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Nothing from the past can still exist unless we drag it into the present moment through our minds. Holding onto past pain creates present pain. Holding onto old fears creates new fears. Holding onto former injuries caused by others is an act of current self-injury. What’s done is gone. The only way it can live within us again is through our willingness to revive it in this moment.
Emily Maroutian
She stood up. Something inside her had changed. "It was finally time," she thought. It was finally time to leave the past in the past. And move on. She took her first step. It felt like walking for the first time. It was strange to not be chained anymore. It felt like life. Like hope. Like happiness.
Yasmin Mogahed
By handling each sentimental item and deciding what to discard, you process your past. If you just stow these things away in a drawer or cardboard box, before you realise it, your past will become a weight that holds you back and keeps you from living in the here and now. Pg.116-117
Marie Kondō
The question is precisely to know whether the past has ceased to exist, or ceased to be useful...
Henri Bergson
I wouldn't ask too much of her,' I ventured. 'You can't change the past.''Can't change the past?' he cried incredulously. 'Why of course you can!
F. Scott Fitzgerald
It is not memories but the person we have become because of those past experiences that we should treasure. This is the lesson these keepsakes teach us when we sort them. The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not the person we were in the past. P.118
Marie Kondō
How long since he'd been back home? Ten years? Fifteen? He'd stopped keeping track around the time he'd finally stopped looking over his shoulder. At the time, leaving had seemed too good to be true. He'd spent months feeling like he was half a step ahead of some nameless specter; like if he let his guard down, even for a second, whatever it was would drag him right back where he'd come from.
Laura Oliva
I wouldn't ask too much of her," I ventured. "You can't change the past.""Can't change the past?" he cried incredulously. "Why of course you can!
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The future is completely open and so is the past. And we are writing them right now. Making a different past or future is only up to us now.
Ana Claudia Antunes
My sense of the past is vivid and slow. I hear every sign and see every shadow.
Barry Hannah
Not everything buried is actually dead. For many, the past is alive.
Louise Penny
You want to brawl. You want to fight. Fighting tricks you into believing you can change the past, even when the past is dead and gone and all of it ashes.
Ilsa J Bick
He was a stranger here. The people who might remember him would certainly not welcome him. His old gang had cast him out, along with all of the former friends and parents. The suburban landscape of hypocrisy, so hated in his youth, beheld again and with it, old feelings that motivated him through life more than he would ever admit. Every turning point in life, already decided by all the events here
Jaime Allison Parker
It's hard getting momentum riding a bike up hill... It's hard getting momentum when you're dragging around all the pain from your past.
Tony Curl
When people talk about their great past they're usually trying to excuse the mediocre present.
Terry Pratchett
Tonight go to sleep as though your whole past has been dropped. Die to the past. And in the morning wake up as a new man in a new morning. Don’t let the same one who went to bed get up. Let him go to sleep for good.
I live on in the sweetness of old dayswith strangers who build new dwellingson blue hills up to the edge of the sky,I talk softly with the captured treesand comfort them sometimes.How slowly time consumes the core of things,and soundlessly treads fate’s heavy heel.
Edith Södergran
You'd be surprised just how fast you can close the door on your past. Learn needlepoint. Make a stained-glass lamp.
Chuck Palahniuk
Sometimes, it is best that the past stays buried.
Preeti Shenoy
You can't have one without the other,you can't be something you don't believe,you can't live if you linger in tomorrow,you can't be in the past and expect to see me,but you can only love when you're in the right here, right now.
Jess "Chief" Brynjulson
The past is a ghost that haunts us. Ghosts must banished. Lingering on the past is weakness, Lord Vader.
Paul S Kemp
You are hatching from the past.
Simon Van Booy
That's what I like so much about old libraries - they smell the way we'd like to imagine the past.
Ruth Reichl
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning—So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
When this, our rose, is faded,And these, our days, are done,In lands profoundly shadedFrom tempest and from sun:Ah, once more come together,Shall we forgive the past,And safe from worldly weatherPossess our souls at last?
