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It is also aimed at experienced human rights activists who are looking for a handy collection of facts to use in any confrontations online – or in real life.
Christina Engela
...So to be fast to don't be long and to try to be short... If you want to play the best game, create it - make the rules, make what they will do... That's how I do it. I make people to play my games and then often loooose!
Deyth Banger
Answer, yeah I know it... We were for little period of time texting nothing else... no friendship is available as a feature but you are talking about relationship and marriage are you right with your mind?
Deyth Banger
If you know it... ... as conclusion there isn't a reason to continue... No mysteries no reasons. Life with it's own reasons!
Deyth Banger
Not many Ruminarii warships had ever been captured intact by any enemy, and so for those the Ruminarii “invited” aboard their vessels, this was usually a one-way sight-seeing trip. For those who really want to know, Ruminarii Hammerheads have an extensive corridor network, the interior walls are heavily decorated, savagely militaristic and inevitably, close together. He strode down one. Lesser ranks seeing him, fell to the deck and groveled like their fingernails depended on it. There was a chorus of shrieks and whimpers as he passed. When he arrived on the bridge, everyone was face down on the deck, each endeavoring to grovel lower than the next. Nothing like discipline to keep the crew in its place.
Christina Engela
GreenHollyWood is a stupid fat guy, saying (I will watch that and I will check that...) and in the end nothing there isn't progress why??To fat to move!(It's a black joke, do you get it?)
Deyth Banger
It is possible to build a system that could assure you of increase on constant basis
Sunday Adelaja
Time is a teacher which in the end it kills all it's students. (Synchronicity 2015 Film)
Deyth Banger
Swallowing, he entered the second code. Then there was a sound like a marble dropping on the floor - bouncing slowly, gradually getting faster as it dropped lower and lower… The thing was toying with him! Where was it? He strained his hearing, but all was again silent. He wanted to shout and scream obscenities at it, but he fought the impulse. It might not really know his location after all - and that would've led it right to him. It must be coming for him! It must be by the door by now, looking for a way in. Time was running out. He hastily keyed in the third and last code.Death the destroyer never is late!
Christina Engela
When people don't like you... you feel it. They don't pay attention at you... they some kind a ignore you... they don't talk a lot of with you.....
Deyth Banger
This was his first trip on the Ossifar Distana, his first real splash in life. Look what it got him. Mister Smiff liked anonymity. He kept a low profile, often traveling under assumed names, claiming to be anything from a banker to a (very) successful life insurance salesman. He’d never broken the law, at least not irreparably. He was quite generous, well liked, sponsoring many charities anonymously – which is why it was so surprising to find him floating face down in the private spa in his apartment, murdered. He had been murdered, unless it was a freak shaving accident. Those old razors weren’t called cut-throats for nothing. Yikes.
Christina Engela
There is always time, it is never too late....When you die and you haven't done it, then it's too late!
Deyth Banger
Keep search in sci-fi and many other places books, stories and many other stuff... Keep searching, don't stop and you will find it!
Deyth Banger
That's why we seize the moment try to freeze it and own it, squeeze it and hold it.
The biggest problem is that stress is above my life, as much I have more stress as more masturbate commmands me. I see it's pointless, it loses time, it's useless and so on and so on... but some how it's difficult to stop it!
Deyth Banger
Sunday is God's day, and he was committed to honoring it. Just because he was in Paris to compete in the Olympics didn't justify changing his lifelong commitment.
Craig Groeschel
Search engines finds the information, not necessarily the truth.
Amit Kalantri
35. God is entitled to a portion of our income—not because He needs it but because we need to give it.
James C. Dobson
Here is a nice tip, safe the shit which now you are saying for later one day you will need it.
Deyth Banger
You don't need notes... you either do it ... or you either you don't do it.
Deyth Banger
Continue do what you want, once, twice, third, fourth and so on and one moment I will just unplug this plug and... (you won't like from here up to the end the story..., so let's just finish it here. Let's make it you to like it!)
Deyth Banger
They know what they want, but aren't sure how to find it.
James C. Dobson
To come here and lie about your life you must have very big confidence and courage to do it.
Deyth Banger
Face the truth, face it. Don't face the lie, face the truth!
Deyth Banger
They lied for new season after 5 for Breaking bad, they stopped the incrediable series "Lie to me", after season 3 there isn't other. It's horrible isn't it?
Deyth Banger
We have to begin giving them the whole truth about premarital sex and the difficulties it can cause.
