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You can't move things by not moving.
Suzy Kassem
There is nothing more fascinating than the fusion between power and mystery in our great, little treasure: the human brain.
Hajar Charkaoui
Dance resides within us all. Some find it when joy conquers sorrow, others express it through celebration of movements; and then there are those... whose existence is dance,
Shah Asad Rizvi
Those who are critical of my goals and dreams simply do not understand the higher purpose to which I have been called.
Andy Andrews
Life is fearless battle.
Lailah Gifty Akita
People would say - to break free, to soar, and sadly, to chop your wings too. The moment you listen to them, you voluntarily put yourself in a cage. Be a free soul - fly or fall on your own terms.
Saru Singhal
Many people will try to Sell you a Dream, its Your place to let them know you Already have one!
Kalon Jackson
I'm Blunt because God rolled me that way
Kalon Jackson
I don't guarantee you to be a good man,I promise you will be a better man
Music does not need language of words for it has movements of dance to do its translation.
Shah Asad Rizvi
When the melody plays, footsteps move, heart sings and spirit begin to dance.
Shah Asad Rizvi
Make your book of life a musical. Never abandon obligations, but have fun leaving behind a colorful legacy. Never allow anybody to be the composer of your own destiny. Take control of your life, and don't allow limitations implanted by society tell you how your music is supposed to sound — or how your book is supposed to be written.
Suzy Kassem
World seems like a void of silence every time footsteps are deprived of dancing shoes.
Shah Asad Rizvi
I have the mind of Christ. The best life you could ever live is the one that your creator destined you for. The one He made you for. He has given us everything we need ......... to become like Him. To reach to your potentials. Worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Patience Johnson
When we are preoccupied with wealth and material acquisitions, it chokes God's word in us and makes it unfruitful. But if we follow His plan of being prosperous you will enjoy the blessings of this life.
Patience Johnson
Our life is not in stuff, focus your attention on Christ where it should be. Prosperity and wealth has damaged the body of Christ. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of his children but don't replace him with material.
Patience Johnson
We are so much distracted nowadays. There is so much distractions in the world today call it internet, media, football matches etc. but don't let it consume you.
Patience Johnson
Get excited about life!
John Di Lemme
Rebuilding is something that is practically difficult than starting over from nothing.
Patience Johnson
The more we surrender to what cannot be, the better we control what can be.
Kamand Kojouri
The reason for the past is only revealed in the future.
Kamand Kojouri
let's forget the hope, it's the secondary thing to motivate.the primary one is to approach for it.
No man's advice can change you unless you speak to yourself. Bible school or seminars can't change you, going to church can't change you except you decide to change.Psalm 139:23 - 24
Patience Johnson
Don't let God be the co-author of your life.
Stephanie Faith
When we can see the star of desire in our sky, we can use our wings of hope and our air of love to reach it.
Imania Margria
There are so many things that we learn in our lives most of which we can't learn without seeing the hearts of others.
Imania Margria
Living on Faith.Striving on Desire. Flying on Hope.
Imania Margria
Don't try to reach perfection. Just try to reach an inner and outer realization of self.
Imania Margria
To dream is to desire, to desire is to long for, to long for is to want, and to want you must work to attain all you dream of, desire, long for and want.
Imania Margria
You know we are living in dangerous time when the act of kindness is revered as an act of heroism.
Micheline Jean Loui
Even though it may look like the wicked is gaining ground, God is still in control. We need to pray for our nations, pray for others, pray for forgiveness and mercy over people. We need to love no matter who we are talking to, whether they are Atheist, Moslems, Lesbians, Homosexuals or Pagans. We need to love them and share the love of God with them and not judge and see if we can rebuild our broken nations.
Patience Johnson
Poor means when we lack things in our lives. There are two types of poverty. ...those that need food and shelter and those that need God in their lives. We are called to service to help both group of people as much as we can.
Patience Johnson
Sure we all need money but what do you really focus on? It is a matter of the heart. If your thoughts are on material and worldly things, no good fruits can come out of it.Seek the kingdom of God first and the other things shall be added unto you not vice versa.
Patience Johnson
If all you are looking for is a miracle you are wide open to follow the antichrist and the false prophets because they are going to have a big league of signs and wonders ministry.If signs and wonders do not bring glory and honour to Jesus Christ, then you must be watching a false prophet whose anointing does not come from the Holy Spirit of God.
