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As a matter of fact life itself is measured by time.
Sunday Adelaja
Mhm, yeah it happen that's a fact... is it matter of time or not!?
Deyth Banger
To be closed as a person, it's not bad if you know that when this two rules, playing by your rules doesn't mean that you won't end up in jail, security why?We both know that everyone dies... it really doesn't matter who is first... in the end all die!
Deyth Banger
What is the matter with you?""You want an alphabetical list?
Elisa Nader
It is no different from the way it is on Earth, if one is paying attention. If only people would pay closer attention, to everything. Then they would know what mattered without stumbling blindly (albeit at times willingly) in the wrong direction. Man may be born to trouble, be he doesn't have to stay there.
Lorna Jane Cook
Therefore, perception, which I count as the most wonderful of instruments, has just as little reality as that of my poor senses. However I might conceive of matter, it is always something different from what I understood it to be. But it is not only that I can never completely perceive the essence of matter, but also it's that it has no being. Spray water on a hot oven and it is instantaneously vaporized, if I throw a lump of sugar into a cup of tea it melts. If I break the cup I'm drinking out of, I'll have nothing but shards - but no longer a cup. If, however, being can be turned into not-being with the flip of the wrist, then it is not worth talking about it as being. Not-being, death, is the real essence of all matter, life is only a negation of this essence for an infinitely short span of time. But the thought of the drop of water, or the lump of sugar remains immutable, it can never be broken, vaporated, or melted. So isn't this thought to be spoken of with much greater right as reality, than fluctuating material is? "From The Diary Of An Orange Tree
Hanns Heinz Ewers
Someone tried to kill me, and I’m going swimming. I’m going swimming, because it doesn’t matter. I’m going swimming, because I don’t matter. I’m going swimming, because that’s what Claires do. We swim and we daydream and we read and we wait for someone to care, and they never, ever, ever do.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
True leadership is caring about the people who don’t care about things you care about.
Richie Norton
If antimatter and matter make contact, both are destroyedinstantly. Physicists call the process ‘annihilation.
Dan Brown
The dogma of the impossibility of determining the atomic constitution of substances, which until recently was advocated with such fervor by the most able chemists, is beginning to be abandoned and forgotten; and one can predict that the day is not far in the future when a sufficient collection of facts will permit determination of the internal architecture of molecules. A series of experiments directed toward such a goal is the object of this paper.
Wilhelm Körner
At the atomic level, matter does not even exist with certainty; it only exists as a tendency to exist.
Bruce H. Lipton
What man wants does not matter.
George R.R. Martin
A hero is one who can never stop fighting for truth no matter the oppression
Topsy Gift
We are inside this plasma,and plasma is inside everything. It is incandescentin the sun, and I am curious to know if youare able to stop orbiting yourself around it even for a second.No, you are not able to do this, but you are ableto stop the truths from being spoken.All the absurd things are cool. Their spirits losetheir oxygen ions to generatethat matter in no pain. The spiritual thingsare in pulsing metamorphosis to break into pieces, orto turn back aftera hard but reversing processbefore becoming anachronistic.
Marieta Maglas- Eschatological Regression
When somebody say "Writer", I think about a person or people which have rank "Writer", when somebody ask me about president. I think about rank "president" - but in the end we understand thall people with this ranks are normal are like the people around the world poor or rich it doesn't matter!
Deyth Banger
As a matter of fact, people erroneously think that life is about spending.
Sunday Adelaja
Happiness ends with horror, you get terrified from the news don't ya?From the earthquakes, up to the danger stuff happen around the world... or you take it as happiness?So you hush it, don't ya?You make hush, and what??How it helps that, how can quietness or so far soundlessness will help you?How... how you know that god exist, how you know that all what you know is right?So far what I have read from the bible it sounds like humankind handwriting or let's say written by humankind. I doubt that gods it's like us, so far you just make him a guy who is like the guy on the street and wanting money, so far to get money you should provide some kind of service and you get the reward, without service there isn't money, it's matter of fact, not matter of moment.SO what, are you thinking about, share it... I will use it somehow, so far let's see what you have created and I will fix it. But be smart!
Deyth Banger
It is easier to believe that there was nothing before there was something than that there was something before there was nothing.
Julian Huxley
There can be no centrein infinity.
