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A mother gives you a life, a mother-in-law gives you her life.
Amit Kalantri
Ability, experience and books have solution for all the problems.
Amit Kalantri
Genius is measured not by static volume but by kinetic vision.
Rich DiSilvio
This intriguing 'somewhere else,' where intelligence no longer matters and awareness melts away, commands us to cherish our remains of innocence -- because of all the characteristics of human nature, the richest by far is passion for the perfectly useless.
Hans W. Silvester
Any game where the goal is to build territory has to be beautiful. There may be phases of combat, but they are only means to an end, to allow your territory to survive. One of the most extraordinary aspects of the game of go is that it has been proven that in order to win, you must live, but you must also allow the other player to live. Players who are too greedy will lose: it is a subtle game of equilibrium, where you have to get ahead without crushing the other player. In the end, life and death are only the consequences of how well or how poorly you have made your construction. This is what one of Taniguchi's characters says: you live, you die, these are consequences. It's a proverb for playing go, and for life.
Muriel Barbery
Business people - Your business - is your greatest prejudice: it ties you to your locality, to the company you keep, to the inclinations you feel. Diligent in business - but indolent in spirit, content with your inadequacy, and with the cloak of duty hung over this contentment: that is how you live, that is how you want your children to live!
Friedrich Nietzsche
If i had it all to do again there would be more bodies.
Phil Baker
We must think beyond ourselves
Kevin J. Anderson
No society can prosper if it aims at making things easier-instead it should aim at making people stronger!!
Ashoka Jahnavi Prasad
Ideas and philosophies have a shelf-life. They must be kept fresh and renewed or they will spoil. If left unattended, the same ideas and philosophies that once nourished you and helped you grow can poison you and make you sick. Become aware of new ideas that can refresh your way of life and be open to the fact that your old ideas and philosophies can work for you for some time, but when the shelf-life has passed, those ideas and philosophies could also harm you.
Steve Maraboli
Theology, philosophy, metaphysics, and quantum physics are merely ways for God to have his smart people believe in him
Jeremy Aldana
Only God may be adored, because only God is unlimited goodness, truth, and beauty, and thus only God deserves unlimited love.
Peter Kreeft
For me, writing is immortality. It is wisdom. It is never-ending.
Al Stone
În clipa când ți se impune să nu te gândești la un lucru, te vei gândi doar la el, obsesiv. Interdicția devine obligație.
Jean-Claude Carrière
Everything smaller than Heaven bores us because only Heaven is bigger than our hearts.
Peter Kreeft
Let people be the pursuits of happiness, you be the pursuit of perfection.
Amit Kalantri
The most unlucky generation is the one which couldn't produce a hero to look upto.
Amit Kalantri
Entertainment is temporary happiness, but the real happiness is permanent entertainment.
Amit Kalantri
The more details, depth and thought you put into your ideas the more valuable they become.
Simon Zingerman
We did all the tourist crap, but I just wanted to sit in a cafe and watch people
Sara Shepard
A life fueled by passions is like riding on the back of a dragon.
Suzy Kassem
Love is my inner strength and my power.
Debasish Mridha
Be kind. It will reveal your true inner beauty.
Debasish Mridha
Be a worthy worker and work will come.
Amit Kalantri
There are situations in life which are beyond one. The sensible man realizes this, and slides out of such situations, admitting himself beaten. Others try to grapple with them, but it never does any good. When affairs get in a real tangle, it is best to sit still and let them straighten themselves out. Or, if one does not do that, simply to think no more about them. This is Philosophy. The true philosopher is the man who says "All right," and goes to sleep in his arm-chair. One's attitude towards Life's Little Difficulties should be that of the gentleman in the fable, who sat down on an acorn one day and happened to doze. The warmth of his body caused the acorn to germinate, and it grew so rapidly that, when he awoke, he found himself sitting in the fork of an oak sixty feet from the ground. He thought he would go home, but, finding this impossible, he altered his plans. "Well, well," he said, "if I cannot compel circumstances to my will, I can at least adapt my will to circumstances. I decide to remain here." Which he did, and had a not unpleasant time. The oak lacked some of the comforts of home, but the air was splendid and the view excellent.Today's Great Thought for Young Readers. Imitate this man.
P.G. Wodehouse
The ramdomness of events in the world is so lacking in logic that we give it names like destiny, fate, karma and kismat to deal with the irrationality of its sequence
Anirban Bose
Perfection is something we should all strive for. It's a duty and a joy to perfect one's nature... The most difficult thing is love. A loveless, driving person that just competes in the rat race is far from perfection in my book.
R.D. Laing
Be the kind of person who catches the shit before it hits the fan, not the one who scrapes it off afterwards.
Jonas Eriksson
If you appreciate the small things, you're likely to get the big ones.
Jonas Eriksson
Flexibility makes buildings to be stronger, imagine what it can do to your soul.
Carlos Barrios
We each have within ourselves the ability to shape our own destinies. That much we understand. But, more important, each of us has an equal ability to shape the destiny of the universe. Ah, that you find more difficult to believe. But I tell you it is so. You do not have to be the leader of the Council. You do not have to be king or monarch or the head of a clan to have a significant impact on the world around you.In the vastness of the ocean, is any drop of water greater than another?No, you answer, and neither has a single drop the ability to cause a tidal wave.But, I argue, if a single drop falls into the ocean, it creates ripples. And these ripples spread. And perhaps - who knows - these ripples may grow and swell and eventually break foaming upon the shore.Like a drop in the vast ocean, each of us causes ripples as we move through our lives. The effects of whatever we do - insignificant as it may seem - spread out beyond us. We may never know what far-reaching impact even the simplest action might have on our fellow mortals. Thus we need to be conscious, all of the time, of our place in the ocean, of our place in the world, of our place among our fellow creatures.For if enough of us join forces, we can swell the tide of events - for good or for evil.
