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All life forms add their own colour in the world. It is important we embrace all the colours with equal value.
Tim Rees
I'd rather live one day as a lionthan live a hundred years as a sheepI'd rather reign in Hell than serve in Heavenlive my dream out in reality and not in my dreams
Lukas Graham
An idea is only an idea until you breathe life into it.
Chinonye J. Chidolue
Mediocrity in life is acceptable only when one excels at it.
The mind is part of the body, not separate, and we must take care of our bodies and listen to them. Develop your mind and body, make goals and reach them. But have “no mind” when experiencing and learning. You will be more open to what is happening rather than fitting everything into stereotypes and preconceptions.
Tushar Saxena
Be crazy about your goal and do not stop till time you do not hit the bulls eye.
Rajesh Walecha
The more you learn the biology behind your every action, emotion and behavior, the better you become at accepting others the way they are.
Abhijit Naskar
I wanted to climb to the summit of challenges, attack my way through hardships as solid as granite, tempt all sorts of peril, and break through mysteries with science. I longed to inhale all sorts of experience and then explore the labyrinthine ins and outs of life that in the end cannot be guessed. I yearned for possibilities that react with each other, like the collision of uranium molecules: binding, multiplying, bursting, and dispersing in unexpected directions. I wanted to go to faraway places and meet with endless varieties of foreign languages and peoples. I wished to rove, finding my direction through reading the stars of constellations. I wanted to cross fields and deserts, to be burned by the sun until I blistered, to be shook by the assaulting wind, and shrink from being gripped by cold. I wanted a life that was thrilling, filled with conquest. I wanted to live! To feel the essence of being!
Andrea Hirataira
Neatness is the hobogoblin of little minds
Kirsten Beyer
Now that we are born, let us live in a trance.
Arvind Parashar
If someone asks you that "Where do u want to see yourself 10 years from now down this line"?Well,i would like to see myself above the line,that should be your answer.
Sachin Panwar
Memories are what you no longer want to remember.
Joan Didion
Let the ‘why not’ philosophy be your life principle!
Mehmet Murat ildan
I plan to live my own way. Hopefully, it is as per God's Way.
Fakeer Ishavardas
I'm glad to be here. I'm glad to be anywhere.
Keith Richards
The day, before sleeping; I recalled everything… to crosscheck that - whether I was wrong at any point of time! Then I realized – it’s not mandatory that the way you perceive life will be the same in which others envision it.
Deepak Ranjan
Evil is boring. Cynicism is pointless. Fear is a bad habit. Despair is lazy. Hopelessness is self-indulgent. On the other hand: Joy is fascinating. Love is an act of heroic genius. Pleasure is our birthright. Chronic ecstasy is a learnable skill.
Rob Brezsny
If I am going out into the unknown, it might as well be the really unknown.
Doug Dorst
Do not compare yourself to others because you are neither superior nor inferior to them.
Gugu Mona
At that period I paid as constant attention to the greater securing of my happiness, to enjoying and judging it, too, as I had always done for the smallest details of my acts; and what is the act of love, itself, if not a moment of passionate attention on the part of the body? Every bliss achieved is a masterpiece; the slightest error turns it awry, and it alters with one touch of doubt; any heaviness detracts from its charm, the least stupidity renders it dull. My own felicity is in no way responsible for those of my imprudences which shattered it later on; in so far as I have acted in harmony with it I have been wise. I think still that someone wiser than I might well have remained happy till his death.
Marguerite Yourcenar
Both life and work were a great deal more rewarding when you didn't take them seriously.
Kirsten Beyer
Energy in expression is silent. The knowing of what no words can say. A chasm of gravity could ever hold,; Weightless, it is part of all living things
S.L. Northey
Having devoted the first half of my life to the dark, I feel obliged to rever any pinpoint of light now.
Mary Karr
Let us await what will surley come without fear of unforseen concequences
Kirsten Beyer
When life goes on doesn’t it just trample over what was there before?
Catherine Dexter
It is never hard to convince a man of something he already wants to believe
Tonny K. Brown
Most of us live our whole lives without having an adventure to call our own. What is any life without the pursuit of a dream?
Amelia LeFay
My idea of "goodness" had to do with belonging in a small yet reciprocal way to something huge and beautiful beyond my understanding.
Carrie Saxifrage
As it turns out, Plutarch, consciously or unconsciously, touched on a truth that most of us feel, but rarely meditate upon: the little things in behaviour are the door not only to the real character of people but also to their soul.
Nicos Hadjicostis
I'm raised from gutter to protect another gutter
Nowadays, using a computer has become a way of life.
Eraldo Banovac
I do not know that everything happens for a reason. I simply know that everything happens.
