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The greatest curse in life that one can acquire is REGRET.
Mehdia Nadeem Rajab Ali
When I was young, I knew that, somehow, I would go to Africa and live with animals. And I wanted to write books about them. I don't think I spent too much time wondering exactly how I would do it. I just felt sure that the right opportunity would somehow come. I didn't feel frustrated because I could not go a really long trip while Rusty was still alive. It would have seemed like a betrayal. And while I waited I went on learning.
today's my life and i feel that " Every question have an answer but sometime that answer again becomes a question....
vicky vora
I fear none, except for the enemies live within me
Upali Magedaragamage
Don't be trapped in someone else's dream.
In every moment, you make decisions based on your beliefs or inspiration which comes to you directly from the divine/universe.
Hina Hashmi
To inspire is revealing the unpolished bits before perfection.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
Training was all I could think about. One Sunday when I found the stadium locked, I broke in and worked out in the freezing cold. Every painful set, every extra rep, was a step toward my goal of winning.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Classes exist in the societies not to clash against each other, but to bring a variety of experiences and contributions required in the development of the world. Class existence is necessary, but structures must be laid down rewarding efforts and commitments, toward upgrading or dis-grading those that deserve a different class.
Aloys Rugazia
At the bottom of the human well, there should always be a candle of compassion.
A.J. Garces
Keep Attitude With High Altitude
Nimesh Singh
Men always did and always will err and nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong.
Leo Tolstoy
Stay humble and inherit greatness, wise and inherit eternal life
Kgosietsile Martin Timothy
Humility is a byproduct of enduring success.
Iimani David
be a lessons what have you experienced that not good in your past and make it a starting point to change your life into be a better today than yesterday
Kennard Setubal
Mankind thinks only of living because he is dying, and it is only in dying that he gains his freedom to live
Judy Azar LeBlanc
I knew it,” she snapped. “You’re no different from all men. You’re just another jerk pretending to be single! I didn’t wanna wrap a lie into a Christmas present anyway.
Maha Erwin
The purpose of our life is to serve not to observe.
We are Spirit Beings walking around in fleshly attire.
M. Diane Peer
Misery loves company, as someone unbearably trite said once.
George R.R. Martin
i'm not able to concentrate like others doing i'm lagging day by day ! when you got this in your mind this represents you are leading not lagging.
Could my opponents be right? Partly right? Is there truthor merit in their position or argument? Is my reaction onethat will relieve the problem, or will it just relieve any frustration? Will my reaction drive my opponents further awayor draw them closer to me? Will my reaction elevate the estimation good people have of me? Will I win or lose?What price will I have to pay if I win? If I am quiet about it,will the disagreement blow over? Is this difficult situationan opportunity for me?
Dale Carnegie
Starting requires motivation, finishing demands perseverance.
Moagi Keretetse
The two dark faces, In front of red sky, beside the water bodies, under the shadow, upon the way ! makes the world to feel that we are not failures ! we are brothers
Unpredictability is beauty of life. Struggle makes it interesting and worth living.अनिश्चितता जीवन का सौंदर्य है। संघर्ष इसे रोचक और जीने के लायक बनाता है।
Bhaskar Sharma
If the other shoe drops, run barefoot!
Jodi Livon
I don't write to escape .. I write to Indulge
Prabhu Subramanian
The chance you take, may turn out to be the best decision you ever made." LJB
Linda Burson
Marriage should be about fun. It's about friendship, and laughter, and trust, and fun.
Jane Green
If you let go and let God than you will never have to worry about God letting Go
Brynelle K Brown
That was our mistake, I think. One of many mistakes. To believe that boys were acting with a logic that we could someday understand. To believe that their actions had any meaning behind thoughtless impulse.
Emma Cline
Great men do not experience small challenges. They face great challenge but that is what makes them great. That is what give them great story. That is what inspires them to live and leave distinctive footprints on minds. Though they face great challenges, they gather great momentum and strength to fight such challenges with fortitude and tenacity to the satisfaction of their inner man. Great men, though they face great challenges, they always come out of the challenges as great men with great stories. They live and leave distinctive footprints of life on minds
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Endurance precedes success.
