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Stop categorizing and labeling! This is your way to avoid the unknown but brings the risk to avoid the new!
Rossana Condoleo
What you see as not neededWill return until you see that it needs to be.What you accept as neededNeeds not to remain unless you enjoy it to be.
Raphael Zernoff
We have to become vast, only then we can succeed;but we confine our thinking ability most of the times
I like marriage, family life and I wish to get married again. But opting out of an unhappy marriage was a duty toward myself & my future.
Rossana Condoleo
You do not have to do anything to defend yourself in life; just BE beautiful, and life will defend you.
Bryant McGill
The easiest way to have a peek behind the curtain is to learn from those that are ahead of you.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Being giving is a big quality. Being too giving is a big mistake!
Rossana Condoleo
Choose to be happy.It’s the only sensible option!
Domonique Bertolucci
So many of life’s eventualitiesare beyond your control.Work out what things you caninfluence and come to a peacefulacceptance of the rest.
Domonique Bertolucci
Choose your battles wisely.Unless you have a very highchance of victory, spare yourenergy and walk away
Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t be attached to outcomes.Enjoy your experiences for whatthey are, what you have gainedand what you have learned.
Domonique Bertolucci
Unless you have a crystal ballyou don’t know how thefuture is going to unfold.Focus on the things you caninfluence and don’t fretover the rest.
Domonique Bertolucci
No matter how much youcare about someone,you can’t take responsibilityfor their happiness.
Domonique Bertolucci
You can’t make someonedo something just becauseyou want them to.What you do have, however,is the opportunity toinfluence their choices.
Domonique Bertolucci
Being a control freakis a sign of a vulnerableself-esteem. The betteryou feel about yourselfthe less you need to controleverything around you.
Domonique Bertolucci
Be mindful of thecompany you keep.Don’t let negative peoplecloud your vision.
Domonique Bertolucci
Believe in yourself, believe in yourdreams and believe in your rightto achieve your dreams.
Domonique Bertolucci
Your life paradigm is the set ofbeliefs or operating system for yourlife. Make sure you choose one thatsupports lifelong happiness.
Domonique Bertolucci
Regardless of your upbringing orformative experiences, it is never toolate to start believing in yourself.
Domonique Bertolucci
Examine your self-talk.Never speak to yourselfmore harshly than you wouldto a small child.
Domonique Bertolucci
The happiest, most successfulpeople believe in themselvesunconditionally. They knowthey can do, be and have allthat they want in life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t depend on others tofuel your self-belief.Develop your self-belief so thatit becomes self-sustaining.
Domonique Bertolucci
When you believe in yourselfit is easier not to takecriticism, knock-backs anddisappointments personally
Domonique Bertolucci
When someone else doesn’t believein you or your dreams, rememberit’s about them, not you.
Domonique Bertolucci
Let go of the idea of winningor losing. In the game of life,the most important thingis just showing upand doing your best.
Domonique Bertolucci
You only have one life.Make sure that yours isone you are happyto be living.
Domonique Bertolucci
Perfectionism is a lost cause.Focus your energy on beingthe best you can be.
Domonique Bertolucci
True happiness is a state of being,not one of doing or having.
Domonique Bertolucci
Focus on what matters.Honour your valuesand make decisionsthat are aligned with them.
Domonique Bertolucci
When you make a choice,acknowledge all the consequences.That way you won’t be leftfeeling compromised.
Domonique Bertolucci
There is no such thingas ‘no choice’. There arealways other options.Explore yours.
Domonique Bertolucci
Self-pity never leads to happiness.Remind yourself that the situationmay not be ideal, but it’s rarely theworst that could ever happen.
Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t sabotage yourchance for happiness.Own up to the real choicesyou are making.
Domonique Bertolucci
If you believe in yourself,anything and everything is possible.
Domonique Bertolucci
The only thing you have totalcontrol over is who you choose to be.Be the best you can be.
Domonique Bertolucci
Accept the past,dream of the future,but live in the moment.
Domonique Bertolucci
Learning from the past can helpyou move forward. Lingering inthe past will only hold you back.
Domonique Bertolucci
Nobody from your past should beheld responsible for your future.The only person accountable foryour future is you.
Domonique Bertolucci
Look for the joy in each andevery day. Just because it isn’timmediately obvious, that doesn’tmean it’s not there.
Domonique Bertolucci
It’s hard to be present whenyour attention is sufferinginformation overload.Switch off and just sit still.
Domonique Bertolucci
Be there when you are there.Don’t try to juggle all the roles inyour life. Focus on the role you areplaying and do it to the bestof your ability.
Domonique Bertolucci
Multi-tasking is stressful.You will get things donemuch faster if you do themone at a time.
Domonique Bertolucci
Having a vision is great,but don’t be so focused onyour next goal that you forgetto enjoy your achievements.
Domonique Bertolucci
Nobody’s life is perfect.Rather than wishingfor things you don’t have,make the most of thethings you do have.
Domonique Bertolucci
It’s okay to aspire to a better life,but don’t let it stop you fromenjoying the life you already have.
Domonique Bertolucci
Your expectations determineyour experience.Expect the best from lifeand you will usually get it.
Domonique Bertolucci
Worrying doesn’t change anything.Focus your energy on the outcomeyou do want and then do whatyou can to make it happen.
Domonique Bertolucci
Most of the things that go wrongin life don’t have a lasting impact.Remind yourself that if it won’tmatter in ten years’ time,it doesn’t matter today.
Domonique Bertolucci
See the world as beingfilled with positive potential.Focus your attention onyour intention and make thatpotential a reality in your life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t be afraid to take a chance.The worst that can happen is thatyou don’t succeed … this time.
Domonique Bertolucci
Being optimistic isn’t about believingnothing can go wrong. An optimistacknowledges what can go wrongbut expects things to go right.
Domonique Bertolucci
Remember, however bad thingsmight be right now, this momentwill pass and your life will continueto be a good one.
Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t deny your emotions andforce yourself to smile when youfeel like crying. Cry, but learn tosmile through your tears.
Domonique Bertolucci
There is nothing wrong withdeciding that you don’t wantsomething, but if you do want it,go out and get it!
Domonique Bertolucci
Just because there is an obstaclein your path, that doesn’t meanyou have to get off the road.
Domonique Bertolucci
Worrying about money isone of the biggest causes ofunhappiness, but no amountof money can make you happyunless you change theway you feel about it.
Domonique Bertolucci
Just because there are thingsyou still want, that doesn’t meanyou can’t feel gratitude for all thewealth and abundancealready in your life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Having a poverty mentalityleaves you focusing on all thethings you don’t have, when inreality you probably already haveeverything you need.
Domonique Bertolucci
You have to give yourselfpermission to be happy.Nobody else can give it to you.
Domonique Bertolucci
Being happyis not a privilege—it is somethingeveryone deserves.
Domonique Bertolucci
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