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They beg you for transparency. Yet when you give them a peek behind the curtain shrouding your hear, they run in sheer fright.
Alfa H
There are days when I want to dip my soul in memories and just soak. Then there are others where I'm praying they'll be washed away.
Alfa H
I never needed a Man. I needed a Viking. I needed someone who wasn't afraid of my strengths, or of my needs. I chose wrong... in the past. I thought I had to find someone who could put up with my hunger for life. But I was so damn wrong. I needed a Viking. I needed someone who would admire all the things about me that tepid men were intimidated by.
Alfa H
... I don't know what I feel anymore, or maybe it's that I don't know HOW to feel anymore. I question every move I make, every breath I take, and every flutter of an eyelash. I've developed a twitch from always being on guard. I'm alert at night, and numb during the day, but I'm always ready. Maybe, I can intercept tragedy from striking again.
Alfa H
What is it about those unresolved endings that cause you to question every decision when you're trying to move forward?
Alfa H
I hurt in places that you brought back from the dead. Now I have to lay them to rest again.
Alfa H
I didn't have to say a word. My love for him appeared upon my flesh like virgin tattooed skin.
Alfa H
Keep yourself as busy as you can. Try and forget. But even with 7 billion other distractions... you don't forget me.
Alfa H
He loved me, but in a lukewarm way. I needed scalding, but he loved in one temperature; tepid.
Alfa H
When the sun grew too hot we went into the wood where waves of Bluebells dashed around the foot of the Oak in front of us... I never knew before, the delight of offering oneself up; I even longed for some self sacrifice, to have to give up something for her sake. It intoxicated me to think I was making another happy...
W.N.P. Barbellion
I was head over heels, now I just see my heel in your head
Alexandra Harvey
Kiss her gypsy soul and love her for the wild rose she is.
Melody Lee
Our love is immortal. We have become a love story. I siphoned the moments from my heart and soul, and I have inked them into beautifully bound pages. We live on for another generation to try and understand how the beauty of love can turn into ugly reality.
Alfa H
How I wish I only felt using my hands and not with my whole heart.
Alfa H
I saw a sadness shivering in his eyes that night. They resemble a heart flat-lining. I wanted to ask him what put it there, but he blinked... and it was gone. And I knew that a man who could control pain so exquisitely had no business paying with my heart.
Alfa H
Your memory straddles my mind.
Alfa H
She tells everyone she's taken. Yet her heart whispers: he's taking too long.
Alfa H
There are days when my imagination in my enemy. It likes to keep me company in my darkest of times and romanticizes a past that was more of a horror story than a fairytale.
Alfa H
I'm not afraid of anything anymore. I've found out Ghosts don't hide under my bed or in my closets either. They exist in plain sight - everyday; Conjured up by 'our song' playing on the radio. By the mailman's blue eyes that are so like yours I could get utterly lost in them. They come as raindrops, kissing my skin... the way you used to. Ghosts are everywhere.
Alfa H
It was in the words he didn't say... that I found all the answers to my questions.
Alfa H
True love will break you, it devotes to break your beat up, broken heart awaiting to repair and align you to your true purpose.
John Maiorana (oohGiovanni)
Those with wild hearts love biglove fiercelylove with every fiberof their feral being.
Melody Lee
I may be lost, but I'm traveling the right way.
Melody Lee
Such hungry desperation in a single kiss when it's enamored in love and bathed in bliss.
Melody Lee
Silence can be lovely or disturbing, depending on the source.
Melody Lee
I wear the words we didn't say. My heart is clothed in them every day.
Alfa H
You think it's easy to forget someone who made you look forward to tomorrow... And I hope you never experience convincing a paralyzed heart to keep on beating when it simply wants to die.
Alfa H
She knows he's not the same. He's different now. The eyes that once held too much contain nothing at all. He is colorless. Faded like sun-drenched wallpaper. The man that stands before her has no answers to her questions, and no ointment for her fears.
Alfa H
Having to explain to someone how they hurt you, always feels like an ass kicking... again.
Alfa H
I've never met anyone who loves in the same way. But that's the beauty of finding the heart meant for yours. The right love will accept the 'not so lovable' parts of you too.
Alfa H
Like yourself, just as you are. Don't look at people and measure your self love by what they project in order to make themselves happy. Take a long look. You don't want their lives anyway. You don't like anything they do, say, or portray. Why then have you been so hard on yourself? You don't deserve to be treated that way.
Alfa H
I hear you knocking but I can't let you in. The last time almost killed me. Love, My heart
Alfa H
I knew he was the one when he mended my wings and looked forward to where they would take me. Embrace those who encourage your growth... who don't fear the journey into Wonderland, Neverland, Whereverland.
Melody Lee
I fell out of love with him and he thought I fell in love with someone else, I did. I fell in love with me.
Melody Lee
We met at the blue lagoon on the even of a full moon. Dancing wild like those gypsy girls, with their messy hair and glittering eyes. We made magic behind the mangrove trees and ended up with bruised knees, as the sound of the win and the waves serenaded us late into the sweet bohemian night.
