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I love poetry, but I often wonder how poetry feels about me.
Delano Johnson
Love me...with all the abandonof a sudden wild rain.
Sanober Khan
A town loved with bitter love.
Anna Akhmatova
Love is like a white geranium.It grows like a weedoverpowering the ground–if you don’t take care of itprune itshape itit climbs wallsand hidesinsectsthat slowly eat at itmaking it die.Easily grownand easily withered.
Isabel Quintero
I'm two days away from day after tomorrowCounting the hours to my upcoming sorrow Suddenly I lookinto the eyes of my childThen all sadness goneas I smile the way she smiled
Munia Khan
I crouch in cornersThe infection is widespreadLove epidemic
A.A. Patawaran
These poems are cupsthat I pour my love into.Here, Drink!
Kamand Kojouri
She is the light,at the end of this endless tunnel.
Vivid Darkness
No misery ever so beautiful than the one this mind creates.
Vivid Darkness
You burn like a candleinside my soul,showing me a waythrough this darkness.
Vivid Darkness
Do not forget about the thorns on the roseswhen you say that love is like a red red rose.
Isabel Quintero
Cliche is Truth's most loyal friend...
Rafael Reyes
Cover mine eyes, O my Love! Mine eyes that are weary of bliss As of light that is poignant and strong O silence my lips with a kiss, My lips that are weary of song! Shelter my soul, O my love! My soul is bent low with the pain And the burden of love, like the grace Of a flower that is smitten with rain: O shelter my soul from thy face!
Sarojini Naidu
You were the devil. Dressed in everything. I wanted.
R H Sin
Only union with you gives joy. The rest if tearing down one building to put up another.
Jalaluddin Rumi
There is no Success or Failure in "LOVE", by itself is a Victory !!
Mahesh shekhar
Iron deficiency can lead to a wardrobe full of crumpled clothes
Benny Bellamacina
Truth * I had a long heart-to-heart talk with a politician and a 14 month old baby the baby spoke more truth than the politician _________________ 2014(c)rassool jibraeel snyman "The Poetic Assassin
rassool jibraeel snyman
If your holy book makes you hate, you're reading the wrong shit, mate.
Fakeer Ishavardas
Robbers*sometimes your words rob you of your thoughtsand leave you destituteand sadwill they weep for you i wonder_____________________________rassool jibraeel snyman (c) 2015"The Poetic Assassin
rassool jibraeel snyman
Loneliness is an emaciation of the spirit. -Who Has Known Heights: The Mystique Memoirs of a Melancholic Mind
Wheston Chancellor Grove
Love like a dog.As long as it’s been treated with kindness and respect a dog will love you. A dog doesn’t care about your age, sex, gender identity, orientation, religion, race or socioeconomic bracket. A dog doesn’t care if you’re skinny, have stretch marks or scars. A dog doesn’t care how many people you’ve slept with, what hardships you’ve had to overcome; and if you’re crying a dog will come put its little chin on your chest and love you regardless. A dog doesn’t let these things dictate to whom or how much it extends its heart. A dog just loves.Love like a dog.A dog never tries to play it cool, hard to get or shies away from showing how much it loves. A dog’s composure is never betrayed by its tail because it freely and without hesitation shows how ecstatic it is to see you every time you walk through the door. When a dog is around other dogs it doesn’t pretend that it doesn’t really love tennis balls. A dog loves what it loves and is never embarrassed about showing how it feels.Love like a dog.A dog is loyal to and would fiercely defend those whom it loves. “For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” Life is not always easy. At times you will have to be brave. At times you will be hurt. But a dog will never leave you. Stay close. Be faithful. Protect your pack.Love like a dog.That is my advice to you. Love like a dog.
Oliver Tremble
Maybe in the case of true human, their mind, their soul, their consciousness flows through their bodies like blood, inhabiting every cell of their physical being, and so Aristotle was right, in humans the mind and body are one and cannot be separated, the self is both with the body and perishes with it too. She imagined that union with a thrill. How lucky human beings were if that was the case, she wanted to tell Geronimo who was and was not Ibn Rushd: lucky and doomed. When their hearts pounded with excitement their souls pounded too, when their pulses raced their spirits were aroused, hen their eyes moistened with tears of happiness it was their minds that felt the joy. Their minds touched the people their fingers touched, and when they in turn were touched by others it was as if two consciousnesses were briefly joined. The mind gave the body sensuality, it allowed the body to taste delight and to smell love in their lover's sweet perfume; not only their bodies but their minds, too, made love. And at the end the soul, as mortal as the body, learned the last great lesson of life, which was the body's death.
