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Your Potential is an OBLIGATION.Its what you MUST be,do and have because you CAN. You Can, you Must, You will
Fela Durotoye
The Infinite is the distance between both ears.
Marc Torra
Your journey through life and self-discovery is much like the start of a new day. As you grow, develop, and reinvent yourself, the tendrils of light tear through the darkness of your untapped potential and uncharted territory. As you learn more, discover your life’s purpose, and establish a vision for your future, the light shines through on your true self.
Thomas Narofsky
You are a potential genius, so unleash your potential to release your genius.
Debasish Mridha
You are infinitely capable. You don't live in the universe. You are the universe. You are the entire universe experiencing itself through the eyes of one human. And thus, you are free to create the reality you choose.
Michael Sanders
The best steel doesn't always shine the brightest.
Joe Abercrombie
We all have the greatest potential. Life is about finding it, embracing it and then learning to be with it in the world without fear of prejudice or judgment.
Aisha Mirza
You have a great potential.
Lailah Gifty Akita
(Your) potential doesn’t mean shit if you don’t get off your ass and start working.
Rishank Jhavar
Realize your potential. Anyone that says one person can’t change the world is wrong. Your actions, thoughts, and words all ripple out into the world. One act of love can change someone’s life. One lifetime of love can change the world. When you realize all of your power, you can start benefiting the entire world with positive actions. Realize your potential to change the world.
Avina Celeste
There is nothing sadder in this world than the waste of human potential. The purpose of evolution is to raise us out of the mud, not have us grovelling in it
Andrew Schneider
Sometimes I get so frustrated with folk talking about how busy the devil is. Own your mess! You might be the devil. Stop inviting MESS into your life and blaming the devil!
J'son M. Lee
If we only arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in the difficult, then what now appears to us as the most alien will become our most intimate and trusted experience. How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
Rainer Maria Rilke
You are not wrong," Laurence said. He had assumed as much himself, after all, in his Navy days: had thought the Corps full of wild, devil-may-care libertines, disregarding law and authority as far as they dared, barely kept in check-- to be used for their control over the beasts, and not respected."But if we have more liberty than we ought," Laurence said, after a moment, struggling through, "it is because they have not enough: the dragons. They have no stake in victory but our happiness; their daily bread and nation would give them just to have peace and quiet. We are given licence so long as we do what we ought not; so long as we use their affections to keep them obedient and quiet, to ends which serve them not at all-- or which harm.""How else do you make them care?" Granby said. "If we left off, the French would only run right over us, and take our eggs themselves.""They care in China," Laurence said, "and in Africa, and they care all the more, that their rational sense is not imposed on, and their hearts put into opposition with their minds. If they cannot be woken to a natural affection for their country, such as we feel, it is our fault, and not theirs.
Naomi Novik
Fantasy elevates ordinary and eternal problems of young people into stories via the language of myth. It turns “No one really knows me” into “I’ve got a secret identity.” It turns “I don’t understand why other people act the way they do” into “I’m trapped in a faerie realm.” It turns “my high school must have been built over the mouth of hell” into “my high school must have been built over the mouth of hell.” There are certain things in life that are glorious, and they are glorious for everyone. There are more that are hard, and they are hard for everyone. We like to see these things retold, but with dragons.
Erin Bow
A really well-done first draft of a book bares your soul. The purpose of revision is so that everyone who reads the published version believes you were writing about theirs.
James A. Owen
He paused, watching Charlie breathing slowly in and out for a moments. "Were it not for the assistance of your young 'monster,' here, you almost certainly would not have survived Swift's attack. Marlowe is a good man," Jackaby added, thoughtfully, "but he only knows how to slay dragons. This world is full of dragons-slayers. What we need are a few people who aren't too proud to listen to a fish.
William Ritter
Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon.
G.K. Chesterton
Do dogs understand death? Do they have souls? Do they go to heaven? I have alway believed so, but this [event] confirmed that all of God's creatures , humans and animals, have a soul and that we will all be reunited in heaven. My pastor once told me, "If there are no dogs in heaven, I don't want to go." I agree.
Glenwood McNabb
See with your heart, not just your eyes
Linda M. Hueftlein
My dogs have been the reason I have woken up every single day with a smile on my face. I am among the ranks of millions of people who appreciate the souls of dogs and know they are a gift of pure love and an example of all that is good.
Jennifer Skiff
Dogs have always provided a special kind of love and companionship that I experience only some of the time with humans. They have a strong sense of character and live the way we ought to: dogs never compare you to your sister nor make judgments in her favor. Dogs never know what is coming and so live purely in the moment, savoring the good, doing their best to endure the bad--and they offer up this miraculous example so that we can learn from it.
Linda Gray Sexton
There's a world of difference between a dog that is off the leash and a dog that is trained to be off the leash.
