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Something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point when our knees hit the floor. Perhaps, in a way, that's where humanity is now: about to discover we're not as smart as we thought we were, will be forced by life to surrender our attacks and defenses which avail us of nothing, and finally break through into the collective beauty of who we really
Marianne Williamson
Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.
General Iroh
You must love yourself first to the soul of your aura...
Jennifer Pierre
Plimpton was a presence. He looked for ways in which he could make himself ridiculous. That made him a great storyteller.
Stefan Fatsis
I am an African. I am white. I, in my humble way, and others in their much more brave way, have earned that right.
Nadine Gordimer
Wonderful music like this was the worst hurt there could be. The whole world was the symphony, and there was not enough of her to listen.
Carson McCullers
Life is not a competition with others. Life is a competition with yourself—to do your personal best each day.
Cameron C. Taylor
People who have fallacious objectives are like the barren soil. The flowers grow from soil which is composed of the right objectives.
Idries Shah
In reverent pauses, when we slow down and think about the gift of life, we may briefly touch humility.
Bryant McGill
The subtle whispers, cues and nudges are there as guideposts, to gently carry the humble listener along the path back to the source and the true self.
Bryant McGill
Humility is a virtue that one can find, in which God in heaven rejoices ,and in His love he enfolds you, close to his heart He does bind.
Henrietta Newton Martin
Humility is patient because it is neither past nor forward seeking — it is content.
Bryant McGill
Surrender is not a weakness, but rather an empowering state of humility.
Bryant McGill
I believe a man’s finest hour often comes when he is at his weakest. When he is broken, affronted and at a place of great emotional transparency. It’s there he has the rare insight of an inescapable truth…he’s merely a man. As his bravado washes away into a puddle of reflective tears, it reveals that he is merely flesh, blood and bones and amounts to very little without the love and guidance of our creator. It’s only then, that I believe, a man begins to truly find his way.
Jason Versey
Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment instead. It is such a willingness to live with bewilderment that characterizes the true wise man.
Richard Rohr
You don’t want modesty, you want humility. Humility comes from inside out. It says someone was here before me and I’m here because I’ve been paid for. I have something to do and I will do that because I’m paying for someone else who has yet to come.
Maya Angelou
The assumption that we are infallible can we justify the suppression of opinions we think false. Ages are as fallible as individuals, every age having held many opinions which subsequent ages have deemed not only false but absurd.
John Stuart Mill
A man can counterfeit love, he can counterfeit faith, he can counterfeit hope and all the other graces, but it is very difficult to counterfeit humility. You soon detect mock humility.
Dwight L. Moody
If I turn mine eyes upon myself, I find myself a traitor with the rest;
William Shakespeare
Think less of yourself and more of others…and others will think more of you. ~Jason Versey
Jason Versey
What if she'd sought God's Word for her pain? What if she'd resolved to forgive Rees for hurting her and trusted God to work that forgiveness out in her heart, so that she would have arrived in London with an attitude of humility and trust in God to lead her to the right person?
Axtell Ruth
Ability to laugh at evil, to relativize symbols without dismissing them is usually a sign of a rather healthy person. Puritans and reformers can never laugh.
Richard Rohr
There is only one certain test of the virtue and that is humiliation. The acceptance of humiliation alone shows the depth and reality of our humility.
Nivard Kinsella
I should wish to see them very good friends, and would, on no account, authorize in my girls the smallest degree of arrogance towards their relations; but still they cannot be equals.” (10)
Jane Austen
You are infinitely my superior in merit; all that I know - You have qualities which I had not supposed to exist in such a degree in any human creature. You have some touches of the angel in you, beyond what - not merely beyond what one sees, because one never sees any thing like it - but beyond what one fancies might be. But still I am not frightened. It is not by equality of merit that you can be won. That is out of the question. It is he who sees and worships your merit the strongest, who loves you most devotedly, that has the best right to a return.” (326)
Jane Austen
It is an illusion to worry about pride without having those things that may predispose someone to fall into the trap of pride...
