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I long for the day when I hear the musicwithout any song.
Kamand Kojouri
I am not afraid I was born to do this.
Jeanne d'Arc
Being the people we are, and feeling the way that we do, getting excited about going somewhere new can be terrifying. Of course it is, I get it! But if you don’t travel, you’ll regret it. Your soul will forever be empty.
S.R. Crawford
This is an ode to life.The anthem of the world.For as there are billionsof different stars thatmake up the skyso, too, are there billions of different humans thatmake up the Earth.Some shine brighter but all are made ofthe same cosmic dust.O the joy of beingin life with all these people!I speak of differencesbecause they are there.Like the different organsthat make up our bodies.Earth, itself, is one large body.Listen to how it howlswhen one human isin misery.When one kills another, the Earth feels the pang in itschest. When one orgasms, the Earth craves a cigarette.Look carefully,these animals are beauty spots that make the Earth’s face lovelier and more loveable.These oceans are the Earth’s limpid eyes. These trees, its hair.This is an ode to life.The anthem of the world.I will no longer speak of differences, for the similaritiesare larger. Look even closer. There may bedistances between our limbs butthere are no spaces betweenour hearts. We long to be one.We long to be in nature andto run wild with its wildlife.Let us celebrate life and living, for it is sacrilegious to be ungrateful.Let us play and be playful, for it is sacrilegiousto be serious.Let us celebrate imperfectionsand make existenceproud of us, for tomorrow isdeath, and this is an ode to life. The anthem of the world.
Kamand Kojouri
I closed my eyes and turned my face into the cold wind. When I felt it swept along my skin there was no past. No future. Just now.
Nina Hrusa
You know how it goes:at some point in your life, you fell in love with someone and had a glimpse of God.Then you abandoned life and loverand started celebratingyour love for God.
Kamand Kojouri
Self- Perception blossoms only in pure hearts! We have to first win our internal enemies. These are the enemies who damage the strong layer of conscience.
Like dust brushed from an old painting, as we journey beneath the surface layers of life, another landscape is revealed.
Atalina Wright
Our desires, dreams and hopes, open portals. These portals manifest in our conscience and five senses, in the form of decisions related to the material world but also opportunities. Now, at the exact same time, or maybe even slightly before in time, we get the exact opposite, the temptation, the illusion and deception. And when we are about to make a decision, as if by magic, the two things come stronger to us, as if pushing us into a duality that makes it hard to decide. Now, this brings me to another super interesting fact: Most people assume that they have freewill, and that choices are hard to be made, and that life is full of dualities. And I've learned that this is just a great deception related to our planet, which, as human beings, we must transcend. And what I'm really saying here is that the duality and the freewill don't exist. There's only one choice to be made, the one that bring us upwards. Self-destruction is not a choice. And yet, every duality presents exactly that, and not really a choice.
Robin Sacredfire
It is not good for man to be kept perforce at all times in the presence of his species. A world from which solitude is extirpated is a very poor ideal. Solitude, in the sense of being often alone, is essential to any depth of meditation or of character; and solitude in the presence of natural beauty and grandeur, is the cradle of thoughts and aspirations which are not only good for the individual, but which society could ill do without. Nor is there much satisfaction in contemplating the world with nothing left to the spontaneous activity of nature; with every rood of land brought into cultivation, which is capable of growing food for human beings; every flowery waste or natural pasture ploughed up, all quadrupeds or birds which are not domesticated for man's use exterminated as his rivals for food, every hedgerow or superfluous tree rooted out, and scarcely a place left where a wild shrub or flower could grow without being eradicated as a weed in the name of improved agriculture. If the earth must lose that great portion of its pleasantness which it owes to things that the unlimited increase of wealth and population would extirpate from it, for the mere purpose of enabling it to support a larger, but not a better or a happier population, I sincerely hope, for the sake of posterity, that they will be content to be stationary, long before necessity compels them to it.
John Stuart Mill
Live The Life That You Love
Teresa St. Frances
The duality and the freewill don't exist. There's only one choice to be made, the one that bring us upwards. Self-destruction is not a choice. And yet, every duality presents exactly that, and not really a choice.
