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He knew perfectly well (even if he wasn’t inclined to admit it) that the material body had a spiritual aspect. He knew that “spirit,” however explained, was real, because of his own undeniable experiences—which, though he might suppress them, he couldn’t altogether erase from memory.
Sol Luckman
If you follow a foolish ism, how are you an intelligent being?
Fakeer Ishavardas
Like an alchemical wave sending ripples of love to every part of our being, once we become conscious of an intelligent life force existing within us, everything changes.
Atalina M Homan
The vessel dies, but the Spirit lives on.
Katy Tackes
Those who love dogs, know something about God.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Truth will screw with you every which way, before it lets you to be anywhere near itself.
Fakeer Ishavardas
If a religious book makes you harbor ill thoughts about those with differing faith, then, you're reading the wrong crap of late.
Fakeer Ishavardas
First rule of spirituality - thou shall not believe in your own bullshit.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Most probably your belief system is screwed up. And so were your ancestors, before you. And now, maybe so are you. Overcome it, you!
Fakeer Ishavardas
Any religion that cannot stand up to a modern scientific reasoning, and to rational proof, is asinine
Fakeer Ishavardas
Oh yeah, "God is great!" Well, why an't you, mate?
Fakeer Ishavardas
Religious nuts, atheists, theists, as too most scientists fail to "get" IT - the Ultimate Reality - because they seek it through ego.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Only in duality consciousness we witness this-that thing. In reality, a unity consciousness runs as the very soul of every little thing.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Strip yourself naked, of your fancied ideas about What Is. Then, seek "It". That Which Is. Otherwise, all you're going to find is dick.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Pray within. Stay within. Seek, find the Within. For, there's no heaven or hell or god anywhere but herein.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Man is this plural and collective unity in which the unity of destination and the differences of destinies are to be understood through each other.
Paul Ricœur
Seek Truth, for it is your destiny!
Katy Tackes
but bein alive & bein a woman & bein colored is a metaphysicaldilemma/ i havent conquered yet/ do you see the pointmy spirit is too ancient to understand the separation of soul & gender/ my love is too delicate to have thrown back on my facemy love is too delicate to have thrown back on my face my love is too beautiful to have thrown back on my face my love is too sanctified to have thrown back on my face my love is too magic to have thrown back on my face my love is too saturday nite to have thrown back on my face my love is too complicated to have thrown back on my face my love is too music to have thrown back on my face
Ntozake Shange
Having vision is much more than just being visual.
Heru Ofori-Atta
The Prayer that is answered is not of many words, but of Oneness.
Vivian Amis
Death has nothing to do with going away.The sun sets.The moon sets.But they are not gone.~Rumi
Jody West
Very young children often accept the paranormal as “normal” until adults squeeze it out them.
Doug Dillon
A quick enlightenment tends to do more harm than good. Wise may easily become unwise.
Iva Kenaz
Having your cake and eating it too is how Life was meant to be. Everything is possible. And the things we want the most are not only possible, they're highly probable.
Debbianne DeRose
I feel as though dispossessed from the semblances of some crystalline reality to which I’d grown accustomed, and to some degree, had engaged in as a participant, but to which I had, nevertheless, grown inexplicably irrelevant. But the elements of this phenomenon are now quickly dissolving from memory and being replaced by reverse-engineered Random Access actualizations of junk code/DNA consciousness, the retro-coded catalysts of rogue cellular activity. The steel meshing titters musically and in its song, I hear a forgotten tale of the Interstitial gaps that form pinpoint vortexes at which fibers (quanta, as it were) of Reason come to a standstill, like light on the edge of a Singularity. The gaps, along their ridges, seasonally infected by the incidental wildfires in the collective unconscious substrata.Heat flanks passageways down the Interstices. Wildfires cluster—spread down the base trunk Axon in a definitive roar: hitting branches, flaring out to Dendrites to give rise to this release of the very chemical seeds through which sentience is begotten. Float about the ether, gliding a gentle current, before skimming down, to a skip over the surface of a sea of deep black with glimmering waves. And then, come to a stop, still inanimate and naked before any trespass into the Field, with all its layers that serve to veil. Plunge downward into the trenches. Swim backwards, upstream, and down through these spiraling jets of bubbles. Plummet past the threshold to trace the living history of shadows back to their source virus. And acquire this sense that the viruses as a sample, all of the outlying populations withstanding: they have their own sense of self-importance, too. Their own religion. And they mine their hosts barren with the utilitarian wherewithal that can only be expected of beings with self-preservationist motives.
Ashim Shanker
God Father (the Creator) geometrizes, God Mother (Nature) fractalizes.
Stefan Emunds
In this lifetime we are like Superman who must remain disguised as the nerdy newspaper journalist Clark Kent, or Harry Potter and his friends who are not allowed to do magic while they are on holiday, away from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... but even Harry Potter and Clark Kent get to tap into their ‘special powers’ once in a while, especially when the going gets tough.
Anthon St. Maarten
Spirit does not belong to any particular religion because It has nothing to do with any religion and humanity cannot claim any exclusivity to It because we and our planet is nothing but a drop in the ocean of this endless Universe.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
Our Universe is a multidimensional one; every individual life unit consciously functions in a particular vibratory level (dimension or density) but unconsciously/ subconsciously functions in and through all the other levels, and as the awareness increases it moves to the conscious existence of the next immediate level.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
The Metaphoton is a web of energy fields or complexes - having three hierarchical complexes called the light complex, mind complex and spirit complex.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
The mind and the spirit can be detached from the physical body in deep meditation. Once the mind and spirit get detached from the physical body, the inner process of life becomes clear to you.