Don Sullivan
With some dogs you share a boil in the bag breakfast and maybe a blanket on a cold desert floor. Some you wouldn't leave in charge of your Grandma unless you wanted to find out just how fast the old girl could run. But, if you're very, very lucky there will be the one dog you would lay down your life for - and for me that dog is Buster.
Will Barrow
Last, I would like to thank the dogs, not just the Vick pack, but all of them, simply for being dogs, which is to say, tolerant and perseverant; willing to connect with a world that does not always return their affection; and for proving, time and again, that life, while messy, difficult, and imperfect, has the capacity to exceed our expectations and feed our undying hope.
Jim Gorant
A best friend is he who can emulate a dog but still can talk.
Debasish Mridha
I am not a teacher, I am a friend who cares.
Debasish Mridha
Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you GET for it, but what you BECOME for it.
Steve Maraboli
What you really believe about the source of great performance thus becomes the foundation of all you will ever achieve
Geoff Colvin
You may not be the person with high IQ, but you can be the person with highest hard work.
Amit Kalantri
Early to bed and early to work might get you a success, but late to bed and early to work will get you a glory.
Amit Kalantri
Sheer effort enables those with nothing to surpass those with priviledge and position.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
No matter how good you are to people, you will always have barriers and enemies on your way to success
Let no body lie you that there is a future other than a moment you are able to walk and talk.
The greatest profit, is to make your own gain.
If you want to find your greatest love, it will be inside the hardest thing you do.That's where it will be
Regina Dugan
It's not about the games it's about practice and when you practice, go hard!!
Alcurtis Turner
Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Teddy Roosevelt
Success doesn't just happen. It is a product of hard work, grit and ingenuity.
Ogwo David Emenike
It's not what you know but the kind of job you do that makes the difference.
Ben Carson
You don't ask for all that you get. You don't get all that you ask for. That doesn't mean you don't work the hardest for what you want the most.
Shefali Batra
A hard practicing period yields a lifelong victory
Alperen Gülveren
I contemplate the bones for a while then turn away. I have work to do. Next year I will have an odako that is bigger, grander, more beautiful than anyone has ever seen. Next year.
Stan Sakai
Entitlement is simply the belief that you deserve something. Which is great. The hard part is, you'd better make sure you deserve it. So, how did I make sure that I deserved it?To answer that, I would like to quote from the Twitter bio of one of my favorite people, Kevin Hart. It reads:My name is Kevin Hart and I WORK HARD!!! That pretty much sums me up!!! Everybody Wants To Be Famous But Nobody Wants To Do The Work!
Mindy Kaling
Nothing remarkable or impressive comes to be overnight, and all those so-called "overnight success" stories misrepresent the truth. It is only the manifestation of that success that appeared overnight, but its essence was built up over time.
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe
Now is the time to enliven, ennoble and enrich your life's tapestry.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Leadership is bringing people into new realms of excellence and challenging them to become distinguished in their chosen field.
Onyi Anyado
Ordinary is an insult to excellence.
Jury Nel
To live a life of excellence, you will have to take risks. You will have to step into new territory and climb new mountains. If you’re up to something that’s as big as you are, it’s going to be scary. If it feels perfectly safe, you are probably underachieving. To leave your mark in the world, you will have to stand someplace you’ve never been willing to stand before. And you will have to have the courage to aspire to excellence. To create an extraordinary life you will have to be present in each moment and give 100 percent of yourself. You will have to commit each day to being the best you can be, and aspire to perform your daily tasks in the most conscious way possible. Living your best year requires you to take a moment each time you’re about to make a move—whether you are about to deliver a communication, make a decision, or put something into your body—and make sure that move reflects the very highest choice you could make.
Debbie Ford
Imagine yourself doing what is best for you. Commit yourself to excellence. Transform yourself with dedication to excellence, from daily self-improvement and practice. Enjoy the process.
Mark F. LaMoure
Think of your day as a blank canvas, and everything you say, your art upon it. Then join your loved ones and friends, and create lasting beauty together, worthy of your inner Rembrandt.
Tom Althouse
The race for excellence has no finish line.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
when i run i run fastwhen i read time whirls pastwhatever you do todaydo it in the best possible way
Life is like a road, It has highways and detours
Frank Puglisi
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence
Vince Lombardi Jr.
These tears are proof that there is love in the world. Tears are only bitter when we cry selfishly for ourselves. When we deny and forget the sweet love that tears are made of. When we let sorrow turn to anger. When people cry for each other, it is a good thing. Always remember that you are a human being, connected to all other human beings. When you cry for others you are opening your heart to God, who must see what we do and weep for us, too, for the suffering we cause to one another and to ourselves.
Nafisa Haji
One day when I die, I will take your tears in me; as provision for my long journey to the gods.
Kristian Goldmund Aumann
I have shed many tears.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The times when you want to cry are when you have to try your hardest. That's why I decided I'll cry in general. Then, when I have to shed tears for a time when I really want to cry, my tears would have run dry
Jacuzzi Splot - Baccano
The past is behind us unless we fail to learn from it.
L.M. Fields
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