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We are doing a disservice to our country when we keep on pushing the messages of miracles, signs and wonders.
Sunday Adelaja
Miracles are exceptions principles are the rules.
Sunday Adelaja
Jesus never made miracles the center of His gospel.
Sunday Adelaja
We have to believe in us. We're the miracle of modern and changing times. Share your talents and gift, inspire others and be inspired
Val Uchendu
When we pray for miracles to everyone or everybody, we are spreading corruption through the pulpit.
Sunday Adelaja
Blind nature will nearly always select the most probable, but man can let the most improbable become actual.
Hans Jonas
You know, I've always hated those stories about princes and princesses with some extraordinary ability, special because they're born special.' 'Like me?' He smiled wickedly, making me laugh a l
Marta Acosta
(I know, it's a poem but oh well).Why! who makes much of a miracle? As to me, I know of nothing else but miracles, Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan, Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky, Or wade with naked feet along the beach, just in the edge of the water, Or stand under trees in the woods, Or talk by day with any one I love--or sleep in the bed at night with any one I love, Or sit at table at dinner with my mother, Or look at strangers opposite me riding in the car, Or watch honey-bees busy around the hive, of a summer forenoon, Or animals feeding in the fields, Or birds--or the wonderfulness of insects in the air, Or the wonderfulness of the sun-down--or of stars shining so quiet and bright, Or the exquisite, delicate, thin curve of the new moon in spring; Or whether I go among those I like best, and that like me best-- mechanics, boatmen, farmers, Or among the savans--or to the soiree--or to the opera, Or stand a long while looking at the movements of machinery, Or behold children at their sports, Or the admirable sight of the perfect old man, or the perfect old woman, Or the sick in hospitals, or the dead carried to burial, Or my own eyes and figure in the glass; These, with the rest, one and all, are to me miracles, The whole referring--yet each distinct, and in its place.To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, Every cubic inch of space is a miracle, Every square yard of the surface of the earth is spread with the same, Every foot of the interior swarms with the same; Every spear of grass--the frames, limbs, organs, of men and women, and all that concerns them, All these to me are unspeakably perfect miracles.To me the sea is a continual miracle; The fishes that swim--the rocks--the motion of the waves--the ships, with men in them, What stranger miracles are there?
Walt Whitman
Jesus' miracles provide us with a sample of the meaning of redemption: a freeing of creation from the shackles of sin and evil and a reinstatement of creaturely living as intended by God.
Randy Alcorn
Eschatology is the dustbin into which we sweep everything we don't want. To believe. We believe that the Lord will manifest Himself to men, but He'll do it tomorrow, or the day after, or the next millennium.
A.W. Tozer
In any miracle, chase the causation back far enough and eventually you'll find yourself irrepressibly singing in praise of the marvelous goodness of God's creation.
Matthew Lee Anderson
Why, he wondered, was it so hard to see humankind as capable of creating miracles? Miracles were just second chances if you really thought about it-second chances when all hope was lost.
Kaya McLaren
The historical method includes the presupposition that history is a unity in the sense of a closed continuum of effects in which individual events are connected by the succession of cause and effect....This closedness means that the continuum of historical happenings cannot be rent by the interference of supernatural transcendent powers and that therefore there is no "miracle" in this sense of the word.
Rudolf Karl Bultmann
Experience and miracle are two agents crafted with different names and meanings, yet express the exact same nature. It takes a miracle to gap experience. It takes experience to close the wall of a miracle. In the end, the only real difference...is skill.
Lionel Suggs
Create Your Own Miracles, don't wait for Miracles to happen.
Steven Redhead
After all, I don't see why I am always asking for private, individual, selfish miracles when every year there are miracles like white dogwood.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
I guarantee that tomorrow there will be something that will happen, that has never happened before.That is something to look forward too.And the best part of tomorrow is that there is another one just a day later.
JohnA Passaro
You did not have to understand miracles to believe in them, and in fact Mabel had begun to suspect the opposite. To believe, perhaps you had to cease looking for explanations and instead hold the little thing in your hands as long as you were able before it slipped like water between your fingers.
Eowyn Ivey
For a Man cannot believe a Miracle without relying upon Sense, nor Transubstantiation without renouncing it. So that never were any two things so ill coupled together as the Doctrine of Christianity and that of Transubstantiation, because they draw several ways, and are ready to strangle one another: For the main Evidence of the Christian Doctrine, which is Miracles, is resolved into the certainty of Sense, but this Evidence is clear and point blank against Transubstantiation.
John Tillotson
If the Almighty chose to establish his religion by miracles, he chooses to carry it on by means.
Hannah More
Most people weren't wired to see miracles, even when one was staring them in the face.
Greg Mitchell
What makes movies magical is not that incredible things happen in them. Incredible things happen in real life. No, what makes movies magical is they end right after the incredible thing happens.
Matteson Perry
We are walking through a field of burning bushes, of the everyday heroes God puts in our lives.
Chris August
I continueto believe in miracles. But i know that miracles come to thosewho work very hard
Cinda Williams Chima
I liked James and James liked me and we both knew it and if you think about it, that's like a miracle. A real miracle. Everyone says that babies are miracles, and don't get me wrong, I love cute little pudgy babies, but if you think about it, me having a baby right now would not be a miracle. At all. But finding someone that gets me? That's the real work. That's where the miracles are.
