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Be your own master, and look at things as a man, as a human being, as a citizen, as a mortal creature.
Marcus Aurelius
Honesty is admired, and starves.
If we possess narrative sympathy - enabling us to see the world from other's point of view - we cannot kill. If we do not, we cannot love.
Richard Kearney
Sitting outside on a dark night, under the stars, invites confidences amongst people of all ages, and all walks of life. It invokes an intimacy you don’t find under most other circumstances.
A.B. Shepherd
All the evidence of history suggests that man is indeed a rational animal, but with a near infinite capacity for folly. . . . He draws blueprints for Utopia, but never quite gets it built. In the end he plugs away obstinately with the only building material really ever at hand--his own part comic, part tragic, part cussed, but part glorious nature.
Robert S. McNamara
Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are
rassool jibraeel snyman
That was how people got through life, he supposed: by acknowledging death and telling it, “Not today.
Molly Ringle
Figuring out what to do with your life is only Half of the equation, the more important half is, whom you are doing it with
Life is like a boxing match, keep on throwing those punches and one of them will land.Kevin Lane - The Shawshank Prevention
Ken Scott
People get so frightened for no reason, but I'll tell you, to live with no purpose is a far more frightening proposition... You bring yourself to say yes when you always thought the only possible answer was no, and your whole world changes.
Liz Rosenberg
Try and avoid people who use the word "cant" regularly associate rather with those who say "can" and do
rassool jibraeel snyman
Even in the privacy of our own thoughts, we can’t sow lies and reap truth.
Katina Ferguson
We might feel we have achieved a lot. . just take a pause and look back. . We will see only darkness....
Mahesh shekhar
We are all part of a universal game. Returning to our essence while living in the world is the object of the game. The earth is the game board, and we are the pieces on the board. We move around and around until we remember who we really are, and then we can be taken off the board. At that point, we are no longer the game-piece, but the player; we've won the game.
Kenny Werner
When the world came to, it came, not to its senses, but to its madness.
Helen O'Reilly
No matter how far you have gone down the road its never too late to stop and reinvent yourself
rassool jibraeel snyman
Perhaps we are like cells in the mind of God, contributing to celestial functions beyond our ken, just as our cells unknowingly fashion our thoughts and actions. Perhaps the laws of nature order and constrain even the living and eternal Deity from which they spring, and of which they are a part.
Robert Christian
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, and I don't mean to seem arrogant, but if you want to be foreverly remembered as anything great you have to live your life alone, hated, ignored, and character assassinated, and if you believe this to be true than you truely are a hater.
B.L. Kennison
A man's final query is determined by how well he acts under pressure. If man can control his demeanor under extreme stress, he will be judged in a positive way.
Angela Khristin Brown
Success does not bring happiness. Success brings success.
Joanie Holzer Schirm
For a scientist, this is a good way to live and die, maybe the ideal way for any of us - excitedly finding we were wrong and excitedly waiting for tomorrow to come so we can start over.
Norman Maclean
Everyone tells us to be one in a million... What they don't tell us is that being one in a million also means being one against a million.
Saahil Prem
And he recalled the ancient adage: Who must do the harsh things? He who can.
Is that man's fate: to spend his closest hours to truth longing for a lie?
Tom Robbins
Thoughts thoughts. Are they not mine?I think, I write, I type.Thoughts. Are they wise?Let truth be told in words, compiled together, create a page, a book. Thoughts. Are they master piece?Is it a prize winner?...An Alfred Nobel?Thoughts. Are they not mine? Gift of God?they are not mine.
Edna Stewart
Life, at its best, is a flowing, changing process in which nothing is fixed.
Carl Rogers
Which one is right? Which one is wrong? When you feel you could answer that type of questions, you trapped on your own perception. -Back cover, Andante Part 1, English modified-
Ida R. Yulia
And it was the speed that provided some solace. For if it moved like that, it would always move like that, and somehow, because of it, things change, somehow things end.
Alexander Maksik
Like simple minded goldfish, we often believe the boundaries of our bowl to be the entire ocean.
Laren Grey Umphlett
It's not that heroes have no fear; it's just that they understand what it takes, to get the job done!!
Robert Armstrong
The stupidest people suddenly become a little cleverer when we learn that they think well of us
Jude Morgan
In that pallid and sullen shadow in which he crawled, whenever he turned his head and endeavoured to raise his eyes, he saw, with mingled rage and terror, forming, massing, and mounting up out of sight above him with horrid escarpments, a kind of frightful accumulation of things, of laws, of prejudices, of men, and of acts, the outlines of which escaped him, the weight of which appalled him, and which was no other than that prodigious pyramid that we call civilization.
Victor Hugo
All events/actions create a potential energy that rotate around the doer until releases or neutralized. (From Circles of Reasoning book)
Reza Assadi
Don't be nervous..be Excited....
gayan fonseka
There is an inherent unity and harmony in the universe. The divisions and disharmony we find on earth are created by the perception of separateness that people developed over a period of time.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
If I can give you all of these real answers to the questions you assumed were big unanswerable ones, imagine the depth of the new set of questions awaiting on the other side of resolution.
Jeremy Vaeni
Whether morality is moral is an open question.
R.N. Prasher
In life it is difficult to find a way of life, but later is much more difficult to stay on that road... So before any decisions think carefully.
Nikolic Mihajlo
What we gain in the world, we lose in the world, forgotten in death. We must rather fancy what we brought into the world, for therein lives our story, our legend.
