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Where are You Now? I was there whilst you cried,I was there to comfort you with smile,I was there to give you a hand,when all faith was lost.I was there to open doors of opportunities,I was there to share my passion for life,I was there to feed you,when you were hungry.I was there to listen to your turmoil,I was there to lift your spiritwhen you were broken.I was there when you were ill and alone.I was there when you were betrayed,lied to and ridiculed.I was there to understand,to care and to share.I was there …to play, to sing, to dance,to write, to love, to create and innovate.I was there …Where are you now? …by Natasha Parker
Luisa Natasha Parker
With you, it's different. I can see the rest of my life before my eyes and that scares me a little. Men don't tame my wild heart but somehow I crossed your path and have never been the same since.
Nikki Rowe
People who hide there feelings usually cares the most
Swapna Rajput
You don’t know what love is until you find it,” he whispered, “but when you do, promise me you won’t let it go. Promise you’ll seek it out even when you’re scared it’ll hurt.
Caroline George
She was his dawn of bliss He was her dusk of wounds,Each day they came up to See and touch They couldn't stay for long But they looked perfect together ~
Tanya Gambhir
Like Cupid,your promiseswere just misses.
Timothy Joshua
It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that. A sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted but somehow always needed. It was a home that carried a heartbeat.
Nikki Rowe
Maybe love and pain are synonyms.
Vanshika Dhyani
Love does not choose belief, place, time, situations, or race. love happens between two souls.
I was such a messed up person and he was still holding on.
Holly Hood
I will not tell you our love story, because-like all real love stories-it will die with us,as it should.
John Green
Love makes you do,the best of things.Love makes you do, the worst of things,It's a feeling extreme,that doesn't exist in between.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
I was moving around with my imperfect, broken pieces until you came across and stitched my flaws with your words.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
There is something charming and peculiar about a beginning. You feel it, like the change of seasons, from winter to spring, from spring to summer. You feel it; the new blood pumping inside your veins. You feel it; a thousand butterflies fluttering around your fingers to help you fly. You feel it; on your lips, when you smile at the absurdities of life that suddenly make perfect sense.You smile... Because in every beginning, there is a rebirth. Because in every beginning, there is a layer of you that you just discovered. A layer you forgot was buried in you all this time. You smile because you are reminded of the immensity of fate. You smile because suddenly you feel so small and you like it.So let's begin my dear. This life is beautiful.
Malak El Halabi
Absence is more,thorny on the soul,than however dulcet,presence can be.Apparently,I have missed you,more than,I have ever loved you.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
It was in the horizon of existence, that the Big Bang must have created our souls, we loved each other like the plane of time doesn't hold a fleck of control over us.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
I’m a very careful man. Everything I do… Remember this… Everything I do means something to me.
Tamie Dearen
Morgan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Maybe you’re right,” she sighed, “We should probably wait.”tOwen drew back, and she could feel him studying her. She waited as long as she could stand it before she opened her eyes and grinned. He chuckled, low in his throat, a predatory gleam in his eye.
Kristen Casey
Owen folded his arms around Morgan to steady her when she crashed into him, and was enveloped by her scent, her warm softness. When she gave a scared little scream, he tightened his arms in a protective reflex. She fit him perfectly, he noted distractedly. And she was soaked: he'd seen her come in from the rain, her expression frantic, just as he had rushed in the front door. His shirt was plastered to his chest between them.
Kristen Casey
(…) Esos silencios de complicidad crean lazos, conexiones tan fuertes que ni las palabras podrían. Y en realidad no quería lazos con nadie, nada, él solamente era el hijo de mis vecinos, los amigos de mis padres, amigo de mi hermano…
Isa Quintin
¿Por qué poner tanto empeño en que yo le perdonara? ¿Realmente le gustaba tanto? Es decir, ¿yo era su es para tanto?Que no era falta de autoestima, era la antesala a reconocer que yo no podría ser lo que él quería que fuera o, pensaba que era.
