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We would not want the joy of physical and sexual intimacy to fade after years together. We need to also remember to keep our intellectual and emotional intimacy every bit as sacred.
Cathy Burnham Martin
Some people think that it’s okay to be downright nasty to people they love. It is not okay. Nasty is never called for, and it’s certainly not sweet, useful, nor positive.
Cathy Burnham Martin
Past misdeeds must only serve as a reference point in calm conversation about lessons learned or actions that taught us to behave better. They should never be bantered about with sarcasm, anger, or nastiness.
Cathy Burnham Martin
Appreciation and respect are mutual needs. We may be wired differently as men and women, but some needs are parallel human needs.
Cathy Burnham Martin
It takes a strong woman to tolerate a weak man. That said, it takes a strong man to tolerate a weak woman, too.
Cathy Burnham Martin
If love was absent, you would not feel disappointed; you would feel indifferent.
Staci Bartley
When things are falling apart, know they are actually falling into place.
Staci A. Welch-Bartley
The two of them became an instant couple. Very Romeo and Juliet without the wonky families and tragic double-suicide thing.
J. Saman
But he knew she was a star, and he, only human. He was never meant to reach the stars - he could only admire them from afar.
Timothy Joshua
I think the reward of you is worth the risk.
Jen Frederick
You can't stop me from liking you. It's just a thing. Like the sun rising and the tides coming in.
Jen Frederick
Relationships take skill, not perfection or luck!
Staci Bartley
Young girls often feel strong, courageous, highly creative, and powerful until they begin to receive undermining sexist messages that encourage them to conform to conventional notions of femininity. To conform they have to give up power.
Bell Hooks
Katherine feels that she must have learned something about marriage from being married before that is now working to her benefit. However, she doesn't know quite what it is, or how, actually, it works.
Joy Williams
I'm water... If you're oil, we'll clash. If you're a flower, I'll nourish you. If you're a light, I'll reflect you. If you can't swim, you'll drown in me. If you're up for adventure, I'm endless entertainment. I'm just being me. If we don't fit, it's not my fault, nor yours. You be you. I'll be me.
Steve Maraboli
Our need for instant gratification is the reason we’re drawn to liars and hot air blowers.
Izey Victoria Odiase
Very often it seems that people assume that by cutting the wings of others, it becomes easier to love them. They know so little about love that end up creating a perception of love that is devilish and demoniacal. And I end with no other choice but to remain single and let them go.
Robin Sacredfire
...There's a difference between desire and desperation. You should never want a guy more than he wants you.
Dream Jordan
You stop talking about things when you’ve worked them out. You’re no longer an observer but a participant. You’re too busy for this bullshit.
Caitlin Moran
If we were all looking for something 'easy come and easy go', then all of our lives would be easy. The problem is that we look for something real, don't we? And it is this longing for what is real, that makes finding the right person to be the most difficult task in the world. You can marry someone and promise the rest of your life to the person, only to find out later that this person makes you feel lonely. If we had no innate longing for true love and for true partnership, then none of us would have any problems! Therefore, the most frightening question to ponder upon, is, 'what if true love does not exist; what if the real stuff isn't real at all?' In such a case, life would be meaningless. I suppose I would rather believe in love relentlessly, than live in this world meaninglessly.
C. JoyBell C.
It really is quite simple. All women really want is to be needed, valued and loved above anyone else and they will make you a keeper. It's your actions she is paying attention to, not your words.
Shannon L. Alder
On Valentine’s Day, we are reminded what our relationships could be like the other 364.
Steve Maraboli
Relationships are like broken glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put the pieces back together
Alex Haditaghi
Never again will I justify the scars just because I loved the person holding the knife.
Steve Maraboli
Love always doesn't come across as bad, but it always has two sides.
People use masks in public and then wonder why their personal life, their relationships, don't work. If you're not being honest with others, there's nothing real about yourself to learn and, the wider the gap, the deeper the suffering. The heart wasn't meant to be closed in a box made of fake feelings and thoughts.
Robin Sacredfire
There’s a reason for the word heartbeat not be called beat of heart. The perfect woman only needs a good beat. The heart will follow. Emotions, when put in equilibrium with reason, create more miracles than any emotion, no matter how strong, deprived from reason. This is why it’s much easier to love a woman that can play the drums or any other instrument with rhythm, than one that believes in unreasonable magic, simply because there’s more magic in reason than in the lack of it. You see, loving someone that you truly want to love, someone you admire, someone you want to spend your time with, helping, sharing and growing together, makes much more sense than expecting someone to love you for no reason than your will, needs and desires. And when humans understand this, they will understand love, find it easily and never lose it again.
Robin Sacredfire
The biggest milestone in a relationship is when you can fart in front of each other freely and loudly. Without judgements
You can't compare men or women with mental disorders to the normal expectations of men and women in without mental orders. Your dealing with symptoms and until you understand that you will always try to find sane explanations among insane behaviors. You will always have unreachable standards and disappointments. If you want to survive in a marriage to someone that has a disorder you have to judge their actions from a place of realistic expectations in regards to that person's upbringing and diagnosis.
Shannon L. Alder
Dear lover, pull my ears and not my legs for it is better to be cautioned than to be lied to.
Temitayo Olami
Despite the experiences that put me in the spotlight as the co-creator of my wisdom, the human part of me keeps burning, like an alchemical process that I both accept and want to refuse. You see, it's hard when I notice women falling in love with me, and then destroying everything at the same time. And so, I'm changing the world as much as this world is changing me. The two things are inseparable.
