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Be still! Or life will pass you by.
Anthony T.Hincks
Live this life as gently as you would breathe in the seaside air. Then release all those dreams and wonders to the water. Keep breathing until you’re inches from where you wish to be. Then exhale, remembering that gentle life you grew up from.
F.K. Preston
The humanitarian philosophies that have been developed (sometimes under some religious banner and invariably in the face of religious opposition) are human inventions, as the name implies - and our species deserves the credit. I am a devout atheist - nothing else makes any sense to me and I must admit to being bewildered by those, who in the face of what appears so obvious, still believe in a mystical creator. However I can see that the promise of infinite immortality is a more palatable proposition than the absolute certainty of finite mortality which those of us who are subject to free thought (as opposed to free will) have to look forward to and many may not have the strength of character to accept it.Thus I am a supporter of Amnesty International, a humanist and an atheist. I believe in a secular, democratic society in which women and men have total equality, and individuals can pursue their lives as they wish, free of constraints - religious or otherwise. I feel that the difficult ethical and social problems which invariably arise must be solved, as best they can, by discussion and am opposed to the crude simplistic application of dogmatic rules invented in past millennia and ascribed to a plethora of mystical creators - or the latest invention; a single creator masquerading under a plethora of pseudonyms. Organisations which seek political influence by co-ordinated effort disturb me and thus I believe religious and related pressure groups which operate in this way are acting antidemocratically and should play no part in politics. I also have problems with those who preach racist and related ideologies which seem almost indistinguishable from nationalism, patriotism and religious conviction.
Harry W. Kroto
Any coward can instill fear. It's easy to scare people, but having the strength to make them feel safe? Now that's power.
Nick Shamhart
Often we read to strengthen our beliefs but not to think.
Debasish Mridha
Compassion is a sign of inner peace. Kindness is a sign of inner strength. Be kind and be compassionate.
Debasish Mridha
Public strengthens politics but politics weakens public.
Amit Kalantri
Politics doesn’t mean playing deceitful and trickery games against the people, it means playing resourceful and organized games for the people.
Amit Kalantri
Persistence is the source of great strength.
Debasish Mridha
My faith is stong enough to endure, kind enough to feel, big enough to accommodate.
Debasish Mridha
Politics doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt politics.
Amit Kalantri
Your success does not depend on who you are but what you are and the strength of your expectations.
Debasish Mridha M.D.
The glory of life is strength of existence.
Lailah Gifty Akita
We do not escape into philosophy, psychology, and art--we go there to restore our shattered selves into whole ones.
Anaïs Nin
An odd thing about perception is that when we identify some new thing with one or more of our five senses, it is not really, immutably real -- it is a passing will o’ the wisp, an artifact of the senses and the translations of the brain until we get used to it and we give it a home in our hearts
Nigel Hey
The application of this knife, the division of the world into parts and the building of this structure, is something everybody does. All the time we are aware of millions of things around us - these changing shapes, these burning hills, the sound of the engine, the feel of the throttle, each rock and weed and fence post and piece of debris beside the road - aware of these things but not really conscious of them unless there is something unusual or unless they reflect something we are predisposed to see. We could not possibly be conscious of these things and remember all of them because our mind would be so full of useless details we would be unable to think. From all this awareness we must select, and what we select and calls consciousness is never the same as the awareness because the process of selection mutates it. We take a handful of sand from the endless landscape of awareness around us and call that handful of sand the world." -Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Robert M. Pirsig
It looked as though you did not act in a certain way because you thought in a certain way, but rather you thought in a certain way because you were made in a certain way. Truth had nothing to do with it.
W Somerset Maugham
Politically, the goal of today’s dominant trendis statism. Philosophically, the goal is theobliteration of reason;psychologically, it is theerosion of ambition.
Ayn Rand
Philosophy is to religion as psychoanalysis is to pseudoscience
Christopher Marshall
Sometimes the world is so much sicker than the inmates of its institutions.
Joanne Greenberg
Wisdom is not guaranteed with age but is realized through one's sensitivity to humanity and the universe
I.Alan Appt
Only when we learn to value the differences among us can we achieve the true spirit of humanity.
Charles S. Weinblatt
most psychologists/philosophers we've learned about have experienced severe depressions, attempted suicide, were considered 'freaks' or 'insane' by their peers, locked themselves in their rooms, felt socially isolated, were either celibate or extremely promiscuous, and rarely found 'love
Megan Boyle
People with a psychological need to believe in marvels are no more prejudiced and gullible than people with a psychological need not to believe in marvels.
Charles Fort
Where the world comes in my way - and it comes in my way everywhere - I consume it to quiet the hunger of my egoism. For me you are nothing but - my food, even as I too am fed upon and turned to use by you. We have only one relation to each other, that of usableness, of utility, of use. We owe each other nothing, for what I seem to owe you I owe at most to myself. If I show you a cheery air in order to cheer you likewise, then your cheeriness is of consequence to me, and my air serves my wish; to a thousand others, whom I do not aim to cheer, I do not show it.
Max Stirner
Q. But it seems to me there are circumstances that simply induce one to have negative emo
P.D. Ouspensky
Many things are mechanical and should remain mechanical. But mechanical thoughts, mechanical feelings—that is what has to be studied and can and should be changed. Mechanical thinking is not worth a penny. You can think about many things mechanically, but you will get nothing from it.