Isa Quintin
Grace me dijo eso de que los abogados no saben de amor, menos uno de divorcios.
Isa Quintin
Pues eso es querer a alguien, no podemos evitar sufrimientos, solo esperar, desear lo mejor a futuro, pero si no resulta; estar ahí, callar y brindar un abrazo.
Isa Quintin
—¿Qué quería? —dije tan fresca como pude. Pero sin mirarla, sin girarme.—Supongo que hablar contigo, justificarse el muy gilipollas —Grace lo odiaba y de su odio hay que cuidarse. Si quería vengarme de Marc solo debía asentir y ella lo entendería. En dos días los medios hablarían de cualquier cosa que lo desprestigiara y estaría acabado. No era la periodista de más peso, el periódico del que era editora era muy respetable. Pero ella no iba a exponerse, la chica tiene enchufe. Que lo diga yo que gracias a sus contactos trabajaba donde trabajaba.—Ya. ¿Qué le dijiste?—Que se largara si no quería que clavara el tacón de mis zapatos en sus elitistas y traicioneros huevos.Tragué saliva, casi me reí.Era capaz, de Grace me esperaba todo.—¿Qué zapatos tenías?—Unos Louboutin muy puntiagudos.Imaginar la escena me hizo gracia. Seguro que Marc le miró los zapatos primero.—Los únicos que tienes e ibas a perderlos así…—Nunca podrían haber sido mejor usados, te lo aseguro.—Imagino que tu amenaza lo mantendrá a raya —soné muy borde, no era mi intención. Tampoco la de retractarme.—No lo sé, pero Salo se encargó de darle un par de dolorosas razones para no volver. Aunque ya sabemos que el cabrón tiene más cara que espalda.
Isa Quintin
She's my sun and I'm her moon connected by an invisible thread, bound but free.
Helena Hunting
El amor es un camino que se recorre a ciegas, ese es el truco. Cuando abres los ojos, cae el velo y desaparece la magia.
Isa Quintin
De los extraños que no lo parecen, líbrame Dios. Que de los conocidos me libro yo.
Isa Quintin
Le golpeé el abdomen mientras me reía.—¿Por qué eres tan cruel?—Porque si te digo que todo estará bien, te estaría mintiendo. Es lo lógico que extrañes a alguien que quisiste tanto, con quien compartiste parte de tu vida y frente a quien te desnudaste y no me refiero solamente al cuerpo. Pero es la forma en la que tu cerebro procesa la ausencia, vas a estar triste, tendrás recuerdos, añoranzas, maldecirás y te mentirás para sentirte mejor. Debes vivirlo, dejarlo salir, gritar, llorar… sacarlo de ti. Pero, lo peor que puedes hacer es darle más importancia de la necesaria. No te encierres ni te aísles. Habla, con tus amigos, conmigo o con los gatos. —¿Quién eres? —Le puyé el brazo.—La respuesta a tu S.O.S. Tu rescatista. Vamos.
Isa Quintin
—Soy tu héroe, ya lo comprobarás. Y eso que es algo que no buscaba.—No te creas tan indispensable. —Di un paso atrás al retomar la postura y me encaminé a la salida. El paseo había terminado.—¿Sabes lo que dicen del destino?—No.—Que no puedes huir de él.
Isa Quintin
—No te disculpes por besarme —me ruboricé enseguida—. Hay un millón de cosas malas que requieren una disculpa, pero un beso no es una de ellas. Nunca un beso puede ser una herida, un beso dice más que un montón de palabras. Y parece que lo que querías decirme no encajaba en ninguna frase, no te preocupes, entendí todo lo que tus labios le dijeron a los míos.
Isa Quintin
—Te traje algo que te va a hacer alucinar.—No le entro a las drogas. —Fingí enfado y junté las cejas.—Nunca dejas de estar a la defensiva.—Culpa a tu amigo que me enseñó a estar siempre “en guardia”.—Prueba esto y terminarás amándome.—Ten cuidado con lo que deseas, chato. Porque soy de las que lleva el amor a los extremos.—Una chica intensa y peligrosa.—Ya ves que me paso la vida entre el nunca y el siempre.
