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We are a blessing to each other.
Lailah Gifty Akita
We can do so much if we just Believe in our own potential.
Akiroq Brost
Every brain on your planet generates its own beliefs. Just imagine, around seven billion human brains are generating seven billion unique beliefs at this very moment. Now imagine, what would happen, if all those seven billion humans start imposing their own beliefs on each other. The only thing that is going to come out of such inhuman attempt is chaos and eventually mass extinction. So, the only way to avoid such a catastrophic consequence is to be more compassionate about people’s beliefs.
Abhijit Naskar
When I pass-away (as each of us must) release a balloon into the sky with ashes attached, to celebrate my graduation... My graduation from this life to the next.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Giving Thanks unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have, no matter how little, into more than enough. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. Gratitude can change a modest meal into a feast, a humble house into a loving home, a stranger into a caring friend.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
When you smile and no one else is around, you definitely mean it.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Depression is the feeling that everythingis a waste of time.Joy is KNOWING that nothing in this Life is a waste.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
We can, each of us, be likened to houses made entirely of colorfully stained-glass. They sparkle and shine when the sun is on them, however when the darkness sets in, their greatest beauty is revealed only by a Light from within.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Thank You is a great thing to share... If a situation brings Gratitude to mind, then a heart felt Thank You is a great way to express it.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
I feel that 'Thank you' is about the best prayer that anyone could say. A sincere prayer of Thanks expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
None of us got to where we are alone. Whether the assistance we received was obvious or subtle, acknowledging that helpis a very important part of understanding...and is also the importance of saying... THANK YOU.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Know that EVERYTHING in Life has purpose. There are no accidents, no coincidences, EVERY moment is a blessing given for our Spiritual benefit and learning.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
The most difficult experience one might ever have, is to grieve the loss of a Loved-one who is still alive.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
I speak of the power of trying, because I have fallen and struggled to stand. I speak of generosity because I battle selfishness. I speak of joy because I have known sorrow. I speak of faith because I almost lost mine, and know what it is to be broken, in need of redemption. I speak of Thanks because I am grateful for the totality of this Life... not just the easy parts.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
There have been times in Life when my light has been extinguished and the smoldering embers of it were blown back into flame by another. I give deepest Thanks to all that have rekindled my light.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
I have a sure knowledge that Thanks are the highest form of thought, and that true gratitude brings unbounded happiness doubled by miracles.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
If ever there was a dwelling worthy of the Creator, it would be... in a truly Thankful heart.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
A mothers Love is as deep and powerful as any ocean, in the depths of it forgiveness forever is found for her wandering child.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
She wasn't the perfect mom. However, she was the perfect Mother for me.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Everything I am longing for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of my abundance - will surely be mine... when I am prepared to receive ALL with an open and Thankful heart.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
I'm Thankful in the knowledge that Each of us are making choices according to the best light we have. That there is never reason for embarrassment, humiliation, regret. This Life we live is here for us to make mistakes and learn from them and Spiritually grow. Imagining a person that has never made mistakes is like staring at an unworkable stone.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
The world truly is my oyster, the difficulty is... I haven't discovered the ALL of the tools to shuck it yet.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
If Ever You Feel Down, Remember, 100Trillion Cells Make Up Your Body and ALL each of them cares About is You.Our body is made up of about100,000 Billions of cells (100 Trillion)... all living working and sacrificing themselves completely for the exclusive benefit, well-being, and survival of the whole (which is you). We are each of us a universe unto ourselves.To put 100 Trillion in perspective...Jeremy Harper counted from one to one million in about 3 months. He did NOTHING but count, eat, and sleep (minimal). During this time; he didn't leave his home nor even shave. And that's only one MILLION, so if you ignore the fact that pronunciation takes much, much longer on ever larger numbers (more than a minute each), counting to 100 Trillion would take more than 25 Million years.It's awe inspiring to think that 100 Trillion cells (worlds) are counting ON me also, my decisions determine (to a large degree) whether they are allowed to continue living and experiencing in this life or not.Knowing all of this, who could realistically say that there are no miracles. We each have over 100 Trillion miracles working FOR us and depending ON us each and every second of every day.So when praying, I must always keep in mind that each word is in behalf of 100 Trillion worlds.OUR Father Who Art in Heaven...
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
No-one knows enough to righteously say something is impossible.“With God ALL things are possible.”Now tell me, what does that leave out?
