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...So to be fast to don't be long and to try to be short... If you want to play the best game, create it - make the rules, make what they will do... That's how I do it. I make people to play my games and then often loooose!
Deyth Banger
I have had a most unusual life so far. I know not why.
Donnie Harold Harris
What matters is the one thing I do know for certain: God is with me.
Craig Groeschel
Answer, yeah I know it... We were for little period of time texting nothing else... no friendship is available as a feature but you are talking about relationship and marriage are you right with your mind?
Deyth Banger
I really don't know could I take one more rape to write... it's very complex!
Deyth Banger
Oh yeah... I know where we are going.... now making me to get angry... and to make me say stuff which I don't want to say.
Deyth Banger
If you have nothing, its mean you have everything to get.
Mian Adeel
To understand me you should reach my level at my game, so far you are somewhere down I am above.
Deyth Banger
Yeah I am stupid, as a wiseman I don't think I am a clever, but as far I see stupid people count themselves as smart and clever.
Deyth Banger
How do I read so many books?Let's keep it as a secret!How do I know so much?Okay, this I will reveal, I have curiosity most people say that cats die from curiosity, but I like that fact... I'm curious and from it I know a lot of!
Deyth Banger
My concern is not the fact that other people don’t understand where I am coming from, even though Christians are supposed to be doing what I am doing
Sunday Adelaja
People tell me how do they want you.. and I JUST DO STUFF... I JUST DO IT... THAT'S A FACT!
Deyth Banger
I am not the best, I am not one of the best, but every time I will try my best.
Biju Karakkonam
Who am I?? No, No you don't ask the questions I ask them my question is how much stupid are you??...You are so quite, why?? You don't have answer, it's not a problem you don't need to answer I kwow it!
Deyth Banger
I thank God for schools that are serious about the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are vital to perpetuating our faith through your generation and beyond.
James C. Dobson
If you are reading this... I'm dead so far probably or still alive who knows?It's bad day in bad time, I can tell this for sure!
Deyth Banger
I had always been appalled by the variation of the gospel of prosperity
Sunday Adelaja
I learned the rules mastered them like a pro. Then break them easily like an artist without any trouble." ― Sage Canny
Sage Canny
What can I do in this situation?" The more we can ask such questions, the more we bring about changes where we are.
Sunday Adelaja
I care about strangers when they're abstractions, but I feel almost nothing when they're literally in front of me.
Chuck Klosterman
I realized that day that blessings come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.
Craig Groeschel
I don't want to be the devil's bitch!
Deyth Banger
I take same picture twice, First with my heart then camera.
Biju Karakkonam Nature and Wild life Photographer
My best photo will be the last one, that I want to be taken.
Biju Karakkonam
I am the rain, when I'm on math I make the day horrible that's why the day is horrible, that's why I don't go outside.
Deyth Banger
I told the Moon...Stop pushing my wife around.
Donnie Harold Harris
I think, therefore I am... confused.
Benjamin Hoff
Is this the part where i'm gonna dance.?
Ingrid Dizon
I roam the streets, silent and still,I look for You, in each and everything.I have come a long way from myself,so away,so long, that I,myself have become a memory.And so i seek Your gaze, to See myself,But what am i ? without Your touch ?How distant You are, yet How close Iam,this place holds a fortune, for my lost self.
Syed Murtaza Haroon
Lost serie are full of depression I think or there is some kind of like this... I don't know up to where I could get... but I will try my best.
Deyth Banger
Everyday somebody dies... in combat, in war in battle... in game everwhere... so far nowhere is safety as you think.... I can tell you fom here what you think is wrong.... (What can you do about that??)
Deyth Banger
What I know and I have learn is my books I can't tell you, but search out there and you will find. As a second think as you was here, you will be here and you are going to be here!
Deyth Banger
Life can be generous, but leaves us with a trilemma: How can we reconcile three diverse features: ‘I’, 'me' and the 'others'. Since the “I” entails what I want; the “me” what others expect of me and the “others” what others themselves want. The bridges between "individuality", “surroundings” and "otherness" can be abysmal and very often waiting to be restored. (“I am on my own side, but I can listen “ )
Erik Pevernagie
I wonder if He anticipates the day when He can make us understand what was occurring in our time of trial. I wonder if He broods over our sorrows.
James C. Dobson
Don't criticize me because of what I write, because for all you know, I could be right!
Anthony T.Hincks
Be Weird, at least you will have a unique Personality.
Udayveer Singh
... As far I did it... I lost playing against my computer... and I won against my computer. So far that was well played game.
Deyth Banger
I am strategically and methodically preparing leaders in a more result oriented setting.
Sunday Adelaja
What shall I do to be for ever known,And make the age to come my own?
Abraham Cowley
I" theory take a later of course without "O" and you will see that all are build with "I".
Deyth Banger
If you are you because you are you, and I am I because I am I, then you are you and I am I.If you are you because I am I, and I am I because you are you, then you and I are not.
Menachem Mendel
I have the right to remain violente. Everything I say can and will be used against you.
I don't see you making it to the top; nobody's going to help you get there. You have to do it all on your own. But if you want it so bad, prove me wrong.
