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Rather than seek happiness living my life to please the will of others, I will seek happiness where I know it can be found - living my life to please the will of my heart.
Scott Stabile
I’ve finally figured out a way to stand strong on my own.
Scott Stabile
We will never find the perfect job, relationship, or situation. What we can do is search for happiness. Our ideals in life are set by others, and it’s because they haven’t mastered the art of the happiness search.
Ron Baratono
Never adjust your day to suit someone else’s happiness. When riding on God’s good grace, roll with things your way.
Ron Baratono
Shit works out.
Scott Stabile
She was a victim, until she decided she wasn’t. Until she realized only she had the final say in her victimhood. That it was a choice. Her choice. Before then, she allowed the actions of others to define her. She allowed painful, unfair circumstances to dictate how she announced herself to the world. She gave up control of who she was, and who she wanted to be, at home—but lost—in a victim’s life. so she made the choice to find herself. She couldn’t take responsibility for everything that happened to her. Bad things happen to us all, even when we don't invite them. But, she could own her response to all of it. everything. The moment she chose to do so, she ignited a strength she’d long forgotten and saw, at last, new possibilitiess for her life. She opened the door to a deeper healing and to endless opportunities for real change. The very moment she chose to take responsibility for her life, she acknowledged her power like never before. And was, never again, a victim.
Scott Stabile
Sometimes it's not always straightforward, but it's not always confusing either. You just have to respect a person's decisions without disrespecting them.
Temitayo Olami
It feels great to share life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You have the power to change your life, if you want to. By the words you speak, the actions you take, the thoughts you give weight to. Your choices make all the difference. Your dedication alone will set you on a new path. Are you committed to making a better life for yourself? We make it a priority to discover your happiness? Can you let the past go to create space for the present? Your life will only change if you're willing to make changes, when you consider your peace and well-being and begin to make choices that serve them. One choice at the time. Though growthh is happening every moment, change rarely happens overnight. But it will happen eventually, if you stay committed. And why wouldn't you? This is your one very precious life were talking about.
Scott Stabile
SUICIDE... Is to have the freedom to choose, when, where and how to die.
John Zea
A happiness trick:do more things that make you happy, and you'll be happy more often.
Scott Stabile
Human life begins by crying! Once a baby is born, it cries out. Maybe it cries in joy! So, the simple equation goes- we smile when we feel happy and we cry when we feel sad. As happiness and sadness are connected together like the body and the soul, we cannot remove sorrow or suffering from the human life forever. As long as life is present, gladness and unhappiness will ever be there. They will keep coming in one form or another. It is just ironical that we want to be happy forever and never want to cry. Even trying to remove sadness entirely from life is like being utterly selfish and going against the natural laws! So, the beauty of life is to accept both pleasure and misery gracefully. Hence, we should never forget that we did not smile first but cried when we were born!
Md. Ziaul Haque
It may seem that you are on the path alone, but the light that guides you is coming from somewhere. Trust your every step because none of us walk this journey alone.
Toni Sorenson
Be smart. You Only Die Once -YODO
Savania China
Live a life that fits your specific circumstances, not one that fits someone else’s expectations
Savania China
I don't know about you, but sometimes I need to remind myself to breathe. I have to close my eyes and concentrate, even force myself to take a few deep breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out.I know that breathing just happens, without us needing to work at it. But so does stress, and distress, and discomfort. That's when a few deep, conscious breaths can make a world of difference.Can I get an inhale?
Scott Stabile
A meaningful life comes with the health, happiness and productivity of our children, family and ourselves. So many people get their wires crossed seeking material goods; the things that make them feel better as a means to happiness. The comfort of knowing our love ones are healthy and happy is the treasure we should seek. That’s where happiness rest, laying there for us beyond measure.
Ron Baratono
We only realize what happiness is about, after it has slammed the door to our inattention; and killing silence has deafened the tunefulness of our life. ("Happy days are back again")
Erik Pevernagie
The difference between your friend and your best friend is that your friend asks, ‘Are you are ok?’ and your best friend asks, ‘Do you want to talk about it?
