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When I came in and you were sleeping, I thought: There’s my soldier, exhausted from her wars.” He lifted her hand, kissed her fingers. “Now, I look, and I think: There’s my woman, soft and lovely.” Her lips curved as he undressed her. “Where do you get this stuff?” “It just comes to me. I’ve only to look at you, and the world comes to me. You’re my life.
Rose looked down to the sheet of paper, saw a number and where to sign. Butch was holding out a pen for her to take. When she reached for the pen her fingers grazed lightly against his. She felt it. She saw it. The tiniest arc of electricity. It was as if flint and steel met, just waiting for the right moment to spark the dry tinder into a burning inferno.
Grace Willows
I do not fear the darkness. It fears me.
Grace Willows
Her words echoed in his mind. I love you, she’d said. She loved him. Hope dawned in his face. Someone loved him, not for what he once was, but loved him as he was now. He bent to kiss her but she raised her head to look with desperation into his eyes. She had to make him understand why she couldn’t stay. “I love you.” She repeated. “I won’t let him hurt you or any of my new friends.” Enrico had never known fear. He knew it now. She would leave him. He knew she would, her sense of loyalty was matched only by his own. If she thought she could protect him by leaving, she would run rather than put his or anyone else’s life in danger. She loved him. The words made his heart sing and at the same time brought him the greatest despair he had known since Katrina had betrayed him.
Grace Willows
She dreamed of autumn. Of chilly autumn winds and soft fall rains. She could even feel the cool moisture as the rain drops touched her face and ran down her cheeks.
Grace Willows
Do not think of this as the end. Think of this as the beginning of eternity together . I have always loved you, I will always love you. Heaven will not stand between us and Hell hath no fury that can burn bright enough to keep me from you.
Grace Willows
What’s it like to live forever?Nicholas almost dropped the glass he had been holding. “What?”“What’s it like to know you will never die?”He should have known, he thought. She was a smart woman. “Lonely.” He said answering truthfully.He sighed. “It’s not romantic, or fun, or even exciting., It’s just lonely. I have watched everyone that I have ever loved, die. My family, my friends, my lovers and neighbors. It is not a fate I would ever wish on my worst enemy.
Grace Willows
Seth shrugged. "He's already had his funeral pyre" He glanced towards "I reckon the Devil himself was there to welcome Daniel home. " He shuddered, "Course he may prove to be too mean for the devil himself.
Grace Willows
No. He’s like me at the moment. We’re both nomadic. He’s still in the military. Currently training SEALs in Coronado, California.” “I’m sorry, training seals? To do what?” Boomer grinned. He didn’t understand why, but she so delighted him. “Navy SEALs, honey. He trains them to be smarter, faster, and stronger than the bad guy.” “Do they leap tall buildings in a single bound,” she asked without missing a beat. Boomer would not have been able to hold back the laugh if his life depended on it.
Grace Willows
Love, doesn't need any stamp of society to prove itself, it just happens
There is nothing more amazing than being with the one you love.
There is only one happiness in life. To love, and to be loved
A calm person knows their business, their words are few, but they tell and looks like it is well planned.
Rashid Jorvee
وكيف تنساني يا كل ناسي
Azza Bondok
I want a fairytale romance in a make-believe land. Let’s run through the beautiful meadow and pretend the walls aren’t closing in. One trip and the world will consume us but don’t hesitate and don’t look back. This world of make-believe survives solely on your faith.
Kayla Krantz
The dreams that surfaced upon meeting up with him again winked out of existence, stars darkening for good.
Katherine McIntyre
I was feeling like I was floating two inches above the sidewalk every step of the way. Feeling, almost, a magnetic pull back towards her and I wondered at all, if she felt it too.
Barbara Avon
She’s into authentic hearts and mind shattering conversations. Good music and quirky art. Weirdness and eccentric people. Love, kindness and genuine souls. She’s into all this and so much more.
Melody Lee
He’s everything I could want but never dreamed I could have.
D.L. Hess
Octavius, calm down.""How can I? When you touch my cousin more freely than you touch me? When I walk in, hoping to see my beautiful mate, but I see her with him!
Even monsters deserve love, they become monsters for a reason, not for the fun of it. Deep inside, you are broken, you are standing in front of me screaming for my help in the inside, just like how I am, inside and out.
Vorrei dirgli che possiamo venirci incontro, trovarci a metà strada, far scontrare i suoi timori con le mie disfunzionalità, intrecciare la mia instabilità con la sua, cercare di trovare un equilibrio tutto nostro.