Nabil N. Jamal
I love you" begins by I, but it ends up by you. ("Je t'aime" commence par Je, - Mais il finit par toi.)
Charles de Leusse
I want to start everything in New, what's the bad point??I don't want to have problems with people which we can be friends or nothing, but not argue as before. What's the purpose what did you gain???Points??Money??PS3???Xbox???Nothing just useless and making troubles with people, if we must discuss something let's to be about the fucking Bulgarian Schools, talk about them, I hate them as much as you hate them, I hate the Bulgarian as much as you hate them, I hate the fucking teachers in the fucking schools with which just have fucking problems. How can somebody joke with your spelling or with your mistakes for months????...What more to tell you???That I'm sorry that I'm a Bulgarian guy, because I'm sorry, I can't live with this fucking people, what do they created???Nothing just staying home and jerkoff non-stop, very creative!And guest what happened???Here come the "?" people which are terrorists in france and have killed a lot of people and here will be planed the same....,what more only the thought that somebody has graduated from the best school existed in Bulgaria and to have fails with the writinglike making so easy mistakes that nobody will make ever, to make mess on the sheets and many other things and this on very important day. A day in which you choose the president or the pre-minister or some kind like this, which is important.I'm very sorry that I'm Bulgarian guy, I don't want to be the cases are this, I want to be an American or a guy from Great Britain, but whatever to be, but to know this language. All people use it, and we are the only people which or some others as one User said that France and Germany are also with the worst English in case that Germany words are like English, but little fucked like spelled and written different likeSänger - singersongsterschreibenWOw, this is really fucked just look how arae spelled how are written little like joking with English, aren't they???If they aren't okay, that's your opinion _ I don't have something against it!If there was chance to be other race no matter what American guy or whatever ot to change my country ot my native language I will do it. If there is chance to and learn English, I go and learnt it without giving and shit about the fucking Bulgarian, I won't call my parents, friends and everything, just everything will be mainly for learning English the best way as possible. I fill fucked there are people which can't read, english, to don't talk about bulgarian, all day I'm seeing how mass media brain washes. I don't see how can be improved Bulgaria it's a fail I know why Adolf Hitler wanted to destroyed it and why Churchill Wanted also, I'm not sure about Churchill, but for HItler I'm sure that he wanted to kill us because of that, whatever you understand me what level we are as nation.I hate the fucking Bulgarian people what to learn from them to joke with people badly???Very Creative???To jerkoff all time and to don't give a damn shit about the things around the world??Or to be with friends which can't think or people which are so much stupid that I'm sorry about them...Whatever, read it if you want if you don't want don't read it, but first check it before you block me.Thank you I appreciate your reading!
Deyth Banger
Distinctiveness is a fundamental part of identity. We develop a clearer sense of ourselves by firming up the boundaries between ourselves and others. I am who I am because of how I am different from those around me. There is a point to my life because it cannot be carried out in exactly the same way by any other person. Differentness is part of what makes us who we are. It gives our lives meaning.
Meg Jay
I feel so horrible, but you won't believe what I know. What you think "I have done", you have done it you can't fight this, it's not over and it won't be over!
Deyth Banger
If I go outside, I will be prepared but you inside and outside will stuck again and again without a gain!
Deyth Banger
I am scared like you all people, that tomorrow I will be examined, that there is chance to get something bad as a result, that I will mistake in saying a word aloud or something more worst than this...
Deyth Banger
I know you... you are probably almost like others but with different skin... hair style... way of talking... way of looking but what you have in common I thought that you gonna reply but you didn't why!?- Nothing too Symmetrical... just humans on behavior.
Deyth Banger
Literary Agent: “I meant manuscript wise.”Tina: “Ohh. Um, yes. I’ve brought a few with me, just some rough drafts. (shuffle, shuffle) You might say something of an experiment.
Christina Engela
...Not I......Not I...You lose.... not I!
Deyth Banger
On the protocol, I don't know what to do... ain't good with talking to new girls... I even don't have a girl friend and the most shitty thing I am little afraid of nothing getting too much into it... knowing somebody and he starting to ignore you...
Deyth Banger
Joe!” he groaned, attempting to speak clearly. “Joe! Good ol’ Joe!”“Captain, you’re drunk!” Lofflin said, stating the obvious while trying to keep his voice level. Blaine grinned at him lopsidedly and giggled, almost choking. He slapped the table, knocking his empty glass over.“Ye-ss, I am! Don’t ssup-pose you – think I co-uld ssit here an’ calmly wait t’die – dýou? Weee-ll, not ssob-er anyway. Ha ha ha.”Disgust and hopelessness were swelling inside him. He felt like punching that drunken face till it was either sober or unconscious.“Damn it, Captain! We need you – the crew needs you! You’re turning your back on them – in our most desperate time!
Christina Engela
I can't be perfect for you, but you are perfect for me.
Anthony T.Hincks
You are my butterfly,and I am your flower.
Anthony T.Hincks
Can I say hello?Why?I don't want you to be alone!
Deyth Banger
I couldn't sleep 5/23/2016 and 5/24/2016 the time between them the night which puts differences between the day and split them.
Deyth Banger
Find your I first and then dissolve in it!
Ramana Pemmaraju
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