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Sometimes the Lord must bring the bodylow before Raising the Spirit ever higher.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
We must not decide how anyone else should or shouldn't be Living.Whenever I'm about to use the word "should" I use the word "could" instead. Should is judgemental, could is empowering.Try it out on yourself with the things that you talk to yourself about...I should do better. or I could do better.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Life without Gratitude, is like trying to drown your sorrows by teaching them to swim.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Giving Thanks leads to a desire to forgive, and forgiveness speaks of pure surrender and acceptance of the things that have happened in our lives, with that accomplished we can experience the Peace and Joy of true Forgiveness, Not only for others but for ourselves also.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
My Mom often said... Every minute spent with Mr. wrong is a minute that can't be spent with Mr. Right.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
God does Love Us and does meet the needs of each and every one of us through Attending Angels. Those Angelic deeds are most often accomplished through the Human Connection. The Human Connection being other Persons who Kindly journey closely with us acting as God's Hands: many for just moments and some for decades. We each have a multitude of opportunities in this Life to literally act as God's Hands (as His Angels) in the Lifting Up of our Fellow Beings. I find myself most Grateful in this Knowledge.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
If I must have regrets, I Pray that all of them are for fearlessly jumping in with both feet, rather than for having never sampled the water at all.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
When I carried the world entire upon my shoulders, so much of me was painfully dedicated to "fixing" myself, till finally I invited Christ into my Life and discovered that I had never been "broken" at all. EVERYTHING I thought was lacking in myself He had long ago made Whole.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
I find my greatest Power when I am Kind.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Fear is like the Devil, both grudgingly reveal their ultimately futile ability to halt our Spiritual Growth, and keep us from our Eternal home, as we progress ever nearer to our Perfected Loving Creator.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Why would I want to believe this? I am a human being having a spiritual experience.When I could Choose to Live this;I AM a Spiritual being having a human experience.By True Faith, living and embracing the latter, There can be no fear, no worry. Existing as a Spiritual Being there is Truly nothing in this world that can harm me. For I AM Eternal, absent beginning or end.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Shortly after I started hitting some notable milestones on my Spiritual journey, I went into a thrift store that benefits veterans, My eyes were quickly drawn to a dusty and tattered image of Christ laying mixed in with some other things on a shelf. I picked it up, And on it was written these words:"If you accept it...I would give you the gift of seeing yourself as I see you..."The truth and love of that image and simple words stopped me in my tracks and opened my heart. Since then I have received a wonderful gift, to know myself as an Eternal Spiritual Being, a Child of our Loving Father in Heaven....And no I didn't buy it, I received the message loud and clear, So I left it there, in hopes that the image and words would speak to someone else's Soul in the same way they had spoken to mine.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
In the darkest of places, even the slightest glimmer of Light shines as the Sun.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
ALL that man has touched, will be used... For both Good and evil. Such is the way of the world.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.” —Richard David BachThe caterpillar believes it is dying because it's being sealed in a tomb. The Master knows that the caterpillar is not dying, and is simply transitioning (to something more). This points out that things are never over, that change is carrying us, (so often kicking and screaming), to higher states of being.I find it interesting that the caterpillar spends it's caterpillar existence crawling, (on a lone weed in the midst of an endless beautiful forest), surviving on bitter, poisonous leaves. Yet resists the changes to come.After the caterpillars "death"... And upon the butterflie's rebirth... The butterfly lives out it's butterfly existence experiencing all of the forest's wonders, being carried by the wind, landing on beauty, and drinking sweet nectar, all the while, being shielded from harm by the caterpillar's bitter and poisonous experiences of eating the weeds.Without the struggles of the caterpillar, the butterfly could never be.It is Truly wonderful how something as simple as caterpillars and butterflies can be such amazing reminders sent to us by a Loving Eternal Creator.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional." Pain is what the world brings on us, suffering is what we do to ourselves emotionally and Spiritually.Most Spiritual teachings tell us (in one form or another) to "Give thanks in ALL things" nothing is left out when the word ALL is used. So ALL would definitely include pain. Whenever we do not give thanks in ALL things, on some level, we will Spiritually suffer. So give Thanks for the pain and avoid the suffering.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Anger is Always built upon a foundation of fear and suffering.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Be with someone that makes you happy... STRIKE THAT...Be Someone that makes you happy.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
In having compassion for another's Spiritual blindness, I can learn to Forgive myself.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Forgiveness... a secret garden where Joy and miracles abound, and the garden is always open to everyone who makes the Loving choice to visit there.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Fear banged at the door; Love answered,and discovered the disturbance had gone.
Raymond D. Longoria Jr.
Q: When is the perfect time? A: Who can say, but probably somewhere between haste and delay - and it's usually most wise to start today.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Dear me, one day I'll make you proud.
Charlotte Eriksson
Let me dream so I can shape the world, let me dream so I can make others dream as well, but do not let me dream my days away; lest I sleep my years away too.
Dave Guerrero
Just when the butterfly thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
I have hopein who I am becoming.I have belief in every scar and disgraceful wordI have ever spokenor been toldbecause it is still teaching meand I have hope in who I am becoming.They say it takes 756 days to run to someone you loveand they also say that the only romance worth fighting foris the one with yourselfand I know by nowthat they say a lot of things,people talking everywherewithout saying a word,but if it took me all those years to learn myselfor teach myselfhow to look into the mirrorwithout breaking itI know for a fact that it was a fight worth fighting.I stood up for my own head and so did my heartand we are coming to terms with ourselves.Shaking hands, saying ”let’s make this workfor we have places to goand people to seeand we will need each other”So I have hopein who I am becoming.It’s Julyand I have hope in who I am becoming.
Charlotte Eriksson
The more you are grateful for what you have the more you can live fully in the present. When you live in the present moment the greater you can build stepping stones for a brighter future.
Dana Arcuri
Make today a gift to your future self.
Unexpected clashes between past and present may arouse a surge of bewilderment, but ‘time’ can be a redeemer and heal mental wreckage. Time might prove to be a dependable ally and a reliable coach to find a new inspiring sequel for the future. (“Disruption”)
Erik Pevernagie
There is no limit to what your mind can achieve, what your heart can accomplish, and what your soul can realize.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Prove to the world that you are alive, let your words breathe life into the nostrils of the universe.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Inspiration is everywhere.
Charlotte Eriksson
Imagination is a divine creativity.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Nothing in life is a foregone conclusion unless and until it is foregone and concluded
Rasheed Ogunlaru
I admire successful men and women who endured and overcome unusual circumstances to fulfill their dreams.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You must want a thing enough to chase for it.
Lailah Gifty Akita
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