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What you say about your situation matters a lot in life than what you do to it. It helps when you know what to say. When things are not going the way they are supposed to go, God does not keep quiet, He always say something. Do the same, change your situation with the words of your mouth.
Patience Johnson
Faith to challenge equals recovery. When you learn to challenge your situation God speaks.
Patience Johnson
I do not wait till i am in trouble till i can call on God. I have learned to speak the way God speaks, I have learned to see things the way God sees and I have also learned to handle it the way God handles it. Christ is the daily language of my mouth and faith is my daily talk and my actions have become the language of my life.
Patience Johnson
While studying my bible, I noticed that all the miracle Jesus did was never magical, the people that received their healing call it the blind man, the woman with the issue of blood, lazarus, the man they threw through the ceiling to him etc, had one thing in common. I didn't call it faith but I call it action. ...they made a move and was ready to make a shift and a change.Lessons to learn from here; faith without work better put without action is dead. Secondly, miracle will never find you in your sitting room, you need to make a move in order to find it. Third, God can only start the work in your life only with what you have left not what you do not have. Fourth, do your own part and then allow God to do the one you cannot do. Fifth, always be ready for a change. Sixth, when you have done everything and nothing seems to work....Call on JESUS...I am a living withness, He always starts when we are tired.
Patience Johnson
Christians believe in a big God but do small things and this is a big insult to God.
Patience Johnson
Christianity is not for seasonal use, it is for daily use. Make the word of God your daily Language.
Patience Johnson
Take anything that is above you to God, lift it, bless it and release it and see what God will do.
Patience Johnson
I believe that to be kept from evil is better than to be healed from sickness.
Patience Johnson
Any prophet who does not refer you to christ is not a true prophet.
Patience Johnson
What you need to succeed is already there, just lean on God. For your faith's sake, God can still disappoint the devil.
Patience Johnson
You can't stop satan from doing his job; his job is to steal, kill and destroy but don't let him stop you from doing your own job; and your job is to bind and lose his stronghold. His job is to destroy you and your job is to destroy him too. Cast him out.
Patience Johnson
When you go nearer to God, He shows you what to do, He tells you when to do it and He backs whatever He promised.
Patience Johnson
There must be a demand, there must be an urge and there must be a will and where there is a demand and a will, there will also be a way.
Patience Johnson
If you are looking for bad news ask new york times or CNN, if you are looking for good news ask me. I am an ambassador of good news.
Patience Johnson
I do not need to grow up or train in the gym in order to beat the devil, when I know that my God can beat him for me.
Patience Johnson
Nobody is too holy for the devil's attack, even your tithes and offerings won't stop him either but God rebukes the devourer through your giving.
Patience Johnson
When you leave where God is sending you to somewhere else, your star will varnish. A lesson to learn here....don't go to Herod's house when you are looking for Jesus.
Patience Johnson
You can win war without fighting and you must not fight a war in order to win. The battle is of the Lord.
Patience Johnson
Some people are in church but not in christ because if you are in christ, the first sign of true christianity is peace.
Patience Johnson
Man may change, government may change, people may change but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Patience Johnson
If the word of God cannot do it in your life then your Pastor must be wasting his time.
Patience Johnson
It is not your duty to run from the devil but resist him and he will flew from you.
Patience Johnson
You can prophecy without going to the bible school. If you acknowledge Jesus, you receive the gift of prophecy and you can prophecy. The holy spirit is always there for you.
Patience Johnson
Cheap food always requires expensive treatment.
Patience Johnson
When next the devil attack you apply your break resist the devil and he will flew from you. The bible didn't say you should run from the devil but resist him.
Patience Johnson
When last did you thank God? When last did you appreciate him? Some people are just busy praying for more things they need God to do. The best way to pray is by thanking God first for the things He has already done in your life. For the remaining job in your life, He knows how to finish it.
Patience Johnson
Stop telling God what you want to have , He is going to use what you have left to give you what you need.
Patience Johnson
I have lived long enough to see God make my enemies my footstool not even footsteps.
Patience Johnson
The task is not in getting the healing the task is in what will you do with your healing. The task is not in seeing the light the task is in what will you do with the light. It is when you have choices that God can see who you really are not when you are without.
Patience Johnson
Question: when you picture Jesus ministering to others, how do you see Him? Certainly not with the stressed-out, hurry-up attitude we often have. Don’t you get an image of Him ministering in a quiet, tranquil peace? That’s a trait you need to develop too. As ambassadors of Christ we need to become more like our Master in dealing with others. Paul writes, ‘Live in peace, and [then] the God of love [Who is the Source of affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence toward men] and the Author and Promoter of peace will be with you.’ When you resort to force, argument, intimidation, anger, and coercion, you’re on your own. But when you demonstrate affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence towards people, God has promised to be with you
Patience Johnson
Unless you acknowledge your vulnerability for sin, you won’t pray against it and you’ll end up experiencing defeat. The most effective weapon the enemy has against you - is you
Patience Johnson
Satan can’t prevail against you when you know God’s Word and stand on it. So have your ‘It is written’ armour ready. Build yourself up on the Word of God before the attack comes.
Patience Johnson
If you are landing it doesn't really matter who is sitting beside you but while you are taking off, it is very important you know who is around you. Eagles don't flock with pigeons.
