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If you are in a prison of fear ... break out!
Stephen Richards
Positive thinking without any thought is wasted ...
Stephen Richards
Some people pray for miracles ... with Cosmic Ordering YOU manifest them!
Stephen Richards
When life is tough, use Cosmic Ordering. When life is great, use Cosmic Ordering.
Stephen Richards
When you unfold your spirit, you unfold your dream.
Stephen Richards
It has taken me a lot of years, but I find silence is sometimes the best answer.
Stephen Richards
Face it and it will be less …
Stephen Richards
A distaste for the new is not always fear of the unknown, but sometimes ambition. Some people don't like the new way simply because they never got a chance to master the old way.
Criss Jami
If you cannot reach a state of utter oneness with each other, how do you expect to solve anything? Separate the world will crumble; together the world will thrive.
Jennifer Ott
The myth of quantum consciousness sits well with many whose egos have made it impossible for them to accept the insignificant place science perceives for humanity, as modern instruments probe the farthest reaches of space and time. ... quantum consciousness has about as much substance as the aether from which it is composed. Early in this century, quantum mechanics and Einstein’s relativity destroyed the notion of a holistic universe that had seemed within the realm of possibility in the century just past. First, Einstein did away with the aether, shattering the doctrine that we all move about inside a universal, cosmic fluid whose excitations connect us simultaneously to one another and to the rest of the universe. Second, Einstein and other physicists proved that matter and light were composed of particles, wiping away the notion of universal continuity. Atomic theory and quantum mechanics demonstrated that everything, even space and time, exists in discrete bits – quanta. To turn this around and say that twentieth century physics initiated some new holistic view of the universe is a complete misrepresentation of what actually took place. ... The myth of quantum consciousness should take its place along with gods, unicorns, and dragons as yet another product of the fantasies of people unwilling to accept what science, reason, and their own eyes tell them about the world.
Victor J. Stenger
It takes wisdom to know when you've had enough, strength to make the decision and determination to see it through.
Seraphine Abrams
Willful blindness sees no end of damage done.
Stephen Richards
With sticky thinking you can become unstuck!
Stephen Richards
If you want to make dough, do a bun dance.
Stephen Richards
Tell me your story and I will get back your life.
Stephen Richards
You have a right to feel the universe is willing to provide you with blessings, but not to the point that it cannot do without you.
Stephen Richards
You put yourself where you are, and if you find yourself unsatisfied with how you are, then get yourself out of it.
Stephen Richards
Your life is in your hands. Only YOU have the capacity to turn it into a rosy path or a thorn filled one. Increase your vibrational output with Cosmic Ordering and your future will be rosy.
Stephen Richards
Do not avoid doing what you love because you fear that it will only result in poverty or lack. If you fear this, then this is exactly what will happen.
Stephen Richards
The universe is infinite, and the experiences and opportunities available to us are likewise.
Stephen Richards
Armed with positive thoughts, it becomes easier to focus on your goals, while the opposite also holds true.
Stephen Richards
Do not constantly question why your desires have not manifested, although you should keep a vibrational connection to them.
Stephen Richards
Harnessing the unique sex energy that can only arise through sexual expression can awaken multidimensional awareness and provide you with your desired goal.
Stephen Richards
At the same time, we may not as a culture be fond of old-fashioned supernaturalism, but we certainly like spirituality in whatever form we can get it. I suspect that if anyone other than Jesus (Krishna, say, or Buddha) were suddenly put forward as being due for a second coming, millions in our postsecular society would embrace such a thing uncritically, leaving Enlightenment rationalism huffing and puffing in the rear. We are a puzzled and confused generation, embracing any and every kind of nonrationalism that may offer us a spiritual shot in the arm while lapsing back into rationalism (in particular, the old modernist critiques) whenever we want to keep traditional or orthodox Christianity at bay.
N.T. Wright
To create reality, focus beyond the outcome, as if it has already happened.
Gregg Braden
He knew perfectly well (even if he wasn’t inclined to admit it) that the material body had a spiritual aspect. He knew that “spirit,” however explained, was real, because of his own undeniable experiences—which, though he might suppress them, he couldn’t altogether erase from memory.
Sol Luckman
He said he’d heard the sound of one hand clapping. He said, once his mind took in the wondrous no-sound of holy oneness, the empty echo of eternal bliss, he was never the same. He could hear it still, he said, resounding in the ether and tickling the back of his brain.Something not normal was going on with his brain. No argument there.
Brenda Marie Smith
We can leave the rat race to rodents... but I suspect that even they wouldn't like it
Adriano Bulla
Don't stop yourself from greatness before you've begun from fear or from self-doubt. You were put here on this planet to do great things, to pioneer change by way of your own personal uniqueness, and to express yourself and share your happiness with others.