Wayne Chirisa
So I was the son of a man who had Vietnam living inside him. Yeah I had all kinds of reasons for feeling sorry for myself. Being fifteen didn't help. Sometimes I thought that being fifteen was the worst tragedy of all.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
All I knew is that sometimes my father was sad. I hated that he was sad. It made me sad too. I didn't like sad.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
someone told me that "The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.
vicky vora
With acceptance comes change.
Jaco Snoek
It's not money which will make your life meaningful.it's life which will make your money meaningful.
Rajesh Walecha
Sometimes in life you have to make difficult choices. The best time to make those choices is before you're confronted with them.
Perry Morris
Free ourselves from fear, insecure and scared of others judgement and opinions. Build up with our own confident, self-esteem and self-satisfaction.Just be yourself for being better person.
Rofithah Omar
If I'm going to spend a lifetime writing my story, I want it to mean something.
Mari Serebrov
Once alone stop learning, it is also the time when death is imminent.
February 14, 2014 Because I Am MeNote: I wrote this for many reasons. There is a lot of bullying and a lot of judgment towards special needs and to everyone who is different. I hope you enjoy this. Really meaningful.Why do you talk so different? Because I am me, and this is who I am. I can't change that and wouldn't want to.Why do you look so different?Because I am me, and this is who I am. I can't change that and wouldn't want to. This is me and it doesn't make me any more different than you.Why do you act so differently than everyone else?Because I am me, and this is who I am. I can't change that and wouldn't want to. This is me and it doesn't make me any more different than you. It's okay to be different and just be myself.Why do you wear the clothes that you do? Because I am me, and this is who I am. I can't change that and wouldn't want to. This is me and doesn't make me any more different than you. It's okay to be different and just to be myself. I wouldn't change myself for anyone in the world.Why do you not walk like everyone else?Because I am me, and this is who I am. I can't change that and wouldn't want to. This is me and it doesn't make me any more different than you. It's okay to be different and just be myself. I wouldn't change myself for anyone in the world. I am my own person; this is who I was meant to be.Why do you do things more slowly than others?Because I am me, and this is who I am. I can't change that and wouldn't want to. This is me and it doesn't make me any more different than you. It's okay to be different and just be myself. I wouldn't change myself for anyone in the world. I am my own person; this is who I was meant to be. I do things as I am meant to do them, because this is me.
Kittie Blessed
Weeping WillowWeeping willow, how your elongated leaves dangle in the mist of the air, you bring such true comfort into the needful eye.How your leaves sway from left to right, providing your own intricate dance so divine.Weeping willow, you provide the most comforting shade upon your layer of leaves making me feel encircled with love and safety.Weeping willow, as I lay under your silvery leaves, I look up for a helping hand, I see strength within your structure, can you help me?Weeping willow, as I climb upon you will you make sure I won't fall, will you catch me if I do?Weeping willow, as I sit upon you looking to the sky through your rustling leaves, will you hear my pain? Can I overcome such things? The weeping willows long leafed branches sway back and forth providing the gentlest of winds across one's face. The eyes close so slowly, a sigh escapes one's mouth.As one sits on the branch they feel if there is someone watching over them, comfort arises as the branches nestle one's sorrows. A tear slowly slides down their cheek as if all emotion was escaping them. The wind starts to slowly blow, once again the elongated leaved branches sway back and forth against the song of the wind, creating one's smile to appear slowly but surely. The long silvery leaves brush against ones cheek, as if it was the hand of comfort, wiping the sadness away. Weeping willow, I will climb down now, I have heard what you have had to say... The one steps down and walks around to the back of the willow tree as it faces such gleaming waters. They look at the carving at the back of the tree, something that has been carved there for years upon the dark bark. Their body slumps to the ground as their back presses against the bark, fingers reaching up to trace the well known loved one. The carved initials of a beloved memory. The one whispers, "Thank you for hearing me, Dad.