Robin Sacredfire
Study yourself. Become your own mentor and best friend. When you are suffering stay at the bottom until you find out who you are. Let the storms come and pass. How you walk through the fire says a lot about you. Nobody likes a victimhood mentality and what happened to you is not important. It is about how you use your chaos that matters. The dawn will come
Mohadesa Najumi
Our society shuns people for being a bright light in the world. Sometimes if you are too futuristic people do not like how revolutionary you are
Mohadesa Najumi
Have you ever been totally happy or at peace and then begun to worry for no apparent reason? We live in a constant battle of conflict and comparison. If you stop asserting the need to label or to judge, you'll learn acceptance and understanding which is the basis of inner-balance
Mohadesa Najumi
In a world of knowledge and expertise, fame and fortune, status and ranks....nothing has the power to affect change as much as love and compassion.
Ka Chinery
Life is truly a matter of choices, reactions, and actions...each and every choice is governed by our reactions which in turn affect our actions and consequently the future turn of events
Kapil Kumar Bhaskar
Death is an illusion. It is the way to rebirth or ascension. It is the point when you realise that you are the spark of the one life, and that you always have and always will have that divinity within you. It is not something to fear.
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
The unceasing flow of thought in all its various forms is an inescapable and defining aspect of the human condition.
Paul O'Brien
Preaching the Gospel in a brutal way is like telling your wife that you love her while she gets a punch right in her face.
Alin Sav
We all create our own reality
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
I am the soul…but is that true?’ she asked herself aloud. ‘What am I actually? I am not the soul, I am beyond the soul and yet I am nothing. I am an empty shell of living cells, where an essence that I’ve learned to recognise as me inhabits.
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
Everything is in constant mutation, expanding and contracting. All we hear, see or think is a projection of our own…or someone else’s brain. We create our own realities. My reality is different from everyone else’s…and theirs is different to mine and to each other. We only perceive what we can sense, see, feel…believe and imagine. Knowledge is mostly borrowed. The world is set up that way…books, people, internet, movies, television, radio.
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
While we’ve been grabbing for things to give meaning to life, we have lost our way. We grow addicted to reference points. We grow afraid and lose our unfettered curiosity. Our wants, needs, desires, ideas, aspirations and beliefs, become so embedded that it is like they are glued to our cells, our nerves, our eyes, brain, heart…our whole body.
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
This is closer to reality, but not exactly so. In the Earth incarnation we have lost sight of whom and what we are. We have got so entangled in the game that we have forgotten where we came from and have started associating our sense of self with the personality. In humanity we have become defined by our physical selves, our bodies, our minds, our emotions. We think we are our thoughts. We do not remember…we do not remember that from the oneness we created this planet and the planes. We are the creators, and our mission is to detach from all the chains we imposed upon ourselves and create a bridge to the infinite self. Journey back to where we started.
Ana Rangel
...because you have been purifying your fields for many incarnations so you no longer belong in the heavy density of the third dimension and you find it difficult to tolerate. But you have one last mission here and you are on the verge of knowing…follow your heart and your instincts.
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
Starting to believe Life is just a sigh of Death.
Efrat Cybulkiewicz
Life is not a competition. No one has to lose for someone else to win. A true blessing blesses everyone. A fragmented love which makes others lose will eventually turn upon itself and destroy the very thing which was being so carefully guarded. An open-hearted love will follow a course which can only lead somewhere good.
Donna Goddard
To talk [negatively] about someone specific is considered slander. You need to have a general understanding about things. Slandering someone is a sign of going to a lower life form in the next birth.
Dada Bhagwan
I finally understood that what we put into the world, into the universe, often has a way of coming right back to us.
Andrew Kendall
MEDITATION & DEVOTION Most of our life issues and psychological problems occur from a lack of love and devotion. We are searching for love outside of ourselves. We are seeking to be loved, rather than to give love. A criteria of spiritual maturity is when we begin to give love, rather than to ask for love. Through developing love and devotion, we learn to love all beings. We develop our inner being, the meditative quality within, the inner source of love and truth, the divine source inside ourselves, through which we can let love flow through us, not only to benefit ourselves, but for the good of all.
Swami Dhyan Giten
You whom my body longs for,where are you?In the stars, in the river, over the rainbow?Perhaps you hide in the shadows of the mountains,whistling in the wind through mighty peaksJust maybe you are in every corner of my beingawaiting invocationÔ Manna Breathfill my life with your infinite power
Ramon Ravenswood
After one divorce and other on the way I am seriously considering a ME-rriage now and .t's going to be epic! I will ask my hand in meTRInomy, for it will become a trigamy. And me, my higher self and third I will live happily ever after life...We will live in threesomeness!
