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The easy path is seldom the right path.
Toni Sorenson
The easy path will seldom lead where you need to go.
Toni Sorenson
The path you do not take today is the path you will regret not taking tomorrow.
Toni Sorenson
Where you dare to venture where you have not gone before, you will return somehow changed.
Toni Sorenson
Constantly stopping to explain oneself may expand into a frustrating burden for the rare individual, so ceasing to do so is like finally dropping the weights and sprinting towards his goals. Those who insincerely misunderstand, who intentionally distort the motives of a pure-intentioned individual, then, no longer have the opportunity to block his path; instead, they are the ones left to stand on the sidelines shouting frustratedly in the wind of his trail.
Criss Jami
The truest knowledge is to know thy Creator and thy self.
Lailah Gifty Akita
What is a secret? It is much more than knowledge shared with only a few, or perhaps only one another. It is power. It is a bond. It is a sign of deep trust, or the darkest threat possible. There is power in the keeping of a secret, and power in the revelation of a secret. Sometimes it takes a very wise man to discern which is the path to greater power. All men desirous of power should become collectors of secrets. There is no secret too small to be valuable. All men value their own secrets far above those of others. A scullery maid may be willing to betray a prince before allowing the name of her secret lover to be told.
Robin Hobb
Travelling shouldn't be just a tour, it should be a tale.
Amit Kalantri
Be a true traveller, don't be a temporary tourist.
Amit Kalantri
Trekking means a travelling experience with a thrilling excitement.
Amit Kalantri
Travelling the road will tell you more about the road than the google will tell you about the road.
Amit Kalantri
The path of life is strewn with many perils and the folly of knowledge is one of the greatest dangers. Wisdom is a treacherous weapon, little master, for it is sundered from compassion. All too often the end of the journey gains more import than it should and the wise become blind to the road and the method of their passing.
Robin Jarvis
The absence of specific knowledge about success is the reason why your journey along the path to success has been halted
Sunday Adelaja
Never misuse your God-given opportunities, it may be the path to fulfilling your destiny.
Sunday Adelaja
When every opportunity given to you is used to serve the people, you are on the path of life’s purpose to the fullness.
Sunday Adelaja
The path of light is the quest for knowledge.
Lailah Gifty Akita
From the dawn of exact knowledge to the present day, observation, experiment, and speculation have gone hand in hand; and, whenever science has halted or strayed from the right path, it has been, either because its votaries have been content with mere unverified or unverifiable speculation (and this is the commonest case, because observation and experiment are hard work, while speculation is amusing); or it has been, because the accumulation of details of observation has for a time excluded speculation.
Thomas Henry Huxley
No one has free will until they are an adult, and by then the choices that were made for them, have already set them on a course that gives limited freedom in the choices to be made.
J.D. Stroube
The path of prayer is way of purity.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Search for the good ways.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The secret does not lie in the perfection of your path, but in recognizing its imperfection.
Krist Pauwels
In older myths, the dark road leads downward into the Underworld, where Persephone is carried off by Hades, much against her will, while Ishtar descends of her own accord to beat at the gates of Hell. This road of darkness lies to the West, according to Native American myth, and each of us must travel it at some point in our lives. The western road is one of trials, ordeals, disasters and abrupt life changes — yet a road to be honored, nevertheless, as the road on which wisdom is gained. James Hillman, whose theory of 'archetypal psychology' draws extensively on Greco–Roman myth, echoes this belief when he argues that darkness is vital at certain periods of life, questioning our modern tendency to equate mental health with happiness. It is in the Underworld, he reminds us, that seeds germinate and prepare for spring. Myths of descent and rebirth connect the soul's cycles to those of nature.
Terri Windling
A soulmate is a direct pathway to God.
Kamand Kojouri
Maybe the truth of it all is that we’re just too fearful to give our faith enough running room to realize that this precariously thin path that led us to the end of this life is dwarfed to obscurity by the infinitely vast byway that begins immediately on the other side.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Religion? Choose the truth path, true doctrine and true faith. Not all of the religion are safe except the religion of the Church of Christ. those who entered the door of Christ will be saved.