Ernest Dowson
The past is uselessto me now:an old suitcasewith mould in the lining,heavy even when empty.
Robyn Sarah
In days long past, Jarod said he’d write a sentence about my love, translated in Russian, and that sentence, like my love, is clearly not for sale, unlike his virginity, or this book, which I’m both offering at ten times the market value, so hurry up and buy now, before it goes down.
Will Advise
There is no unstoppable force but time, no impenetrable object except that which separates us from the past.
James Rozoff
What is past, but unalterable truth; life, just a pile of regrets; future, just a sum total of possibilities, and you...? just another trapped soul...
Gayathri Jayakumar
You were my dock. I am just a mere ship that has drifted farther and farther into the vast water. Many docks are in range, but I have yet to anchor and tie my rope.
Your life is written in indelible ink. There's no going back to erase the past, tweak your mistakes, or fill in missed opportunities. When the moment's over, your fate is sealed. But if look closer, you notice the ink never really dries on any our experiences. They can change their meaning the longer you look at them.Klexos.There are ways of thinking about the past that aren't just nostalgia or regret. A kind of questioning that enriches an experience after the fact. To dwell on the past is to allow fresh context to trickle in over the years, and fill out the picture; to keep the memory alive, and not just as a caricature of itself. So you can look fairly at a painful experience, and call it by its name.Time is the most powerful force in the universe. It can turn a giant into someone utterly human, just trying to make their way through. Or tell you how you really felt about someone, even if you couldn't at the time. It can put your childhood dreams in context with adult burdens or turn a universal consensus into an embarrassing fad. It can expose cracks in a relationship that once seemed perfect. Or keep a friendship going by thoughts alone, even if you'll never see them again. It can flip your greatest shame into the source of your greatest power, or turn a jolt of pride into something petty, done for the wrong reasons, or make what felt like the end of the world look like a natural part of life.The past is still mostly a blank page, so we may be doomed to repeat it. But it's still worth looking into if it brings you closer to the truth.Maybe it's not so bad to dwell in the past, and muddle in the memories, to stem the simplification of time, and put some craft back into it. Maybe we should think of memory itself as an art form, in which the real work begins as soon as the paint hits the canvas. And remember that a work of art is never finished, only abandoned.
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Many years afterwards, we attempt to solve puzzles that were not mysteries at the time and we try to decipher half-obliterated letters from a language that is too old and whose alphabet we don't even know.
Patrick Modiano
The world around me and my past seem far away and distorted, as if time and space were taffy being stretched and looped and twisted out of shape.
Daniel Keyes
He ought to let the past keep its glow and not try to mix it with what he had in the present.
Larry McMurtry
One's own yesterday is a ghost that will not be laid down.
Glen Cook
Today and now I hate this words they sound horrible, sound powerful and you just get more older and more older. I just said them when I was 9, now I'm 16 soon I will be 17. And again I use them "now" and "today" you can also say "no" but it's now 18:07 after five blinks with the eyes it just becomes 18:08, I hate today. Everyone uses it, but it's for two different places I also use today, for me is 4.10.2016, but for you this is past, and your today is 4.10.2026...
Deyth Banger
You may have told me your story, but you’re still practically a stranger to me. I don’t know the you that you are right now as well as I know your past.
K. Weikel
We imagine that we remember things as they were, while in fact all we carry into the future are fragments which reconstruct a wholly illusory past. That first death we witness will always be a murmur of voices down a corridor and a clock falling silent in the darkened room, the end of love is forever two spent cigarettes in a saucer and a white door closing.
John Banville
I don't have a lot of regrets about the way I've lived my life. Not because I haven't made mistakes - I've made plenty. But what's the point of regret? You can't undo the past.
Cindy Crawford
Those who only look back at the past are certain to miss their future.
Elle Sommer
I wish I was what I have beenAnd what I was could beAs when I roved in shadows greenAnd loved my willow treeTo gaze upon the starry skyAnd higher fancies buildAnd make in solitary joyLoves temple in the field
John Clare
Don't allow the faults you've made in the past define the person you are today.