Kaiden Blake
in these shitty plastic days ...
Gillian Flynn
I’m reminded of how passionate Kuan Yin is about the importance of being human on this earth,” continues Lena.“It’s the most important thing in your existence,” states Kuan Yin. “Your existence is eternal. This phase (of your soul) is so important because you learn so much in human form. This is where the individual’s ‘spark’ of existence can expand into bigger, more powerful energies.
Hope Bradford
You are awareness, disguised as a person.
Eckhart Tolle
Spirituality is a universal currency. It is part of every religion, every faith, and every person. Everybody has a belief system.
Emma Mildon
If you can see yourself as an artist, and you can see that your life is your own creation, then why not create the most beautiful story for yourself?
Miguel Ruiz
Now is everythingNow is the essenceNow is the focusFocus on the nowFor that is the key
Karen Hackel
Even in the darkest cloudsThere are specks of joyOut of the darknessComes lightJust as dayAlways follows night
Karen Hackel
Always rememberYou are lovedYou carry the loveYou spread the loveYou radiate the loveAnd the love is returned to you
Karen Hackel
I have heard that we are spirits having a human experience. Perhaps those of us who have no conscience are dark spirits having a human experience.
P.A. Speers
Consciousness is the core of humanity. It can be a curse or it can be a cure. Only humanity can decide how to break the curse and be the cure.
Jennifer Ott
We the people, the 99% don’t fit in the Hierarchy of Modern Society; the 1 % is not an expanding entity like the Universe, the 99% will never fit in.
Nynke Visser
Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a 'hot mess' or having 'too many issues' are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.
Anthon St. Maarten
The Prayer that is answered is not of many words, but of Oneness.
Vivian Amis
Thoughts create emotions, emotions create feelings and feelings create behaviour. So it’s very important that our thoughts are positive, to attract the right people, events and circumstances into our lives.
Avis J. Williams
Focus on what you can do right now, not what you can't do right now
Avis J. Williams
To change your life, you need to become aware of yourself
Avis J. Williams
We have reached the age of denial, we have become happiness seekers, afraid to feel. We are told to think positive, to seek only joy. Stores overflow with books selling you ways to rid yourself of ‘negative’ feelings.
Aysha Taryam
The universe only exist within us. All of what is outside of us is also within us.
Avis J. Williams
Let go of how you perceive others and how others perceive you.
Avis J. Williams
We are already abundant, we have everything we need within us, to live a purposeful and fulfilling life.
Avis J. Williams
We can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we respond to things we can’t control.
Avis J. Williams
Empaths did not come into this world to be victims, we came to be warriors. Be brave. Stay strong. We need all hands on deck.
Anthon St. Maarten
Spirit does not belong to any particular religion because It has nothing to do with any religion and humanity cannot claim any exclusivity to It because we and our planet is nothing but a drop in the ocean of this endless Universe.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
Our Universe is a multidimensional one; every individual life unit consciously functions in a particular vibratory level (dimension or density) but unconsciously/ subconsciously functions in and through all the other levels, and as the awareness increases it moves to the conscious existence of the next immediate level.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
Your reality is a reflection of yourself
Avis J. Williams
You are consciousness within your body and mind
Avis J. Williams
Love brings you closer to yourself
Avis J. Williams
Mindfulness is not the path of chasing. It is the path of beautification. When flowers blossom, the fragrance spreads, and the bees come.
Amit Ray
The older Kit gets, the less confident he feels judging other people as spouses or parents. These days, driving past the home of the Naked Hemp Society, he finds himself more curious than contemptuous about their easily ridiculed New Age ways. Why shouldn't they nurse their babies till age four? Why shouldn't they want to keep their children away from factory-farmed meats, from clothing soaked in fire-retardant chemicals, from dull-witted burned-out public school teachers whose tenure is all too easily approved? Why not frolic naked in the sprinkler---under the full moon, perhaps? Why not turn one's family into a small nurturing country protected by a virtual moat?
Julia Glass
To choose not to be part of a team or religion does not make me non-religious; for my religion is Truth and I am very much in love with God. I do not need to align myself with a specific messenger if I already understand God’s message. And the way I think is not considered ‘New Age’, since common sense is not new. So long as you act and speak with love and truth in you, and are good to your fellow man — in that you treat everybody as you would want yourself to be treated, your heart will stand by God regardless of the label you have assigned to your mind.
Suzy Kassem
The key to the world is the key to your self and the key to yourself is the key to the world.
Iva Kenaz
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