Kurt Reiner C. Suarez
Put down your stones. Why are you breaking the window when God has left the door wide open? If you are afraid, lover, follow me. I will guide the way.
Kamand Kojouri
Depart from the deeds of darkness. Return to path of light.
Lailah Gifty Akita
APPLY WITHINYou once told meYou wanted to findYourself in the world -And I told you toFirst apply within,To discover the worldwithin you.You once told meYou wanted to saveThe world from all its wars -And I told you toFirst save yourselfFrom the world,And all the warsYou put yourselfThrough.APPLY WITHIN by Suzy Kassem
Suzy Kassem
This path was not that of my conscious choosing. But after persistent subconscious confrontation, I have finally embraced what is, 'souly' for me...and I am thankful, when called upon, to be able to share and give to those who seek their own way of the path.
T.F. Hodge
What you are, and who you are should provide greater clarity about where you have been and where you are headed. Although one distinguishes spiritual from physical nature, the ultimate unification of the two is the consequence of the struggle for internal, external and eternal – peace.
T.F. Hodge
The path of peace is not a passive journey. It takes incredible strength not to open a can of 'whoop-ass', justifiably, when ones button is pushed.
T.F. Hodge
The only path wide enough for us all is love.
Kamand Kojouri
Just keep hope within you and your path will be lit.
Isabella Poretsis
Everything has its opposite within it.Love can be very destructive if you mishandle it.Pain can help you find ways to grow and change.Fear can eventually lead you to a path of hope.
Jay Woodman
If you believe our cause so hopeless, why join us?""Because you offered something I had forgotten could be offered, a choice. And I choose to die free.
Anthony Ryan
Stop counting your losses and start counting your blessings. Only then will you discover that losses are always easier to point out and count than blessings. And that your blessings will always outnumber your losses, for they are truly immeasurable.
Suzy Kassem
Happiness is not the Achievement of Dreams.It is the Path to Dreams.
Vineet Raj Kapoor
The path of spirituality is a path where one has to keep on reducing his wishes for worldly happiness, as one moves on the path ahead. And ultimately there, natural and spontaneous bliss of the Self will arise. Your own true happiness, eternal happiness will arise.
Dada Bhagwan
It may seem that you are on the path alone, but the light that guides you is coming from somewhere. Trust your every step because none of us walk this journey alone.
Toni Sorenson
For the likes of you, the path to happiness is one mean son of a bitch of a path.
Dean Koontz
On the path to Conquer the throne,some of your pawns must die...If your eyes aim the big kill,you must learn to eat humble pie.
Aamir Sarfraz (aamir rajput khan)
Just becauseyou feel lostdoesn't meanthat you are.Sometimes youjust have to relax,breathe deep,and trust the pathyou're on.
Lalah Delia
When your footsteps and thoughts carry you down the same path your heart and soul are directing you, you will know without a doubt that you are headed in the right direction.
Molly Friedenfeld
Know what you want and reach out eagerly for it.
Lailah Gifty Akita
If your consciousness is without form, without quality, and without characteristics of any kind, would that not imply that the consciousness in every other being is also formless? And if they are all without form, how can you distinguish their consciousness from your own? What forms would you use to compare them? Isn’t the observing you exactly the same as the observing them?
Joseph P. Kauffman
The consciousness inhabiting your body is exactly the same as the consciousness inhabiting my body. We are one. The delusion that we are separate beings comes from identifying with the world of form—with our names, our bodies, our roles, our beliefs, our thoughts, and all of the mental constructs that we have created; but even these are more connected to the universe than we realize.
Joseph P. Kauffman
Your body and my body are both totally made up of and dependent upon the elements of the earth—the water, the air, the heat, the land, the soil and the food it produces—as well as all of the elements that these elements are dependent upon—the sun, the stars, the galaxies, and a vast field of energy and space to contain them in. Nature is our extended body, and the elements outside of our skin are just as important to our health as the elements within our skin. Our bodies are connected to the universe as a whole, and consequently to each other and the many ways in which we influence our shared environment.