Titus Lucretius Carus
When you are dead you are independent, when you are alive your always dependent. It really doesn't matter are you there or there there is somebody above you, always!
Deyth Banger
Swearing, d’Angelo entered the elevator. Fortunately, that was also still in order. When he got to the bridge, everything looked pretty ordinary – except for the third body of the day, which was lying spread-eagled on the deck with an almost comical look of surprise on his face. Jang was dead, although d’Angelo couldn’t see the cause, but then, he was no doctor. He sighed dismally. Now he hadn’t a navigator either. Or a crew for that matter.
Christina Engela
It is wise to consider a matter carefully before jumping in carelessly.
Nabil N. Jamal
Let your actions speak LOVE. No matter what it is.
Napz Cherub Pellazo
You can't tell the audience — well, you can, but I don't like to tell the audience — that anything they're watching doesn't matter.
Dan Harmon
the Z-particle Pure energy—no mass at all. It may well be thesmallest building block in nature. Matter is nothing but trapped energy.
Dan Brown
To understand karma, you must realize that thoughts are things. The very universe…is composed not of matter but of consciousness. Matter responds, far more than most people realize, to the power of thought. For will power directs energy, and energy in turn acts upon matter. Matter, indeed, is energy.
Paramahansa Yoganandamahansa Yogananda
Matter is but the artificial division of energy.
Adriano Bulla
The pure power of a life can manifest as beatitude, or as an unspeakable, sheer violence...
Jane Bennett
You may not feel outstandingly robust, but if you are an average-sized adult you will contain within your modest frame no less than 7 X 10^18 joules of potential energy—enough to explode with the force of thirty very large hydrogen bombs, assuming you knew how to liberate it and really wished to make a point.
Bill Bryson
Energetically speaking, antimatter is the mirror image of matter, so the two instantly cancel each other out if they come in contact.Keeping antimatter isolated from matter is a challenge, of course, because everything on earth is made of matter. The samples have to be stored without ever touching anything at all—even air.
Dan Brown
If you list down whatever you didn’t get to do, then whatever you did won’t feel like it mattered.
Saim Cheeda
No matter where you are involved with, your increase must have a purpose
Sunday Adelaja
To vote or not... it really doesn't matter it = 1 vote... as for the others with one vote somebody could beat you.
Deyth Banger
Don't take anything for granted because chances are it won't be here tomorrow or for that matter, neither may you.Live for the moment and celebrate what life has given you and what you can give it in return.
Anthony T.Hincks
The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that each worker no matter the level, knows he is participating in the process of creation with God hence the dignity.
Sunday Adelaja
Who cares what time you wake up and go to bed? What matters most is what you do with your life in between.
J.R. Rim
Abstraction automatically gives rise to optimized solutions within the universal set of all possible solutions, as has been shown in this book. It is these optimized solutions that make up and drive the non-abstract parts of the world, while the non-optimized solutions remain ‘hidden’ from the material world, inside the abstract world.Starting from a basis of no postulation, we build our theory. As we go on piling up possibilities, we come to a similar basis for understanding the four non-contact forces of nature known till date. The difference in ranges of these forces is explained from this basis in this book. Zero postulation or abstraction as the basis of theory synthesis allows us to explore even imaginary and chaotic non-favoured solutions as possibilities. With no postulation as the fundamental basis, we are thus able to pile up postulated results or favoured results, but not the other way round. We keep describing such implications of abstraction in this book. We deal with the abstraction of observable parameters involved in a given system
Subhajit Ganguly
Dark matter is on the move,It's spreading out its wings,It is the culmination,Of all our bad things.It was never in the beginning,But then man came along,And changed the equation,I bid you all...So Long.
Anthony T.Hincks
We have a fundamental imperative in our lives to matter to others, to serve others, and to support each other in mattering more.
Tom Hayes
When she smiles at you, you will feel like the whole world in yours. If you really love her; else her smile wouldn't matter.
Rahul Rawat
The air around you is filled with floating atoms, sliding down the Earth's spacetime curve. Atoms first assembled in the cores of long-dead stars. Atoms within you, everywhere, disintegrating in radioactive decays. Beneath your feet, the floor - whose electrons refuse to let yours pass, thus making you able to stand and walk and run. Earth, your planet, a lump of matter made out of the three quantum fields known to mankind, held together by gravity, the so-called fourth force (even though it isn't a force), floating within and through spacetime.
