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In the first place, most princes apply themselves to the arts of war, in which I have neither ability nor interest, instead of to the good arts of peace. They are generally more set on acquiring new kingdoms by hook or by crook than on governing well those that they already have.
Thomas More
Any government has as much of a duty to avoid war as a ship's captain has to avoid a shipw
Guy de Maupassant
All the horrors of the reign of terror were based on concern for public tranquility.
Leo Tolstoy
Whenever a government feels the need of promising peace and prosperity to its citizens by means of a proclamation, it is time to be on guard and expect the opposite.
Ivo Andrić
Commerce tends toward rewarding inclusion, broadness, and liberality. Tribal loyalties, ethnic and religious bigotries, and irrational prejudices are bad for business. The merchant class has been conventionally distrusted by tribalist leaders -- from the ancient to the modern world -- precisely because merchantcraft tends to break down barriers between groups.
Jeffrey Tucker
She built her character with the adversity she had faced, so she could live the best of her life for the rest of life.
Nikki Rowe
Peace is possible, and it will take a miracle.
Robyn Short
My will is free and connected to my Spirit. When I exercise my free will, I am calm, at peace and serene.
Kasi Kaye Iliopoulos
Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for your life to begin and start making the most of the moment you are in.
Germany Kent
Deception can only live in the darkness and shadows. There is no place for it to hide once it is illuminated.
Molly Friedenfeld
Love is fuel for the soul.
Molly Friedenfeld
We belong to the 'Stardust Family'. Thanks to those initial stars who sacrificed their precious lives for us! We're STARDUST! ~ UNIVERSE LOVES YOU & SO DO I #StardustAK
Abhishek Kumar
The writers of religious scriptures and texts would have done humanity a grand service if they would have used just one sentence, in one of the pages out of the thousands, to support respectful and peaceful disagreement.
Steve Maraboli
God’s peace and perspective are available to you through His Word.
Elizabeth George
Thoughts will lead you in circles. Silence will bring you back to your centre.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
But I do like churches. The way it feels inside. It feels good when you just sit there, like you're in a forest and everything's really quiet, except there's still this sound you can't hear.
Tim O'Brien
Music is the silence between the notes.
Claude Debussy
Rhage exhaled slowly, air easing out of his nose. As he sank into his skin, he reveled in the perfection of peace. The heavenly silence. The great roaring absence.
J.R. Ward
When you're silent, your silence condones it. Thus, whatever you believe in goes down the drain.
Jennifer Tindugan-Adoviso
Usually when I enter a bookstore, I feel immediately calm. Bookstores are, for me, what churches are for other people. My breath gets slower and deeper as I peruse the shelves. I believe that books contain messages I am meant to receive. I’m not normally superstitious, but I’ve even had books fall from shelves and land at my feet. Books are my missives from the universe.
Laurie Horowitz
Yet it isn't the gold that I'm wantingSo much as just finding the gold.It's the great, big, broad land 'way up yonder,It's the forests where silence has lease;It's the beauty that thrills me with wonder,It's the stillness that fills me with peace.
Robert W. Service
What strange creatures we are, to find silence peaceful, when permanent silence is the thing we most dread
David Levithan
Peace is the friend we find in silence.
Bryant McGill
There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being.
The silence of a mountain has the tranquility and serenity of peace.
Debasish Mridha
In the name of Him Who created and sustains the world, the Sage Who endowed tongue with speech. He attains no honor who turns the face from the doer of His mercy. The kings of the earth prostate themselves before Him in supplication. He seizes not in haste the disobedient, nor drives away the penitent with violence. The two worlds are as a drop of water in the ocean of His knowledge. He withholds not His bounty though His servants sin; upon the surface of the earth has He spread a feast, in which both friend and foe may share. Peerless He is, and His kingdom is eternal. Upon the head of one He placed a crown another he hurled from the throne to the ground. The fire of His friend He turned into a flower garden; through the water of the Nile He sended His foes to perdition. Behind the veil He sees all, and concealed our faults with His own goodness. He is near to them that are downcast, and accepts the prayers of them that lament. He knows of the things that exist not, of secrets that are untold. He causes the moon and the sun to revolve, and spreads water upon the earth. In the heart of a stone hath He placed a jewel; from nothing had He created all that is. Who can reveal the secret of His qualities; what eye can see the limits of His beauty? The bird of thought cannot soar to the height of His presence, nor the hand of understanding reach to the skirt of His praise. Think not, O Saadi, that one can walk in the road of purity except in the footsteps of Mohammed (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him)
Seated here in contemplations lost, my thought discovers vaster space beyond, supernal silence and unfathomed peace
Giacomo Leopardi
Life is a dash. Pause in the present. Enjoy this moment.