Joseph P. Kauffman
When we look at a tree, we do not see the tree for what it really is. We see how it appears to us on the surface, and we dismiss it as being just another form in the Universe. We fail to realize that the tree is connected to the Universe on every level; that all of nature is expressing itself through that single form. There can be no tree without the earth that it grows from, the sun that gives it energy, the water that nourishes its growth, and the millions of fungi and bacteria fertilizing its soil. Looking deeply into anything in nature, we realize that it is connected to the whole. We see that nature is one seamless web, and the notion that things have an existence of their own is merely an illusion.
Joseph P. Kauffman
You do not have an existence independent of your environment, but rather you are your environment, and your environment is you.
Joseph P. Kauffman
You are just as connected to the Universe as a finger is to a hand, or as a branch is to a tree. The entire cosmos is expressing itself through your being.
Joseph P. Kauffman
Buddhist philosophy points out that the true nature of all forms is essentially formless. Forms do not have an existence of their own, but rather they arise together, and are mutually dependent on one another. Everything in the world of form is constantly changing, constantly dying, and constantly being reborn—which is why Buddhists say that there is no-self; no form that has an existence in and of itself.
Joseph P. Kauffman
We fail to see the oneness of all things, and because of this, we unknowingly cause a lot of harm to ourselves. We pollute the Earth that we live on, cut down the trees that produce our oxygen, destroy the ecosystems of nature and the animals that maintain them, and we mistreat and harm each other, thinking that these destructive actions will not have a direct effect on us.
Joseph P. Kauffman
Every being experiences themselves as the center of their experience. Consciousness is what lies at our very core, and connects us all to each other. We may appear to be separate and individual because of the various forms our Consciousness inhabits, but below the surface the substance of our being is one and the same.
Joseph P. Kauffman
We are so fascinated by the complexity and beauty of the various forms in nature, that we have been led away from the formless dimension of Consciousness that lies at our very center. When you look at a person, you see many differences in their unique form, and often we compare, contrast, and judge one another because of the forms that we inhabit. But if you look beyond the various qualities and characteristics of form, and look another person in the eyes, you see a Being, and it is this Being that lies beneath the surface of form that connects us all. That is why the eyes are often referred to as the gateway to the soul, because they allow us to see and feel the presence of another Being, and realize our oneness.
Joseph P. Kauffman
We are like waves in the ocean, each with a unique character and quality on the surface, but deep down we are eternally connected to one another and to the ocean as a whole. If you practice looking beyond the surface of appearances, you will begin to see the true Being that lies within each form. You will see your Consciousness looking through the eyes of another, and it is when you see yourself in another that you cannot help but develop compassion for them; because in Truth, there is no “them,” there is only YOU, experiencing yourself from an inconceivable amount of perspectives.
Joseph P. Kauffman
According to Zen Buddhists, all things have their existence in The Void. The Void is that which is no-thing, but contains all things within it, or as some Christian mystics state, “God is Nothing; He is Utterly Other; He is the VOID.
Joseph P. Kauffman
We often try to force the experience we want to have, instead of allowing the experience we were meant to have, and in doing this, we miss out on gaining any new insight or understanding.
Joseph P. Kauffman
Until we heal the root cause of our suffering, and awaken to our true nature, our inherent confusion will continue to manifest itself in the world around us.
Joseph P. Kauffman
This witnessing consciousness, this formless dimension of yourself, is the awareness in which your experience happens, yet it remains untouched by this experience at all times. It is similar to the background of white on which you are reading these words. This white background allows any and every word to exist within it, yet it is not confined to any of these words. Similarly, your awareness allows any and every form to exist within it, but it is not bound to any of these forms.
Joseph P. Kauffman
Because we feel ourselves to be separate from the world in which we live, we have also grown to feel quite alone in this world. Our sense of loneliness and isolation not only makes us feel depressed and miserable, but it also causes us to be anxious and afraid of the world and everyone in it. Because of this inherent fear, we put up all kinds of barriers to protect us from the world—barriers that we have created to keep us safe, but that really end up making us feel more alone, more miserable, and more afraid, as they prevent us from being our natural selves.
Joseph P. Kauffman
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