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Nature is self-renewing as it adjusts to maintain balance. Nature becomes even more vibrant as it yields to allow recycling. It is best to align with success and become nature with your health, wealth, and relationships.
Franklin Gillette
His teachings, said his disciple Musaeus, had one simple theme: 'Everything comes into being from the One and is resolved into the One again.
Ann Wroe
A plain is what a mountain aims to be: the closest you can come to being in outer space while yet having your feet on this planet.
Yann Martel
Acceptability is that secret, which brings in surrender,Which brings in totality, which brings in love,From where arises our Oneness.
Gian Kumar
And what makes humans so sure that thinking is the most important activity in the universe?...I on the contrary have never forgotten that first I existed and then, with a lot of difficulty, I learned to think." (p. 31)
Sabina Berman
Look out from within and observe the words, actions, reactions, and feelings that evolve from you. Release the identity with what you have observed if it creates tension and stress. Surely you will dissolve into effortless being that way.
Franklin Gillette
When the world is at peace, when all things are tranquil and all men obey their superiors in all their courses, then music can be perfected. When desires and passions do not turn into wrongful paths, music can be perfected. Perfect music has its cause. It arises from equilibrium. Equilibrium arises from righteousness, and righteousness arises from the meaning of the cosmos. Therefore one can speak about music only with a man who has perceived the meaning of the cosmos.
Hermann Hesse
[T]he unsympathetic assessments we make of others are usually the result of nothing more sinister than our habit of looking at them in the wrong way, through lenses clouded by distraction, exhaustion and fear, which blind us to the fact that they are really, despite a thousand differences, just altered versions of ourselves: fellow fragile, uncertain, flawed beings likewise craving love and in urgent need of forgiveness.
Alain de Botton
All questions have a basis in love. All answers lead to LOVE. If you can color everything in love, you have all the colors in the world.
Eve Evangelista
Try to notice-in all your thoughts, sensations, and direct encounters-the objects and 'outside-standers' that make appearance meaningful. For each object encountered or referred to, note it and embrace it in its immediate givenness as being part of 'you'. You can do this both by saying to yourself, "That too is 'I'," and by extending your sense of located awareness to embrace the apparently separate and distant object.This exercise helps to counteract the tendency to polarize experience, which creates a self that is cut off from the rest of reality. It might at first seem to set up a monomaniacal selfishness, but actually, if practiced carefully, it will undermine the idea of a solid and continuous 'self'. The exercise might also seem to cultivate confusion between things themselves and thoughts about these things and about the world. But this is not the case. By initially forcing the subject and object together in this way, we can soon progress to the perception of a 'time' which naturally gives the subject and object as together. This process also shows the felt difference between the thought about a thing and the 'thing itself'-between the reference and its referent-in a new light. We can progress from an artificial intimacy to an uncontrived one, and further, to an intimacy which simply is and which involves neither a self nor an object. This intimacy does not reach out to things elsewhere, nor does it assimilate them all in an ordinary location 'here'.
Tarthang Tulku
You will send me to the asylum for the truth,I know, I know!But before,Look within your skin,Hey, can you see me there?
Sayantan Sen
Two thousand and five hundred years ago Lord Buddha announced, ‘By self- exertion we will achieve ‘Nirvana’, and then Hinduism announced, ‘By self-mortification and self-exertion we shall achieve the supreme knowledge. But this supreme knowledge means knowledge of oneness. No, not the knowledge of oneness, it is rather oneness only and that is achieved spontaneously.
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
If you love someone or something, you acknowledge and are expressing your oneness with it. Love is simply the recognition of Oneness.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
Reach up-to Absence to feel Presence
Syed Sharukh
A compassionate way of life rooted in oneness and connectivity not only impacts your greater good, but it resonates out into the world, positively impacting the greater good for all.
Amy Miller
Embrace yourself, in these times, and acknowledge yourself for the extraordinary progress you are making, as a soul, in every waking moment.
Most organized religions often succeed in enslaving the soul through useless traditions, prejudices and ideological divisions. Yet, true spiritual enlightenment and everlasting freedom can only be found in the perfect wisdom that LOVE is the truest most fundamental foundation of every faith which should, inevitably, lead every seeker down the path to the most profound introspective spiritual understanding one could ever know...we are all one.
Jason Versey
When you can see God in small things, you'll see God in all things.
Donald L. Hicks
You can follow the religions where God is small,or you can follow the religions where God is all.
Donald L. Hicks
What is God? God is a motion – perpetual motion. This normal motion is always running within a human body. A man has come to this earth to become God. What I have understood? I have only understood that God is one. I have not understood anything except this oneness.
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
A strong team is a group of people that feel like one nation
Sunday Adelaja
Wherever I go, whomever I meet, I see myself in their eyes, because I am a part of everything, because I love.
Miguel Ruiz
We never stopped being each other.
Alicen Grey
Our purpose is not Oneness but to realize Oneness. Oneness itself is not something to be achieved. We are One as spirit already. What we are working on is to remember and accept this Oneness.
Akemi G
When the peace in not inside, we seek it outside. When the peace is not outside, we turn inside. Whether there is internal peace or an internal storm, it spirals outward to everyone you see and everything you touch.
Franklin Gillette
He learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke - the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. It was live. Something older than humanity, more ancient than the desert. Something that exerted the same force whenever two pairs of eyes meet . . .
Paulo Coelho
We are transformational beings gravitating closer to the light of oneness.
Jason Micheal Ratliff
One who walks in love sees the world through the envelope of their mission.
Bryant McGill
Drinking the energy of the universeBreathing along with the CosmosWith each breathI am rebornInto a brand new existence.
