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don't leave without living
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We were not put on this earth to be ordinary, we were created to be extraordinary.
Frederick E. Owen Jr.
Historic unforgotten moments made by those who broke the rules..اللحظات التاريخية التي لا تنسى صنعت من قبل أولئك الذين كسروا القوانين
Hicham LM Kamelionaire
Character and education are the wings you can give your children and they will fly to places where ordinary people cannot go
I can do it, yes I can." from "You can do it, yes you can." Think Tank Ink for Scriptwriters.
Lena "Think Tank Ink" Banks
life is hard to explain, difficult to understand but you still need life.
Malik Daniyal Sakhawat
Uniqueness is everywhere, & inside you, search for it or for someone who find it in you.
Malik Daniyal Sakhawat
It is not important how successful you are, the only thing that matters is how good a person you are...
Vedang Sati
When you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain...
Wayne J. Keeley
Knowledge is not determined by what you know, but by whether you believe you can always learn.
Bobby Hoffman
The only thing that holds back from your success is fear of the unknown
Thabiso Monkoe
Everything that happens in our life expands us and makes us more than we were before, including our ability to be happy and joyful.
Mark Susnow
If you want to learn new things in life, make you busy in finding new people.
Naveen Mayura
The sky is not the limit, it's the starting point.
Tina Mag
Things work out if you have enough faith.
Cecilia Yeung
I will be successful. May be not right away, but some day for sure.
Manoj Kudemelly
Love God no matter the situation! Always remember that He is with you everywhere! Remember that He loves you, He wants the best of you, and He is the reason you are here!
Heather Westhoven
Some consider haters, people that simply cannot be happy for another person’s success. I just don’t consider them.
Jon Luvelli
Don’t be anxious of circumstances, gain X-factor to face it.
- Aakash
No matter how many times you’ve been told no, you can do something or make it happen if you really want it badly because life is all about who delivers when you get out there”.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
I'll try once again, try my best & give my best!
Sujish Kandampully
Obstacles are the things we see when we take our eyes off our goals.
E.B. Sanchez
Nothing lasts forever, so live life large. Do all the things you've been putting off, avoid the drama, laugh it off! Make sure your loved ones know it and make every moment count.
Karen Gibbs
Always follow your passion to be successful.
Harry S. Vested Jr.
A genuine teacher does not seek to impress you with their greatness, but instead to impress upon you that you possess the skills to discover your own.
Charles F. Glassman
Sometimes it’s OK to go with the flow; you need not to be a winner, diverse, superior, special EVERYTIME.
Aman Jassal
There is an unequivocal question in every layer of a dawn's beautiful rise that asks: "What are you going to do with this one glorious day?
Melanie Gow
Motivation can be found no matter your situation, the key is to look for it. Stacey Fowler
Stacey Fowler
To think outside the box, first you need to know what YOU & OTHERS are thinking inside.
Yuikan Shirik
You shouldn't just give during Christmas and Thanksgiving you should be giving all the time.
Alcurtis Turner
Life wasn't about doubt, because if it was, we'd never get anything done.
Aishabella Sheikh
It's called entrepreneurSHIP, not entrepreneurSTAY. Don't wait. Just ship.
Richie Norton
Your life will fly by, so make sure you're the pilot.
Rob Liano
I have accepted the challenge of life, to be all that I can possibly be.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Turbulence breaks a tree’s branches, but only tickles an eagle’s wings.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Live your life so you don´t have to have any regrets when you throw your 70 year old birthday party
Herdis Pala
A star never lets anything dull its sparkle, not even darkness.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Don’t hang onto anything too tightly – all things must change and you have to allow room for them to grow and blossom.
Rachael Bermingham
In life what you ASPIRE will TRANSPIRE—be it Loss or Gain, Sun or Rain, Joy or Pain. - RVM.
The journey you start now can take you on the adventure of a lifetime...it's up to you. Education is a life-long process. Determine now to never stop learning and to never give up on your dreams.
Carol Edwards
Follow ur mind not the rest of the world.اتبع عقلك وليس بقية العالم
Hicham LM Kamelionaire
sometimes you have to get rid of the Compass to find the shore..أحيانا عليك التخلص من البوصلة لتجد الشاطئ
Hicham LM Kamelionaire
I didn't born to sit in the corner to cry on my luck , i was born to make the impossible possible..لم أولد لأجلس في الزاوية وأبكي على حظي ، لقد ولدت لأجعل من المستحيل ممكنا
Hicham LM Kamelionaire
Don't be afraid of failure because failure can help you achieve your goals.
Evan Ricafort
Follow your fears, behind the wall of your fears lies your dream !.إتبع مخاوفك، وراء جدار مخاوفك يكمن حلمك
Hicham LM Kamelionaire
it is, just a door.if you never knock,it may, never open.
JaTawny Muckelvene Chatmon
Overtime, your actions betray your heart.
Todd Stocker
Never give up from problems because your problems make you stronger and experienced..
Gagan preet kaur
If you want success, then be your own success story.
Steven Cuoco
If rocks did not persevere under heat and pressure, they would never become diamonds.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Jean-Baptiste Say may have coined the term 'entrepreneur' but he totally missed the opportunity to put it on a t-shirt and sell it.
Ryan Lilly
When righteous desires back up your motivation, you'll find that your inner gas tank will always have fuel to spare. Brick walls cannot stand in your way, detours cannot get you off track, and road construction will not make you turn around and head back. Your strength will surprise you, and whatever it is that your heart desires will eventually be accomplished.
Lindsey Rietzsch
I am on pilgrim to self-realisation.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Urgency means paying the details the attention they deserve, with the respect they deserve, without delay.
Richie Norton
When you can inspire others to dream, learn, evolve, and become one that they can appreciate and respect themselves; then you have arrived as a leader.
Vishwas Chavan
Go ahead and be ordinary. Eccentricity is extraordinary.
JT Sanz
The promise of a hopeful future is motivation for the pursuit of my dreams.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for your life to begin and start making the most of the moment you are in.
Germany Kent
Stay committed to staying focused and take action that is in line with what you want.
Mike Basevic
A product in the marketplace is the result of thought in an inner space and action more than the common place.
Ryan Lilly
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