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God’s intention is that everything that has breath would praise him
Sunday Adelaja
Work on Purpose - Play on Purpose -Rest on Purpose -Do not let yourself or anyone else waste your time.
Izey Victoria Odiase
You have to want to make a film for other reasons - to say something, to tell a story, to show somebody's fate - but you can't want to make a film simply for the sake of it.
Krzysztof Kieślowski
However, attention can be moved away from an unwanted focus, primarily by focusing intently on another target.
Daniel Kahneman
To change any behavior we have to slow down and act intentionally rather than from habit and impulse.
Henna Inam
To Operate In Misery Is To Disregard The Original Intention Of God
Sunday Adelaja
Successful commitment occurs when your stated intentions are stronger than your hidden intentions, or when you consciously reconcile the conflict.
Brian P. Moran
Authenticity requires us to slow down. Fast times require us to slow down. To be effective, we need to slow down our pace of thought and action and focus on managing our attention. To be authentic leaders we need to act from intention and choice rather than from habit and impulse.
Henna Inam
A corruption of intentions.
Robert Ludlum
It is, of course, not only impossible for readers to know the intention of most, if not all, writers, but an author himself may think he is writing one thing while he is in fact writing something quite different.
Russell M. Goldfarb
The devil?” Jason heaved the tick over his shoulder like a collier with his sack. “Satan. The adversary. The enemy of the plan of God. The undoer. The destroyer. Yes. He definitely was.” Jason smiled. “But he meant well.
Orson Scott Card
A traitor may betray himself and do good he does not intend.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Anyone can see that intending and not acting when we can is not really intending, and loving and not doing good when we can is not really loving.
Emanuel Swedenborg
...the basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way that defies our old mechanistic model of the universe--as though our expectation itself causes our energy to flow out into the world and affect other energy systems.
James Redfield
Nothing was or is farther from my intentions, than to enlist myself as the champion of a fixed opinion, where I have only expressed doubt.
Thomas Jefferson
Declaring our intentions for a safer and kinder world is the obvious first step toward attaining those goals.
Bryant McGill
Spiritualizing sex is actually a movement of energy—feeling and emotion—that rises within you and moves into your sexual physicality as an alive, tender, erotic, or passionate expression. Your bodies move without inhibition so all the energy can flow out of you and between the two of you. You allow spiritual energy to express its dance through you. Sexuality can be a profound demonstration of your love, and especially your freedom, to express and bond. Spiritual sex, then, combines how you express your love with the intentions or blessings you bring to your partnership.
Alexandra Katehakis
The intention (of an artist) is (the same as a scientist)...to discover and reveal what is unsuspected but significant in life.
H W Leggett
By the end of the date, your intentions should be clear.
The road to Hell is paved with the best of conscious intentions.
Elizabeth F. Howell
Everything we do in life is creating everything that’s coming. Our thoughts and our words become things manifest in our lives. Each time my Master sent me to the right place at the right time.
Kate McGahan
Faith is not the belief that everything will be all right tomorrow, but the belief that I possess the strength to make everything all right today.
Charles F. Glassman
REVISITING THE LIST1. Kiss EstelleOkay, at least I've met her. She thinks I'm a creep. And that's withought her knowing I've read her diaries. Unless we somehow fall over, exactly aligned, lip to lip, and gravity causes the pressure, or we find ourselves in a darkened room and through a series of Shakespearian ID muddles she thinks she's kissing someone else, I can't say how this is ever going to happen.
Fiona Wood
Most people — however much they might deny it — had an idea of what they were getting into when they got into it.
Donna Leon
Your dream is only possible through a clear intention and patience.
Bryant McGill
Expression is a function of intention and intention emanates from your thought faculty.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Name your intention.
Patti Digh
Great life, great deeds.Great deeds, great blessings.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Plants can feel pressure and emotion. When something is said or done with intention, a plant can respond. So every day we tell our tree that it is beautiful, it will get more and more beautiful. I hope that tree knew how beautiful I thought it was.
Kate McGahan
The essence of communication is intention.
Werner Erhard
He who extend heaven’s reign to the whole earth is fulfilling God’s intention
Sunday Adelaja
Intention and awareness are the two tools that enable us to create anything our heart desires from the universe.
Russell Eric Dobda
Your ability to form a strong intention, to concentrate, and to get and stay focused while feeling detached from concerns of daily life—relaxed, open-minded, and emotionally energized—are essential.
