of people , they spend a lot of time to take a perfect shot of God's creation from the same distance , the first ones take it with their guns and the second ones take it from their Cameras .. I am blessed that I am from the second ones.. ❤️
Fida Rasool
It's amazing how photography can capture just a split second of something exquisite.
Kiera Cass
Sharpness is a bourgeois concept
Henri Cartier-Bresson
First rule to be a photographer, you have to be invisible.
Sameh Talhamy
He took twelve pictures that day.Within a few days he showed me the contact sheet. "This one has the magic," he said. When I look at it now, I never see me. I see us.
Patti Smith
The camera makes you forget you're there. It's not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much.
Annie Leibovitz
The photographer is now charging real beasts, beleaguered and too rare to kill. Guns have metamorphosed into cameras in this earnest comedy, the ecology safari, because nature has ceased to be what it always had been - what people needed protection from. Now nature - tamed, endangered, mortal - needs to be protected from people. When we are afraid, we shoot. But when we are nostalgic, we take pictures.
Susan Sontag
The camera basically is a license to explore.
Jerry N. Uelsmann
A great photographer show off his talent & awards on facebook.An amateur photographer show off his work and skill on facebook.A foolgrapher show off his camera and how he holds it, on facebook.
Junior Ming
In my view you cannot claim to have seen something until you have photographed it.
Émile Zola
The paradox is that some of the most artistically valuable contemporary photographs are content with being photographs, are not under the same compulsion to pass themselves off - or pimp themselves out - as art. The simple truth is that the best exponents of the art of contemporary photography continue to produce work that fits broadly within the tradition of what Evans termed 'documentary style'.
Geoff Dyer
If we continually let go of the moments, we let go of who we are and we lose ourselves.
Matthew Knisely
The greatest moments in life are the ones right in front of you.
Matthew Knisely
The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
Matthew Knisely
Be in love with the moments of your life.
Matthew Knisely
The greatest moments are right in front of you.
Matthew Knisely
When you press the shutter, time won't see which camera, it will still get freezed in a moment... and thats the best Farewell for that moment.
Sagar Gosavi
Look― shoot all you want. With a camera you can barely capture a soul at a time. With planned obsolescence, you can terminate everyone's future at once and they'll never know what hit them.
Pansy Schneider-Horst
Actually, no. I won't ever go digital. I work with thirty-five or large format. I like the hand-jobs, you know. And I still do most of my own printing. I've developed such a profound distaste for touch-up and modern artifice—comes from snapping too many derelicts and detritus, perhaps, but I love it. Photo bloody Shop can go stuff it. A picture should be honest, even if the subject is contrived on the ground, you know; not dolled-up for advertising punch or sex appeal.
Pansy Schneider-Horst
You see, i f you have t rue photographic vision, you have clar i ty and i f you haveclarity, you don't need to explain or defend your images.Clar i ty is about what emot ions or feel ings the image is t rying to evoke, not the fact sbehind the image.Photographic clar i ty is about passion of purpose. I t 's about a single-minded desi reto protect a memory. I t 's about story tel l ing wi th a camera that 's so power ful , nowords are necessary.
Scott Bourne
There are too many images, too many cameras now. We’re all being watched. It gets sillier and sillier. As if all action is meaningful. Nothing is really all that special. It’s just life. If all moments are recorded, then nothing is beautiful and maybe photography isn’t an art anymore. Maybe it never was
Robert Frank
Don' t focus on NEW - focus on authent ic. Being or iginal isn' t being new - i t 's beingyou.
Scott Bourne
To sum up - i f you want to be more creat ive, star t loving yoursel f enough to giveyoursel f permission to fai l . In fact , bet ter yet , don' t even wor ry about winning orlosing. Just DO.
Scott Bourne
The time of the photograph is [always] after. This imprecision accommodates the numerous successions, the end upon seismic end, in a time without time, un[re]countable: still. In this, it is a perfect crime, “l’anéantissement anéanti, la fin… privée d’elle-même.
Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
No matter how sophisticated the camera, the photographer is still the one that makes it.