Elle Caruso
My favourite sound in the world —hearing your heart beatbeat for my heart.
Timothy Joshua
Ah, my wee sprite." He released the lock of hair and leaned closer. "If learning to fly is your desire, then fly you shall.
Desiree Williams
Hope is the easiest thing that turn into dust.
Prachi Prangya Agasti
Twice or thrice had I lov'd thee, Before I knew thy face or name
John Donne
I fell in love with the expression in his eyes when he looked at me.
Jacqueline Simon Gunn
You should only fall in love with someonewhose arms are open, and strong enough to catch you.
Jacqueline Simon Gunn
All the privilege I claim for my own sex, is that of loving longest, when existence or when hope is gone.
Jane Austen
Pour yourself a cup of steaming coffee, honey, then come pour yourself into me. I need you like you need your morning fix. You need me to breathe. And today I need you to love me like a storm. Love is the only thing that will heal our tormented hearts. Love is the only thing that will set us free.
Melody Lee
Love is such a small word for what I feel. For the first time in my life, I have a reason to breathe. I’m enchanted with every part of you I know, and I only know a small part so far. I plan to spend the rest of my life searching out every hidden enchantment in your body and soul. And I’m going to cherish and protect you with every fiber of my being. So, do I love you? No… I lovelovelove you.
Tamie Dearen
From the moment I’ve met you, I’ve tried to play the hero in your story. But the closer I get to you, the more I realize that you don’t need one.
Tessa Clare
I, Roman Irvine, am in love with April McIntyre. I love her, even though she’s moody, spoiled, and slightly high maintenance. I love her, even though she refuses to acknowledge how kind-hearted and selfless than she is. I love her, and she’s the only girl that I could ever want in my life.
Tessa Clare
I’m a very careful man. Everything I do… Remember this… Everything I do means something to me.
Tamie Dearen
My fingers are wet. I haven’t even got passed your panties yet.
Nicky Fox
Hunter Westley, you can’t just go around kissing people. She’s so cute.Not people Lenora, just you. Only you.
Nicky Fox
It’s as if our bodies know the secret that we don’t wish to admit yet.
Nicky Fox
That kiss was amazing. Our lips were meant to meet and do wicked things to each other.
Nicky Fox
Morgan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Maybe you’re right,” she sighed, “We should probably wait.”tOwen drew back, and she could feel him studying her. She waited as long as she could stand it before she opened her eyes and grinned. He chuckled, low in his throat, a predatory gleam in his eye.
Kristen Casey
But because of you, I learned to love and not fear. Because of you, I can be loved and not be tormented. Because of you, I feel like a woman and not a victim.
Terri E. Laine
I wish I knew how to calibrate my kiss the way he did but passion allows us to hide more.
André Aciman
(…) Esos silencios de complicidad crean lazos, conexiones tan fuertes que ni las palabras podrían. Y en realidad no quería lazos con nadie, nada, él solamente era el hijo de mis vecinos, los amigos de mis padres, amigo de mi hermano…
Isa Quintin
Grace me dijo eso de que los abogados no saben de amor, menos uno de divorcios.
Isa Quintin
Pues eso es querer a alguien, no podemos evitar sufrimientos, solo esperar, desear lo mejor a futuro, pero si no resulta; estar ahí, callar y brindar un abrazo.
Isa Quintin
I get it. Traveling halfway across the world to run into the boy you grew up with, getting back together after years apart—that’s an epic fucking fairytale. I don’t blame you for being seduced by it. I guess I just thought what we had was better. You know, because it was real.
Paula Stokes
—¿Qué quería? —dije tan fresca como pude. Pero sin mirarla, sin girarme.—Supongo que hablar contigo, justificarse el muy gilipollas —Grace lo odiaba y de su odio hay que cuidarse. Si quería vengarme de Marc solo debía asentir y ella lo entendería. En dos días los medios hablarían de cualquier cosa que lo desprestigiara y estaría acabado. No era la periodista de más peso, el periódico del que era editora era muy respetable. Pero ella no iba a exponerse, la chica tiene enchufe. Que lo diga yo que gracias a sus contactos trabajaba donde trabajaba.—Ya. ¿Qué le dijiste?—Que se largara si no quería que clavara el tacón de mis zapatos en sus elitistas y traicioneros huevos.Tragué saliva, casi me reí.Era capaz, de Grace me esperaba todo.—¿Qué zapatos tenías?—Unos Louboutin muy puntiagudos.Imaginar la escena me hizo gracia. Seguro que Marc le miró los zapatos primero.—Los únicos que tienes e ibas a perderlos así…—Nunca podrían haber sido mejor usados, te lo aseguro.—Imagino que tu amenaza lo mantendrá a raya —soné muy borde, no era mi intención. Tampoco la de retractarme.—No lo sé, pero Salo se encargó de darle un par de dolorosas razones para no volver. Aunque ya sabemos que el cabrón tiene más cara que espalda.