Cynthia Sue Larson
Incessant smiling is one of the deadly tools used by someone whose intent is to make others cry.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Evolution is a blind giant who rolls a snowball down a hill. The ball is made of flakes—circumstances. They contribute to the mass without knowing it. They adhere without intention, and without foreseeing what is to result. When they see the result they marvel at the monster ball and wonder how the contriving of it came to be originally thought out and planned. Whereas there was no such planning, there was only a law: the ball once started, all the circumstances that happened to lie in its path would help to build it, in spite of themselves.
Mark Twain
Most of the bad situations I've encountered began with the best of intentions.
John Connolly
A good intention feeds no one.
Bobby Darnell
Consider intentions carefully. Karma gives a damn about ego, awards allegiance to none, and its justice is truly blind.
T.F. Hodge
Will is intention favored by emotions.
Raheel Farooq
Perfection does not mean errorless . Real perfection starts with real intention and ends with delivery, all driven by seeking knowledge, trial & error and investing emotions. Whatever delivered after that is perfect .
Sameh Elsayed
Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.
Bryant McGill
...the scientific attitude implies what I call the postulate of objectivity—that is to say, the fundamental postulate that there is no plan, that there is no intention in the universe. Now, this is basically incompatible with virtually all the religious or metaphysical systems whatever, all of which try to show that there is some sort of harmony between man and the universe and that man is a product—predictable if not indispensable—of the evolution of the universe.
Jacques Monod
Good intention bring success in everything you do. Intention is always supported by the universal energy because it’s a vital ingredient for manifestation.
Hina Hashmi
Live your everyday extraordinary!
Charles F. Glassman
Face the truth about what is standing in the way of your intention.
-Shandel Slaten
The Fall Of Man Did Not Wave God’s Intention To Reveal His Love To Mankind
Sunday Adelaja
The smallest of action is better than the greatest of intentions.
Mohammed Imran Uddin Uddin
Count the deed, not the thought.
Lloyd Alexander
There is no dharma greater than a word uttered by a man of conscience; there is no karma greater than a man listening to himself! Since an intention precedes action, it should be the reference point for any action.
Thiruman Archunan
Your Karma is defined by your Actions plus your Intent. A seemingly incorrect action with a pure intent can potentially result in good Karma
Manoj Arora
What makes an action positive or negative? Not how it looks, not whether it is big or small, but it is the positive or negative motivation that is behind it. No matter how many teachings that you have heard, to be motivated by ordinary concerns, such as a desire for greatness, fame or whatever, is not the way of the true Dharma.
Patrul Rinpoche
The act of speaking our intentions aloud shifts them from wishful thinking into action.
Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing.
Pablo Picasso
In an honest effort to gain understanding, asking questions do not, necessarily, imply a conclusion has been determined. They can be used to avoid making the wrong judgement. If building trust is the ultimate goal - there is no need to be defensive, or feel threatened by any inquiry.
T.F. Hodge
Every 'no' is a 'yes' to something.
Eric Micha'el Leventhal
What you hate, you re-create; and what you bless, you put to rest.
Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Loving, of enemies is another dogma of feigned morality, and has besides no meaning. It is incumbent on man, as a moralist, that he does not revenge an injury; and it is equally as good in a political sense, for there is no end to retaliation; each retaliates on the other, and calls it justice: but to love in proportion to the injury, if it could be done, would be to offer a premium for a crime. Besides, the word enemies is too vague and general to be used in a moral maxim, which ought always to be clear and defined, like a proverb. If a man be the enemy of another from mistake and prejudice, as in the case of religious opinions, and sometimes in politics, that man is different to an enemy at heart with a criminal intention; and it is incumbent upon us, and it contributes also to our own tranquillity, that we put the best construction upon a thing that it will bear. But even this erroneous motive in him makes no motive for love on the other part; and to say that we can love voluntarily, and without a motive, is morally and physically impossible.Morality is injured by prescribing to it duties that, in the first place, are impossible to be performed, and if they could be would be productive of evil; or, as before said, be premiums for crime. The maxim of doing as we would be done unto does not include this strange doctrine of loving enemies; for no man expects to be loved himself for his crime or for his enmity.Those who preach this doctrine of loving their enemies, are in general the greatest persecutors, and they act consistently by so doing; for the doctrine is hypocritical, and it is natural that hypocrisy should act the reverse of what it preaches. For my own part, I disown the doctrine, and consider it as a feigned or fabulous morality; yet the man does not exist that can say I have persecuted him, or any man, or any set of men, either in the American Revolution, or in the French Revolution; or that I have, in any case, returned evil for evil.
Thomas Paine
Our Soul Allies light the fire in those initial visits, but it’s up to us to keep it burning.
S. Kelley Harrell
To Live In The Original Intention Of God Is To Chase Self Destruction Away
Sunday Adelaja
When you have the right intention, the right opportunity will open the door.
Debasish Mridha M.D.
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