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Science has given us a great lie. It is this lie that ends the current age of faith in God.
Compton Gage
The great lie is like a sword that has been thrust into the heart of humankind.
Compton Gage
God is the one subject of reality. Take away the one subject and there is nothing real.
Compton Gage
You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals.
Compton Gage
You are judged many times more by what you give assent to others doing than what you do yourself.
Compton Gage
Justice is paramount. The new judgement is the justice of the hidden time.
Compton Gage
The murder of a child has no justification, even if the bombs have missed their mark.
Compton Gage
The starvation of a child has no justification, even if the crops have failed, or the population is too large.
Compton Gage
Act correctly. Incorrect action cannot be justified by incorrect action. An incorrect action taken to cover an incorrect action is doubly incorrect.
Compton Gage
There is nothing hidden in the hidden time. Know that this, the hidden time, is your everlasting, and live.
Compton Gage
God has spoken to me, without words, to my heart. He has told me that I am to rewrite the future and remind His people's faith and to help keep that faith alive attached with the Holy Bible to Him. God gave me the name Compton Gage. My earthly name is not important. My person is not part of the reminder. This is not an ordinary book, this is not a Bible. The materials of the Third Testament, was organized and re-written by me. I was given a good authority by God. BY GOD ONLY!
Compton Gage
The greatest violence, and the greatest threat to humanity, is the growth of MONEY.
Compton Gage
Now hear of the new judgement. You are judged many times more by what you do in groups than for what you do as individuals.
Compton Gage
Those who have assets must withdraw them from the markets of loans. Do not accept notes of loan on speculation. The time will soon come when you will gain no profits from the market of loans, and your wealth will be taken by the very few.
Compton Gage
In the new faith, there is only one commandment. It is this commandment, and this commandment alone, that must be followed to end the times of suffering, which are soon to come. FORSAKE USURY.
Compton Gage
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.
Compton Gage
The inner dimension and the hidden time have already been discovered.
Compton Gage
Cleave to the common good. We are all responsible for bringing about the time of great suffering, for its continuing.
Compton Gage
You are judged more by what you do passively than by what you do actively.
Compton Gage
If one billion of you watch and do not intercede as one million of you assent to the one thousand who participate in the murder of a child, then one billion of you are a billion times guilty.
Compton Gage
You are judged more by what you do passively than by what you do actively. If one billion of you watch and do not intercede as one million of you assent to the one thousand who participate in the murder of a child, then one billion of you are a billion times guilty.
Compton Gage
Religiousity is unself glory not purity
First Cosmic Seal:(Devic Seal 333) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 40,000 spirits.
Compton Gage
Second Cosmic Seal:(Seal of Karl 666) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 160,000 spirits. Many great politicians, military commanders, etc. on earth are at this occult level of operations. This will be the occult level of Antichrist.
Compton Gage
There are seven occult kingdoms in the universe, which are the kingdoms of Satan and the fallen angels. There are various planes, zones, realms and centers as well as deities, gods and lords. The Five Cosmic Seals (occult levels) are the universal summary of the 400,000 categories of occult initiations, powers and demons (Astrometaphysical Operations). There are male and female, neuter and mermaid spirits (demons or Cosmic Forces).
Compton Gage
There are occult Esoteric Metaphysics (the secret and most confidential aspect of occult teachings) and Mystical Sciences practiced by mystical adepts, Living Grand Masters. This is the cosmological verdict of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierarchy universal occult recognition. Exoteric is public occult teachings. An Adept uses the Technique of the Master. Hell is called After-Life-Hallucination. There are entities, spirits, demons, demi-gods, Archangels and other names for evil beings. A Guru is a spiritual Master.
Compton Gage
Wasting time is living in self glorification instead of glorifying God as God is time
Seals:The Five Cosmic Seals are five occult Level 333, 666, 999, 1330 and 003 operating 400,000 minuet mystical degrees.
Compton Gage
Fifth Cosmic Seal:(Liber 003 - Seal of Tuzassotama) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is mystically empowered to proclaim himself as "God, Lord, Universal Master or God-Incarnate" on earth and he controls all spirits of the occult kingdoms.
Compton Gage
Fourth Cosmic Seal:(Terrestrial Seal 1330 - Seal of Ba-Vara) One who has received this Cosmic Seal (Living Grand Master of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierachy) is empowered to control not less than 100,000,000 spirits and 33,000,000 demi-gods.
Compton Gage
Third Cosmic Seal:(Shiva Seal 999 - Seal Destruction) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 2,500,000 spirits which depends on the mastership of one's occult and psychic projections. Women are generally kept at this level with a few women exceeding this level.
Compton Gage
Seeing the mud around a lotus is pessimism, seeing a lotus in the mud is optimism.