Ana Claudia Antunes
That window which connects youto the agony of other people;that’s your soul.Close that window and you are soulless. And a soulless man is vestigial.He hears but cannot listen. He sees but cannot notice.And everyone knows:when eyes and ears become jobless,We look for excuses.We hear angels and devils speak. We confabulate.We make up godsand lick their feet.—Superstitions
Akif Kichloo
When the soul is consciously awakened can it comprehend the acquiescence of Muhammad, the unshakable foundation of Abraham and the very nature of Christ, equating the Aleph in the sealed Universe — As The Soul Speaks
Do not contemplate the Essence of the UnVeiled, for the UnVeiled therein your World does not hold to polarities, nor of your conjectures; Chapter "The Unveiling
Writing is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is.
Richard Guindon
No one can escape karma. Two events which may, at first, seem disconnected can be karmically connected. After all, karma works on a spiritual level which may manifest itself physically in a myriad of seemingly unrelated ways.
Charbel Tadros
It's all about having fun and feeling good!
Marissa Campbell
[N]one of us drinks the chalice of our existence to the last drop. None of us is fully obedient. Each of us falls short of the human nature entrusted to us.
Johann Baptist Metz
Nothing can be delicious when you are holding your breath.
Anne Lamott
Be formless. As long as your "I" is asserted, it will be an idol of worship
There is a wellspring of life within you where you can go for cleansing and transformation.
Deepak Chopra
Now take all these qualities together: order, balance, evolution and intelligence. What you have is a description of love. It's not the popular ideal, it is the wizard's love - the force that upholds life and nurtures it.
Deepak Chopra
We all have the same root, and are connected...To tap into this connectedness we must go within.
Summerlyn Guthrie
We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy.
Deepak Chopra
Without silence, there cannot be any real appreciation in life, which is as delicate in its inner fabric as a closed rosebud.
Deepak Chopra
Don't seek love externally, it's fleeting. Go beyond the ego and awaken thelove that already exists within; it will encompass everyone andeverything in your life; it will permeate your very being.
Danielle Pierre
Every man who has reached even his intellectual teens begins to suspect that life is no farce that it is not genteel comedy even that it flowers and fructifies on the contrary out of the profoundest tragic depths of the essential dearth in which its subject's roots are plunged. The natural inheritance of everyone who is capable of spiritual life is an unsubdued forest where the wolf howls and the obscene bird of night chatters.
Henry James Sr.
I've decided that if I had my life to live over again, I would not only climb more mountains, swim more rivers, and watch more sunsets; I wouldn't only jettison my hot water bottle, raincoat, umbrella, parachute, and raft; I would not only go barefoot earlier in the spring and stay out later in the fall; but I would devote not one more minute to monitoring my spiritual growth. No, not one.
Brennan Manning
THE GOOD LIFE requires that we take pleasure in new things A GOOD LIFE requires that we take pleasure in moments.To enjoy THE GOOD LIFE we have to get ahead to enjoy A GOOD LIFE we have to make the trip A GOOD LIFE is supported by feeding our souls. Worthwhile.THE GOOD LIFE is supported by feeding our pocketbooks
Steve Goodier
For one wild, glad moment we snapped the chain that binds us to earth, and joining hands with the winds we felt ourselves divine.
Helen Keller
Understanding the beauty of our humanity unlocks the power of our spirituality.
Steve Maraboli
I don't think that God says, "Go to church and pray all day and everything will be fine." No. For me God says, "Go out and make the changes that need to be made, and I'll be there to help you.
Elvia Alvarado
When we illuminate the road back to our ancestors, they have a way of reaching out, of manifesting themselves...sometimes even physically.
Raquel Cepeda
Sometimes I think there are only two instructions we need to follow to develop and deepen our spiritual life: slow down and let go.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
To live was to be a fragment of the cosmere that was experiencing itself.
Brandon Sanderson
Your life is your practice. Your spiritual practice does not occur someplace other than in your life right now, and your life is nowhere other than where you are. You are looking for answers, insight, and wisdom that you already possess. Live the life in front of you, be the life you are, and see what you find out for yourself.
Karen Maezen Miller
If I am going to be drowned—if I am going to be drowned—if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?
Stephen Crane
I'm an Earth ecstatic, and my creed is simple: All life is sacred, life loves life, and we are capable of improving our behavior toward one another. As basic as that is, for me it's also tonic and deeply spiritual, glorifying the smallest life-form and embracing the most distant stars.
Diane Ackerman
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