Roshan Sharma
If you do not grasp, intellectually or spiritually, the 'One' in All, you would've lived and died as your former self - ape, et all.
Fakeer Ishavardas
A crush of bodies surrounded the featureless monument. The enraged dead clambered atop their ghastly kin. Caiaphas tucked his knees to his chest and hugged his legs tightly, staring at the scores of ragged, flailing hands as they scratched for purchase over the edge of the cylinder. Metal thrummed and thunder roared, filling his head.tNow there were words within the deafening roar. t“Straaaange,” they seemed to say. tt“Daaaace…”t“Straaaangerrrr…”tThen a quick, awful chant: “CAIAPHAS! FOREVER! CAI—”tAnd with a piercing whistle it ended as his eardrums burst.
Scott Kaelen
With the fading of the final notes the saxophone player turns to me. Its baleful, otherworldly gaze bores into my soul. It lowers its instrument to the disc and extends a podgy, grey hand to point at me. It looms closer, its head expanding, arm elongating. A clammy digit brushes the tip of my nose and a tingling numbness spreads over my face like an ice-cold spider web. tA voice like the rustle of dried leaves whispers inside my head: “Forever…” The last syllable stretches, just like my grandfather’s dying breath.tAnd the beady, black orbs are no longer eyes but deep, obsidian pits…
Scott Kaelen
Anger is fleeting, whereas hostility is enduring.
Deborah Sandella
Sometimes the signs and signals of the non-language speaking world are not very clear. Then we have to walk in trust, move forward step by small step, until we are sure of the proper path.
Elaine Seiler
The universe will use any vehicle and any medium to communicate with us. Our job is to be alert and to listen.
Elaine Seiler
I felt the smile grow from within, starting in my chest and making its way up to my face. If what the guru had said about auras and energy was accurate, I must have been glowing.
Brownell Landrum
We create our own reality through our thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
Sharon Gardner
Spirit does not exist in just one location; rather it is all encompassing, living within and amongst us in each moment, thought and action. I believe that Spirit is raised to it's highest level, when individuals gather with wisdom, compassion and a discerning desire to provide service to humanity". We are all One, One Energy, from One Light. Let us band together as Humans, with love for all of humanity, living each day in harmony as we explore our spirit.
Kala Ambrose
Man lives only to learn. And if he learns it is because it is the nature of his lot, for good or bad.
Carlos Castañeda
The endlessness of the extent of that whistle resulted, without a doubt, also in an enormous metaphysical knowledge of the art of whistling, which mingled, not just with the hearing of people, but extended, in an incisive manner, to the depths of their souls, the protected corner where each one hid their things- that frightening cave, which many call the centre of their being.
Strictly speaking, it might not be a dream. It was reality, but a reality imbued with all the qualities of a dream. A different sphere of reality, where - at a special time and place - imagination had been set free.
Haruki Murakami
Do you truly believe in the worthiness of your dreams? Do you truly think they are worth the consistent effort required to make them manifest? Once you truly believe, nothing can stop you but yourself, for such belief is the same power which creates and maintains all existence.
Stephen Richards
Every decision you make in life will stem from one of two options: love or fear. Choose love.
Ross Caligiuri
If you feel like you don't fit into the world you inherited it is because you were born to help create a new one.
Ross Caligiuri
To completely understand me you must first accept that I am not you.
Ross Caligiuri
My dream is to create something so beautiful that it encourages people to present the best version of themselves to me everywhere I go.
Ross Caligiuri
Eternity will not cause our memories to fade, it will force our hearts to accept the past.
Ross Caligiuri
To struggle against the weight of sleep as reality eclipses the moon of your dreams is the purest sign of true love.
Ross Caligiuri
Cherish your existence, for memories become legacies and life can change in an instant.
Ross Caligiuri
Try to think of it as though we are rewriting history––the first time this experience occurred you and I never kissed in this Dream Machine room. But now when we leave here, and open our eyes again near the wall around the center of Constance, that kiss will be included in our memories of the day we first met. We could spend a lifetime recreating this moment here, meanwhile, not a single second of our lives would slip by back in our reality. Time seems to move differently inside of our memories.
Ross Caligiuri
As her feet beat the concrete ground beneath them, her chest began to ache. It had been a long time since she had run at a full sprint. She was, quite literally, running for her life, and leaving everything she had known before behind. Regardless of her past experiences, here she was, blindly following a girl, who was virtually a stranger, because she had promised to lead Eleanor to safety.
Ross Caligiuri
Eleanor had heard talk of the rebellion that existed inside the city of Constance before. Most of the information she gathered was considered an old fairy tale by the general public. There were a few stories here and there about people angered by their present living conditions, who had demanded that the center of Constance be held responsible for it. However, information was never passed between the five different sectors. Over the years the tales of the rebellion had become children’s bedtime stories, and people did not take them seriously.
Ross Caligiuri
Here we go,” Phoenix said, turning back to Nora. “Try not to let this room scare you.
Ross Caligiuri
Every decision you make in life will stem from one of two options: love or fear. Choose love.
Ross Caligiuri
If you feel like you don't fit into the world you inherited it is because you were born to help create a new one.
Ross Caligiuri
To completely understand me you must first accept that I am not you.
Ross Caligiuri
My dream is to create something so beautiful that it encourages people to present the best version of themselves to me everywhere I go.
Ross Caligiuri
Eternity will not cause our memories to fade, it will force our hearts to accept the past.
Ross Caligiuri
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