Amit Kalantri
Dreams of success often get in the way of actual success.
Felix Long
The two old men were as still as the stone bench on which they sat, as though their lengthy communion with the element had turned them into statues.
Felix Long
His shout was a syllable so ancient and powerful that Saffiyah's mind instantly censored it.
Felix Long
How is something authorised as 'feng shui compliant' he wondered. Is there a Chinese Ministry of Magic?
Felix Long
It’s like everyone has their own little recipe for happiness, but no one really seems all that happy.
Brent Jones
Happiness isn’t something you work toward, the same way misery isn’t something you work toward.
Brent Jones
He pondered his turmoil, wondering which he feared most—losing his father or being alone in the world. Both were inevitable. Neither could be stopped or slowed down. All he could do now was brace for impact.
Brent Jones
I lost someone close to me once . . . Taught me to live in the moment. Life is short, you know?
Brent Jones
It feels like I’m stuck in one spot. It’s been this way for a long time. I know you understand, but now you’re moving on without me. And I—I’m not ready to be alone.
Brent Jones
If that’s the case, I understand why emotions are hard for you. You’ve numbed yourself to make room for the grief you carry.
Brent Jones
I gave up drinking before my twentieth birthday. I haven’t touched the stuff since. And I’ve discovered that not everyone who does horrible things is a horrible person.
Brent Jones
See, you’ve got to understand, son. There’s two types of guys in this world. There’s guys . . . who think they’re in control, and guys like us who live in the moment. Who accept life as it is.
Brent Jones
It’s like you’re always living in your head. . . . Relax and appreciate your surroundings a little.
Brent Jones
If, years later, I do use the slit detector to observe which way the electron went, it will mean that many years earlier the electron must have passed through one slit or the other. But if I don't use the "slit detector," then the electron must have passed through both slits. This is, of course, extremely weird. My actions at the beginning of the twenty-first century can change what happened thousands of years ago when the electron began its journey. It seems that just as there are multiple futures, there are also multiple pasts, and my acts of observation in the present can decide what happened in the past. As much as it challenges any hope of ever really knowing the future, quantum physics asks whether I can ever really know the past. It seems that the past is also in a superposition of possibilities that crystallize only once they are observed.
Marcus du Sautoy
Guard yourself with a positive attitude, conviction, hope and fulfillment of your heart’s desire.
Sunday Adelaja
There is still hope that if the people refuse to give up and keep silent, no matter how long or inconsequential their voices could be at the beginning, it would still be heard and justice be served.
Sunday Adelaja
You may find that knowledge is not so great a thing as belief or hope.
Mark Rude
I would rather my descendants have greater abilities and a greater knowledge of the love of Christ than I do, much like standing on one's shoulders in order to get a clearer view of the valley.
Criss Jami
Let my body dwell in poverty, and my hands be as the hands of the toiler; but let my soul be as a temple of remembrance where the treasures of knowledge enter and the inner sanctuary is hope.
George Eliot
The "inner circle of humanity" recognizes others through frequency, regardless of walk of life or "positioning in the astral". This is an operation run invisibly from Outside the astral. Going Home represents the final shift to one's true spiritual families of light, in all dimensions of harmonics; higher vibrations/love in unity consciousness, above, below and literally "everywhere and everynow".
Compton Gage
Secret glances are shared by those on the "inside" or esoteric "inner circle", who have literally gone into many lower frequencies simultaneously. This is the "secret glance" of love, which allows the higher to operate in the lower; to "save" those worlds in order to correct the impending takeover of the "Devil and his demons", a metaphor for light and dark "battles" raging today.
Compton Gage
If the 4th "dimension" is blocked, which is a kind of cosmic umbrella, through which 5D through 9D and higher are designed to operate in physical realms, being non-physical, then the Devil who controls "the spice" controls everything. It would be easy to continue with the reasons behind death, terrible plague on earth.
Compton Gage
The concept that man is not awake, and that only a fully conscious being can "do", have will and not be subject to the law of accident.
Compton Gage
This is the vital difference between Conscious Beings, which we are morphing into organically, and those who are asleep or unconscious.
Compton Gage
Slightly higher density polarized negative entities", regardless of their actual metaphoric names. What's in a name... a rose still has thorns!
Compton Gage
The best place to conceal esoteric information is right in front of us.
Compton Gage
A terrible plague has either killed mankind or transformed them into demons ... and all they want is Compton's soul.The best place to conceal esoteric information is right in front of us.
Compton Gage
Set as higher dimensional beings walking the earth today, who must INcarnate (there is no REincarnation if there is no time. Exception: descending spirals which crystallize in lower frequencies) to live in the various dream worlds (this one included) with the final "kick"/baptism by water, pulling up ALL the densities/dimensions through LOVE.
Compton Gage
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