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I know my kids will be incredible, just not as great as me.
A.D. Aliwat
Mature, healthy people need other people; they don't isolate themselves...Needing love isn't being immature. Rather, it gives us the energy we need to go out and slay our dragons.
Henry Cloud
For your sake, jewel,I am glad at soul I have no other child;For thy escape would teach me tyranny,To hang clogs on them.
William Shakespeare
Looking back on his adolescence from the vantage point of his mid-eighties, George H.W. Bush candidly admitted, "I might have been obsessed with bodies – boobs they are now called. But what seventeen-year-old kid was not? Guilty am I.
H.W. Brands
Parents are impelled by the profit motive - nothing more, nothing less. For their attentions, they expected, from me, the immense dividend of greatness.
Salman Rushdie
Bushes may not be eloquent explaining emotion, but George HW Bush's mother knew enough to be in position with her children were ready to talk. She waited up not just to ensure safety but to make the most of the moment of excited emotions. The next morning, they would congeal into polite, one-word answers.
H.W. Brands
Increased responsibility for babies and young children has proved just as restrictive, if not more so, than sexism in the home or in the workplace.
Élisabeth Badinter
If you bungle raising children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Kids are flat-out freaking hilarious if you are paying attention. Not just my kid, but every kid.
Dan Alatorre
Setting boundaries isn't an alternative to loving your child. It is a means of loving her.
Henry Cloud
Be careful not to give your child the impression that you love her perfect, performing parts more than you do her mediocre, stumbling parts.
Henry Cloud
My work is to give you what I know of my own particular path while allowing you to walk your own.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
I abandoned her. It's the one capital crime of fatherhood. Mothers can fail a thousand different ways. A father's only job is: do not abandon this child.
Catherynne M. Valente
It is not natural to challenge the existing beliefs breaking patterns, and yet once you manage, you create a space for the new patterns to form, the ones that are filled with Love, Acceptance, Knowledge, and you give yourself & your kids a chance to Spiritually Grow.
Nataša Nuit Pantović
A good parent is not someone that knows how to be a good parent, but knows how to learn how to be a good parent.
Gary Edward Gedall
Children make theories when they are confused or anxious.
Sherry Turkle
There is something about being loved and protected by a parent (or guardian) knowing that I can be loved for who I am, not what I can do, or might one day become. Unfortunately it’s not usually like this in every single situation. From time to time, my parents made mistakes during my childhood. Possibly I was the mistake, or unwanted. But I don’t know. I had every material thing that I could have ever wanted, but there was still something missing, as if I felt distanced from my parents, or misunderstood, in the ways that they treated me. At times, I had felt completely loved and accepted by my parents, but for one reason or another, they were unable to care for me, provide for me, in some ways that would have been very important. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to make up for the experiences in life that were absent when I was a child.
Jonathan Harnisch
I don't want my kids to be like me. I want them to be better than me.
Katherine Center
This is me telling you, you are amazing and beautiful. You are doing so much right! The children are watching so show them. Show them what it looks like to feel your own worth and celebrate your skills.
Tsara Shelton
On a lighter but serious side I believe that homework was meant for parents to take a keen interest in the studies of children rather than leave it completely for the teacher. This way the parent child communication also developed. However with the passage of time the world become more mechanical and commercial. Quality time suffixed for quantity time and homework became a means of earning for many an educated unemployed teachers. How sad we sure have progressed but yet in many ways have lost our basic values, ethics and morality. It’s time to wake up and DO OUR HOMEWORK.
Amit Abraham
Watch it,' her mom snapped. 'Don't start a fight just because it's the easiest thing to do.
John Corey Whaley
Love and poor parenting are acceptable topics for any formal meal I make.
Thomm Quackenbush
I know he's a good baby... but the challenge is to raise him into a good boy, then a good man.
Sarah Addison Allen
It’s so important for husbands and wives to be united when making parenting decisions. If either parent doesn’t feel good about something, then permission should not be granted. If either feels uncomfortable about a movie, a television show, a video game, a party, a dress, a swimsuit, or an Internet activity, have the courage to support each other and say no.
Larry R. Lawrence
The most important gifts we can give our children are confidence in their ability to remake themselves again and again and the tools with which to do that job
Anders Ericsson
Try to imagine what the rising generation could become if these five righteous patterns were practiced consistently in every home. Our young people could be like Helaman’s army: invincible (see Alma 57:25--26).
Larry R. Lawrence
You'll never be hurt as much by being open as you have been remaining closed.
Martha N. Beck
They decided to allow their baby to be born. What they did not realize is that they themselves were the ones who would be 'born,' infants in a new world where magic is commonplace, Harvard professors are the slow learners, and retarded babies are the master teachers.
Martha N. Beck
...he is constantly reminding me that real magic doesn't come from achieving the perfect appearance, from being Cinderella at the ball with both glass slippers and a killer hairstyle. The real magic is in the pumpkin, in the mice, in the moonlight; not beyond ordinary life, but within it.