James C. Dobson
Ones there is a demand, it is our obligation to supply the answers, give the right responses for us to fully enjoy life
Sunday Adelaja
The CIO is a serious partner in the inner circle to creating value-added strategies and enabling deeper insights into the opportunities IT can do.
Pearl Zhu
Don't think about don't thinking about it.
Deyth Banger
If you want to find something with an equation, you must start thinking like a person who have it.
Deyth Banger
Don't be an idiot - Idiots repeat as for my opinion to repeat is a useless process better check out one book it's not possible to learn everything and use everything it's insane. But you can do one thing, focus on the important stuff which have impressed you, use them - delete the book, make an essay and think on this few days you can think and check out some other books, videos and so on and so on... If you didn't get it, okay then listen again until you get it... It's imporntant to don't repeat and to understand it!
Deyth Banger
Don't think it. Do it!
Anthony T.Hincks
Happiness ends with horror, you get terrified from the news don't ya?From the earthquakes, up to the danger stuff happen around the world... or you take it as happiness?So you hush it, don't ya?You make hush, and what??How it helps that, how can quietness or so far soundlessness will help you?How... how you know that god exist, how you know that all what you know is right?So far what I have read from the bible it sounds like humankind handwriting or let's say written by humankind. I doubt that gods it's like us, so far you just make him a guy who is like the guy on the street and wanting money, so far to get money you should provide some kind of service and you get the reward, without service there isn't money, it's matter of fact, not matter of moment.SO what, are you thinking about, share it... I will use it somehow, so far let's see what you have created and I will fix it. But be smart!
Deyth Banger
He sat there studiously bent over his work (Bill saw him), which lay in a slant of crisp white winterlight, his face sober and absorbed, knowing that to be a librarian was to come as close as any human being can to sitting in the peak-seat of eternity’s engine.
Stephen King
It's simple as that... you don't like it, you don't read it. You like it, you read it!
Deyth Banger
If you can say it... it's obvious.
Deyth Banger
It will happen and I will be right there in the moment so don't wait me!
Deyth Banger
When you say, "I can't do it!" - You never will.But, if you say, "I'll give it a try," eventually you will succeed.
Anthony T.Hincks
It's hard to run from checkmate, checkmate is like the dead... but it's possible to block it. Unfortunately dead you can't block it, but checkmate can be blocked, in such way so the player can't make it.
Deyth Banger
So you want we to play a game?...Aha, I like that...!I FUCKING LOVE IT!
Deyth Banger
Don't delete it, don't are you an idiot???Yes or No??You have done it and now you must get the consequences, like it or not that's a lesson you must learn it.
Deyth Banger
I understand Medicine, Forensics... I can learn it in the frame of 1-2 years... No Problem in that.
Deyth Banger
Helpfiles are traditionally outnumbered by no-help files, which superficially resemble a helpfile in form but not in content because they don't actually tell you anything you don't already know, or they answer every question except the one you're asking, or you open them and a giant animated paper clip leaps out and cheerfully asks where you want to go today. And wikis are worse.
Charles Stross
Let your actions speak LOVE. No matter what it is.
Napz Cherub Pellazo
I LIKE FIRE... I LIKE THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF IT... I JUST COULDN'T STOP MYSELF FROM PLAYING WITH... - DOES it mean that I am a serial killer?(People say that the beginning of a serial killer is - arsonist)
Deyth Banger
Or maybe they just accept that it's wrong in God's eyes, although not in their own, and they'll worry about sorting it out later.
Craig Groeschel
If the seed doesn't get planted, it can't become a toxic thornbush. We must guard our minds and our hearts, starting with our eyes.
Craig Groeschel
Madness is like gravity, you just need to push it...
Deyth Banger
The industrial-based enterprise of the 20th century had run out of gas, and the digital enterprise of the 21st century has the new characteristics and DNA of innovation.
Pearl Zhu
We didn’t think anything of it at the time, but we saw several of the bodies of the crew, space pirates all, with what looked like necklaces of garlic around their necks. There was salt strewn on the floor in places, and it made a crunchy sound as we walked over it. Some had died clinging to crude wooden and metal crosses. Religious fanatics, I thought then – after all, isn’t it usually the worst sort of people who turn to religion when they suddenly see their end approaching and they fear some kind of reckoning coming their way?
Christina Engela
For Commander Ripley Jones, it was becoming more and more troublesome. It had been said that nothing is infallible, Antares apparently being the proof. After hastily recalling all crew and leaving Spacedock 7 thirty hours ago, there had been nothing but problems. Breakdowns in the sensors and telemetry, system failures of a wide variety and finally – the Last Straw: a coupling seal in the stardrive engine failed. Fortunately the cut-out worked, or the whole of engineering would’ve disappeared in a flaming ball of anti-matter. Five crewmen were seriously injured as it was. Commander Smith, the Chief Entech, had the offending unit stripped down and under repair. They were currently on conversion drive - which could only propel them at sub-light speeds – and Ripley was currently in an elevator with a very pissed Captain Falconer.