Savania China
Don't waste time defending your intentions. History will judge you by the outcomes of your actions
Savania China
Some of the most memorable paths I've taken have been detours.
Toni Sorenson
I can only change the world by changing myself.
Toni Sorenson
If in day to day life you lead a good life, honestly, with love, compassion, and less selfishness, then automatically you will find peace.
None of us has an obligation to accept the definitions of ‘respect’ and ‘gratitude’ our parents espoused, especially when those definitions can be used to guilt-trip us, or when they are being used for the purpose of forcing us to do certain things (as an extortion mechanism).
Lukasz Laniecki
Первое, на что я обратил внимание в тот первый день в Бомбее, – непривычный запах. Я почувствовал его уже в переходе от самолета к зданию аэровокзала – прежде, чем услышал или увидел что-либо в Индии. Этот запах был приятен и будоражил меня, в ту первую минуту в Бомбее, когда я, вырвавшись на свободу, заново вступал в большой мир, но он был мне абсолютно незнаком. Теперь я знаю, что это сладкий, тревожный запах надежды, уничтожающей ненависть, и в то же время кислый, затхлый запах жадности, уничтожающей любовь. Это запах богов и демонов, распадающихся и возрожденных империй и цивилизаций. Это голубой запах морской кожи, ощутимый в любой точке города на семи островах, и кроваво-металлический запах машин. Это запах суеты и покоя, всей жизнедеятельности шестидесяти миллионов животных, больше половины которых – человеческие существа и крысы. Это запах любви и разбитых сердец, борьбы за выживание и жестоких поражений, выковывающих нашу храбрость. Это запах десяти тысяч ресторанов, пяти тысяч храмов, усыпальниц, церквей и мечетей, а также сотен базаров, где торгуют исключительно духами, пряностями, благовониями и свежими цветами. Карла назвала его однажды худшим из самых прекрасных ароматов, и она была, несомненно, права, как она всегда бывает по-своему права в своих оценках. И теперь, когда бы я ни приехал в Бомбей, прежде всего я ощущаю этот запах – он приветствует меня и говорит, что я вернулся домой.
Gregory David Roberts
Good or bad, happy or sad, everything that happens does so for a reason; no incident in this world is a stray occurrence. Don’t be unnecessarily perplexed or anxious about it- accept it. There’s no point resisting it because it was ordained. A strain of music, perhaps a song, at times a stray incident brings back memories of another day. Some may be nostalgically beautiful others may bring back that ache in the heart that you thought you had overcome long ago. Don’t stop them, let them keep flooding in. They are your memories of an era gone by. Feel them. Relive the good ones. Chew the cud of nostalgia. You will feel energized. The unhappy ones too are welcome, let them in. That pain that you feel once again is the purging of your heart. Feel that the ache for one last time and forgive those that caused the pain. Let go of those memories tenderly. Gently bid them adieu with love. You are a new person now. Those old memories have gone and they have left a space; you are now ready to accept new ones. Fill your life with love; spread it. Live life the way you want to. Do things that you have wanted to do all this while but were afraid to. Live the life that brings you happiness and makes your heart sing with joy...
Latika Teotia
Yes I value strong friendships on a very deep level, I value these connections because time and time again i will go through heartbreak, I will forget my self worth, I will make mistakes and my world will feel broken beyond repair and to have these special people in your life that will be there to help you pick up the pieces and remind you what makes you special and worth being alive is the most amazing feeling in the world and I would never trade that for anything.
John Maiorana (oohGiovanni)
Saying yes comes very easily to me and, more often than not, I get into situations that could have been avoided by using the magical two letter word, ‘NO’. Then I sit back and regret having said yes to something which is guaranteed to take away my peace of mind. Enough of pandering to others, enough of indulging those who do not help me grow enough of saying ‘yes’ to those who are not good for my well being. I have consciously decided to be very very choosy about saying yes. I will say yes to my happiness, contentment and growth. My ‘yes’ will also be given to those who inspire me and who motivate me to reach higher.