Robin Benway
It’s not miracles that generate faith, but faith that generates miracles
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
An aged monk led me to the infirmary. "He's got the place to himself. Once the other invalids learned there was a dragon coming they miraculously got well! The lame could walk and the blind decided they didn't really need to see. He's a panacea.
Rachel Hartman
Miracles need people as much as people need miracles.
Amy Neftzger
If miracles were easy, the would be everywhere.
Amy Neftzger
Small miracles happen every day, some people just don’t notice them.
Leila Summers
Miracles don't just happen on their own you know, you got to make them happen.
Joem S. Aguilar
In the world of miracles, you ask the impossible.
Gavriil Stiharul
They blended religion and art and science because, at base, science is no more than an investigation of a miracle we can never explain, and art is an interpretation of that miracle.
Ray Bradbury
Ought we not to look upon our own history as being at least as full of God, as full of His goodness and of His truth, as much a proof of His faithfulness and veracity, as the lives of any of the saints who have gone before? We do our Lord an injustice when we suppose that He wrought all His mighty acts, and showed Himself strong for those in the early time, but doth not perform wonders or lay bare His arm for the saints who are now upon the earth.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Christ's miracles were not the suspension of the natural order but the restoration of the natural order. They were a reminder of what once was prior to the fall and a preview of what will eventually be a universal reality once again--a world of peace and justice, without death, disease, or conflict.
Timothy J. Keller
Miracles prove nothing except to those whose faith is bought very cheap, sir.
Michael Chabon
Look for Miracles
Miracles happen quietly every day—in an operating room, on a stormy sea, in the sudden appearance of a roadside stranger. They are rarely tallied. No one keeps score.But now and then, a miracle is declared to the world.And when that happens, things change
Mitch Albom
You don’t need miracles in the west. You have insurance.
Brother Yun
An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.
Francis Crick
...some of the miracles do locally what God has already done universally: others do locally what He has not yet done, but will do.
C.S. Lewis
The defining moment when we finally admit, “I can’t do this alone. Its too much for me. Take it.”That’s the moment our heart cracks open, our will pours out and Christ stands ready with his arms stretched wide and his smile even wider.That’s the moment a miracle is born.
Toni Sorenson
Never lose hope because although miracles are rare, they are possible.
Miracles are commonplace in religious scripture. Our ancient ancestors are said to have felt Jesus' wounds, verified Muhammad's ascent to heaven, and even interacted with their respective deities directly. Today, believers have no such luxury. They are forced to rely on blind faith that these things occurred, that people were at one time able to overcome or render inert natural laws.
David G. McAfee
We were a different kind of Christian, the quiet, reasonable kind, a breed embarrassed by the mention of miracles.
Karen Thompson Walker
When you look at a natural beauty, it also looks at you! Since both the viewer and the viewed are miracles, two miracles look at each other in admiration!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Humans! They lived in a world where the grass continued to be green and the sun rose every day and flowers regularly turned into fruit, and what impressed them? Weeping statues. And wine made out of water!
Terry Pratchett
When we would say 'No way,' he would say, 'My way.' Then the ones who doubted would scramble to salvage the blessing. And the one who gave it would savor the surprise.
Max Lucado
I refer to them as miracles-although some may call them fortunate circumstances-because I believe there are no accidents or surprises with God.
Don Piper
You're a miracle, Walker. Your fingers are. Your toes are. Your crushing sadness and guilt are.
Ron Koertge
Why should not He had made all things, still having something immediately to do with the things that He has made? Where lies the great difficulty, if we own the being of a God, that He created all things out of nothing, I'll be allowing something immediate influence of God on creation still?
Jonathan Edwards
Many theologians believe the Gospel writers include miracle stories in order to prove that Jesus is divine. But miracles are not proof of deity. Many Old Testament prophets heal people and even raise them from the dead, yet they are mere mortals. Jesus's miracle ministry is a demonstration that the kingdom of God has arrived. Heaven on Earth, pg. 105.
R. Alan Streett
Miracles are like murders. After the first one, each becomes easier than the last for, with each success, the miracle-worker's certainty in himself becomes stronger.
Karen Maitland
Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never even have imagined. The coincidences or little miracles that happen every day of your life are hints that the universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself.
Deepak Chopra
When you accept the fact that your true identity includes being an overcomer, you will never settle for less than a miracle.
Craig Groeschel
Were the seeds of next things always there, in the circle of the year, and was that how the world worked its miracles?
C.J. Cherryh
He does miracles when we need them—not for our entertainment or to make us feel “spiritual.
Craig S. Keener
Miracles are just formal requests, Shara thinks wildly. It's like having a form preprinted and filled out and handing it in to get exactly what you want! But you don't always have to do it that way! You can make it up as you go along, so long as you do it right!
Robert Jackson Bennett
My heart is filled with great joy.I am so thankful to God for miraculously saving my life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Miracles do happen, but, not always the way you expect them
Rizwan R. Khan
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