J.R. Rim
Silent is an anagram of listen.
Johnny Rich
The word God can mean whatever you believe it to mean, for me it is the conscious stream of life from which we all come, and to which we can stayconnected throughout our lives as a source of peace, wisdom, love, support, knowing, inspiration, vitality, security, balance, and inner strength.I think that awareness is paramount, because in awareness we gain understanding, which then enables us to regain our feeling of empowerment.We need to feel empowered to make our choices conciously, about how to deal with changes in life, rather than reacting in fear (which tends to make us blind and weak).If we are aware, we can be realistic yet postive, and we can properly focus our intentions.Awareness can be quite sensual (which can add to your sense of feeling empowered). Think about how your body moves as you live your life, how amazing it is; think about nature, observe the intricate beautiful details of natural thngs, and of things we create, and breathe deeply to soak it all in.. Focus on the taste of food, the feel of textures in cloth, the feel of you partner's hand in yours; smell the sea breeze, listen to the wind in the trees, witness the colours of the leaves, the children playing; and be thankful for this life we are experiencing - this life we can all help to keep wonderful. Feel the wonder of being alive flood into you anytime you want, by taking a deep breath and letting the experience of these things fill you, even just by remembering.We all have that same stream of life within us, so you are a part of everything. Each one of us has the power to make a difference to everything.Breathe in that vital connection to the life source and sensual beauty everywhere, Feel loved and strong.
Jay Woodman
It is easy to think of potatoes, and fortunately for men who have not much money it is easy to think of them with a certain safety. Potatoes are one of the last things to disappear, in times of war, which is probably why they should not be forgotten in times of peace.
M.F.K. Fisher
[There's a] point where you have to leave the dough alone. It's silly to anthropomorphize bread, but I love the fact that it needs to sit quietly, to retreat from touch and noise and drama, in order to evolve. I have to admit, I often feel that way myself.
Jodi Picoult
Lies are like anchovies in a Caesar salad. You may not be able to see them, but your soul knows they are there.
Molly Friedenfeld
He who is absolutely right is absolutely wrong
rassool jibraeel snyman
Parents are not really interested in justice. They just want quiet.
Bill Cosby
The seeking face that does not alter when presented with peace and reason, must bask in its wearer's prideful ignorance.
Justin K. McFarlane Beau
I crave for knowledge. I envy tolerant, peaceful folks. I am frightened by ignorance. I loathe violence.
tsegaye gebre medhin
Physical nutrition is required to survive but you need to be mentally/emotionally healthy to thrive.
Maddy Malhotra
We hold these stories and mad idea and events in our head and they run around and around telling us we are different, separate, broken. Then one day the mad idea escapes the asylum. Most times it’s unplanned. It just tumbles out on the lap of the man sitting next to us on the bus, or it slips sideways into a conversation on line at the Trader Joe’s or it falls out at the kitchen table when your neighbor comes to pick up her cat. And there is a terrifying moment when it first hits the light of day, where we think, “holy mother of God! What have I done? How could I have been to casual with my crazy ways?”But the man on the bus just smiles and nods his head, and the casher takes a moment to look us in the eye and the neighbor sits for a cup of tea and together we move into some new agreements that we are all in fact crazy and it’s so much nicer to be out of the closet with it all.
Maureen Muldoon
The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back.
Bryant McGill
When you have to pretend to be someone, anyone other than yourself. Then you need to make over every part of you. Because just pretending to be someone, anyone other than yourself, you always will be just you. Make over your attitude, your ways, values and morals. Then you will be free to be just you.
Vanessa Vanney Thompson
To keep your conscience at peace and your respect at high, don't follow those orders which make no sense.
Amit Kalantri
We have to free half of the human race, the women, so that they can help to free the other half."~ Emmeline Pankhurst
Emmeline Pankhurst
If we take the time to silence the chatter in our minds, it gives our heart the opportunity to awaken from its slumber. Peace of mind begins with peace in the heart.
Molly Friedenfeld
Sometimes the presence of a happy moment, one that won't fade, is all the comfort we need.