Latika Teotia
It's important to achieve balance in sandwiches, because who really knows how to achieve it in life? Life is messy, difficult, occasionally great but mostly upsetting and out of your control. But you can always make a good sandwich, and a good sandwich will make you happy!
Tyler Kord
It is in the nature of the mind that the more we cultivate and familiarize ourselves with positive emotions, the more powerful they become.
The future can be different if we choose to make it so.
Positive emotions like compassion and loving kindness engender in us a deep sense of peace and serenity, and benefits others as well.
Every human being desires love and happiness.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Indulge yourself because you have to learn to love yourself first before you try to reconstruct your life and piece it together. Go on, release those bottled up feelings, let your hair down and do what gives you real happiness. Believe me, you will feel relieved and feel much lighter. Don’t let situations and people pull you down. Promise yourself that you will live life your way on your terms and put your own self first. Surround yourself with positive people and never ever feel sorry for yourself- self pity will only bring negativity in its wake. So go ahead rebuild your life and live it the way you want to.
Latika Teotia
Explaining or defending your dreams to people who don't understand them will actually take away time to making them come true!
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
At one point in your life you start to understand that all what really matters is the love you give and the love you receive.
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
People who tell you to stop living in a fairytale world are very likely people who live in a horror movie.
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
By learning to be more warm-hearted we can create a more compassionate world.
Life said to me, Be happy. Don't let me down.
Marty Rubin
Can a man's life be complete without his Maker?
Lailah Gifty Akita
When we think of all the beatitudes in life, our heart shall be merry.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Philip thought that in throwing over the desire for happiness he was casting aside the last of his illusions. His life had seemed horrible when it was measured by its happiness, but now he seemed to gather strength as he realised that it might be measured by something else. Happiness mattered as little as pain. They came in, both of them, as all the other details of his life came in, to the elaboration of the design. He seemed for an instant to stand above the accidents of his existence, and he felt that they could not affect him again as they had done before. Whatever happened to him now would be one more motive to add to the complexity of the pattern, and when the end approached he would rejoice in its completion. It would be a work of art, and it would be none the less beautiful because he alone knew of its existence, and with his death it would at once cease to be.
W Somerset Maugham
The true joy lies in the unpredictability of nature.
Sarthak Tiwari
Love makes a happy life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Unusual things, they quickly grab my attention. Messy hair and rainy days are my kinds of perfection, but I mostly love when you kiss me hard and take me beyond this realm to that holy place I only find with you.
Melody Lee
Sometimes we forget to see the magic in the most simple things.
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
I'm not everyone's cup of tea, because I'm a kick butt cappuccino with extra milk fluff and chocolate sprinkles!
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
The most beautiful place I've ever been is in your heart.
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
Don't worry if you've been labeled as weird. Who wants to be classed as normal in an insane world?
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
You know you became a leader when people start to copy you!
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
When catastrophe strikes compassion and love unite. A storm can't break the spirit of love. A storm may crack your windows, tear off your roof, wreck your house, but it absolutely cannot destroy the foundation you hold within yourself. Stay strong. Stay rooted. Carry love in your heart, always, and know the sacred things in life can't be touched.
Melody Lee
If you don't receive enough, have a look if you give enough.
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
A weakness is a strength on overdrive!
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
If you follow your heart, you know true happiness.
Lailah Gifty Akita
To live with hope is a happy state of being.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Just like a GPS, the universe sends you signs to show you the best course. If you follow the flow, you get where you want with ease and happiness. If you miss a turn, the road becomes longer and harder.
Charbel Tadros
Never have I been frightened by circumstances. A little warmth, a little bread, my little ones with me, and life begins, happiness begins.
Ludmilla Petrushevskaya
A happy man eagerly awaits the rising of the sun.
Greg Dutilly
At liminality, at a transitional point between his last night dream and reality, he realizes he has made a big mistake and happiness is possible without death. (Coming back to himself.)
Lara Biyuts
Develop habits of self-love that allow you to feel happy and cared for. You deserve happiness and your actions every day should be giving you that. Make time for yourself to enjoy life.
Avina Celeste
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