Palle Oswald
You are who you are what you say you are to people, but who are you when no one is watching?
Sometimes an impulse is more rewarding than a calculation.
Dale Renton
If I were a bean,... I wouldn't sulk all day long.
Edna Stewart
Things don't just happen the way they happen for your its own Creator,Mentor and Destroyer
Abhishek Sundarraman
Your life on earth will be graded by the effect of the footprints you leave behind
Olufemi Olumide
Ignorance is bliss, but Enlightenment is nirvana
Alejandro C. Estrada
Everything is an appreciation, even an insult provided you look at it with that angle.
Vipin Behari Goyal
A kite only flies if it’s tethered.
Victor Robert Lee
Among this bewildering multiplicity of ideals which shall we choose? The answer is that we shall choose none. For it is clear that each one of these contradictory ideals is the fruit of particular social circumstances. To some extent, of course, this is true of every thought and aspiration that has ever been formulated. Some thoughts and aspirations, however, are manifestly less dependent on particular social circumstances than others. And here a significant fact emerges: all the ideals of human behaviour formulated by those who have been most successful in freeing themselves from the prejudices of their time and place are singularly alike. Liberation from prevailing conventions of thought, feeling and behaviour is accomplished most effectively by the practice of disinterested virtues and through direct insight into the real nature of ultimate reality. (Such insight is a gift, inherent in the individual; but, though inherent, it cannot manifest itself completely except where certain conditions are fulfilled. The principal pre-condition of insight is, precisely, the practice of disinterested virtues.) To some extent critical intellect is also a liberating force. But the way in which intellect is used depends upon the will. Where the will is not disinterested, the intellect tends to be used (outside the non-human fields of technology, science or pure mathematics) merely as an instrument for the rationalization of passion and prejudice, the justification of self-interest. That is why so few even of die acutest philosophers have succeeded in liberating themselves completely from the narrow prison of their age and country. It is seldom indeed that they achieve as much freedom as the mystics and the founders of religion. The most nearly free men have always been those who combined virtue with insight.Now, among these freest of human beings there has been, for the last eighty or ninety generations, substantial agreement in regard to the ideal individual. The enslaved have held up for admiration now this model of a man, now that; but at all times and in all places, the free have spoken with only one voice.It is difficult to find a single word that will adequately describe the ideal man of the free philosophers, the mystics, the founders of religions. 'Non-attached* is perhaps the best. The ideal man is the non-attached man. Non-attached to his bodily sensations and lusts. Non-attached to his craving for power and possessions. Non-attached to the objects of these various desires. Non-attached to his anger and hatred; non-attached to his exclusive loves.Non-attached to wealth, fame, social position. Non-attached even to science, art, speculation, philanthropy. Yes, non-attached even to these. For, like patriotism, in Nurse Cavel's phrase, 'they are not enough, Non-attachment to self and to what are called 'the things of this world' has always been associated in the teachings of the philosophers and the founders of religions with attachment to an ultimate reality greater and more significant than the self. Greater and more significant than even the best things that this world has to offer. Of the nature of this ultimate reality I shall speak in the last chapters of this book. All that I need do in this place is to point out that the ethic of non-attachment has always been correlated with cosmologies that affirm the existence of a spiritual reality underlying the phenomenal world and imparting to it whatever value or significance it possesses.
Aldous Huxley
Things, relationship, and ideas are so transparently impermanent, we are ever made unhappy by them...Things are impermanent, they wear out and are lost; relationship is constant friction and death awaits; ideas and beliefs have no stability, no permanency. We seek happiness in them and yet do not realize their impermanency. So sorrow becomes our constant companion and overcoming it our problem.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Hungry for what? Money? No. Power? Over people? That was like having power over clams.
Victor Robert Lee
Knowledge is the comprehensive embodiment of imagination that surfaces in observation and finally ripens through the reinforcement of experience thereby inculcating knowledge. This in fact is the short story of life.
Q.M. Sidd
An opportunity fordoing an injury happens a hundred times a day, hut for doing good not once a year," says Zoroaster.
It’s only a cut, a reminder of this day. A reminder to ask every day, Why am I doing this?
Victor Robert Lee
In life things are only free after you've paid for them.
T.A. Uner
I take very few people seriously, and I'm not one of them.
Cian Beirdd
I'm lazy, I like to do it right the first time.
Cian Beirdd
The Truth Is That I Was Recognized For Stubbornness And Not Goodness. Even, Though I Was Very Intelligent And Sent To School By A Little Few Supports From Sponsors And My Mother. My Brain Was Never Ever Cool. Due To All The Mistakes I Saw From A Very Tender Age From All Those Whom I Looked Upon As Elders And Shinning Examples. Although They Where Some Good Examples Which Still Live On. Still The Early Damaged As Already Been Done. So It Led Me Dropping Out Of School In To Working And Using The Great Ancient Vedic Philosophies I Have Been Hearing From The Very Beginning Of My Conception In My Mother Womb Till The Day I Was Born And Forever. I Used Them All To Materialize Many Of My Dreams And Practice Mysticism Coupled With Spiritualism To Keep My Self Secured And Keep Cool Depending On God.
Baba Tunde Ojo-Olubiyo
What's in a view? A world, by any other, would remain just as it is, just as wonderful :-)
Abhimanyu Jha
Most people would rather die than think and many of them do!
Bertrand Russell
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