Martha N. Beck
It comes from looking at the heart of things, from stopping to smell not only the roses but the bushes as well. It is a quality of attention to ordinary life that is so loving and intimate it is almost worship.
Martha N. Beck
My real feeling, the one I couldn't articulate yet, was that my entire life hinged on knowing that there were people who would continue to love me unconditionally, even if I were damaged, even if I were sick. Such love was the only thing that had sustained me during the turmoil of the past months. If I eliminated my child because of his disability, if I put him out of my life, I would be violating the only thing that was keeping me alive.
Martha N. Beck
It reminds me that we are born innocent but ignorant, and that to remedy the second of these conditions we inevitably surrender the first.
Martha N. Beck
It is a frightening thing to love someone you know the world rejects.
Martha N. Beck
Brothers and sisters, if your spouse doesn’t feel good about something, show respect for those feelings. When you take the easy way out by saying and doing nothing, you may be enabling destructive behavior.
Larry R. Lawrence
I never thought the brightest smile would come from a mouth without teeth.
Iván Zapién
The author says his young son, adopted from South Korea, occasionally burps and says thank you but otherwise is doing all right.
Jim Bouton
I would be the first to admit that my maternal instincts are not well developed--though in defense I must add that the raising of Ramses would have discouraged any woman.
Elizabeth Peters
Some battles take more than one ninja to win.
Anna M. Aquino
If you are a worrywart you can't be a ninja. You can't rise up and fight when the weight of the world is pressing you down. Your family needs you to be sane and not bogged down in fear.
Anna M. Aquino
My rugrats give me gifts that say "#1 Mom" on them and I'm like, bwhahahahaha, joke's on you, I'm more like the #1,297,279 Mom. But they truly think I'm the best mom on earth. And that's all that matters.
Karen Alpert
By exempting your child from all chores, as many affluent American families now do, you are sending the message, "Your time is too valuable to be spent on menial tasks," which easily morphs into the unintended message "You are too important to do menial tasks." And that unintended message puffs up the bloated self-esteem that now characterizes many American kids.
Leonard Sax
My parents were two-faced. To me, they showed no mercy. They preached from theBook of Fallen Children - Commandment 1: The Child Is Always Ungrateful. At eighteen, the free ride would stop, and I'd be dumped into the mess of the world. But in their private moments, they were soft, cowed by love. They critiqued their own parenting skills and thought of all the ways the could help their kids get ahead.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Turn off the device and take your child for a walk through the woods or on a hike up a mountain. Go on a camping trip. Late at night, when it's absolutely dark, take your child's hand and ask her to look up at the stars. Talk with her about the vastness of space and the tininess of our planet in the universe. That's reality. That's perspective.
Leonard Sax
If you are able to talk about your life and the joys and sorrows you have experienced, if you know your story, you are much more likely to be a skillful parent.
Desmond Tutu
Ninja faith stands. It is not shaken when things seem contrary to what one expects. Ninja faith chooses to believe the truth.
Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's can't be all their called to be, if their so stressed out about how their going to pay their Mastercard bill
Anna M. Aquino
Ninja mom's understand that life is a balancing act, and in order to keep the balance they have to learn to enjoy the moment!
Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's know that God has never left them!
Anna M. Aquino
To be a ninja Mom you have to be cool with yourself.
Anna M. Aquino
Ninja mom's understand that training time is never wasted time.
Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's are graced to finish the raise set before them!
Anna M. Aquino
Ninja Mom's have to learn that when they mess up, they get right back up again.
Anna M. Aquino
You are a victorious ninja because God created you that way!
Anna M. Aquino
I thank my mother (Ma, you're only second cause you got the dedication), who used to make me write essays whenever I got into trouble, explaining exactly what I'd done and why I'd done it.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Ninja's understand that training time is never wasted time.
Anna M. Aquino
She was deemed an unfit mother, in spite of the fact that she goes to the gym every day,' Hal once told me. . . .Beautiful people are often forgiven for many things--and maybe she's gotten through life that way, but I don't forgive her for anything--and I don't even know what awful things she's done other than showing a lack of parental fitness.
Neal Shusterman
Looking with his eyes? Seriously? What else would he look around with?”Trish nonchalantly uses her middle finger to scratch her temple. “Toddlers learn by making connections between the body part and the action.”Vince blinks. “Oh, so talking to a kid like that’s normal?” “Someday I hope to have a conversation where I don’t sound like a character from Star Wars.”“I can see how you’d look forward to that.
Jess Molly Brown
Historians have shown that "parents in the Middle Ages worried about their kids no less than we worry about ours today," and by the nineteenth century there is evidence of bars being placed on windows to protect toddlers from falling out as well as "leading strings so that young children wouldn't wander off during walks.
Alfie Kohn
People say a mother is only as happy as her least happy child. But what if the state of that child's happiness has become a mystery? What if that child is no longer a child but a young man who has removed himself to a great distance and encased himself in silence?
Jan Ellison
Learning to love unconditionally sometimes means that we must let go to allow God to guide the situation and love through us, especially when we don't know what to do, even if we don't like the consequence.
Eve M. Harrell
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