Isa Quintin
No me podía engañar, no cuando apenas si lo nombraba con Marcelo porque necesitaba decir su nombre, volver a acariciarlo en mis labios. Sentir que aún me quedaba algún derecho a sentir mío lo nuestro solo con hablar de lo que fue nuestra relación. Algún día dejaría de hacerlo, algún día dejaría de hablar de él cuando nadie me escuchaba. Solo era un ítem más a mi lista de tareas. Todos estamos llenos de olvidos pendientes.
Isa Quintin
Solamente esperaba a que mi piel fuera otra, una nueva. Otra para volver escribir sin ecos del pasado.
Isa Quintin
It was juvenile, he knew, this need to assign blame, but everyone had a right to childish emotions from time to time, didn't they?
Julia Quinn
It's me being me making you be you...
Nitya Prakash
Everyone wanted me to be the bad boy, the label wanted it, the publicists wanted it, but I was just trying to be myself.
Cassandra Giovanni
… I suppose that it is not so easy to go home and it takes a bit of time to make a son out of a stranger.
Albert Camus
I married a man who was as much a part of me as my own soul.
C.J. English
He couldn’t look back at the children. He couldn’t think of it. All he could do was watch the eyes of his wife.He pulled her to him, her body soft, her skin warm. She was life, she was his. He took her lips and tasted his freedom once more. The subtle tenderness. The hope hidden in joined breath. He took it into himself. Soaking in the peace that came with it.And even as the rustling began he felt still, he felt calm. Scratching and scrapping within the stones, and the rustle of wings. But all Eli knew was the nature of love.
Rachel A. Marks
... you’ll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you.
E.A. Bucchianeri
If someday you should ever think of me and miss me, know in your heart that I'd want you to find me once again. No matter how distant in time or space... FIND ME.
Sebastian Cole
Then, by your definition... I'm in love with you.
Angela N. Blount
Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.-Leonard Cohen
Bailey Bristol
the unexpected moment [is] always sweeter.
Julia Quinn
I hope you outlive me so I never have to know what life is like without you.
C.J. English
I am sure that God has given all his time in making you, the remaining human race has been created in haste.
Amit Kalantri
When it comes to love, Princess, rules blur, and traditions fade,
Rose B. Mashal
The soul, they say, is divine and the flesh is iniquity. But I am a musician and I ask this - without the wood and the strings of the violin, where would the sonata find form?
Kathleen Valentine
I didn't want to be the woman who gave herself over willingly to the first man to notice her. I didn't want to be the stupid girl in every novel who loved without question and entered relationships that didn't make sense.
Destinee Hardwick
Lips that have tasted the salt of tears always give the sweetest kiss.
C.J. Carlyon
Strano come certi ridicoli rituali appaiano perfettamente sensati quando si è innamorati.
Alexandra Adornetto
What comes from the heart will go to the heart
Renae Lucas-Hall
There is no cosmetic to gain a beauty like yours.
Amit Kalantri
The weakness of a man is the strength of a woman
Santosh Avvannavar
Nobody with any real sense of humor *can* write a love story. . . . Shakespeare is the exception that proves the rule. (90-91)
L.M. Montgomery
Then his beautiful lips touched hers. A fluttering of wings, a cry of angels, a single beat of two hearts.
Chris Lange
I always have many roads to travel, but I take the one which leads to you.
Amit Kalantri
You try spending six months sitting at somebody's bedside, waiting for them to die and then tell me that the happy-ending love story isn't one of God's good gifts.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Real is not Dreams, Dreams are not Real,Unless you find the fine line...and erase it
C. Elizabeth
I have a question for you. "If your shadow is the second most beautiful thing in the world, which is the first?".
Amit Kalantri
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