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Your values create your internal compass that can navigate how you make decisions in your life. If you compromise your core values, you go nowhere.
Roy T. Bennett
There is no failure, unless we fail to begin or we fail to continue.
Christopher Babson
Do you enjoy your work? Are you happy to get out of bed each morning and dress for the office? If you answered ‘no’ to either of these questions, you are not alone. In a 2014 Conference Board survey, 52 per cent of Americans claimed to be unhappy at work and in a recent CIPD study 23 per cent of Britons claimed to be looking for a new job. In the same survey only about one-third claim to feel engaged with their work. You can see the effects of this in absence, stress and depression. In fact, you can see it in the rush hour in the tired and sad-looking faces of so many commuters.The majority of people I coach are unhappy or dissatisfied with their working lives. They describe their work in so many depressing ways – as ‘boring’, ‘tedious’, ‘mind-numbing’, ‘stressful’, ‘painful’ or even ‘scary’. I hear similar opinions as I travel the world from all types of people no matter what their background, education or choice of career.
Nigel Cumberland
Ineffective leadership, is the plight of followers who anoint power to the autocratic persons who's visions are not founded but are rather arbitrary in their nature.
Wayne Chirisa
Thought leadership is first and foremost life leadership.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
A mindset that understands order, is a mindset that can understand leadership.
Wayne Chirisa
Smile and Slay.You have to slay it in life or life will slay you.
Janna Cachola
We weren't born to create excuses, we were born to create excellence.
Janna Cachola
I'd rather be the jester who adds value to those around me than a King with no vision or intention of making a difference.
Janna Cachola
Your message is only as loud as the actions that accompany it. Live your message and it will be heard loud and clear.
Rev. Kellen Roggenbuck
You will never get the best out of anyone professionally unless you understand what motivates and makes them tick personally - as a human being
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg of awesomeness. Things will get better. Keep smiling, don't give up just yet. Perseverance has an amazing gift for you, just wait you see.
Janna Cachola
I might be broke but I am not Broken
Onkar K Khullar (Digital Gandhi)
I am LIMITLESS not bent by the foundations of my own mind.I can create endless possibilities with the world as my canvas
Onkar K Khullar (Digital Gandhi)
My life is circus
Onkar K Khullar (Digital Gandhi)
If you believe all those who are urging you to give up are wrong, prove them wrong!
Nabil N. Jamal
Perfecting your character isn’t a marathon, a race, or a competition. It can only be won in stride with daily motivation.
Orly Wahba
Have Fun Storming the Castle!
Michael O'Brien
Branding is fascinating. Creating a brand that is authentic and timeless is what entrepreneurs dream of. Dare to be different, dare to dream.
Independent Zen
Poor motivation and alertness cause complacency
V.S. Parani
Sometimes, beyond all else, should be a true passion and investment in driving the result and a lack of fear associated with making it happen.
Colleen Bader
[Team player vs team builder]Players focus on the wins and the loses.Builders focus on the team and future of the vision.Let's move our members from team player to team builder.
Janna Cachola
I refuse to live life with unsettled differences”.
John Paul Warren
The IMPOSSIBLE is ONLY relevant to those who NEVER attempt it…otherwise it is ABSTACT and MEANINGLESS
John Paul Warren
Cream always rises to the top...so do good leaders".
John Paul Warren
Imagine a place where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion, and a positive attitude every day.
Stephen C. Lundin
Life's short. Live passionately.
Marc A. Pitman
In order to know your ministry, you need to start serving and be under the leadership of someone, who already knows his ministry
Sunday Adelaja
Leaders are not born, but made as a result of hard work
Sunday Adelaja
Take responsibility for the city
Sunday Adelaja
The only person to influence the direction and purpose of your life is the one who gave it. God!
Israelmore Ayivor
Self-leaders are still true leaders even if they have no known followers. True leaders inspire by the influence of their characters and general self-made brands. Leadership is defined by the virtues of one's behaviour.
Israelmore Ayivor
Self-leaders do not look for followers because they are busily pursuing their influencial dreams that followers will trace and ask for. Followers look for influence and that can be obtained from self-leaders.
Israelmore Ayivor
A young child is a leader to an elderly person once his purpose has a faithful, sincere and trustworthy influence on people. Leadership is not restricted to position and age; it is self-made and influencial. Everyone has this self-leadership quality.
Israelmore Ayivor
Peter's destiny lay along a different path from John's. And your calling is unlike anyone else's. But the call remains the same: "Follow Me!
Charles R. Swindoll
The concept of leadership is abused by people who think a person becomes a leader when he grows grey hair, put into a position and expected to function. Everyone has a leadership potential carried within in a specific area of his or purpose. Leadership is universal and built on trust.
Israelmore Ayivor
Leaders are passionate about the Purpose, while Managers need to be passionate about the Results!