Christina Engela
... As far I did it... I lost playing against my computer... and I won against my computer. So far that was well played game.
Deyth Banger
You lost your son, but reality he is alive, my father I lost him I know on 99% he is dead if this is faken okay, I will know that he is alive, but who knows?? I haven't met him after I lost him, you met your son didn't you?? And then you lost him, it sounds fair does it?? (Storm Of The Century by Stephen King)
Deyth Banger
On the first day of a college you will worry about how will you do inside the college? and at the last day of a college you will wonder what will you do outside the college?
Amit Kalantri
I still ask myself why did you watched the film Paranormal Activity the all parts or the film "The VIsit" 2015. Both were home made and not big deal even stupid, you even watch football + you play one game over and over and over, you play stupid games + you watch stupid stuff and after all you still ask yourself why you are stupid. The answer is somewhere here, search it!
Deyth Banger
You need to guard the city before God could protect it for you
Sunday Adelaja
I mean how do you know what you're going to do till you do it?
J.D. Salinger
I want to start everything in New, what's the bad point??I don't want to have problems with people which we can be friends or nothing, but not argue as before. What's the purpose what did you gain???Points??Money??PS3???Xbox???Nothing just useless and making troubles with people, if we must discuss something let's to be about the fucking Bulgarian Schools, talk about them, I hate them as much as you hate them, I hate the Bulgarian as much as you hate them, I hate the fucking teachers in the fucking schools with which just have fucking problems. How can somebody joke with your spelling or with your mistakes for months????...What more to tell you???That I'm sorry that I'm a Bulgarian guy, because I'm sorry, I can't live with this fucking people, what do they created???Nothing just staying home and jerkoff non-stop, very creative!And guest what happened???Here come the "?" people which are terrorists in france and have killed a lot of people and here will be planed the same....,what more only the thought that somebody has graduated from the best school existed in Bulgaria and to have fails with the writinglike making so easy mistakes that nobody will make ever, to make mess on the sheets and many other things and this on very important day. A day in which you choose the president or the pre-minister or some kind like this, which is important.I'm very sorry that I'm Bulgarian guy, I don't want to be the cases are this, I want to be an American or a guy from Great Britain, but whatever to be, but to know this language. All people use it, and we are the only people which or some others as one User said that France and Germany are also with the worst English in case that Germany words are like English, but little fucked like spelled and written different likeSänger - singersongsterschreibenWOw, this is really fucked just look how arae spelled how are written little like joking with English, aren't they???If they aren't okay, that's your opinion _ I don't have something against it!If there was chance to be other race no matter what American guy or whatever ot to change my country ot my native language I will do it. If there is chance to and learn English, I go and learnt it without giving and shit about the fucking Bulgarian, I won't call my parents, friends and everything, just everything will be mainly for learning English the best way as possible. I fill fucked there are people which can't read, english, to don't talk about bulgarian, all day I'm seeing how mass media brain washes. I don't see how can be improved Bulgaria it's a fail I know why Adolf Hitler wanted to destroyed it and why Churchill Wanted also, I'm not sure about Churchill, but for HItler I'm sure that he wanted to kill us because of that, whatever you understand me what level we are as nation.I hate the fucking Bulgarian people what to learn from them to joke with people badly???Very Creative???To jerkoff all time and to don't give a damn shit about the things around the world??Or to be with friends which can't think or people which are so much stupid that I'm sorry about them...Whatever, read it if you want if you don't want don't read it, but first check it before you block me.Thank you I appreciate your reading!
Deyth Banger
If you can do it, why you won't do it???If you have chance why you won't use it?
Deyth Banger
You are an adult and you don't understand me and what are the differences between the adult and the kids?The kids are dreamming to have sex and the adult's already are one step forward, adults take drugs... and from there and kids start, adults kill and then the children start to kill...So far everything was build by the adults, I see it. An adult has written a book about sex, about the stuff, an adult has created a website and other stuff of pornography.... It hasn't thought by someone this, when you are small and if you don't see it you don't do it!?You can't do it, without knowing it... can you?It's now habbit because you have saw it, once, twice, tripple and some fake thoughts even not fake but false thoughts have been planted in your mind and you start doing it...
Deyth Banger
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