Salman Rushdie
i closed my eyes and i loved you ... dreams are such beautiful things
rassool jibraeel snyman
life is short,before one can catch up with this ,time would ring the bell-hey-day is off
Blessed is the heart that does not collect resentments and often dwells on them.
Swami Ranganathananda
Don’t worry. You’re lost. The best of us are, but you will find your way. The universe is everything, all that is tangible and all that is not. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the scheme of things. The world is wondrous and mysterious, but he will reveal himself to you when he is ready.” He paused. “We are all connected, but we don’t realize how. You, me… We’re all connected… somehow. Sooner or later it will all be revealed to us.
Maria La Serra
Love is to love, be loved, and lost.Never to be enclosed in mortal hands.
Vinod Varghese Antony
Love is greater than the oceans with full of passions.
Vinod Varghese Antony
Why don’t we just say it already?” He smirked. “I mean come on now.”I eyed him carefully not knowing where to step. “What is it you think we want to say?”“That we love each other. I kick myself every time I stopped myself from saying it. And I know you love me and that’s all that matters,” he said, pulling me close instead of away this time. We stared at the water in a shared silence.My mind wished I could say the same thing, but knowing if I wanted to was the problem. Did I even know how?
Holly Hood
I would love to be loved for what I am, and not for what I have!
Nehali Lalwani
Winning Expo 2020 marked the city’s coronation and the world could no longer deny Dubai its rightful status as one of the era’s more illustrious cities. The people who flocked there were looking for some sort of magic to occur in their lives, and life on the beach under these concrete gazebos offered many blessings. Some found riches. Some found religion. Some found love. And some, most importantly of all, found themselves.
Soroosh Shahrivar
What in your life is calling you,When all the noise is silenced,The meetings adjourned...The lists laid aside,And the Wild Iris bloomsBy itselfIn the dark forest...What still pulls on your soul?”—RUMI
Robin Gregory
For this entire walk, my desire had ashamed me, as if my wanting to be kissed that night mitigated the fault of Junior's sudden deafness. I'd been given stacks of reasons to blame myself for an act of violence committed by another. I had blamed my flirting for his subsequent felony. My college taught me: my rape was my shame. Everyone I'd trusted asked only what I might have done to let it happen. In my gut, I'd always believed I'd caused it.I finally questioned it.
Aspen Matis
Just say it: I'm angry and no one will like me. God: No, I will not say that. But don't you think we ached for you to find a love you could share your whole life with? I used your teachers to encourage you creatively when the church could not... I worked with whatever I got my hands on. Can you see that?
Susan E. Isaacs
I had this dream about you. We went hunting up in the mountains and I caught a unicorn. You told me now I know how it feels to be you.
Crystal Woods
It was then that we connected. His sound bounced through my head and out my eyes, painting my world with new shades of color. I still remember the smile that unnoticeably took my face as I inched for another touch.
Charles Lee
When we see everyone the way God sees them, all their frailties and weaknesses as well as their strengths,we can learn to treat them tenderly. We must also view ourselves from God's perspective: lovingly, tenderly, and patiently. We can do the same with our spouses and other children or family members.
Laura Lane
Being brave is about the everyday points of bravery that when taken together and viewed from a collective perspective make for an extraordinary life of love.
andrea T Goeglein
He hasn’t really seen you, not as you want to be seen, but he’s starting to, a little.
Colleen Chen
Most people live for love and admiration. But it is by love and admiration that one should live. If any love is shown us we should recognize that we are quite unworthy of it. Nobody is worthy to be loved... or if that phrase is a bitter one to bear, let us say that everyone is worthy of love, except him who thinks he is. Love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling..