Melody Lee
You keep playing with what broke you,then wonder why you don’t heal.Leave the wound alone,throw away the poison,and watch the magic of recovery.Your wings of wisdom are ready for flight.
Melody Lee
When our eyes met, I felt your intake of breath. I knew then I wasn't alone in my feelings. You were trying to hold on to normalcy as much as me. But baby, what we felt was anything but normal. The damn planet stopped moving... and it didn't start up again until you reached out and touched me.
Alfa H
I have waltzed with wolves and howled at the moon. But my heart will always remember the slow-dance that ended much too soon.
Alfa H
You are not disposable. I know you feel that way when people choose to walk out of your life, but their emptiness causes space. And that vacant area of your life is desperately crying out for the one meant to take up residence. Let the angry tenant go. You don't want someone staying because you've begged and pleaded for their occupancy. You want the one who sees your quaking heart and says: "Honey I'm home".
Alfa H
Love does not pay attention to timetables or knock when it is convenient for you. True love shows up unexpectedly, bags fully packed, daring you to offer it a place to stay.
Alfa H
Love is not complicated. It just 'is'. The complicated part is finding two souls who are feeling it as the same time in their lives... and for each other. Feeling it so deep that they're willing to fight every second of the day to keep it alive. That's the complicated part.
Alfa H
That you were able to walk away, gives me my answer as plain as day.
Alfa H
Be careful with those promises who whisper while wooing and loving someone. There are those that take them to heart, and some who take them to soul.
Alfa H
We are the kind of Love Story that keeps souls awake at night and causes hearts to have stage fright.
Alfa H
I'm still in love with the parts I believed to be true. All the lies that began and ended with 'I love you'.
Alfa H
I loved him... much more than I liked him. And therein was the beginning of the end.
Alfa H
Nothing is as endearing as a handwritten letter scribed by the person who holds your heart spellbound.
Alfa H
A relationship is about recognising (re-cognising or re-knowing) in every moment the other as the beautiful soul that he or she is.
Dragos Bratasanu
Human relationships are binary: they are complete and fully loving when both people are authentic or they are not at all.
Dragos Bratasanu
It takes a strong man to be with a woman full of fire and stars and all of October.
Melody Lee
There is nothing like young love. It comes at a time before the heart knows to protect itself, when everything important is raw and exposed—the perfect environment for a soul-sucking, heart-crushing burst.
Alessandra Torre
With all our reasons for living. Through our love and laughter, there's an unmistakable truth. The most valuable love in the world is a healthy relationship with our children.
Ron Baratono
This is how you lose her.You lose her when you forget to remember the little things that mean the world to her: the sincerity in a stranger’s voice during a trip to the grocery store, the delight of finding something lost or forgotten like a sticker from when she was five, the selflessness of a child giving a part of his meal to another, the scent of new books in the store, the surprise short but honest notes she tucks in her journal and others you could only see if you look closely.You must remember when she forgets.You lose her when you don’t notice that she notices everything about you: your use of the proper punctuation that tells her continuation rather than finality, your silence when you’re about to ask a question but you think anything you’re about to say to her would be silly, your mindless humming when it is too quiet, your handwriting when you sign your name on blank sheets of paper, your muted laughter when you are trying to be polite, and more and more of what you are, which you don’t even know about yourself, because she pays attention.She remembers when you forget.You lose her for every second you make her feel less and less of the beauty that she is. When you make her feel that she is replaceable. She wants to feel cherished. When you make her feel that you are fleeting. She wants you to stay. When you make her feel inadequate. She wants to know that she is enough and she does not need to change for you, nor for anyone else because she is she and she is beautiful, kind and good.You must learn her.You must know the reason why she is silent. You must trace her weakest spots. You must write to her. You must remind her that you are there. You must know how long it takes for her to give up. You must be there to hold her when she is about to.You must love her because many have tried and failed. And she wants to know that she is worthy to be loved, that she is worthy to be kept.And, this is how you keep her.
Junot Díaz
How do you know they aren't the one? At the first sight of total disregard for your hurt, your gut will feel uneasy. I'm reminding you to listen up.
Alfa H
If I had known his favorite game was mental twister, I would have suggested a movie over game night.
Alfa H
Let me be clear. I applaud self love. I appreciate self value. But if you're not capable of loving another person just as much... you will never experience true love.
Alfa H
I never asked anything of him, yet he gave me everything. he did not run...
Alfa H
Did you ever love someone," Lucy says, "and know they love you, and you're attracted to them, and you know they're attracted to you, and so many things are exactly right, but it doesn't matter, because the few things that are wrong are completely, totally fucked?
Kristin Cashore
It was no mere accident you were sent to me, perfect synchronicity. Familiar souls wrapped in skin, brought together through time again.
Melody Lee
She wasn't chaos. She was more of a slow burn that caught in your heart... and then you had no choice but to engulf her all at once. She was home.
Alfa H
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