Erin Loechner
Remember that there is only one important time and that is now. The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion. The most important person is always the person you are with, who is right before you, for who knows if you will have dealings with any other person in the future? The most important pursuit is making the person standing at your side happy, for that alone is the pursuit of life.
Leo Tolstoy
Ever wondered why front camera of cellphones makes people look better while the rear camera makes them look how they are?Because when you click picture using front camera, you see yourself on screen, and that's how you should look at yourself, a better version of yourself. Whereas, the rear camera shows how other's see you. With your flaws and qualities. No added layer to hide or enhance your ownself. This is how you should learn to overcome your flaws and better your qualities.
Crestless Wave
Do we work for and pay for all this convenience in order to live our lives, or do we live our lives in order to work for and pay for all this convenience?
Colin Beavan
And was it not perhaps more childlike and human to lead a Goldmund-life, more courageous, more noble perhaps in the end to abandon oneself to the cruel stream of reality, to chaos, to commit sins and accept their bitter consequences rather than live a clean life with washed hands outside the world, laying out a lonely harmonious thought-garden, strolling sinlessly among one's sheltered flower beds. Perhaps it was harder, braver and nobler to wander through forests and along the highways with torn shoes, to suffer sun and rain, hunger and need, to play with the joys of the senses and pay for them with suffering. At any rate, Goldmund had shown him that a man destined for high things can dip into the lowest depths of the bloody, drunken chaos of life, and soil himself with much dust and blood, without becoming small and common, without killing the divine spark within himself, that he can err through the thickest darkness without extinguishing the divine light and the creative force inside the shrine of his soul.
Hermann Hesse
Stay with the living conditions within our own life
Jan Jansen Easy Branches
Everyday you are living minutes you will never get back.
Sharfaraz Ahmed
Tomorrow is promissed to no one. We can not waste today.
Kirsten Beyer
It's an amazing thing when you finally settle in to knowing you'll never fit in. The difference between the rest of the world and you; you feel to much about too many things. And most others feel not enough, about too few. Keep standing out. Keep showing the crowd what beautifully flying free is all about.
J Raymond
In the eyes of others, we're often not who we imagine ourselves to be.
Gilly Macmillan
The universe is eternal; every person appears in the stream of time, and then disappears. The ego does not survive. Life is significant despite that it ends. The products of human life that we cherish – love, happiness, beauty, art, kindness, – have value without being everlasting. We must conquer human fearfulness in order to live a dignified life.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Each of us experiences the perpetual revival of the self. We constantly recast our connate emotional index by perceiving each encounter in life as a marvel, impedance, problem, disaster, or nothing at all. Living in the moment allows us to escape the lonely landscape of self-interest and be part of a larger world filled with beauty, reverence, and adoration.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Says Momma: “I got handed lemons, too, y’know but I learned how to make lemonade with them… No one ever told me I had to add sugar but that’s life for you. It ain’t sweet.
Elizabeth Flock
You will make a perfectly rational mistake: You will assume that sooner or later the paradigm you are presently practicing (which has been mostly successful) will solve all the rest of your problems.
Joel Barker
The key to happiness is......to hide the damn key in a place that only you can access.
Mansi Laus Deo
Both life and work were a great more reewarding when you didn't take them quite so seriously
Kirsten Beyer
A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
Morgan C. Thomas
When you tap into the energy of possibility, there is always something greater than potential can give you.
Gary M. Douglas
It is a human propensity to refuse any change. After all, who desires to move out of their cosy caves and battle in this ever-developing world.
Kunal Narayan Uniyal
Never question the conviction of a scientist, based on mere scriptures.
Abhijit Naskar
Learn to be true to yourself, and everything good will follow.
Abhijit Naskar
In order to attain extraordinary greatness, first you need to be drowned in the deepest fathoms of helplessness, misery and heartache.
Abhijit Naskar
The more you keep your religious beliefs concealed from others, the lesser religious conflicts occur in the society.
Abhijit Naskar
No drugs here, no manipulation of neurotransmitters that leaves our worldly problems unattended. And no talking cures because explicit insight is not needed. All that is required is courage: the courage to encounter discomfort and stay with it long enough to be changed by it, strengthened.
Jason Dias
Ultimately, we all have to decide what our own life is for. I will die one day, and, whether my day is near or far, I choose to look back on my time and know that I walked through the doors that inspired me.
Shaun Chamberlin
Eventually everything appears to disappear from the life. That's it.
Aditya Ajmera
If you encase yourself in stone like a fossil, you’ll have an existence, but not a life.
Deborah O'Brien
If you follow a foolish ism, how are you an intelligent being?
Fakeer Ishavardas
Be excited about life, Pet your curiosity, Get in touch with your emotions.
Jasz Gill
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