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I guess I should thank you for totally making my morning. It’s not every day a stranger notices my perspiration level.- Dr. Jeri Asher (BLACK MARIAH - A Calling)
Richard Finney
She loves dogs. And in time, who knows, maybe she would even have ended up loving the type of dogs who eat other small dogs for lunch.-- Leslie McNeill
Richard Finney
I’ve never liked urban myths. I’ve never liked pretending to believe in them; never understood why everyone else doesn’t see straight through them. Why is it they’ve always happened to a friend of a friend - someone you’ve never met? Why does everyone smile and nod and pull the right faces, when they must know they’re not true? Pointless. A waste of breath. So I sneered at the myths about Scaderstone Pit. It was just an old quarry – nothing more. I never believed in the rumours of discarded dynamite. It had decayed, they said. It exploded at the slightest touch, had even blown someone’s hand off. I shrugged off the talk of the toxic waste. It was dumped in the dead of night, they said. The canisters rusting away, leaking deadly poisons that could blind you, burn your lungs. I laughed at the ghost stories. You could hear the moans, they said, of quarrymen buried alive and never found. You could see their nightwalking souls, searching for their poor crushed bodies.I didn’t believe any of it – not one word. Now, after everything that’s happened, I wonder whether I should’ve listened to those stories. Maybe then, these things would’ve happened to someone else, and I could’ve smiled and said they were impossible.But this is not an urban myth. And it did not happen to someone else, but to me. I’ve set it down as best I can remember. Whether you believe it or not, is up to you.
Mikey Campling
The "paranormal" is what we call a phenomenon when examined through the narrow lens of what we consider "normal." You have to leave the entrapment of "normal" beliefs to understand them much as zero gravity can't be understood when you are earthbound.
Alan Joshua
Paranormal phenomena are only acollection of abilities that challenge known science.Physical lawsdon’t explained them. You have to go beyond the limits of traditionalcategories to make any sense of them.Beau Walker--The SHIVA Syndrome
Alan Joshua
To write a novel is to dream while awake, then express the dream to the reader in an absorbing way. The road leading from the writer's inner world to the readers' is paved with prose.
Alan Joshua
Today, religion is systematized, formalized group worship. It’s packaged. We don’t live the divine any longer, we only hear or read about it.
Alan Joshua
Dina, I’m bored,” Caldenia announced.Too bad. I guaranteed her safety, not entertainment. “What about your game?”Her Grace gave me a shrug. “I’ve beaten it five times on the Deity setting. I’ve reducedParis to ashes because Napoleon annoyed me. I’ve eradicated Gandhi. I’ve crushed George Washington. Empress Wu had potential, so I eliminated her before we even cleared Bronze Age. The Egyptians are my pawns. I dominate the planet. Oddly, I find myself mildly fascinated by Genghis Khan. A shrewd and savage warrior, possessing a certain magnetism. I left him with a single city, and I periodically make ridiculous demands that I know he can’t meet so I can watch him squirm.
Ilona Andrews
. . . hated each other so much their feud had become legendary. Half the jokes in the galaxy started with “a vampire and an otrokar walk into a bar….
Ilona Andrews
Everything in life is one way or another created by thoughts, ideas. The thoughts can be chaotic and wild and create a lot of pain and trouble, or they can be organized to the last minute detail and make something beautiful and perfect. Your life has its structure. It is composed of things that are happening in it. All those events are reflections of your intentions. Things and occurrences are shaped according to your thoughts. Is there some confusion in your life? There is likely confusion in your mind. Are you experiencing joy, peace and beauty? Well, then the same are your wishes.
Daniel Stangar
I can smell your blood now. I can smell it in every room of the house.
Jolie du Pre
A word can change a mind, a sentence can change a life and a book can change the world.
Tom Kane
The images start to darken and she feels another hunger well up in her, this one having to do with another kind of desire. The desire to feed, to possess, and the aggressive thrill of a predator capturing and killing its prey as it tears into unspoiled flesh. Its teeth ripping and rending and the satisfying coppery taste of blood. There is the ultimate moment of surrender of drinking away the life essence. The pinnacle of lust which mounts in the very last breath, when the light drains from the victim's eyes and when the soul fades... Then there is only a triumphant cry to the moonlight and the beckoning depths of the ever waiting water.
Melissa St. Hilaire
Some things you cannot see or explain, but they are there, lurking.Some things dwell in the dark: waiting…watching…haunting.Sometimes evil takes on many forms, many faces.And silence is the last thing you hear, when it’s already too late.THE SILENCE
Barry Brickey
I stumble across the sea of tarmac, finding pavement, concealment and a brick wall. Palms brace against the scrubby surface. My stomach churns and then bubbles over, burning my throat as acrid yellow acid spills from my lips in frothy discomposure. It splatters the pavement like a spray of blood.
