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Eugenics has always been the escape valve of single payer socialized medicine. Havelock Ellis was writing about them as one and the same prior to the fin-de-siecle. Culling out of control population growth and the economic drain of the incurably sick has always been a part of socialized medicine.
A.E. Samaan
Centrally planned economies are upended by out of control population. Their escape valve is eugenics.
A.E. Samaan
The central planners of Democratic Socialism tighten their noose when people resist their plans and assert their rights. All Socialism is intended to devolve into Communism, and as a result, Totalitarianism.
A.E. Samaan
I think, therefore I am an individual... not a drone in a collective. I think, therefore I am... Libertarian.
A.E. Samaan
I was once a statist, and then I researched The Holocaust. I am now a Libertarian.
A.E. Samaan
There is a very dangerous myth that #Hitler was solely fueled by racism. His desire to engineer society was pervasive. Racism alone cannot explain what happened in The Holocaust without also addressing Hitler's statist policies.
A.E. Samaan
Liberty isn't everything. I just allows everything to happen.
A.E. Samaan
You can either have individual liberty, or dependence on the government. One is designed to undo the other.
A.E. Samaan
According to an original reading of the Constitution and Declaration, the intrusiveness that is an inevitable part of big government is an offense against its people.
A.E. Samaan
Some capitalism suffers from cronyism. All of socialism is perverted by the crony statism of the powerful few.
A.E. Samaan
The Supreme Court of the United States is no longer a court of law. It is a forum of legal fad and fashion.
A.E. Samaan
Sadly enough, individual liberty remains the ideal of revolutionary thinkers even in the 21st Century.
A.E. Samaan
The "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" begins with "life", and "life" begins at conception.
A.E. Samaan
People, imperfect and corruptible are society's building blocks. Political theories evading this reality are a catastrophe in waiting.
A.E. Samaan
All utopias are dystopias. The term "dystopia" was coined by fools that believed a "utopia" can be functional.
A.E. Samaan
Making universal prosperity a right is the surest way to universal poverty.
J.S.B. Morse
If you require force to promote your ideal, there is something wrong with your ideal.
J.S.B. Morse
When enough people realize that they are slaves but don't have to be, revolutions happen.
J.S.B. Morse
Socialism is not a meritocracy. By definition it places increasingly confining restraints on those that succeed the most.
A.E. Samaan
Capitalists desire purchasing power. Socialists lust for the power to plan society. Which is worse?
A.E. Samaan
The road to evil is paved with socialist intentions.
A.E. Samaan
Anarcho-capitalism: the realization that the only way to effectively govern the market is to have an effective market in governance.
Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
The opposite of Nazi is neither Republican nor Democrat, conservative or liberal. Totalitarianism's diametric opposite of is Libertarianism.
A.E. Samaan
Every totalitarian Communist considered themselves as a Socialist first and foremost.
A.E. Samaan
Socialism, or communism as it is sometimes called, is merely a secular religion, where the State becomes a god.
Stefan Molyneux
The earliest use of writing was strictly commercial and economic, not political or bureaucratic. It was trade, entrepreneurship, and stewardship of private property, not politics, "public education" or the creation of national mythology that allowed humankind to transition from prehistory to history. Just as trade, entrepreneurship, and stewardship of private property have always been on the forefront of civilization's advancement, so were they also the driving force behind civilization's emergence.
Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
It is illogical to say, as many etatists do, that liberalism is hostile to or hates the state, because it is opposed to the transfer of the ownership of railroads or cotton mills to the state. If a man says that sulphuric acid does not make a good hand lotion, he is not expressing hostility to sulphuric acid as such; he is simply giving his opinion concerning the limitations of its use.
Ludwig von Mises
Support for the arts -- merde! A government-supported artist is an incompetent whore!
Robert A. Heinlein
There's something immoral about abandoning your common sense in matters of social importance.
A.E. Samaan
It is infinitely better to rely on the pursuit of economic interest by landowners or street companies than to depend on the dubious “altruism” of bureaucrats and government officials.
Murray N. Rothbard
Global libertarianism would be a borderless world society.
Bryant McGill
Individual liberty may be unable to solve every social problem, but collective violence is unable to solve any social problem.
Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
The people in charge can always justify doing terrible things in the name of the greater good. A slaughter here, a little torture there. It becomes moral to do things that would be immoral if an ordinary individual did ’em.
Joe Hill
LEFTISTS EAT THEIR CHILDREN: The poets, artists, and radicals are murdered first once the "revolution" actually comes about.
A.E. Samaan
Art should be for sale. The artist should not.
