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The director of one of the nursing homes I have studied said, "We do not become children as we age. But because dependency can look childlike, we too often treat the elderly as though this were the case.
Sherry Turkle
Campuses are bubbles, artificial environments that insulate students from the life of the competitive marketplace. The more exact truth is that our campuses offer students the privileges of liberty without the corresponding responsibilities.
Peter Augustine Lawler
The faces of your young people in general are not interesting—I don't mean the children, but the young men and women—and they are awkward and clownish in their manners, without the quaintness of the elder generation, who are the funniest old dears in the world." "They will all be quaint enough as they get older. You must remember the sort of life they lead. They get their notions very slowly, and they must have notions in their heads before they can show them on their faces.
Thomas Hughes
if you do not share the universities' values, it could be a big mistake to send your children to college before they are intellectually and morally prepared for the indoctrination-rather-than-education they will receive there. Therefore, prepare them morally and intellectually and, if possible, do not send them to college right after high school. Let them work for a year, or perhaps travel (for example, given the antipathy to Israel on campuses, a trip to Israel would be both morally clarifying and maturing). The younger the student, the less life experience and maturity they have, the more they are likely to embrace the rejection of your values.
Dennis Prager
The very lack of explicit pressure was itself a compelling force, for it created a world in which the expectation of success was simply there, a fact of life as basic as breakfast.
H.W. Brands
There was so much – so many tests and tasks, so many tiny referenda.
H.W. Brands
A love for his child was so profound, it spilled over to all humanity.
John Howard Griffin
I was too old for my father to (be protective), too young to be flattered.
Catherine Marshall
This anxiety to keep his father from anger was wearisome to him.
Pearl S. Buck
They are full of wonder and awe and can play creatively. Sometimes they can sense things that adults often take time to perceive or know. For example, young children are able to make quick intuitive decisions about whom they will be friendly with. However, when this aspect of a child is not affirmed and noticed, it becomes hidden and repressed. As a result, young children can lose touch with a part of themselves that is already quite well developed.
Lisa Lantieri
Make me the father, O Lord, who will show my sons enough of a sense of humor, so that they will always be serious, but never take themselves too seriously. Give them humility, so they will always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength.
Thom S. Rainer
Under stress, they seek composure above all. But they do not find equanimity.
Sherry Turkle
His childhood passed in quiet anxiety.
Jen Pollock Michel
Tobin Hart calls play “the holy work of children” that helps them “find and define themselves.”[2]
Tobin Hart
Adams had gone to Harvard, Jefferson to William and Mary. Washington had gone to war.
Joseph J. Ellis
I had intended to visit the haunting ground of my school days. Subconsciously I wanted to be in a place where anxiety, responsibility and financial burden had yet to surface.
Joe Cawley
As long as my Duke remains unmarried some of the Great Houses can still hope for alliance.
Frank Herbert
It's a complex song, and it's fascinating to watch the creative process as they went back and forth and finally created it over a few months. Lennon was always my favorite Beatle. [ He laughs as Lennon stops during the first take and makes the band go back and revise a chord.] Did you hear that little detour they took? It didn't work, so they went back and started from where they were. It's so raw in this version. It actually makes the sound like mere mortals. You could actually imagine other people doing this, up to this version. Maybe not writing and conceiving it, but certainly playing it. Yet they just didn't stop. They were such perfectionists they kept it going This made a big impression on me when I was in my thirties. You could just tell how much they worked at this. They did a bundle of work between each of these recording. They kept sending it back to make it closer to perfect.[ As he listens to the third take, he points out how instrumentation has gotten more complex.] The way we build stuff at Apple is often this way. Even the number of models we'd make of a new notebook or iPod. We would start off with a version and then begin refining and refining, doing detailed models of the design, or the buttons, or how a function operates. It's a lot of work, but in the end it just gets better, and soon it's like, " Wow, how did they do that?!? Where are the screws?
Walter Isaacson
I did not come into this Army to serve one man, to serve a friend.
Jeff Shaara
The military was providing him (George H.W. Bush) with an education that was not available at Andover or Yale.
George W. Bush
My countenance in my old-age does injustice to my heart. John Quincy Adams
Paul C. Nagel
A youth is susceptible to the influence of idealist notions. As a person ages, they notice a gap between their expectations and reality and they grow more pessimistic about the world and their ability to live up to the lofty notions that inspired a younger self.
Kilroy J. Oldster
The author's differing experience of school geography as a faculty member going from parking lot to parking lot and to locations centered around HER office and her experience of the more scattered life of a student speaks to a larger truth. As adults, we are used to following the same routine and look romantically on anything different.