Isa Quintin
She wrote love with her smile and magic with her eyes.
Giovannie de Sadeleer
Read this first volume and you'll want to finish the next two--300,000 words in total--with the first 90,000 setting the stage for a life-affirming masterpiece, and characters you will never forget!
Frank Audrain
I will come back for you as soon as I can." He stared at her, running a hand over his short beard. "I was about to promise you that I will get back, but the truth is, I could get captured by my uncle and his men. Many other things could happen, and I don't want to leave you.
Melanie Dickerson
Edward chuckled into her mouth.
Kristen Casey
El amor es un camino que se recorre a ciegas, ese es el truco. Cuando abres los ojos, cae el velo y desaparece la magia.
Isa Quintin
De los extraños que no lo parecen, líbrame Dios. Que de los conocidos me libro yo.
Isa Quintin
Le golpeé el abdomen mientras me reía.—¿Por qué eres tan cruel?—Porque si te digo que todo estará bien, te estaría mintiendo. Es lo lógico que extrañes a alguien que quisiste tanto, con quien compartiste parte de tu vida y frente a quien te desnudaste y no me refiero solamente al cuerpo. Pero es la forma en la que tu cerebro procesa la ausencia, vas a estar triste, tendrás recuerdos, añoranzas, maldecirás y te mentirás para sentirte mejor. Debes vivirlo, dejarlo salir, gritar, llorar… sacarlo de ti. Pero, lo peor que puedes hacer es darle más importancia de la necesaria. No te encierres ni te aísles. Habla, con tus amigos, conmigo o con los gatos. —¿Quién eres? —Le puyé el brazo.—La respuesta a tu S.O.S. Tu rescatista. Vamos.
Isa Quintin
—Soy tu héroe, ya lo comprobarás. Y eso que es algo que no buscaba.—No te creas tan indispensable. —Di un paso atrás al retomar la postura y me encaminé a la salida. El paseo había terminado.—¿Sabes lo que dicen del destino?—No.—Que no puedes huir de él.
Isa Quintin
—No te disculpes por besarme —me ruboricé enseguida—. Hay un millón de cosas malas que requieren una disculpa, pero un beso no es una de ellas. Nunca un beso puede ser una herida, un beso dice más que un montón de palabras. Y parece que lo que querías decirme no encajaba en ninguna frase, no te preocupes, entendí todo lo que tus labios le dijeron a los míos.
Isa Quintin
—Te traje algo que te va a hacer alucinar.—No le entro a las drogas. —Fingí enfado y junté las cejas.—Nunca dejas de estar a la defensiva.—Culpa a tu amigo que me enseñó a estar siempre “en guardia”.—Prueba esto y terminarás amándome.—Ten cuidado con lo que deseas, chato. Porque soy de las que lleva el amor a los extremos.—Una chica intensa y peligrosa.—Ya ves que me paso la vida entre el nunca y el siempre.
Isa Quintin
No me podía engañar, no cuando apenas si lo nombraba con Marcelo porque necesitaba decir su nombre, volver a acariciarlo en mis labios. Sentir que aún me quedaba algún derecho a sentir mío lo nuestro solo con hablar de lo que fue nuestra relación. Algún día dejaría de hacerlo, algún día dejaría de hablar de él cuando nadie me escuchaba. Solo era un ítem más a mi lista de tareas. Todos estamos llenos de olvidos pendientes.
Isa Quintin
Did she know, could she know what it meant to him when she turned to him, when she opened herself to him like this? In absolute trust. Her strength, her valor remained a constant wonder to him, as did her unrelenting determination to defend those who could no longer defend themselves. These moments, when she allowed her vulnerabilities, her doubts, her fears to tremble to the surface compelled him to take care. In these moments he could show her it wasn’t just the warrior he loved, he treasured, but the woman, the whole of her. The dark and the light.
When you enter a relationship, ask yourself: Will I be prisoner to an idol by seeing the body, or free in relationship by seeing the soul?
Dragos Bratasanu
Love is what remains after the falling in love is gone.
Dragos Bratasanu
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