Rebecca Clare Smith
Would you teach me, Seth?’Seth smiled and leaned back in his seat. ‘You do realise, of course, that you have no idea what you ask of me?’ Seth replied after a moment.‘Of course,’ Christopher replied quietly. ‘Could you tell me?’‘No. That is the problem you see,’ Seth said. ‘Magic is something you can never prepare someone for. Magic will make you, Christopher. It will find all the secret empty places of longing in you and fill them more surely than any other love. And magic will break your heart.’ A slight, rather sad smile crossed Christopher’s face for a moment. ‘I know what you’re thinking. You think your heart is already broken, you think that this crooked and winding way is the only path left for you now. But you’re wrong. The heart breaks like every wave on the beach and there’s a darkness you’ll have to pass through that you can’t even see from where you are now.
Lee Morgan
We're supposed to love flowers, yet we rip them from their homes, and give them to people who don't love us."-Toril Withers (Dark Winter).
John Hennessy
Between the world we seeand the things we fear, there are doors. When they are opened, nightmares become reality.
A Haunting
Person 1: "Stay back....I have a demon inside of me."Person 2: "Let me get closer...I have a hell inside me where your demons can live."(from Dark Winter, #2 - out Halloween 2014)
John Hennessy
Irwin was difficult to wake; the poor man was totally wiped out. He collapsed in one of the soft office chairs the moment Smith let him, sliding back into slumber. After he was settled, I sat at my desk and reviewed Smith’s…no, Charles’s notes, shuffling the paper irritably to bring the print into focus. Someday, I’d come up with a melody that fixed my sight problems. And tomorrow, I thought, mocking myself, I’ll find a way to sing away fleas and retire rich.
Holly Rutan
If I catch you, I might do anything. I might strip the skin from your bones as I drain you dry. Or I might drag you into my chambers and have you pleasure me in ways you cannot even imagine. I might even take mercy on you, and that would be the cruelest injustice of all, because for you, it would only be a temporary reprieve.
Nenia Campbell
I remembered what it was like to die-the pain, the fear, the doubt, and the unknown. Somehow I had cheated death once. Now I was about to try again.
Rick Chiantaretto
I didn't panic until my chest collapsed and I couldn't breathe. I gasped until I no longer had a throat to do it with. I didn't feel like I was holding my breath - it was more like I had no lungs.
Rick Chiantaretto
What if all religions were stories, and all stories were true.
Rick Chiantaretto
I have no powers of my own. I'm a dud.
Deborah Barreto
What if all religiouns were stories, and all stories were true?
Rick Chiantaretto
What looked like morning was the beginning of endless night
William Peter Blatty
It was one thing to talk about ghosts, quite another to have them messing around with things in the physical world.
Hunter Shea
There's so many kids," he said low enough so only Jessica could hear. "We're going to walk right into them in two more steps."tIf it gave Jessica pause, he didn't sense it. Instead she seemed to pull him faster.tA frigid hand closed around his heart, freezing the ebb and flow of his blood.tEddie gasped, overcome with the chill of a thousand deep, dark graves.
Hunter Shea
This was a part he didn't like. It made him feel like a jailer, or a kidnapper.t"Another sin, another string of Hail Marys," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed. So much was riding on this. It could all blow up in their faces. If he was still a betting man, that's where he'd lay his money. Too many moving parts that weren't in line with one another.tPraying wasn't an option. God didn't have time for deceivers.
Hunter Shea
She fished a gum wrapper and pen from her bag and wrote down her number. "I'd like to stay friends with you and Jason. That's my cell number. You can call me any time you want, except at two-thirty-six in the morning."tAlice cocked her head. "How come I can't call you at two-thirty-six/"t"I need that minute to sleep," Jessica said, smiling.
Hunter Shea
Which grave are we in?" she said.t"The oldest." She felt Eddie's puzzlement.t"That can't be possible. He looks like he was just buried."t"There must be something at work in the chemistry of the island that's preserving his body. It's like the incorruptibles, bodies that weren't preserved in any special way that don't decay. Catholic saints like Bernadette and Padre Pio are said not to have decomposed even though they died a long, long time ago. Environmental factors can cause a kind of mummification."tJessica said, or thought, "This is bizarre. I'm getting a lesson on mummification while in the coffin of a dead man.
Hunter Shea
Buried and burned. Never find them. Never. Buried and buried.