Mya Waechtler
Ephraim found a stack of postcards tied together with a faded green ribbon. He shuffled through them and found they were from every World's Fair from 1915 in San Francisco to 1939 in New York. None of the postcards hed been written on or mailed.
Megan Frazer Blakemore
This moment has nothing to do with the last one unless you choose the past to continue.
Alan Cohen
Ephraim lifted the top of the trunk. Neatly stacked were mementoes from what seemed like hundreds of journeys. Right on top was an etching of the Eiffel tower next to an African mask that looked at him with surprised eyes. He reached in a little deeper and unearthed a small teapot decorated with blue drawings just like the kind his grandmother collected and kept in a locked china cabinet.
Megan Frazer Blakemore
i loved you once but not sure the second will get me back. We know our mistakes and know our past, but we don't know which to blame. these are the last words i will say before we continue our life. Find another lover before you try to love me back.
Anthony Castillo
Just remember, please, most of that stuff is in the past. It isn't the story I want to tell. At all.You needed to know it, but for the rest of this, I'm choosing my own story.Because if you can't do that, you might as well just give up.
Patrick Ness
But this, all this, isn't the story I'm trying to tell. This is all past. This is the part of your life where it gets taken over by other people's stories and there's nothing you can do about it except hold on tight and hope you're still alive at the end to take up your own story again. So that's what we did. Me, Mel, and Meredith all moved on, and we're the stories we're living now.Aren't we?
Patrick Ness
We're the summation of our histories, so if this guy is truly falling in love with you, he's falling for your past as much as he's falling for your present.
Megan Squires
Because that was then and this is now. Because the past is gone, even though it defines the present.
Stephen King
I still have people from my past who treat me wrong, i thank them for making me strong.
Bharath Mamidoju
You can never really know where exactly people are looking at! At the place they are staring at? Or at their past? Or at their future?
Mehmet Murat ildan
Nostalgia is powerful. It is natural, human to long for the past, particularly when we can remember our histories as better than they were.
Roxane Gay
At the end of almost every AA meeting, someone read the Promises. One of these was 'We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it'. Dan thought he would always regret the past, but he had quit trying to shut the door. Why bother, when it would just come open again? The fucking had no latch, let alone a lock.
Stephen King
They were all gone now, broken or taken by people who had no idea what such items represented. Let them go. She held the past in her heart, with no need of physical items to tie it down.
Robin Hobb
There’s something in my voice that brings him back to me, overrides his buzz. ‘Gaby’—all traces of playfulness have gone—‘if anything ever happens to me, you’ll be fine. You’re strong enough to look after yourself. I hate to admit it, but you don’t need me. Never did.’ A smile. ‘But listen, nothing is going to happen today. It’s all good.’‘Jude, we’re high enough up to get a nose bleed.’‘So come with me.’I blink. ‘Fuck off.’‘I mean it. We can do this together.’ He raises his eyebrows at the girl who checked his harness. She nods.I risk looking over the side. There’s a river far beneath us. So far down we can’t hear it. My entire body goes numb.‘You’ve got about thirty seconds and then I’m going on my own.’What a choice: watch my brother jump out of this car or put aside my own fear and go with him. Share the recklessness. Why didn’t we go to Paris? We’d be arguing over where to buy cheese right now.Adrenaline begins to burn through me. ‘Screw it.’Jude breaks into a wide smile. ‘Seriously?’I glance at the yawning space beneath us. ‘Hurry up before I change my mind.
Paula Weston
Ghosts are everywhere, not just the ghost of Momma in the woods, but ghosts of us too, what we used to be like in those long summers.
Eve Chase
A mixture, before the English, of irritation and bafflement, of having this same language, same past, so many same things, and yet not belonging to them any more. Being worse than rootless... speciesless.
John Fowles
Her today's silence is the unheard shouts from past that you never listened.
Himanshu Chhabra
Nostalgia is your brain's way of photoshopping the blemishes of your past.
Steve Maraboli
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