Robin Sacredfire
We make the journey back to extraordinary love much more difficult for ourselves when we jump back in too quickly. It creates emotional chaos instead of the escape from pain we were hoping for.
Staci A. Welch-Bartley
I wish for you the wisdom to realize that you can let go of a past relationship without letting go of the lessons it taught you.
Steve Maraboli
I feel the ground slipping under my feet, and just as I am about to fall off the precipice, you draw out a rope and pull me into the safety net of your embrace. That's the thing - I can never trust you to rescue me, and yet you do. Unfailingly.
Rosalyn D'Mello
Every broken heart has screamed at one time or another, "I want to know why!
Shannon L. Alder
The grass remains green only as long as you water it. Similarly, a relationship remains fresh only as long as you nurture it with love.
Uma Shanker
Everyone knows that how to love, But every relationship do not come out as romeo and Juliet.
Yaganesh Derasari
I thought it would feel empowering to just sleep with whomever I wanted to, but I wasn’t built that way. I just wasn’t honest enough with myself to know that at the time.
Teresa Lo
Relationships are like walls painted off-white and every time you’ll hurt me, it will be like resting dirty shoes on them, like bashing holes in the walls, one after the other. And then there will come a day, where the walls will be filled with so many holes, that there wouldn’t be any place left for you to place the tiniest kiss. Only then will I walk away for good.
Malak El Halabi
There was warmth in his large piercing brown eyes. The kind of warmth that tucks a child into bed. The same kind of warmth that dries your wet hair on a rainy December afternoon.
Malak El Halabi
My name is Jasmine Lewis, and this is my story. It’s a cautionary tale about money, sex, and power, but I guess those words are redundant. Money is always about sex and power. And sex is always about power. And why have power if you can’t have sex and money?But anyway, this is a story about money, sex, and power. This is the story of The Sugar Baby Club.
Teresa Lo
I want to be the thought that takes your mind off the road and your hand off the steering wheel.
Malak El Halabi
Our mornings were never "rise and shine." They were "rise and fight." They were loud and ravaging. They were heavy and unnerving, like the after-math of a war, with unresolved territorial disputes. They were never serene, but they were beautiful. More beautiful than the smile you wear when you step out of the shower, more tempting than the sight of you brewing coffee from across the kitchen bar, more promising than a glorious victory, bigger than all our tumultuous past. Bigger than you. Bigger than I.
Malak El Halabi
Eating your own heart simply to keep the strangers from tasting: a suicide.
Erica Alex
There is strength in forgiveness.
Ellen Hopkins
You, too, were supposed to be a one-night stand. A quick fix. A conquest. A ten-line poem in my grand anthology of lovers.But you altered the narrative, you marked your territory on my timeline o that as I look back, I find I can neatly divide my more recent past into two unequal halves: before you and after.
Rosalyn D'Mello
Honour the way a stranger can make sense in your world. Most people have been around for years without shaking our core & then one small instant in time, we cross paths with that one person who before them we didn't know what we were exactly looking for. Over 6 billion people I share this planet with and I've only felt that soul shaking, jaw dropping connection 4 times. Believe me when I say it's rare and you definitely owe it to yourself to honour it.
Nikki Rowe
Real relationships happen in person not through a device.
Staci A. Welch-Bartley
I wish not to tell you how I feel,I choose silence so that you leave,Kiss me goodbye and set me free...
Sanhita Baruah
There’s a universalunderstanding betweenmen of the silent sorrowa man endures whenhe loses a woman heloves
Phil Volatile
Two kinds ofpeople will love you:those who confessit, and those whoshow you, likecards on a table,because love isa gamble
Phil Volatile
It is still because of our self-image that we tend to forget answers that may jeopardize our future at crucial moments, or to communicate words that offend who we love the most when we believe we don’t deserve the love of another person.
Robin Sacredfire
AdiosHer pretty picturelying on theground was likethe topplingof somefascistregimeAnd burningthe photograph,was thecelebration
Phil Volatile
Ultimately, a woman’s nature loves the desire to be desired, a passionate and uncontrollable desire. Sometimes it comes with a sacrifice or greater investment than usual.
John Shelton Jones
So while I was busy saving you from Hell,you were pushing me further to it; the poison murdering me well.
Shannon Perry
Something must bevery wrong,' it said,and I agreed,although it turned outthe author meant that 'no theoryof physics should produceinfinities with impunity.'I’d point out that every theoryof the heartproduces infinitieswith impunityif I were the kind of jerkwho uses the heartto mean the humantendency to makeothers sufferjust because wehate to sufferalone. I’m sorryI brought a fitted sheetto the beach. I’m sorry I’m selfish and determinedto make the worstof everything. I’msorry language is a ship that goes downwhile you’re building it.The Hesychasts of Byzantiumstripped their prayersof words. It’s been triedwith poems too. But insofaras I am a disappointment to myself and others, it seems fittingto set up shop in almost and not quite and that’s not what I meant. I draw the line at the heart,though, with itsinfinities.
Michael Robbins
Take caution when declaring war because you may believe it will be easy, but war will always end in despair.
If you ever want to know how a man truly feels about you, do absolutely nothing. Then you'll have your answer.
Miya Yamanouchi
Love. It’s the complex chemistry of a blind heart and a distracted mind. Love is a shapeshifter. Love walks along the same path as hate. Love makes us whole. Love makes us weak. Love drives us to insanity. Love can be a curse. Love is a miracle.
Julie Anderson
Relation is when each have Same words to speak, Conversation will be Awesome.
Yaganesh Derasari
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