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We don't belong to ourselves.
Lailah Gifty Akita
We are all here to live our lives.
Lailah Gifty Akita
It may take some time to figure out, but eventually it'll dawn upon you that there isn't a blueprint for life and that we are actually sketching as we go.
Tyconis D. Allison Ty
Nearly every inspirational story out there is about a person who breaks away from his or her background or community – where the best is clearly defined and is not them – and goes off and becomes the best somewhere else. - Of Effortless Effort
Amrita Sarkar
There's no way you can wake up today, only to repeat yesterday's routine, and except better results tomorrow. Change is a must or growth is impossible.
Tyconis D. Allison Ty
Life is power, don’t abuse it.
Israelmore Ayivor
If life’s pen passion is ink!
Israelmore Ayivor
Life is full of beauty, when we focus on the bliss of being.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The mountain is never as big as it appears. You're never as small as you believe.
Steve Maraboli
Different views are essential for progress
If Life was like a movie, then I'd replay it again and again to relive my happiest memories.
Nihaarika Singh
If you don't start, you're finished.
Max McKeown
Only you can change your own world. No one else.
Nina Hrusa
The greatest work of Art, is life. The greatest calling, lifting, sharing that Art. May these hands, this heart, complete its work,mixed in company,and laughter,within the capsule of time gifted,on the canvas one may fill.
Tom Althouse
No matter what's going on, I keep coming back to the one intention that makes the most sense:Just love.
Scott Stabile
We’re all going through shit.Each one of us, in our own way.Let’s remember that, when we see each other on the street,in stores, at work, and at home. Everywhere.Being human comes with lots of complications and probably too many hardships. We all struggle.So let’s be good to one another, and cut each other some slack.
Scott Stabile
We suddenly arrived in this very lost and strange city. Somewhere in the middle of the mountains. We didn't know where we are. We were just heading back to the sea. When we walked trough the forgotten city in silence, something inside us changed. We lost a bit of ourselves too and gained space for something new.
Nina Hrusa
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen I'm likely to see again and again in countless forms. Ah, thank you life.
Scott Stabile
I love when my mind focuses on how wonderful I am and lets all the other (less generous) thoughts recede into the background. You're wonderful too, by the way. Way wonderful.
Scott Stabile
We have to figure out a kinder way to connect with each other, and practice at it every day. Make it a think we love to do. One of our favorite things, in fact. Until it becomes our only way of being.
Scott Stabile
Trust and be patient. You are making it happen, in your own way, it its own time.
Scott Stabile
The best way to appreciate life is to be grateful.
Wisdom Kwashie Mensah
Appreciation and remembrance are two vital tools that can advance our progress in life.
Inspiration comes from not only within ourselves, but also from watching life around us.
Anthony T.Hincks
If human brain is like the world, then positive thinking must be the size of mountain, and negative thinking must be the size of mustard seed and not vice versa.
Nikita Tak
Life is a moment of miracles.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Life is not others' perception about you, but what you experience within.
I cut fake people faster than Bugatti reaches its 100 miles speed. I often tell myself, this is called "Art of Living".
Rakesh Vemulawada
Thank God for the grace of life.
Lailah Gity Akita
Option A:Spend your life trying to get others to accept you.Option B:Accept yourself, and spend your life with others who recognize what a beauty you are.
Scott Stabile
We are all many things. Sometimes people get used to us being the one thing they most expect from us, and they don't know how to handle the other many things we are and have to offer. This is not our limitation to own. Let's be whatever many things our heart calls us to be. There's not a lot of consistency in freedom, aside from fluid movement among the many things we are. And that's a mighty beautiful thing.
Scott Stabile
Everything is not a competition. In fact, nothing is, unless we make it so. Let's stand with, not against each other. We're all bringing our own magic to this world. It's not about "greater than" or "less than.”We can’t be in competition with each other if we just refuse to compete.
Scott Stabile
Maybe you’re not breaking down.Maybe you’re breaking through.
Scott Stabile
You are not your mind. You don’t have to believe the lies it tells you about yourself.
Scott Stabile
My fear whispered to me, I am just trying to protect you.I whispered back, I know, but I’m stronger than you think.
Scott Stabile
Sometimes I act like I have my shit together more than I do. Sometimes I act like I don’t have my shit together as much as I do. I’m done acting. I’d rather just be okay with however together my shit is at the time, and still do my best to show up, as I am.
Scott Stabile
We can’t always be as brave as we want or need to be. We don’t always make the harder choice, the one we know we need to make in order to change things for real. Sometimes we give in to our fear. We choose known over unknown, comfort over uncertainty. Even though that’s often not ideal—to create our lives from fear—it’s definitely human. And, it’s okay. Our courage doesn’t suddenly disappear just because we choose to ignore it. It may hide for a bit and make us work a little harder for its attention, but it’s always there within us. We are born courageous, after all. Beautiful and brave. Whenever we get tired of playing at life with fear’s rules, at last determined to change things for real, our courage will be there—ready, able, excited for us to let it do its thing.
Scott Stabile
I had to break to pieces, so I could reassemble even stronger.
Scott Stabile
What is true for you?What makes your heart smile?When do you feel most yourself?What do you love to do?Ask yourself these questions, and live your life, as best you can,in accordance with the answers.This is how you taste happiness.This is how you love yourself. This is how you grow.
Scott Stabile
I don’t wish for more time. I wish for more courage to live freely right now.