Kittie Blessed
Encouragement, Love, HopeThere was a man that struggled with every step and walked each step with fear. As we all know when you walk and pave a path of fear, the steps slow down and the true light of faith dims. His family did, however, stand behind him. Though his steps were slow and not going far, his family followed covering each of those steps with encouragement and hope. As he kept walking and turned his head, the people who cared most weren't clear. His fear had taken over and there was uncertainty that slowed him down even further. The family that stands behind you is the one who gives you the push you need to keep going.The man was saddened with fear and started to sob. Mystery of the unknown was the overwhelming door he wasn't ready to open. His family followed right behind him, saying, "We are there for you, you are strong; you can make it through the toughest path with the strongest light of hope."It seemed he couldn't hear all that was said. It was as if he wasn't truly listening to the strongest words, but to the heavy negativity that kept drowning him in his fear. His steps slowed down even further. He cried some more and was shaken even more by the unknown that was ahead. It was that he didn't want to take a chance of what could come ahead, what could be the most enlightening and most life changing steps he could take to better himself in the future.His family still stood behind him with every step he took. Every time he looked back it was getting dimmer and dimmer, but they were still there. They spoke softly to him, "Everybody has risks in their lives, even obstacles they must over come. It will only make you stronger in the end, without risks in life, there is no chance."He didn't hear them speak; he heard it as if it was another language, something so far from understanding.The man found a bench and sat down. He was tired and didn't want to walk any further. His eyes filled with tears that streamed down his cheeks. His hands starting to cover his face, drowning in the fear that was overwhelming him. Again his loving family was there, but he couldn't see. They were around him with heart-filling encouragement and love, and best of all, that blessedness of hopeThe man lay down on the bench; his tears had soaked his cheeks and palms of his hands and fell asleep. When he awoke, his eyes slowly opened, trying to look around, finding that he was in an unfamiliar place. His vision was a bit fuzzy. He looked down and started to realize he wasn't on the bench anymore.He saw his legs and started to look up further; he was in a hospital gown. The man's eyes grew even more confused. He stood there in silence as his head slowly tilted up. He didn't understand why here was there.His eyes turn and he looks, as he notices numerous cords
Kittie Blessed
Never let the joy of a single victory engulf your desire for more.
Saurav Patra
We learn invaluable life lessons from people whom exhibit courage and grace under extraordinary circumstances.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Tomorrow is a blank canvas and you are the artist.
Lamees Alhassar
Worship means respecting all of God’s creation.
Lamees Alhassar
What we do today, echoes forever.
Eyden I.
For crying out loud, absurd things can happen, none of us is spared.” He reached out and gave her a soft pat on the back. “So screw it, lovey. Enjoy every second you’ve got and stop moping around.” - Intomesee
Maha Erwin
One's enemy is often the best teacher of tolerance.
Colleen Houck - Ren
... though he [Michael Faraday] took no cities, he captivated all hearts.
John Tyndall
The definition of teachers or gurus was unknown to everyone including the teachers in the campus. So the people present in the school campus weren’t teachers at all, he thought.They were just people supposed to act like robots and cram things related to the subjects in the brains of their students. A bit of general imparting of knowledge wasn’t allowed and wasconsidered as impudence. With this brief recap of his past, the wandering mind of Mr. Patil came back to the present.
Ganesh Shiva Aithal
As an idle mind either recalls its past or worries about its future, this Mr. Patil had sat indulged in his past. How beautiful his past life was, happy, lively and warm as the morning itself. It was a perfectly pictured cheerful life of afarmer.
Ganesh Shiva Aithal
The life wont follow your path. You're not God.
shivani lal
Be humble as you learn, but defend every dream with passion and pride. What you leave behind is the reason; the tears and scars are the price.
Rodi Szoke
Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him. We, people's hearts, seldom say much about those treasures, because people no longer want to go in search of them. We speak of them only to children. Later, we simply let life proceed, in its own direction, toward its own fate. But, unfortunately, very few follow the path laid out for them—the path to their destinies, and to happiness. Most people see the world as a threatening place, and, because they do, the world turns out, indeed, to be a threatening place. "So, we, their hearts, speak more and more softly. We never stop speaking out, but we begin to hope that our words won't be heard: we don't want people to suffer because they don't follow their hearts.
Paulo Coelho
Break the lockup of thoughts and live free.
Rajesh Walecha
Because I don't live in either my past or my future. I'm interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. You'll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in the heavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living right now.
Paulo Coelho
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