Christophe Galfard
Some of us are born to Run. Some of us are born to Climb. But we are all born to Live.
Saim .A. Cheeda
So," said the Russian, after regaining is composure, "the lesson of the model is that the universe——all its matter and forms of energy——arise out of thought.
Dean Koontz
Einstein, twenty-six years old, only three years away from crude privation, still a patent examiner, published in the Annalen der Physik in 1905 five papers on entirely different subjects. Three of them were among the greatest in the history of physics. One, very simple, gave the quantum explanation of the photoelectric effect—it was this work for which, sixteen years later, he was awarded the Nobel prize. Another dealt with the phenomenon of Brownian motion, the apparently erratic movement of tiny particles suspended in a liquid: Einstein showed that these movements satisfied a clear statistical law. This was like a conjuring trick, easy when explained: before it, decent scientists could still doubt the concrete existence of atoms and molecules: this paper was as near to a direct proof of their concreteness as a theoretician could give. The third paper was the special theory of relativity, which quietly amalgamated space, time, and matter into one fundamental unity. This last paper contains no references and quotes to authority. All of them are written in a style unlike any other theoretical physicist's. They contain very little mathematics. There is a good deal of verbal commentary. The conclusions, the bizarre conclusions, emerge as though with the greatest of ease: the reasoning is unbreakable. It looks as though he had reached the conclusions by pure thought, unaided, without listening to the opinions of others. To a surprisingly large extent, that is precisely what he had done.
C.P. Snow
You matter.You are important.There is a reason for your existence.You may not see or understand how this is true, but truth doesn't cease to be truth because of doubt, blindness, or ignor
Richelle E. Goodrich
A little porch light from a distant farmhouse dimmed, feeling alone and unneeded until his smallest spark of illumination snuffed out entirely. The night fell as dark as it was quiet. Meanwhile, every secret eye within the vicinity―from insect to animal to human wanderer―stopped to blink, suddenly blinded. Their guiding light had vanished, extinguishing hope in the hearts of many. That little light had mattered, but he knew it not.
Richelle E. Goodrich
It's impossible to be involved in all situations, but there's no excuse not to be involved in something, somewhere, somehow, with someone. Make an ounce of difference.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Be glad that I haven't take out the pen, the rubber and the pencil once taken... all will die.
Deyth Banger
A good presentation = Conviction + Story + Message. Subject does not matter.
Aayush Jain
A good presentation = Conviction + Story + Message. Subject does't matter.
Aayush Jain
If he had learned anything in manhood, it was that it didn’t matter what other people thought of him—even the ones he respected. In the end, he would patch together a life, with its sorry errors and its triumphs, just as they had.
Conn Iggulden
Don't ever choose the people who don't matter over the ones that do.
Cynthia Lord
All my stories are webs of style and none seems at first blush to contain much kinetic matter. For me style is matter.
Vladimir Nabokov
No matter how great you ‘think’ you are or how successful you've become. Never forget those who have lifted you up. Never forget life's experiences, both good and bad which have shaped you as a person. You've had help climbing the rungs of life's ladder. And, those rungs can break at anytime, sending you back down to a place of humility, to remind you of where you came from and how you rose to the top….
James A. Murphy
If he had learned anything from his father’s fate, it was to win, no matter how you did it. It was not important if someone else was hurt, or killed. If you won, you would be forgiven anything. You could be taken from a stinking ger and forced through the ranks until a thousand men followed your orders as if they came from the khan himself. Blood and talent. The nation was built on both.
Conn Iggulden
Evolution is an integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion during which the matter passes from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity, and during which the retained motion undergoes a parallel transformation.
Herbert Spencer
No matter what sin you find yourself in, turn to God. Let Him forgive, heal, and restore.
Craig Groeschel
It doesn't matter are you good with the dice, you die. It really doesn't matter what are you doing everyone dies one moment, one way or other way.
Deyth Banger
It is only a matter of time before utility smart meter health damage lawsuits start winning in large numbers, and when they do they will have no option but to shut down the known biologically toxic smart meter radio frequency (RF) industry.
Steven Magee
When value systems are embraced by a nation, when the citizens of a country are truly rich in virtues, then material wealth is a matter of time.
Sunday Adelaja
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