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A positive attitude feels a heck of a lot better than a negative one.
Susan C.Young
Learn to leverage the Law of Cause and Effect to your advantage in positive ways!
Susan C.Young
Many people go through life complaining, whining, and obsessing so much about what they don’t have that they are doing exactly what it takes to block it.
Susan C.Young
Would you like to feel a calm confidence when you walk into a room full of strangers, knowing that you can start new a conversation with anyone?
Susan C.Young
Your mindset brings together your attitude, perceptions, experience, interpretations, opinions, beliefs, values, and understanding to determine how you think, act, walk, talk, behave, and engage.
Susan C.Young
To say your mindset is critical to your success is a gross understatement—it is the underpinning!
Susan C.Young
Create and nurture a mindset that works for you rather than against you.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be optimistic rather than pessimistic— forgiving rather than a grudge holder.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be a possibility thinker rather than an impossibility thinker.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be happy rather than downhearted or miserable—hopeful rather than resigned and doubtful.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be pleased and accepting rather than angry and resistant.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be daring and brave rather than reluctant or afraid.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be a proactive participant rather than a passive procrastinator.
Susan C.Young
Strive to be active rather than lethargic—determined rather than wavering or lazy.
Susan C.Young
When you make a deliberate effort to keep your thoughts positive, and authentically feel that way, more positive outcomes are inevitable.
Susan C.Young
Your mindset buffet is filled with possibilities that can feed your heart, mind, and soul if you will simply serve yourself and go for it! Choose wisely, my friends, choose wisely.
Susan C.Young
Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations filter how you see everything in your world—and here is the clincher—you get to choose!
Susan C.Young
Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations initiate and largely determine how you experience your reality.
Susan C.Young
You wear your attitude. It is highly visible to every person you meet and shows up in the way act, live, and love.
Susan C.Young
Your attitude is the outward expression of your internal perceptions, self-esteem, and current thoughts.
Susan C.Young
Share your happiness with others—its contagious!
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will empower you to be more resilient to proactively adapt to change.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will help you edge out cynicism and pessimism to restore hope and optimism.
Susan C.Young
When adversity hits, reframe the challenge and find lessons learned; acknowledge gifts that have come from the pain.
Susan C.Young
Stretch your imagination to a new dimension with hope and flexibility—opening your world to new possibilities.
Susan C.Young
Smile generously at others and you may find that their smiles are returned right back to you.
Susan C.Young
Don’t participate or allow yourself to be dragged into other people’s dramas, complaints, or gossip.
Susan C.Young
Become a lifelong learner. Read books, watch videos, listen to audio, and seek lessons for learning how to live your best life now.
Susan C.Young
Take a moral inventory of ways you may be self-sabotaging and then take proactive steps to change them.
Susan C.Young
Be a source of positive energy and inspiration for others.
Susan C.Young
Strive to see the best in others, situations, and experiences.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will help you be more inspiring and motivating to others.
Susan C.Young
Celebrate the success of others and they will be happy to see you succeed.
Susan C.Young
Be mindful of the words in your mind and in your mouth. Choose to use an affirming and positive vocabulary because your actions and outcomes will follow suit.
Susan C.Young
Remember that your attitude towards life determines life’s attitude toward you. At any moment, you can choose to change everything for the better.
Susan C.Young
Exercise and get moving to pump up your endorphins and elevate your mood. Take an adult recess.
Susan C.Young
Wake up early, do your best, practice self-care, and finish strong.
Susan C.Young
You are the only one who can choose your attitude for you.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will stimulate creative thinking and constructive problem-solving.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will elevate your energy and invigorate your tasks.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will help fortify your courage to build unshakable confidence and self-esteem.
Susan C.Young
A positive attitude will help fortify your courage to build unshakable confidence and healthy self-esteem.
Susan C.Young
Science proves that what appears to be solid is simply moving at a slower rate. Whereas, what is moving, grooving, and flowing, has a higher rate of vibration. We as humans work the same way.
Susan C.Young
Like everything else in our world, we too are energy. Each one of us is an energy being releasing our own distinctive energy signature that is perceptible to others by way of our choices, perceptions, behaviors, attitudes, and physical cues.
Susan C.Young
You know when you feel good and you know when you feel bad. As a result, you are experiencing and displaying a wide range of energies, aren’t you? Some bring you up, while some bring you down. Start paying attention to your unique energy.
Susan C.Young
At networking events, I am a heat-seeking missile for happy, vibrant people. With experience and practice, you can develop a sixth sense about whom to approach and of whom to be wary. I'm drawn to people with positive energy. I would rather be lifted up than pulled down. Wouldn’t you?
Susan C.Young
Imagine how your positive attitude feels when you are enjoying a fabulous day—the sky is blue, the grass is green, the birds are singing—and all is right in your world. You are filled with boundless energy and joyful optimism. Life is great! And then . . . you cross the path of an energy vampire whose low vibe and toxic energy drains out every bit of yours—pulling you down.
Susan C.Young
The difference between a positive attitude and a negative attitude can be measured by its level of energy, both inwardly and outwardly.
Susan C.Young
Energy is contagious and infectious and whether it is the good kind or the bad kind—other people feel it.
Susan C.Young
Your body language is your primary language—and one that every person understands! Although it is non-verbal, evidence suggests that our body language and tone of voice can have a bigger impact and account for more of our communication than the words we speak.
Susan C.Young
Your body language continuously communicates for you, whether you are aware of it or not. Are your intended messages being well conveyed?
Susan C.Young
One of the most compelling things about you is the energy you put forth—whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. And that is only the beginning.
Susan C.Young
The way you walk, talk, stand, and carry yourself sends messages to others that can attract or repel, encourage or discourage, and impress or depress.
Susan C.Young
Using your body language to your advantage can not only improve how others perceive you, but can raise your own levels of confidence, competence, and self-esteem.
Susan C.Young
Being mindful of your body movement, facial expressions, voice tone, gestures, orientation, postures, and touch will help you project personal excellence for transforming your communications with others.
Susan C.Young
Your energy naturally produces a physical presence. I can see a person from across a crowded room and feel his or her energy. Before I've ever met them or shared the same space, I will pick up their vibe to know if she is someone I would like to know or if she is better to avoid.
Susan C.Young
We live in a universe made up of energy. The energy that binds, as it whirls and swirls physical atoms, exists at varying levels of vibration and frequency.
Susan C.Young
Throughout your life you will meet thousands of people, but every once in a while, you feel instant chemistry with a person and connect immediately. It is like meeting an old friend or returning home again. Your relationship enjoys easy compatibility and commonality. Not only can you sometimes finish each other’s sentences, but regardless of how much time may pass, you can reunite and start up wherever you left off.
Susan C.Young
Instant chemistry feels great! It is a raw, organic emotion. The art and science of relationship chemistry is still a mystery to me, but it is always a delight when it happens. You certainly know when you feel it, and that sizzle begins many a new relationship.
Susan C.Young
Ask anyone who has ever fallen in love at first sight and they will tell you—their mutual chemistry created an instant attraction. We have all known friends who went on a first date and knew instantly that they would spend the rest of their life with that person. Or, they knew instantly there was no chance because there was no chemistry at all.
Susan C.Young
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