Lawren Leo
Our goals can only be achieved with a society that respects and equally protects the rights of every human being, old and young, rich and poor, regardless of gender, color, race, or creed. We must reject the initiation of violence by individuals or government as morally repugnant.
Ron Paul
The greatest miracle was that in the end I could actually feel pity for those men because they were so deluded: they thought they had power and really they had nothing. I will never forget it. And from that moment on I've never really hated anymore. It all turned around when I sat there thinking what poor empty souls they were.
Diet Eman
All Abraham's sons were taught that God would progressively reveal Himself. God's wholeness has yet to be realized. There will always be gaps in our understanding. Why should we fill those gaps with suspicion, bigotry and accusations? Men do it to women; Jews do it to Christians; Christians do it to Muslims. Yet, all these have an implied duty to Abraham.pg 54
Michael Ben Zehabe
The sciences are not sectarian. People do not persecute each other on account of disagreements in mathematics. Families are not divided about botany, and astronomy does not even tend to make a man hate his father and mother. It is what people do not know, that they persecute each other about. Science will bring, not a sword, but peace.
Robert G. Ingersoll
Love is born from disagreeing over something we believe in. Hate is born from disagreeing over something we fear.
Craig Stone
Spread love not hate, so that we can live and die in peace.
wars are fought so that peace can be achieved talk about irony
Tom Collin
You are to make up your mind whether it is to be God or man. Whether you are to be free or a slave. Whether it is to be progress or stagnation.As long as man loves a phantom in the sky more than he loves his fellow man, there will never be peace upon this earth; so long as man worships a Tyrant as the "Fatherhood of God," there will never be a "Brotherhood of Man."You must make the choice, you must come to the decision. Is it to be God or Man? Churches or Homes—preparation for death or happiness for the living?If ever man needed an example of the benefit of the one against the other, he need but read the pages of history for proof of how religion retarded progress and provoked hatred among the children of men.When theology ruled the world, man was a slave. The people lived in huts and hovels. They were clad in rags and skins; they devoured crusts and gnawed bones; the priests wore garments of silk and satin; carried mitres of gold and precious stones, robbed the poor and lived upon the fat of the land!Here and there a brave man appeared to question their authority. These martyrs to intellectual emancipation slowly and painfully broke the spell of superstition and ushered in the Age of Reason and the Dawn of Science.Man became the only god that man can know.He no longer fell upon his knees in fear.He began to enjoy the fruits of his own labor.He discovered a way to relieve himself from the drudgery of continuous toil; he began to enjoy a few comforts of life—and for the first time upon this earth he found a few moments for happiness. It is far more important to learn how to live than to learn how to pray.A new day and a new era dawned for him. His labors produced enormous dividends. He looked at the sky for the first time and saw that it was blue! He searched the heavens and found no God. He no longer feared the manifestations of nature.
Joseph Lewis
How then to enforce peace? Not by reason, certainly, nor by education. If a man could not look at the fact of peace and the fact of war and choose the former in preference to the latter, what additional argument could persuade him? What could be more eloquent as a condemnation of war than war itself?
Isaac Asimov
Peace, Love, and Happiness, are the priceless treasures of life.
Ellen J. Barrier
You are the ocean to my eyes.
Sanober Khan
When we find that we have been aroused to anger we must call for God's help like the apostles when they were tossed about by the wind and storm on the waters. He will command your passions to cease and there will be a great calm.
Francis de Sales
Sometimes people carried anger around for years, in a secret box inside their bodies, and it grew tighter like a hardening knot. The problem with it getting tighter and smaller was that the people did, too, hiding it. Liyana had seen this happen even in elementary school. Somebody wasn't fair to somebody and the hurt person just held it in. By the end of the year they had nearly disappeared. But other people responded differently. They let their anger grow so large it ate them up – even their voices and laughter. And still they couldn't get rid of it. They forgot where it had come from. They tried to shake it loose, but no one liked them by now.Liyana wondered if the person who could let it out the same size it was to begin with, was luckiest.In Jerusalem, so much old anger floated around, echoed from fading graffiti, seeped out of cracks. Sometimes it bumped into new anger in the streets. The air felt stacked with weeping and raging and praying to God by all the different names.
Naomi Shibab Nye
When a man is at peace he is a man, when angry he is an animal.
Amit Kalantri
Mother Earth taught me that my angertoward nature was unfounded.And she therefore invited me to open my heart to thispossibility: so too may be my anger toward man.
Anasizi Foundation Good Buffalo Eagle
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