A.E. Samaan
If you are stuck in circumstances in which it takes Herculean efforts to get through the day— doing low-income work, obeying an authoritarian boss, buying clothes for the children, dealing with school issues, paying the rent or mortgage, fixing the car, negotiating with a spouse, paying taxes, and caring for older parents— it is not easy to pay close attention to larger political issues. Indeed you may wish that these issues would take care of themselves. It is not a huge jump from such a wish to become attracted to a public philosophy, spouted regularly at your job and on the media, that economic life would regulate itself automatically if only the state did not repeatedly intervene in it in clumsy ways. Now underfunded practices such as the license bureau, state welfare, public health insurance, public schools, public retirement plans, and the like begin to appear as awkward, bureaucratic organizations that could be replaced or eliminated if only the rational market were allowed to take care of things impersonally and quietly, as it were. Certainly such bureaucracies are indeed often clumsy. But more people are now attracted to compare that clumsiness to the myth of how an impersonal market would perform if it took on even more assignments and if state regulation of it were reduced even further. So a lot of “independents” and “moderates” may become predisposed to the myth of the rational market in part because the pressures of daily life encourage them to seek comfort in ideological formations that promise automatic rationality.
William E. Connolly
Sometimes I fantasize about the US head of state as a super-lazy, super-moral libertarian despot and think, “That would certainly make everything easier,” even though I can’t think of one person who’d qualify, except maybe Willie Nelson.
Chuck Klosterman
With a [democratic] government anyone in principle can become a member of the ruling class or even the supreme power. The distinction between the rulers and the ruled as well as the class consciousness of the ruled become blurred. The illusion even arises that the distinction no longer exists: that with a public government no one is ruled by anyone, but everyone instead rules himself. Accordingly, public resistance against government power is systematically weakened. While exploitation and expropriation before might have appeared plainly oppressive and evil to the public, they seem much less so, mankind being what it is, once anyone may freely enter the ranks of those who are at the receiving end. Consequently, [exploitation will increase], whether openly in the form of higher taxes or discretely as increased governmental money “creation” (inflation) or legislative regulation.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Scratch a “libertarian” these days, and you will find...a leftist.
Murray Rothbard
Before the mid-20th century, when American libertarians entangled themselves in conservative coalitions against the New Deal and Soviet Communism, "free market" thinkers largely saw themselves as liberals or radicals, not as conservatives. Libertarian writers, from Smith to Bastiat to Spencer, had little interest in tailoring their politics to conservative or "pro-business" measurements. They frequently identified capitalists, and their protectionist policies, as among the most dangerous enemies of free exchange and property rights.
Charles W. Johnson
I would rather contend with an honest asshole than a duplicitous diplomat.
A.E. Samaan
I do not deny, but strongly affirm, the right of the State to interfere to cure a great evil. I say that in this case it would interfere to create a great evil; and I am not going to be turned from the discussion of that direct issue to bottomless botherations about Socialism and Individualism, or the relative advantages of always turning to the right and always turning to the left.
G.K. Chesterton
The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between authoritarians and libertarians.
George Orwell
There are those that want freedom from individual responsibility, and then there are those that want individual liberty. "Freedom" and "liberty" no longer mean what they used to. A desire for dependence has been made fashionably desirable.
A.E. Samaan
Liberty will never yield equality. Freewill produces a mess that you either accept or reject in favor of slavery.
A.E. Samaan
Legislating morality grows big government immensely, and helps fashion the noose the government will use to ultimately hang you by.
A.E. Samaan
You either limit the government, or you limit the scope of your life. Why is the government that precious to you in the first place?
A.E. Samaan
There is no more precious currency than the unfettered liberty to explore while engaged in an "Idea Economy". You cannot centrally plan the "Idea Economy" any more than you can plan fun or spontaneity. Regulations are restraints in an "Idea Economy". The entrepreneur is either free to experiment or not.
A.E. Samaan
Centralization is an abomination! Decentralize everything! Leave nothing to the central planners.
A.E. Samaan
Fuck socialism!No, really..... fuck socialism. Socialism sucks!
A.E. Samaan
I am not interested in having freedom from burdens. I don't need any authority to free me from responsibility.I am not interested in having freedoms within an authoritarian's parameters. I am only interested in self-determination.I have only respect for liberty as I am a libertarian.
A.E. Samaan
We have rule of lawyers, not rule of law. The legal profession has a monopoly over one branch of government as it was never intended to. The American Bar Association owns an entire branch of our government. We should not be surprised that we are the most litigious society in the world. It is big business with a stranglehold on one of the three branches of government.
A.E. Samaan
Democratic Socialism is simply Totalitarianism that allows you the illusion of a voice in the matter.
A.E. Samaan
I do not believe in equality of results. I believe in "equal opportunity" and "equality before the law".
A.E. Samaan
Workers of the world unite???? How'bout.... Staunch individualists disperse!!!
A.E. Samaan
Regulations in an "Idea Economy" are restraints on innovation.
A.E. Samaan
There are those that want "freedom" from individual responsibility. Then there are those that want individual "liberty." I choose the latter. I am a Libertarian
A.E. Samaan
We Libertarians believe in "Limited Government" precisely because we believe in unlimited liberty. Reduce one, and you decrease the other.
A.E. Samaan
Art was the first casualty of the Socialist and Communist revolutions of the 20th Century. Socialists killed the independent thinkers first.
A.E. Samaan
Faith and freedom is great, but it gets nowhere without faith in freedom.
A.E. Samaan
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