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Motivation can be found no matter your situation, the key is to look for it. Stacey Fowler
Stacey Fowler
Being afraid is not a sign of weakness. Being afraid is a sign of a will to live, it is an indication that we place value in our lives and those in it. The only defeat in fear is allowing your fear to defeat you.
Shenita Etwaroo
Most employees are never made or allowed to understand the real meaning behind the work that they are doing. So, for how long can someone remain motivated about chasing something without knowing what he is chasing and why?
Abhishek Ratna
Motivation is internal. It has to come from within you. Do not seek it anywhere else.
Abhishek Ratna
The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
Willam James
Opportunity never comes to you but you should take initiative to get the opportunity.
Opportunity never comes to you but you should create an opportunity.
Everyday there will be something new for you but it’s depends how do you get it.
If you are struggling to get something then you should prepare your mind as you are almost reaching out there.
If you are thinking today is nothing to do for me then there is some laziness in your mind and you don’t try to elaborate your thinking for future.
If someone hates you it means he/she is thinking about you but your positivity may be changed to love...Just revise your thoughts and encourage yourself.
Tanmay Chand
If you’re too afraid to make mistakes and blunders, then better stay at your 6 by 6 cell and follow the one who is ready to make.
Sarvesh Jain
You gotta do what you gotta do, regardless it breaks her or you.
Sarvesh Jain
There is a difference between obsessive perfectionism and taking time to create something that is the best you can offer. Knowing what needs to be better and stretching to improve yourself is what separates the mediocre from the marvelous.
Suzanna Reeves
You have to be strong enough to stand up for what you believe, even if you are standing alone.
Bohdi Sanders
After a tragic incident you never remain the same. You pick up the pieces and emerge as a stronger, better version of yourself.
Trishna Damodar
Destroy the one who thinks you can be destroyed. You’re invincible. Nothing destroys you. Nothing.
Sarvesh Jain
If you’re very passionate about your dream - chase it. It’s attainable.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
People that don't know me, they might think i'm no one, but I let no one to tell me who I am, but me.
Beta Metani' Marashi
A balloon seller sells his breath till death to spread happiness, while he can't taste any of it.
Sujit Meher
See yourself in a mirror, you are a human first than anything else.
All fear in me is because of my impatience to overcome my fear & love .@mirage @image @reflections
Ankit Samrat
The less negative people you associate yourself with……the more positive your life becomes.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
Nothing is too late. It is only too late when you’ve completely given up.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
You can make your dreams come true only when you work hard and be willing to put your effort behind your dreams.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
Never settle for anything less… …Always be comfortable in your own skin.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
When you are in the presence of someone whose seed is in you, you’ve to cultivate that seed and make sure that seed depict you.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
We live in a world where our dreams are blocked by those invisible fences we carry in our mind. The only way you can succeed is to get rid of those invisible fences that are holding you back from achieving your dreams.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
If you want to reach the summit , you gotta take the hard path
Wissam Douglas
Don’t be afraid to let go of your past……it’s only but a distraction to your present.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
If your life means nothing to anyone, it does mean a lot to you and that’s what is important.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
Life can often be a competition and your greatest opponent is yourself.
Abdulazeez Henry Musa
The more you understand who you are the less chance your enemies have to bring you down
Buhari S.I
Still yourself to steel yourself.
Fakeer Ishavardas
You may be good, but who cannot be better?
Fakeer Ishavardas
By lighting another’s candle you brighten your own.
Matshona Dhliwayo
You can be all you want to be, even if the odds are against you. For it is in the darkest hours that the smallest light shines the brightest.
Deon Potgieter
Time gives our lives numerous opportunities demarcated into moments that allow us to connect the dots while looking back.
Oliver Harper
Motion is life and life is motion, and a breakthrough is a catapult move that sets goals in motion.
Oliver Harper
A breakthrough moment is an existential event that is birthed when convictions are fully conceived and willed into existence by an adverse circumstance or through the pull implicit within a well-conceived vision.
Oliver Harper
The parent of every great and lasting decision is a thought. Therefore, contemplate deeply and thoroughly and then execute.
Oliver Harper
The ability of each individual to ignite a thought and usher into reality that which was previously invisible into something visible is unique to humanity and a testament to our inherited creativity an outcome of a Creator God who has created us in His image and likeness
Oliver Harper
I am ready to burn up but not ready to rust down.
Manoj Arora
You got this. Make it happen.
Danielle LaPorte
Wisdom is the ability to use divine reaction to solve human problems.
If you're right at what you do There is no need to prove anyone That you are right
Rehaman M
Guts and Guilt run side by side. We have guts. We try to break the barriers and drop the drawbacks. We do what we could. Why do we feel guilty if everything goes wrong? It's not that we didn't try, is it?
Bhavik Sarkhedi
Authors don't have wings. We must climb the mountain, not try to fly to its top.
Rodi Szoke
We have to become vast, only then we can succeed;but we confine our thinking ability most of the times
When you become confident of what you deserve , dont allow yourself to settle for less. The power lies in YOU because no one else can be YOU." DREAM , WORK AND ACHIEVE !!!
Dipika Agarwal
Failing is easy, but climbing up the mountain requires strategy, commitment, endurance, and the iron will to keep trying till you reach the summit.
John Taskinsoy
Get out of bed. Go to classes. Try to be normal, and pretty soon all that grief you carry...it gets easier.
Kristan Higgins
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in day out Success is the not the thing we will find in a day.It takes continuous efforts and sacrifices to gain success in life. Your little efforts in a day create great differences in life.
Aamir Sarfraz (aamir rajput khan)
Life is a game. To be a world changer choose to be the player and not the ball
Mofoluwaso Ilevbare
You may start small but don't stay small
Bernard Kelvin Clive
The paths that lead to the crossroads of life; otherwise known as "transition”, seem the longest, and darkest. This is a result of the tension present between struggle and grace. The more you resist, the more anxiety and stress you will encounter. Whereas, when you let go of the expectation of where you should be, or want to be, and accept the current situation, event, or circumstance, to merely exist, you will experience God’s sufficient Grace.
Deborah Brodie
Everyone has hardship in their life. Everyone has pain.
Gayle Forman
The one who loses something is not a looser somewhere he/she is achieving more than that. You are the best just look at the mirror.
Anuj Tiwari
When your afraid of somethingyou hide behind a mask.It might be to protect yourself,But if you hide long enoughthen you forget who you really are.You must come out.
Kris Harte
When you come to a fork in the road, be still, and see with your mind's eye. There you find the clarity you seek.
Michelle Cruz-Rosado
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