P.D. Ouspensky
Imagine you are in a classroom and they hand you a test with many interesting multiple choice questions, until you get to “Can you just explain what exactly you believe how the Universe started?” & here are the options. a) The Big Bang b) It’s always been therec) God! or Godsd) A bowl of cherries e) I don’t know…. If you choose (a) then what or who & why caused it? & the test continues…..If you choose (b) that would be my choice. If you choose (c) then who or what created God or Gods? And where do they come from? And if you think they have always been there, the same thing could be said about the universe. If you choose (d) It doesn’t make sense, it is odd, an anomaly, not supposed to be etc :) if you choose (e) then you are being honest. There’s nothing wrong with not knowing. You can make “assumptions” or “pretending” that you know or a book (bible) “knows” or “tells” you but I just don’t buy that. The beauty of it is that you are here today & you can be thankful & enjoy all the life that you have ahead of you. And the test (life) continues with more wonderful questions and experiences :)
We need dualities or opposites to appreciate, understandand recognize value and distinction in our lives. If we did not have bitter, we could not appreciate sweet....
I.Alan Appt
To a certain degree,We all seek, life’s purpose and meaning,love, peace and joy,and knowledge, wealth and power…
I.Alan Appt
It's Unfair to be fair,For Life is unfair
Farley Maglaya
Excerpt from "The Strength in Knowing"Doubt is the archenemy of the purity of thought and it inhibits theessence of all that is
I.Alan Appt
The pioneer, the creator, the explorer is generally a single, lonely person rather than a group, struggling all alone with his inner conflicts, fears, defenses against arrogance and pride, even against paranoia. He has to be a courageous man, not afraid to stick his neck out, not afraid even to make mistakes, well aware that he is, as Polanyi has stressed, a kind of gambler who comes to tentative conclusions in the absence of facts and then spends some years trying to figure out if his hunch was correct. If he has any sense at all, he is of course scared of his own ideas, of his temerity, and is well aware that he is affirming what he cannot prove.
A.H. Maslow
When the intensity it takes to extricate one from a negative state is equal to or greater than the intensity that perpetuated the state, then the person can be freed of that state
I.Alan Appt
It is not at all coincidental that Darwinian psychology has the same difficulty explaining the unity and integration of human reasoning as Darwinian biology has explaining the unity and integration of irreducibly complex functions. Practical and theoretical reasoning is often irreducibly complex. A given argument has several well-matched, interacting reasons, and the removal of any one of them makes the argument break down.
Angus J.L. Menuge
There are essentially three types of people: those who love life more than they fear it, those who fear life more than they love it, and those who have no clue what I'm talking about.
Neel Burton
We are haunted houses of history. Nobody that we meet ever dies while we are alive.
Stefan Molyneux
Maslow's five values are the values for which people live when they have nothing to live for. Nothing has seized them, nothing has caught them, nothing has driven them spiritually mad and made them worth talking to.
Joseph Campbell
We all go a little mad sometimes.
Robert Bloch
Tribalism is an addiction that is driven by false beliefs that need to be reflected back to be perceived as true.
Stefan Molyneux
The true self is that which is in touch with reality. The false self is the aspects of your personality that are adapted to threats and no longer consciously recognizes either the adaptation or the threat.
Stefan Molyneux
We raise predators by treating children as prey.
Stefan Molyneux
The only part of you that hurts when you're given the truth is the part that lives on lies.
Stefan Molyneux
We are creatures built on a house of cards of language.
Stefan Molyneux
At night we sort the energy that by day we sense.
Initially NO
Using coercion to drive charity is like using kidnapping to create love.
Stefan Molyneux
Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking of what we want to become. Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking about who we don't ever want to be again. Everything we do is part of who we are. How we choose to use those memories, to motivate or to submit is entirely up to us.
Shane Niemeyer The Hurt Artist
There is no external solution to the problem of insecurity.
Stefan Molyneux
Imagining that you are deep and complex, but others are simple, is one of the primary signs of malignant selfishness.
Stefan Molyneux
Pulse proximity is not intimacy.
Stefan Molyneux
The expression of preferences is the essence of love.
Stefan Molyneux
There’s nothing lonelier than empty relationships. At least when you’re alone you can be yourself, but when you’re in empty relationships you can’t even be yourself.You can be real alone, or you can be a ghost with false friends.Pulse proximity is not intimacy, and it’s worse than no friends at all.
Stefan Molyneux
How old you would become if you don't know how young you are.
Chandan Sharma
The American educational psychologist Patricia Alexander has expressed the view that fear paralyses and curiosity empowers. Accordingly, she reasons, we should always be more interested than afraid.
John Dolan
The tombstone over the grave of the conscience always reads: "Human Nature".
Stefan Molyneux
When creativity is seen as more important than facts, we will find ourselves in a world where problems are solved more often than spoken of.
Tarryn Tomlinson
All depression has its roots in self-pity, and all self-pity is rooted in people taking themselves too seriously.
Tom Robbins
Let’s train ourselves to not hate each other. We all come from the same consciousness in the mind.
Allan Wesler
There is machinery in the mind that is consciousness. Knowing the machine is the dawn of a new era.
Allan Wesler
The goal of parenting is to create self-sufficient virtues in children. Applying external pressure and punishments tends to teach them fear-based compliance rather than the internalization of moral standards.
Stefan Molyneux
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