Patience Johnson
Hope, strive and try to be more like Christ until the day we will see Him. Let Him find you faithfully and in obedient serving Him. He is coming quicker than people think.
Patience Johnson
The closer we try to get to God, the more we will hate to sin in our own lives, the more we are saddened by the thoughts that runs through our minds. I also think that the more we draw closer to God, the more God will honour us and will open doors for the right things to happen in our life.
Patience Johnson
I am the most important person to me. I am the most important person in the entire universe to me. I am the centre of my own universe.
Patience Johnson
Faith is never connected to safe. There is no faith without tension. For a rubber band to function to it's elasticity, it has to experience a tension. Saints of God who has no tension has no function.
Patience Johnson
People would want to get safe and come to Christ because they see the evidence in your life not because you quote the scriptures to them.
Patience Johnson
There's supposed to be more value in your life than spending more than sixty hours in a week in a place you don't care about and in an environment they don't care about you.
Patience Johnson
If satan succeds in blinding your mind, he has succeeded in arresting you because anything that can stop you from believing can stop your future.
Patience Johnson
No satan can unsettle what God has settled.
Patience Johnson
Without you discovering your true picture, it will be hard to have a glorious future. It is the discovery of what you have inside and the pursuit of it that can guarantee a glorious future
Patience Johnson
If knowledge is lacking, your destruction is inevitable. Hosea 4:6
Patience Johnson
It is impossible to enjoy divine protection without the word of God. You must be a word addict.
Patience Johnson
The church preach so much about power in the kingdom of God but we don't talk about wisdom. Everybody goes for power forgeting that power without wisdom can be disastrous.
Patience Johnson
Blind minds are worst than blind eyes. That you have eyes does not mean that you have vision. Visionaries do not look they see whlie people look.
Patience Johnson
Do you want to acquire God's own wisdom? Relate with the Holy Spirit. Be a seeker of divine guidance by the Holy Spirit. You can't be a man or woman of solution without God.
Patience Johnson
The world is full of problems and I bet you the problems will continue to exist but what will make you relevant to the world is when you have answers to the questions the world asks. You can only be useful when you have the answers to the questions of the world. The best way you provide solutions and answers to those challenges is through wisdom.
Patience Johnson
People with vision sees opportunity where there is problem. They see money not problem.
Patience Johnson
I think it will be better if we can live our life as if Christ is going to return today and plan our live as if it is hundred years off. Keep living, serving and most of all be prepared.
Patience Johnson
Wherever problem persist, wisdom is lacking. There is no problem anywhere except wisdom problem. Wisdom provides solutions where there is complications.
Patience Johnson
The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy and his followers do the same. Be watchful and keep that in mind.
Patience Johnson
When wisdom comes, transformation comes. Wisdom makes the difference between the succeeding man and the failing man.
Patience Johnson
I love being high. High on Life, High on Love, High on Hope, and High on Faith.
Imania Margria
You can either follow your dreams or adjust with your society's expectations... Either way, consequences are uncertain... the path to glory or the boulevard of mediocrity, both lead to the grave... Choose what's worthwhile, for the end is the same.
K Hari Kumar
That you are a born again Christian does not mean you will automatically succeed except you follow God's principles. Never forget faith without good work is dead.
Patience Johnson
What kind of impression are you leaving on people? Activate the ability for your first impression and last impression!
John Di Lemme
You cannot have a dream and expect someone else's faith to make it a reality for you. Habakuk 2:4
Patience Johnson
Have you ever reached to a point where you asked God if the assignment is really from Him. In your account you have just 100 dollars and He is asking you to execute a 400 million dollar project. Have you reached to the point that you consider going further will make no sense? Have you reached the point where you asked God are you sure you are still with me?I just found myself in that Junction now. Turning back ....to realise I have gone too far for Him to forsake me. Moving forward I heard the voice saying ...be still and know that I am your God. Giving up.....Couldn't find it in my dictionary.Moral of the lesson. God cannot give you an assignment that is equal to your pocket. If it suits your pocket it is definitely not from God. Remember God will not take glory where nothing happen.
Patience Johnson
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