Patience Johnson
Any bridge you refuse to burn gives Satan an invitation and re-entry point into your life.
Patience Johnson
Unanswered prayer is God’s gift … it protects us from ourselves. If all our prayers were answered we’d abuse the power … use prayer to change the world to our liking, and it would become hell on earth. Like spoiled children with too many toys and too much money, we’d grab for more. We’d pray for victory at the expense of others … intoxicated by power we’d hurt people and exalt ourselves. Isaiah said, “The LORD longs to be gracious to you … therefore He waits” (Isaiah 30:18 NASB). Unanswered prayer protects…breaks…deepens and transforms. Past unanswered prayers which left us hurt and disillusioned, act like a refiner’s fire to prepare us for future answers.’ Bottom line: pray with the right motives!
Patience Johnson
God sends the best to those who deserves it.
Patience Johnson
If I could remove one thing from the world and replace it with something else, I would erase politics and put art in its place. That way, art teachers would rule the world. And since art is the most supreme form of love, beautiful colors and imagery would weave bridges for peace wherever there are walls. Artists, who are naturally heart-driven, would decorate the world with their love, and in that love — poverty, hunger, lines of division, and wars would vanish from the earth forever. Children of the earth would then be free to play, imagine, create, build and grow without bloodshed, terror and fear.
Suzy Kassem
Hiding behind titles to create security is insecurity.
Richie Norton
Maybe he sells fear because he's got nothing else to sell.
Stephen King
Stop groveling, stop whining and start working!
Abhijit Naskar
The power to compel is not the same thing as leadership, and one does inspire the other. You are not a leader, Walters, you are a bully and a coward of the worst kind. the fear you believe you inspire is merely the fear in which you constantly live, and it undermines the very leadership you profess to have. Strip a bully of his pulpit and he becomes a cowering, quivering thing... You will never lose the fear because it defines you, and the very things you seek to annihilate will be those which ultimately destroy you.
April White
When you trust your own abilities and those of the people around you, you overcome fear. And when the people you lead trust themselves and you - that you have their best interests at heart and are authentic - is when you and they will achieve the most.
Phil Dourado
It is a rule of leading people, Gideon. You may be confused, or afraid, or overwhelmed, or all three—those who depend on you must never see it.
Daniel M. Ford
The most difficult step ever is the first step. It comes with doubts, uncertainties, and all sort of fears. If you defy all odd and take it, your confidence will replicate very fast and you'll become a master!
Israelmore Ayivor
Truth is the greatest marketing campaign.
Richie Norton
Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.
Robert Louis Stevenson
One of the functions of leadership is to lead, and weak managers may simply check and check and check with others because they are not capable of leading when it is required of them to lead. Benedict says that in matters of importance the abbot or prioress is to ask everyone in the community, 'starting with the youngest,' and then the abbot or prioress is to 'do what seems best.
Joan D. Chittister
I NEVER KNEW YOU.Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God.1 John 3:6No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him.
Mac Canoza
Worship is forever.
Mac Canoza
Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the dark, seeking meaning for humanity.
Bangambiki Habyarimana
In an era of globalization, we recognize that we are part of a global society, but we have no idea how to make such a society work. So far, no unified vision or leadership has emerged to guide us in this endeavor. We have not yet found a way to expand the spiritual ideals of democracy so that they pertain to every human being, every animal, and every plant. Until we do, human civilization and the Earth's ecosystem will continue to be in peril.
Victor Shamas
Our desires, dreams and hopes, open portals. These portals manifest in our conscience and five senses, in the form of decisions related to the material world but also opportunities. Now, at the exact same time, or maybe even slightly before in time, we get the exact opposite, the temptation, the illusion and deception. And when we are about to make a decision, as if by magic, the two things come stronger to us, as if pushing us into a duality that makes it hard to decide. Now, this brings me to another super interesting fact: Most people assume that they have freewill, and that choices are hard to be made, and that life is full of dualities. And I've learned that this is just a great deception related to our planet, which, as human beings, we must transcend. And what I'm really saying here is that the duality and the freewill don't exist. There's only one choice to be made, the one that bring us upwards. Self-destruction is not a choice. And yet, every duality presents exactly that, and not really a choice.
Robin Sacredfire
The duality and the freewill don't exist. There's only one choice to be made, the one that bring us upwards. Self-destruction is not a choice. And yet, every duality presents exactly that, and not really a choice.
Robin Sacredfire
The Gospel is the good news, not the grouse news. Preaching is not beating, it´s informing in a christlike way.
Alin Sav
If you want to get good in Leadership, you probably should start reading the bible.
Alin Sav
If you are interested in equality at all costs, you should never have gone looking for your power in the first place. Holding authority with integrity is more important than making others feel good.
Anne Hill
If I were to vote, I would intentionally vote for the goofiest candidate. It is my theory that when the people can outwit the leader, the more respected their voices will be.
Criss Jami
Don’t just be a deliverer of yourself, but a deliverer of your whole nation
Sunday Adelaja
Always be the light. Do not wait for others to take responsibility
Sunday Adelaja
Keep your promises and never be late in acting. Act right and do the right things at the right time.
Israelmore Ayivor
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