Oscar Wilde
Her hands warming on tea looked like chunks of knitting a child had felted in grubby palms. Enough decades, and a body slowly twists into one great cramp, but there was a time once, where she had been sexy, and if not sexy, at least odd-looking enough to compel. Through this clear window she could see how good it all had been. She had no regrets. That's not true, Mathilde. The whisper in the ear. Oh, Christ, yes, there was one. Solitary, gleaming, a regret. It was that all her life she had said no. From the beginning she had let so few people in. That first night, his young face glowing up a hers in the black light, bodies beating the air around them, and inside there was that unexpected sharp recognition, oh, this. A sudden peace arriving for her. She who hadn't been at peace since she was so little. Out of nowhere, out of this surprising night with its shatters of lightning and the stormy black campus outside, with the heat and song and sex and animal fear inside. He had seen her and made the leap and swung through the crowd and taken her hand, this bright boy who was giving her a place to rest. He offered not only his whole laughing self, the past that build him and the warm beating body that moved her with its beauty and the future she felt compressed and waiting, but also the torch he carried before him in the dark, his understanding, dazzling, instant, that there was goodness at her core. With the gift came the bitter seed of regret, the unbridgeable gap between the Mathilde she was and the Mathilde he had seen her to be. A question, in the end, of vision. She wished she'd been the kind Mathilde, the good one, his idea of her. She would have looked smiling down at him, she would've heard beyond marry me to the world that spun behind the words. There would have been no pause, no hesitation. She would've laughed, touched his face for the first time, felt his warmth in the palm of her hand.'Yes,' she would've said. 'Sure.
Lauren Groff
Live with a pure and open heart and mind. Quiet all the rest. Our biggest obstacle was always ourselves. Thoughts that come from a place of love: are never wrong.
Akiroq Brost
Loved for is based on one's perception, you can easily spend a lifetime trying to define its definition.
Tyconis D. Allison Ty
A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world.
Ken Keyes Jr.
What kind of woman was she? What kind of woman was it who called to me from that calamity on the Seventh Avenue line? What kind of woman do I love now, with a fealty that will not cease, not till my occluded arteries send their clots up to the spongy interiors in my skull and I go mute and slack? I love the kind of woman whose hair has gone gray in a not terribly flattering way, the kind who doesn't even notice how she has to keeps having to buy larger jeans, the kind who likes big cars because she doesn't like to be uncomfortable. I love this woman because she is gifted with astounding premonitory skills: no matter how uncertain, how despondent, how lost her mate feels, no matter how dire the circumstances, she nonetheless predicts that Everything will be roses.
Rick Moody
When the sun of consciousness first shone upon me, behold a miracle! The stock of my young life which had perished, steeped in the waters of knowledge grew again, budded again, was sweet again with the blossoms of childhood. Down in the depths of my being, I cried, ‘it is good to be alive!’ I held out two trembling hands to life, and in vain silence would impose dumbness upon me henceforth! The world to which I awoke was still mysterious; but there was hope and love and God in it, and nothing else mattered. Is it not possible that our entrance into heaven may be like this experience of mine?
Helen Keller
Laugh as if it's funny, embrace as if it's love, and smile anyway.
Richelle E. Goodrich
The lecturer points to Dietrich Bonhoeffer's decision to get engaged while in prison as his "positive statement that life will go on," his affirmation of the power of love.
J. Rufus Fears
When we're together," he whispered, "we'll only see each other, not the ugliness around us.
Ellen Marie Wiseman
Eritrean people are strong and caring. And despite all that we had been through we were brimming with optimism. Our country was on the verge of huge change.
Abeba Habtu
Deep down, where my boys don't know me, I'm an optimist.
Junot Díaz
Learn how to love a broke man to marry a good man.
Amen Muffler
I cried to think of how lucky we both were to have found each other, since it was clear that we were the only ones in the world who could understand what we understood in the instantaneous manner in which we understood it.
Audre Lorde
If a woman cannot make her mistakes charming, she is only a female.
Oscar Wilde
You are the author of your lives book. While there may be fixed chapters ahead, you choose how to fill the pages within each one.
Ricky Mathieson
The foot feels the foot when it's touched by the ground, like the heart feels the heart when it's no longer bound.
Ricky Mathieson
You are the prisoner, the prison and the prison keeper. Only you hold the key to your freedom.
Ricky Mathieson
Don't bring me the stars from the sky,I'm planting sunshine in my backyard.
Sanhita Baruah
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