Ilchi Lee
To see the divine in others, we have to love. Where love is thick, faults are thin. If you really love someone, then it is difficult to find fault with him. His faults seem negligible, for love means oneness. This oneness comes from our conscious acceptance of his reality as it is.
Sri Chinmoy
All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.
Swami Vivekananda
None could be the most perfect. If indeed any, it is only perfect.
Toba Beta
...“living in oneness with Buddha’s teaching, is a creative life in which everything becomes meaningful.
Gyomay M Kubose
All that you know; or believe to be true;Is no limit for All that Is;on a tiny planet whirling through an Infinite Sky.So be open. Be an empty vessel.Have the innocent curiosity of a childof the Universe. In this Way allow the Universe to flow freely through your Onenessand your profound inner silenceof open heart, mind and Spirit.Surrender all preconception.become only immersed withinthe Infinite Way of Love Light and Oneness
Leland Lewis
Beneath all the polarization, we are all God consciousness.
Lynne Cockrum-Murphy
Genuine love is ever constant, unchanging. There is no separation by degrees, levels, or kinds. There is no comparison or judgment since there is just one kind and it is inside everyone. Ego and the world around would have us believe otherwise.
Nanette Mathews
We all come from different paths in life but we can find common ground.
Nanette Mathews
The non-dual state shows the true oneness of all creatures in this universe.
Abhijit Naskar
All the world's religions speak the same language, they simply use different words.
Matthew Clark
The flow of spiritual connectedness and oneness with life will dwell in you if your heart and mind is open and innocent.
Bryant McGill
One of the biggest contradictions in self-proclaimed open-mindedness is to say that we're all one but when a true bigot comes around tell him we're all different. It's usually the case that neither side is correct. One might have the right to do something, anything, but sure enough, that doesn't mean it's right and a benefit to other people.
Criss Jami
For I inhabit the spaces in between, where auras mix and hearts reach out and knowing hovers, and where sticks against each human the little burrs of others, long-ago brushed against but never forgot.
The Wind Sophia in Featherfoot
Planting a tree is the easiest way to align yourself with the cosmic rhythm.
Amit Ray
See yourself in everything and everything in yourself. This is Oneness.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
Your mind will enchain you. Your heart will set you free
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Steve's throat swelled with tension as the intimacy of the moment became more tangible. He moved his eyes from the dark, reflective river, to the dark, reflective pupils in Diane's eyes. They seemed to quiver with tenderness - but then they would grow distant. He found himself continually surprised at the "aliveness" of the person standing just a foot away from him now. She wasn't inanimate: she would flinch if he pinched her, and answer if he asked her. And she was beautiful." -- From "The Grand Unified Story" -- a short story in Zack Love's Stories and Scripts: an Anthology
Zack Love
The Illusion - The source of suffering can be linked back to a condition of the mind that creates the illusion of separation--the state in which we see ourselves as disconnected and separate from the world and our experiences.
In one moment, we are now forever,in one moment...
Paul Goldman
In everything, depend upon yourself, but work in harmony with all things. Do not depend even upon the Infinite, but learn to work and live in harmony with the Infinite. The highest teachings of the Christ reveal most clearly the principle that no soul was created to be a mere helpless instrument in the hands of Supreme Power, but that every soul should act and live in perfect oneness with that Power. And the promise is that we all are not only to do the things that Christ did, but even greater things.
Christian D. Larson
Aligning yourself with spiritual ideals that are bigger than you brings true emotional stability.
Franklin Gillette
Nothing causes more people to deny God, misunderstand God, mistreat others, or abuse Nature more than the illusion of separateness. Nothing. No thing.
Donald L. Hicks
During Life, we cultivate relationships by spending days with others.During eternity, we cultivate relationships by spending lifetimes with others.
Donald L. Hicks
Gender is but a doorway to a vast inner universe of ultimate relationships between oneness and duality, manifest and divine, being and nonbeing, temporal and eternal.
William Keepin
We are meant to be one. And only after we realize that amazing truth can we find what we need – true peace.
Steve Goodier
We are all different expressions of one reality, different songs of one singer, different dances of one dancer, different paintings – but the painter is one.
I searched for my Beloved in the strangest of places, until the day I realized I couldn't take my eyes off Her.
Eric Micha'el Leventhal
When we separate ourselves from the rest of the world, the world becomes a lonely and difficult place to live in. When we see ourselves as completely separate, we cannot call upon the power and strength that comes from unity, from being part of a greater whole. In today's world, we buy into the lie that if we do see ourselves as--or make ourselves into--a part of the greater whole, then we'll lose our identity and become nothing more than another face in the crowd, a lemming who does nothing but follow others and never creates his or her own life. Nothing, though, could be further from the truth.
Tom Walsh
When we begin to realize, that any of our personal success, is all of our successes, then we are truly ready as a species, for the next level. For if I gain, and you do not, then I have gained nothing, for gain is nothing if not shared.For to isolate one's self, no matter how seemingly enriched, is to lose the greatest treasure of all, the ability to share and grow, from our universal connection.
Tom Althouse
Say I Am YouI am dust particles in sunlight.I am the round sun.To the bits of dust I say, Stay.To the sun, Keep moving.I am morning mist, and the breathing of evening.I am wind in the top of a grove, and surf on the cliff.Mast, rudder, helmsman, and keel,I am also the coral reef they founder on.I am a tree with a trained parrot in its branches.Silence, thought, and voice.The musical air coming through a flute,a spark of a stone, a flickering in metal.Both candle and the moth crazy around it.Rose, and the nightingale lost in the fragrance.I am all orders of being, the circling galaxy,the evolutionary intelligence, the lift,and the falling away. What is, and what isn't.You who know Jelaluddin, You the one in all,say who I am. Say I am You.
Jalaluddin Rumi
We are members of one great body, planted by nature…. We must consider that we were born for the good of the whole
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