Margaret Weis
What is in mind is a sort of Chautauqua...that's the only name I can think of for it...like the traveling tent-show Chautauquas that used to move across America, this America, the one that we are now in, an old-time series of popular talks intended to edify and entertain, improve the mind and bring culture and enlightenment to the ears and thoughts of the hearer. The Chautauquas were pushed aside by faster-paced radio, movies and TV, and it seems to me the change was not entirely an improvement. Perhaps because of these changes the stream of national consciousness moves faster now, and is broader, but it seems to run less deep. The old channels cannot contain it and in its search for new ones there seems to be growing havoc and destruction along its banks. In this Chautauqua I would like not to cut any new channels of consciousness but simply dig deeper into old ones that have become silted in with the debris of thoughts grown stale and platitudes too often repeated. "What's new?" is an interesting and broadening eternal question, but one which, if pursued exclusively, results only in an endless parade of trivia and fashion, the silt of tomorrow. I would like, instead, to be concerned with the question "What is best?," a question which cuts deeply rather than broadly, a question whose answers tend to move the silt downstream. There are eras of human history in which the channels of thought have been too deeply cut and no change was possible, and nothing new ever happened, and "best" was a matter of dogma, but that is not the situation now. Now the stream of our common consciousness seems to be obliterating its own banks, losing its central direction and purpose, flooding the lowlands, disconnecting and isolating the highlands and to no particular purpose other than the wasteful fulfillment of its own internal momentum. Some channel deepening seems called for.
Robert M. Pirsig
Were prayers of murderers, when fighting on the “right side” of the war, ever heard—let alone answered?
Kristina McMorris
They will say that I, having no literary skill, cannot properly express that which I desire to treat of, but they do not know that my subjects are to be dealt with by experience rather than by words. And [experience] has been the mistress of those who wrote well. And so, as mistress, I will cite her in all cases. Though I may not, like them, be able to quote other authors, I shall rely on that which is much greater and more worthy: on experience, the mistress of their masters.
Leonardo da Vinci
Love' is the only weapon I have, I will defend with love, I will attack with love.
Amit Kalantri
Freedom is an absolute state, there is no such thing as being half-free.
Daniel Delgado F
A false-statement requires deceit and distortion for someone to buy it, but a truthful-statement sells itself.
William Bailey
Share your love, share you happiness, care for others; your wealth will be endless.
Debasish Mridha
The secret of happiness is love and secret of love is nonjudgmental care.
Debasish Mridha
I believe that the imagination is the passport we create to take us into the real world. I believe the imagination is another phrase for what is most uniquely us.
John Guare
Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.
Augustine of Hippo
In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few
Shunryu Suzuki
You have to be an artist and a madman...
Vladimir Nabokov
A sister is a dearest friend, a closest enemy, and an angel at the time of need.
Debasish Mridha
To approach the Other in conversation is to welcome his expression, in which at each instant he overflows the idea a thought would carry away from it. It is therefore to receive from the Other beyond the capacity of the I, which means exactly: to have the idea of infinity. But this also means: to be taught. The relation with the Other, or Conversation, is a non-allergic relation, an ethical relation; but inasmuch as it is welcomed this conversation is a teaching. Teaching is not reducible to maieutics; it comes from the exterior and brings me more than I contain. In its non-violent transitivity the very epiphany of the face is produced.
Emmanuel Levinas
The moon is the reflection of your heart and moonlight is the twinkle of your love.
Debasish Mridha
Who we are now is all that really matters.
Amy Joy
Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.
Germany Kent
Happiness will grow if you plant the seeds of love in the garden of hope with compassion and care.
Debasish Mridha
Nobody is good or bad. They are either strong or weak. Strong people stick to their morals, no matter what the trials and tribulations. Weak people, many a times, do not even realise how low they have fallen.
Amish Tripathi
For others, in spite of myself, from myself.
Emmanuel Levinas
That is why enemies can be great motivators. They serve as fuel for your fire.
Simon Zingerman
Dreams. They start in your beautiful mind. Think of beautiful things and it will manifest into actions because your body will listen to you. Like it always does.
Diana Rose Morcilla
But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but i laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars.” Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. . . . Then he was sorry for the great fish that had nothing to eat and his determination to kill him never relaxed in his sorrow for him. . . . There is no one worthy of eating him from the manner of his behavior and his great dignity. I do not understand these things, he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers.
Ernest Hemingway
Never say never
Charles Dickens
For Reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and Passion, unattended,is a flame that burns to its own destruction.
Kahlil Gibran
where the telescope ends the microscope begins, and who can say which has the wider vision?
Victor Hugo
Sometimes, in a summer morning,having taken my accustomed bath, I sat in my sunny doorway from sunrisetill noon, rapt in a revery, amidst the pines and hickories and sumachs,in undisturbed solitude and stillness, while the birds sing around orflitted noiseless through the house, until by the sun falling in atmy west window, or the noise of some traveller's wagon on the distanthighway, I was reminded of the lapse of time. I grew in those seasonslike corn in the night, and they were far better than any work of thehands would have been. They were not time subtracted from my life, butso much over and above my usual allowance. I realized what the Orientalsmean by contemplation and the forsaking of works. For the most part, Iminded not how the hours went. The day advanced as if to light somework of mine; it was morning, and lo, now it is evening, and nothingmemorable is accomplished.
Henry David Thoreau
Laughter is the hand of God on the shoulder of a troubled world.
Grady Nutt
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