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All must read their so-called 'holy' book - word by word - to determine, by self, its unholy bit.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Books have immortalized great minds. Books have kept ancients secrets alive. A world which least value books, least value the real essence of wisdom and least know how to preserve what is precious!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
To create happiness for oneself and others is the whole philosophy of religion.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Never pursue happiness, just create the happiness inside you.
Debasish Mridha
Never pursue happiness, just create it inside you.
Debasish Mridha
Why are you choosing to be unhappy, when you're created for happiness?
Debasish Mridha
Act to create beauty without expecting results.
Debasish Mridha
RACE INTERFACEIf God created man in his own image - What's his facial profile?Kamil Ali
Kamil Ali
The act of running is simple, one foot in front of the other. The art of becoming a runner is achieved through a new mindset and commitment to change, especially if it’s new to you. It’s tough, challenging, painful, sometimes lonely, regularly uncomfortable and often excruciating…but the rewards are second to none.
Terry Lander
When we run away from something. We're usually running away from ourselves.
Anthony T.Hincks
When you run with the bulls,it's no use walking.
Anthony T.Hincks
The true business of the philosopher, though not flattering to his vanity, is merely to ascertain, arrange and condense the facts.
John Leslie
[On what young husbands should say to their wives:] I have taken you in my arms, and I love you, and I prefer you to my life itself. For the present life is nothing, and my most ardent dream is to spend it with you in such a way that we may be assured of not being separated in the life reserved for us... I place your love above all things, and nothing would be more bitter or painful to me than to be of a different mind than you.
John Chrysostom
Marriage is not 'I', its 'We'.
Amit Kalantri
Drink from the cup of life, you will be fulfilled.Yet...drink from the milk container in the fridge,and your wife will make you wish that you had drunk from the cup of life.
Anthony T.Hincks
Life's a circle. There are no lines we can cross.
F.K. Preston
Be brave. Be kind. Be simple. Above all, be crazy with love.
Debasish Mridha
If you are brave enough to empty yourself, then life will fill you again and again.
Debasish Mridha
It requires something more than personal experience to gain a philosophy or point of view from any specific event. It is the quality of our response to the event and our capacity to enter into the lives of others that help us to make their lives and experiences our own. In my own case my convictions have derived and developed from events in the lives of others as well as from my own experience. What I have seen meted out to others by authority and repression, economic and political, transcends anything I myself may have endured.
Emma Goldman
Meetings! Meetings! Meetings!Do they ever achieve anything or do they just let a lot of hot air out of an already over inflated balloon?
Anthony T.Hincks
Its been enough enjoying now, let's begin achieving.
Amit Kalantri
I love the great despisers, because they are the great adorers, and arrows of longing for the other shore.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The lasting and ultimately most important reputation of a film is not based on reviews, but on what, if anything, people say about it over the years, and on how much affection for it they have.
Stanley Kubrick
In all of its operations, cinema ceaselessly strives, and fails, to make present a world hopelessly beyond grasp. For this reason cinema is, in its very nature, a nihilistic medium.
John Marmysz
One gets the sense that, for Deleuze, the cinema of the movement-image has been fully realized while that of the time-image is emergent. Comparatively speaking, there are few "pure" examples of films where direct images of time predominate. Mixed or hybrid examples are more common.
D. N. Rodowick
By engaging with film illusions both actively and passively – as I attempt to do in this book – we strengthen the capacity of our minds to reason, imagine and think through ideas in a way unrestrained by some static conception of objective Truth. In so doing, the nihilistic gap existing between the real world and the whole variety of film worlds perhaps widens, but it also serves to offer a free, open space into which our interpretations may spill, mingle and propagate in uninhibited, nihilistic liberty.
John Marmysz
The source of all the problems in the world is ignorance - the limited view point or narrow mindedness or the conditioned state of mind. As the individual learn the fundamental truths of life and move up in the scale of life, to that extent his/her ignorance go away and become open/free.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
We create our life moment by moment. Only those things that can match our inner vibrational frequency can come into our life.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
Many do not have the courage to face the truth of life and instead dwell upon some delusions to escape it. Any such escapism is a major hurdle in spiritual development.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
When we understand the mechanism of life then we can cooperate with it and live an abundant life.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
When we change, our environment also has to change so as to be in alignment with what we are.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
When we realize the truth that every creation is an individualized portion of the Creator and we are always one with It then we are ready to live in harmony.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
Mind is not a product of brain rather an integral part of the soul, our eternal being. Those who understand this truth can think beyond the material reality and move to higher states of consciousness.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
We know the truth of a matter when we are able to see and understand it. The truth does not change, only our perception of the truth changes depending on how clearly we see and how much we understand.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
We should keep in mind that there are always more truths to know, and we will know more as we evolve. Being faithful to what we already know is the key that opens the door to higher truths.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
The purpose of each incarnation is the transformation \ spiritual development of the individual. To the extent our day-to-day activities become harmonious with this purpose, that much peace and happiness we can experience
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
When we know our true nature, especially the functioning of the mind, we stop being judgmental and become an inspiration and support to others.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
Whether you practice a traditional religion or a universal version of spirituality, it is necessary to keep an open mind for learning and growing.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
CHALLENGE - Instead of losing motivation, empower yourself to prove detractors wrong
Kamil Ali
Every difficult problem is easy if you know how to.