Doug Bartlow
God creates the beauty. My camera and I are a witness.
Mark Denman
A photograph is always invisible, it is not it that we see.
Roland Barthes
Art is unpredictable.
Joe Papagoda
My job as a portrait photographer is to seduce, amuse and entertain.
Helmut Newton
Photography is a Passion Not a Hobby!
ilyass azaryouh
In the context of photography , there was a luck.But the luck will come, when the photographer is ready.
Adithya Zen
A photograph is both a pseudo-presence and a token of absence. Like a wood fire in a room, photographs—especially those of people, of distant landscapes and faraway cities, of the vanished past—are incitements to reverie. The sense of the unattainable that can be evoked by photographs feeds directly into the eroticfeelings of those for whom desirability is enhanced by distance.
Susan Sontag
Photography is about capturing souls, not smiles.
Dragan Tapshanov
Pictures can be pretty deceptive.
Gayle Forman
When I have a camera in my hand, I know no fear.
Alfred Eisenstaedt
This is the hardest stuff in the world to photograph. You need a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree lens, or something. You see it, and then you look down in the ground glass and it's just nothing. As soon as you put a border on it, it's gone.
Robert M. Pirsig
When I make a photograph I feel that I hold a piece of the universe in my hands.
Paul Chaplo
If life worked on auto mode then there manual mode for photography would have never existed.
Deeksha Mittal
No, I don't work here, I'm taking pictures of messy bathrooms for a photo essay on the American West. But I'm always up for clean, so if you want to pitch in, I've got Pine Sol and a sponge in my car... It's that VW microbus parked next to the dumpster, and you don't need a key, just pull hard.
Pansy Schneider-Horst
I believe that, through the act of living, the discovery of oneself is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us, which can mold us, but which can also be affected by us. A balance must be established between these two worlds—the one inside us and the one outside us.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
To take photographs is to hold one's breath when all faculties converge in the face of fleeing reality. It is at that moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.To take photographs means to recognize—simultaneously and within a fraction of a second—both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one's head, one's eye, and one's heart on the same axis.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Of all the means of expression, photography is the only one that fixes forever the precise and transitory instant. We photographers deal in things that are continually vanishing, and when they have vanished, there is no contrivance on earth that can make them come back again. We cannot develop and print a memory. The writer has time to reflect. He can accept and reject, accept again; and before committing his thoughts to paper he is able to tie the several relevant elements together. There is also a period when his brain "forgets," and his subconscious works on classifying his thoughts. But for photographers, what has gone is gone forever.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
For me the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously. In order to "give a meaning" to the world, one has to feel oneself involved in what one frames through the viewfinder. This attitude requires concentration, a discipline of the mind, sensitivity, and a sense of geometry.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Matthew Knisely
Collect moments rather than things. Moments get away.
Matthew Knisely
There is a terrible truthfulness about photography. The ordinary academician gets hold of a pretty model, paints her as well as he can, calls her Juliet, and puts a nice verse Shakespeare underneath, and the picture is admired beyond measure. The photographer finds the same pretty girl, he dresses her up and photographs her, and calls her Juliet, but somehow it is no good – it is still Miss Wilkins, the model. It is too true to be Juliet.George Bernard ShawWilson’s Photographic Magazine, LVI, 1909
John Szarkowski
(...) photography opened up quite a little Pandora's box, kiddies. (...) Once we no longer had to depend on drawing and painting to record our existence — once they became an option — they mutated . . . into a form of expression. And Art for its own sake, God help us, was born.
Chip Kidd
You put your camera around your neck in the morning along with putting on your shoes, and there it is, an appendage of the body that shares your life with you. The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” – Dorothea Lange ('Dorothea Lange: A Photographer's Life' by Milton Meltzer)
Milton Meltzer
Let’s not only take great photos, but let’s make great photos with our lives.
Matthew Knisely
Stories are one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children. Stories are equipment for life.
Matthew Knisely
The canvas is the door to another dimension. The paintbrush is the key.
A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they’ll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won’t do a thing for you if you don’t have anything in your head or in your heart.
Arnold Newman
Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.
Peter Adams
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