Hunter Shea
Jessica's hand flew to her mouth. If she had any doubt, the next entry settled it.tShe read on, cool beads of sweat trickling down the back of her neck, hardly daring to breathe as the black heart of Ormsby Island came closer and closer into focus.
Hunter Shea
There is no light at the end of the tunnel for us. We are who we are.
Isaiyan Morrison
It happened during the winter of 1973, when evenings rang out stillborn from far across the weathered moorland, and snow fell hard and heavy and clung atop the peppered veins of nature’s tough bracken, all picture-postcard like.
Jordan Mason
It felt oily inside her head. There were strings of Xavier Stancliff caught inside of her, holding on and spiderwebbing out as he plotted and waited and thought: this is all the bitch deserves. Swallowing, Sandra pushed herself off the bed. It was late and the room was dark. She could see the bundled lump of Jack beneath his own covers. He’d left the television on and the light flickered down the tiny hall. Shadows danced and Sandra shivered as she left the room.In another life, she would have told Danny and Jack about the man. Danny would have whispered, “It’s alright,” and smoothed back her hair from her face and kissed her, lips dry and coarse on her forehead. Then he and Jack would’ve left while she was sleeping. They would’ve trampled the flowers and climbed into Xavier Stanliff’s window and when Sandra woke up there would have been one less man in the world.
Angele Gougeon
My whole life changed after I drowned and died in the flood.
Kerry Alan Denney
I never said you had to like it. You have to accept it. No regret." - Clare Harding From the current book in writing BUMPKIN by Lani Brown.
Lani Brown
The wolf had begun hunting human prey. They were plentiful in the dark city streets and provided enough good meat to satiate his gnawing hunger. He was still very careful not to let any who saw him live. To do otherwise would displease the Master. He would only stalk those people that were foolish enough to walk alone in the night
Brian S. Ference
Never forget that time is the most valuable thing we can spend, so don't throw it away!
Kerry ONeal
Meet Logan Jackson, smug, self-entitled, proud, arrogant, trust-fund brat.
Ali Harper
My death granted immortality.With one look, I knew he’d be my undoing…” Forgotten, book #1 of the Fate Trilogy
Sarah J. Pepper
The world was healing itself.
Anthony Horowitz
Dreading dusk, fearing night, praying for dawn.
Gregory J. Saunders
God and Jesus are supernatural beings and a paranormal experience.
Jenna Alatari
Now that the barn has burned down, I can see the moon. - Persian proverb
Samantha Combs
Humans did not want to know about non-humans. Funny thing was most non-humans felt the same way, happy to hide their abilities and talents to avoid witch hunts and wholesale slaughter.
Mary Buckham
My dad liked to say that magic itself is never black; only the uses to which it is put, but mind magic is already tinted a deep, dark gray.
Christine Amsden
Slicker than snot on a door handle.
Kim Harrison
So confusing. It was some kind of magic, I knew that for sure, but I didn't understand the subtleties of it all. You'd have thought all those years of HBO and shit would have prepared me better.
Red Tash
I wanted to pull out his toenails and poke them in his eyeballs.
Nicole Peeler
Owen remarked "The basis of science and art is magical - vice versa, magic is art and science. It goes both ways. There's not ever black and white...in magic or in anything to my way of thinking.
Luvelle Raevan
Maybe he's not coming,' I whispered to Damar. 'He's crazy after all. Maybe something shiny caught his attention and he forgot about me.
Diana Graves
Fire. I see it everywhere.
Jen Wylie
Grimm always used rabbits, on account of a grudge he had with the Easter Bunny. I’d had a pet rabbit when I was little, and the first time I saw an augury I think I managed to throw up and faint at the same time. After that, Grimm had it done without me. Not that it mattered. After six years in this business, I’d gut Thumper himself for an ounce of Glitter.
J.C. Nelson
Awareness seeped in and brought its friends Pain and Agony for a visit.
Hailey Edwards
Inside Ms. Maddox's classroom, it was so quiet you could hear the breathing bounce off the walls.
Mindy Ruiz
If I am going to be a monster, the least I could do is be well fed!
Cristina M. Sburlea
We know what wood is and what earth and stone are and that they have a color and texture, a smell and even a taste, but matter as a perceptible material substance independent of the nature of the wood, earth and stone composed of it seems incomprehensible. In order for us to regard a thing as real it must possess at least some distinctive physical qualities. We must be able to experience it as a physical thing before we can decide it is real. Matter as proposed by modern science, however, has no distinctive or definite physical qualities at all. Matter is simply some unimaginable stuff possessing no conceivable definition whatsoever. The concept of matter, then, proves to be just as elusive and abstract as the concepts of spirit, soul or the life-principle.
Ojo Blacke
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