Debasish Mridha
You overcome a problem, not by solving it, but by becoming bigger than the problem.
Debasish Mridha
Education does not solve any problem but it gives you the ability to solve the problem.
Debasish Mridha
Be the solution, not the problem.
Debasish Mridha
You sound like a college freshman taking his first philosophy class way too seriously, but that's good.
Michael Grant
All the world's religions speak the same language, they simply use different words.
Matthew Clark
If I had free will, I would choose to be funnier.
Stephen Cave
Our flesh shrinks from what it dreads and responds to the stimulus of what it desires by a purely reflex action of the nervous system. Our eyelid closes before we are aware that the fly is about to enter our eye.
James Joyce
The limit of a person's will, at least in one respect, is the limit of that person's ability to believe.
David Kane
We middles see the world in shades of grey rather than in the clear blacks and whites of committed animal activists and their equally vociferous opponents
Hal Herzog
True politics cannot take a single step without first paying homage to morals, and while politics itself is a difficult art, its combination with morals is no art at all; for morals cuts the Gordian knot which politics cannot solve as soon as the two are in conflict.
Immanuel Kant
individuals are concerned notwith the moral issue of realizing these standards, but withthe amoral issue of engineering a convincing impression thatthese standards are being realized. Our activity, then, islargely concerned with moral matters, but as performers wedo not have a moral concern in these moral matters. Asperformers we are merchants of morality. Our day is givenover to intimate contact with the goods we display and ourminds are filled with intimate understandings of them; but itmay well be that the more attention we give to these goods,th e more d is ta n t we feel from them and from those who arebelieving enough to buy them. To use a different imagery,the very obligation and profitablility of appearing always ina steady moral light, of being a socialized character, forcesus to be the sort of person who is practiced in the ways ofthe stage.
Erving Goffman
I don't live life to be different.I live life to be the same.
Anthony T.Hincks
Color speaks all languages.
Anthony T.Hincks
And if people can see themselves for who they really are, they will know that every person has a dark side!~ Aarush Kashyap
Kirtida Gautam
-make them lose their faith in happiness as the Sovereign Good and take to believing instead, that the goal was somewhere beyond, somewhere outside the present human sphere; that the purpose of life was not the maintenance of well-being...
Aldous Huxley
The government is ethics rape in perpetuity
Stefan Molyneux
Consider the following sequence of cases, which we shall call the Tale of the Slave, and imagine it is about you.1. There is a slave completely at the mercy of his brutal master’s whims. He is often cruelly beaten, called out in the middle of the night, and so on.2. The master is kindlier and beats the slave only for stated infractions of his rules (not fulling the work quota, and so on). He gives the slave some free time.3. The master has a group of slave, and he decides how things are to be allocated among them on nice grounds, taking into account their needs, merit, and so on.4. The master allows the slave four days on their own and requires them to work only three days a week on his land. The rest of the time is their own.5. The master allows his slaves to go off and work in the city (or anywhere they wish) for wages. He also retains the power to recall them to the plantation if some emergency threatens his land; and to raise or lower the three-sevenths amount required to be turned over to him. He further retains the right to restrict the slaves from participating in certain dangerous activities that threaten his financial return, for example, mountain climbing, cigarette smoking.6. The master allows all of his 10,000 slaves, except you, to vote, and the joint decision is made by all of them. There is open discussion, and so forth, among them, and they have the power to determine to what use to put whatever percentage of your (and their) earnings they decide to take; what activities legitimately may be forbidden to you, and so on.7. Though still not having the vote, you are at liberty (and are given the right) to enter into discussion of the 10,000, to try to persuade them to adopt various policies and to treat you and themselves in a certain way. They then go off to vote to decide upon policies covering the vast range of their powers.8. In appreciation of your useful contributions to discussion, the 10,000 allow you to vote if they are deadlocked; they commit themselve3s to this procedure. After the discussion you mark your vote on a slip of paper, and they go off and vote. In the eventuality that they divide evenly on some issue, 5,000 for and 5,000 against, they look at your ballot and count it in. This has never yet happened; they have never yet had occasion to open your ballot. (A single master may also might commit himself to letting his slave decide any issue concerning him about which he, the master, was absolutely indifferent.)9. They throw your vote in with theirs. If they are exactly tied your vote carries the issue. Otherwise it makes no difference to the electoral outcome.The question is: which transition from case 1 to case 9 made it no longer the tale of the slave?
Robert Nozick
It’s a . . . transcendental act. Making life. . . . ‘By this act, I bring one death into the world.’ One birth, one death, and all the pain and acts of will between. . . . Our children change us . . . whether they live or not.
Lois McMaster Bujold
Still humanity is in her infancy, so often we engage in fighting to destroy ourself.
Debasish Mridha
There are patterns in everything, in the whole of Nature, from the way the stars turn in the heavens to the whorl of a shell or the petals of a flower and the way leaves arrange themselves about a twig. There are forces, hidden forces. If I can discover what they are, how they operate, I will have my hands upon the levers of creation and can work them myself.
Celia Rees
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