Rebekah Nathan
The Yale graduate who had refused to read outside the course curriculum (the future Pres. Taft) suddenly found himself inspired.
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Those of us who are blamed when old for reading childish books were blamed when children for reading books too old for us. No reader worth his salt trots along in obedience to a time-table.
C.S. Lewis
He has not shown the special interest in reading that we should like to see but he likes shop work. George H. W. Bush's parents on his Andover application
H.W. Brands
The writer as boxer says he develops by, "learning from everyone who'll spar with me.
Davis Miller
The author jokes that the culture at his first job at Entertainment Weekly chased away the worthwhile aspects of his Brown education, but in so doing he makes a subtle point about the profound impact of the culture with which we surround ourselves and how easily we can be defined and constrained by our jobs.
A.J. Jacobs
Universities, he (William Dershowitz) says, have been absorbed into the commercial ethos. Instead of being intervals of freedom, they are breeding grounds for advancement. Students are too busy jumping through the next hurdle in the résumé race to figure out what they really want. They are too frantic tasting everything on the smorgasbord to have life-altering encounters. They have a terror of closing off options. They have been inculcated with a lust for prestige and a fear of doing things that may put their status at risk.
David Brooks
Just out of high school, you didn't realize you were creating drama for the sake of drama.
Donald Miller
When you enter heaven you shall find Him there bearing the dew of His youth; and through eternity the Lord Jesus shall still remain the perennial spring of joy, and life, and glory to His people.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Every missed rite of passage leads to a new rigidification of the personality.
Richard Rohr
How do you teach a classroom of Sybils who are breaking apart and reforming right in front of you?
David Brooks
Paraphrasing Plato's Republic: "Only people who have allowed themselves to be reformed by reality have it in themselves to reform their polis for the better.
Rebecca Goldstein
The altar must be built in one place so that the fire may come down in another place.
Charles Williams
As soon as (Teddy Roosevelt) received an assignment for a paper or project, he would set to work, never leaving anything to the last minute. Prepared so far ahead "freed his mind" from worry and facilitated fresh, lucid thought.
Doris Kearns Goodwin
When I push the button on my laptop, it should start up. If it doesn’t, it can’t blame its nonexistent emotions. It should respond immediately and appropriately because that’s what it has been created to do.In evaluating my parenting, I realized much of my anger with my children arose from my having the wrong perspective about them. I was viewing them as if they were machines.
Aaron Earls
Not every story started off big enough to notice.
Tom Clancy
It took him (Washington) more than a year to gain control over his own aggressive instincts.
Joseph J. Ellis
The faster the motion, the less time to think. Fuselage journalism, Hugh Sidey of Time later called it.
David Halberstam
Youth and age touch only the surface of our lives.
C.S. Lewis
The author describes the critic within us as adults as "the selves who live too much in their heads rather than their bodies, who are burdened with too much knowledge about how the world works rather than excited about how it could work or should, who are afraid of being judged and not being loved. Most adults do not live in a world of forgiveness and unconditional love, unless, that is, they have small children.
Jennifer Senior
Make wisdom human to the adolescent mind.
Will Durant
Your children are going through life with their eyes closed, so YOU'RE the one who has to steer.
Jennifer Senior
The further you go, the more you're going to need the people you started with.
Code Black
Desire for and delight in God's Word are inseparable.
John Piper
That's the whole point of being 20. You could be a lot of things. I am much older than you are. I AM things.
No heart is as whole as a broken heart, and no faith is as solid as a wounded faith." Elie Wiesel
John Ortberg
It doesn't get any easier. You have to stay close to the people you trust so they can put you back together again.
Girl Meets World
We need alert listeners to give dignity to those stretches in our lives when we are not aware of participating in anything we think might be embraced by the kingdom of God.
Eugene H. Peterson
I rather mistrust young men who slip into life gracefully.
E.M. Forster
Topanga: Do I need to know the middle of the story?Corey: Do you want to be proud of her?Topanga: Yes.Corey: Then, no.
Girl Meets World
It was too late for he and his father to have an adventure, and NOTHING seemed to have any color anymore.
Robert Kurson
Salvation is a gift. Godliness is the pursuit.
Beth Moore
Almightiness and wisdom combined will make no failures.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The teacher-student relationship evaporated, replaced by a rich and lively exchange of equals.
Philip Zaleski
The speaker says one of the blessings of the family of God is that the enthusiasm of children influences their elders while experience seasons the younger members.
Matt Chandler
I didn't know how faith felt when it grew incrementally.
Jen Pollock Michel
Everything in Scripture is either preparation for the Gospel, presentation of the Gospel, or participation in the Gospel.
Dave Harvey
anything that changes you forever, split my life into halves: Before and After.
Ransom Riggs
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