Amit Chatterjee
You can be in your room and lead people. Just develop your potentials and publicize them and you will see people looking for your product. That is influence
Israelmore Ayivor
Dear Lord I am tired of forgiving people that offended me. Is there anyway you can fix this people's mind to do the right thing? Dear Lord I am tired of loving those that hate me, can you please replace their hateful heart with a lovng spirit. Dear Lord I am tired of hearing people complaining about the world not being peaceful, no money, so much wars and no love. Can you please open their eyes to see that there will be no peace for a wicked man. Remind them that you promised to supply all their needs and that with you all things are possible but it is possible to only those that believe just as I believe that only you can fix any hurting soul and situations.
Patience Johnson
You are created to be a creator. God does not give anyone a finished product. God did not create the telephone, car, computers, Facebook, amazon, ebay, God did not make a chair, He created a tree for you to produce the chair. He gave you the raw materials to look at and ask yourself what can I do with this?Are you a producer or a consumer? .....ponder
Patience Johnson
There is nothing good in the devil and there is nothing bad in God and with God all things are possible . And all things are possible to those that believe.
Patience Johnson
God didn't call me to kill me. He called me to glory and virtue. My body has dropped on His feet to follow me home no more. Who the son of God set free is free indeed.
Patience Johnson
If God give you a status, don't turn yourself to a statue. Don't become a monument. God still want to reside inside you but not in a monument.
Patience Johnson
The people that loves God, do they also have troubles? Yes but the troubles never have them. They can have pain but pain can't have them. Paul was in prison but prison was not in him. Don't let what you have, have you. Have money and time but don't let them have you. Have good name and title but don't let name and title have you but let God get glory out of it.
Patience Johnson
Any day God removes His hand from you, you are finished. Your hope and trust is only in Him. Your confidence, your strength, your power and your life is in God. There is no better life without Him. Look around the world and you will understand me.
Patience Johnson
So long as you are in God's hands, He will not throw you away. God cannot drop you for you to be ashamed.
Patience Johnson
I have lived long enough to know that wherever there is crisis there is always Christ. Look for Jesus in the middle of all your crisis. Whenever He comes the whole storm goes down.
Patience Johnson
Is your wife the devil? That is the reason the bible says we should cast out devil. Is your husband the devil? The bible still repeat cast out the devil. How can you reach your world if you can't reach your home? How do you expect to win the whole world if you can't win in your house.
Patience Johnson
Spiritual life is not mystic; when you decide to work with God, you have stepped to mystery, God can intervene at any time, God can come down even when you are not ready. From the minute you know and understand that God is interested in your marriage, job, business, health, the minute you know that God is interested in what you are doing for Him, the job will take a new turn, your business will take a new course, your life will have a new direction.
Patience Johnson
Is there anything in your life trying to slip off? Is your health threatening to leave you? Is your joy threatening to go? Is your job in jeopardy? Is your marriage shaking? Is there anything that you have been looking for in life? Is there anything near you that is about leaving you? Is there anything that you ever lost that was so dear to you? Jesus asked me to tell you that whatever that is gone out of your hand will come back again. Whatever that has gone out of your hand that you need to stay back with you will come back again.
Patience Johnson
What you need is not too big for God to supply.
Patience Johnson
In your roughest time, when everything looks so cloudy and deserted, don't look to man, don't look to a woman, don't look to government, don't look to Obama, don't look to Merkel, don't look to wall street, don't look to your family, don't look at your situation either, take off your eyes away from all those things that are so close to you; take it to Him that is bigger than your problem.
Patience Johnson
Why should sinners prosper and sins suffer? It is ignorant; don't think that the poorer you are the quicker you will see God, sorry no unclean thing shall see heaven. Poverty is a disgrace to God. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. You can be free, you can perform a miracle if you are a born again. I do not mean Church goers.
Patience Johnson
Poverty I am too beautiful to be like you. Sickness from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet, I belong to God.
Patience Johnson
You can never experience peace until you tell the devil that you are a child of God. CNN or BBC won't do that for you. My bible says if I should say to this mountain, let thou be removed. It didn't say if I should fall, cry or fail but if I should say.......
Patience Johnson
You don't wait till your case become terminal before you ask for a doctor. If you wait till it becomes incurable you will die without knowing your right. Spiritually put; you don't wait until you have problem before you pray. Pray without ceasing for you do not know when the problem will come. If you can bind headache you can bind cancer. If you can bind fever, you can equally bind ulcer. If you can loss a mentally dreaded man, you can loss and raise the dead.
Patience Johnson
Nothing is over in my life when Christ is above it. Anything higher than me is still below the feet of Christ. I am not born again to be burnt, I am born again to be born again so that I may live in peace and joy that comes only from God.
Patience Johnson
Your mouth can correct what is wrong. Your eyes can see evil and your mouth can speak righteousness. Your body can say I am sick while your mouth can say I am healed. Your eyes can say I am blind but your mouth can say I can see, Your pocket can say I am empty while your mouth can say I am swimming in abundance. Your Doctor can say that you are HIV Postive and Cancer but your mouth can say my body is a holy temple of God and by His stripes I am healed. Your womb can say that you are barren while your mouth can say "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Don´t live by sight, live by faith. Put it in practice.
Patience Johnson
See it (your situations) with your eyes but direct it to God
Patience Johnson
Anything that doubt me can´t doubt my God. Any situation that is too high for me can never be too high for my God.
Patience Johnson
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