Scott Stabile
you get to a point when you just don’t want to be pushed anymore. pushed to pretend you’re okay with condescending behavior and disrespectful attitudes. pushed to ignore the determined yearnings of your clearest truth. pushed to engage in conversations and situations that in no way serve your state of peace. pushed to act a bogus part and clap for those who are acting theirs. pushed to be quiet and to stay small. pushed to exist rather than live. you get to a point when it’s all too much, too exhausting, too false. something must change. then you realize that the changes you crave have always been within your power to create. you realize that no one has the might to push you into anything when you are unwilling to be pushed. you realize that you, more effectively than any outside influence, have been your biggest pusher all along. so you stop—pushing and pretending and acting and shrinking. you stop it all, because you can. and you don’t waste too much time regretting that you didn’t do it sooner. you’re suddenly much too busy living your life for such silly regrets.
Scott Stabile
Today, I choose not to take my life for granted.I choose not to look upon the fact that I am healthy, have food in my refrigerator and have clean water to drink as givens. They are not givens for so many people in our world. The fact that I am safe and (relatively) sane are not givens. That I was born into a family who loves me and into a country not ravaged by war are not givens. It is impossible to name all of the circumstances in my life I've taken for granted. All of the basic needs I've had met, all of the friendships and job opportunities and financial blessings and the list, truly, is endless. The fact that I am breathing is a miracle, one I too rarely stop to appreciate.I'm stopping, right now, to be grateful for everything I am and everything I've been given. I'm stopping, right now, to be grateful for every pleasure and every pain that has contributed to the me who sits here and writes these words.I am thankful for my life. This moment is a blessing. Each breath a gift. That I've been able to take so much for granted is a gift, too. But it's not how I want to live—not when gratitude is an option, not when wonder and awe are choices.I choose gratitude. I choose wonder. I choose awe. I choose everything that suggests I'm opening myself to the miraculous reality of simply being alive for one moment more.
Scott Stabile
I believe in the simple things--the classic beginning of once upon a time, that good conquers evil in the end, fantasy and fate. My life is that of wondrous enchantment, a place of endless possibilities and dreams, where inspiration is found in the oddest of places. I aspire to inspire, and someday I will change the world,
Andrew Kendall
Isn’t it time to start giving yourself the great gift of your own love?
Scott Stabile
You don’t have to do the same things you’ve always done, if it no longer feels good to do them. Give yourself permission to try something different, something new. Give yourself permission to break away from routine and obligation. Permission to explore, and to soar.
Scott Stabile
You can’t do everything for everyone, not even for yourself. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it.
Scott Stabile
Give A Child Some Measure Of Confidence And You Have Caused Him To Stand On Equal Footing With His Counterparts...
If you’ve given your all, and it's still not working, it's likely time to move on.
Scott Stabile
you are a person, not a shredder.so quit tearing yourself to shreds.
Scott Stabile
When you are in action it is very difficult to get a bird’s eye view of your own performance! Find some time to introspect.
Harrish Sairaman
It's important to work on our personal growth, and part of that work is learning, and accepting the fact that we are absolutely enough, as we are. Some of our most profound changes manifest by simply embracing who we've been all along.
Scott Stabile
Share your gifts. Learn from the gifts of others.Stay open to whichever role — teacher and/or student — life is calling on you to play. And bring as much acceptance and love to each performance.When we walk through life as only a teacher, we miss out on learning from the world around us.When we walk through life as only a student, we miss out on sharing our unique vision of the world.
Scott Stabile
A change of attitude changes everything.A bad attitude never leads to a good life.
Scott Stabile
I am learning to accept everything about myself,even the part of me that struggles to accept everything about myself.
Scott Stabile
You know the doubts. You are good enough. You are important. You are worthy. You are kind. You are all you need to be. You are love.
Scott Stabile
He used to hide his true self because he feared people wouldn’t like him, or would judge him for being too much this and not enough that. He found himself acting like everyone else, even though his heart wanted to express itself in ways that felt different than much of what he was seeing in the world. His heart grew louder, and he longed to taste a different kind of freedom, one his mind had worked hard to contain in order to keep him feeling safe. But that safety came with a price: his authenticity. Then it occurred to him, some people would judge him no matter who he was or what he did. And that if he was going to be judged anyway, he may as well live his life as authentically as possible and at least be judged for his truth. He also knew some people would love him no matter who he was or what he did, and how much better it would feel to be loved for being real.
Scott Stabile
I’m in awe of the people who manage their difficult lives with little complaint, those who have suffered more than their fair share of pain, and understand things could have been much worse, those who take the time to be grateful for the important things, and who never give up on themselves or their lives. It's no easy feat to stay optimistic when life has shown you too much darkness, yet our world is filled with these steady, strong, resilient warriors of the light. From them, we have so much to learn.
Scott Stabile
Not everything is about you.In fact, most things aren’t.What a relief, right?
Scott Stabilele
Today is a day, like every other day, brimming with possibility. A day to treat people with kindness and respect. A day to move closer to fulfilling your dreams. A day to forgive yourself for absolutely everything. A day to smile with gratitude. Today is a day, like every other day, to create the kind of life you want to live, the kind that makes you feel good and right, the kind of life you were born to realize. Today.
Scott Stabile
I've wasted a lot of time in my life waiting for good things to happen, rather than acting to make them happen.What I've learned?Waiting suffocates power. Acting ignites it.Waiting feeds anxiety. Acting relaxes it. Waiting fuels boredom. Acting repels it. Waiting galvanizes fear. Acting subdues it. Your life will not change any sooner while you wait around for something new. But it just may transform at warp speed once you take action to change it. I'm tired of wasting time, of waiting time. How about you?Act, don't wait.
Scott Stabile
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