Assegid Habtewold
There is a fine line between humility and humiliation, and when Augustine’s critics, both loyal and disloyal, fault him for morbid self-criticism, they generally mean to imply that he has crossed the line. You can have a relationship with another person only if you know something of humility; otherwise your ego gets in the way. If, however, you are humiliated instead of humbled, there is no ‘you’ to enter into a relationship. Massilians and Pelagians had differing understandings of when humility before God became too much of a good thing, but they had common cause in not liking Augustine’s scruples about the human will to relate to God. If everything about the soul’s relationship to God is God’s doing, including the very desire to be in relation, where exactly does the soul surface in its redemption? The Word seems to have become a monologue.
James Wetzel
History teacher Bob Alston's "expertise late not in his sweeping knowledge of the topic but in his ability to pick after a tumble, to get a fix on what he does not know, and to generate a roadmap to guide his new learning. He was an expert at cultivating puzzlement it was Alston's ability to stand back from first impressions, to question his quick leaps of mind, to keep track of his questions that together pointed him in the direction of new learning.
Sam Wineburg
Never believe you're so great or important, so right or proud, that you cannot kneel at the feet of someone you hurt and offer a humble, sincere apology.
Richelle E. Goodrich
You don't have to be a big name to do big things. Shine does not require recognition.
T.F. Hodge
The height of cleverness is in one's ability to be very clever without seeming clever at all.
Criss Jami
Humility raises us not by human arrogance but by divine grace.
Augustine of Hippo
Vengeance would have us assault an enemy's pride to beat him down. But vengeance hides a dangerous truth, for a humbled foe gains patience, courage, strength, and greater determination.
Richelle E. Goodrich
To eat in a monastery refectory is an exercise in humility; daily, one is reminded to put communal necessity before individual preference. While consumer culture speaks only to preferences, treating even whims as needs to be granted (and the sooner the better), monastics sense that this pandering to delusions of self-importance weakens the true self, and diminishes our ability to distinguish desires from needs. It's a price they're not willing to pay.
Kathleen Norris
His joy was a release of Paul's conversion, not the heavy backslapping practical-joking humor of the Victorians, nor the cynical satire or the flippancy of the twenty first century mass media, just the gift of not taking himself or his adversaries too seriously.
John Charles Pollock
I was wrong, you were right. I'm dumb, you're smart. I'm ugly, and you're a stone-cold fox.
False humility is a form of psychosis which was imprinted on most of us since birth. It is a mental illness because it locks us in a victim state of keeping our light turned down, denying who we really are and silently begging for permission to simply show up as ourselves in the world. But there is good news. This is a jail whose lock is broken. We can walk free whenever we know the truth, and by so doing we show others an example of an end to madness. An example of freedom.
Jacob Nordby
If you are humble you will never have to struggle against positive change.
Paul Bamikole
They (Reagan and Kennedy) had some combination of cheerfulness and vulnerability that made them seem like boys on adventure who had become lost in needed a small kindness to get them back on the right path.
Scott Farris
I overreacted to praise, signing an autograph. I'd write a check to buy it back.
Brian Spellman
Humility is recognizing the fullness of our sin, so we can embrace the fullness of God's mercy.
Alisa Hope Wagner
The only competition in art is the search for truth. No matter who gets there first, we all win.
Joe leigh-Corrigan
The counselee should be aware that you are not God. Better yet, she should be aware that you are aware that you are not God.
James MacDonald
Being big enough to know when you are small, makes you gigantic. Lack of humility is not necessarily the down fall of great relationships, it is the slippery slide ego and pride take you down that block communication, cause mis-communication and dissolution of trust, that kill a bond.--TAMMY WOOSTER 1/15
Tammy Wooster
If we had not experienced our deep sinfulness and Jesus' deep forgiveness through the cross, we will not love others well in the midst of their struggles. If we do not see the beauty and glory of God in our own redemption, we will not be able to offer a compelling redemptive vision for those who are hopeless and who doubt God's love for them.
James MacDonald
The fledgling and ragtag American army turned its state into a semi-plausible advantage, encouraging enlistees to wear their own "hunting shirts" to build on the reputation of frontier marksmen.
Joseph J. Ellis
A partner's different perspective is valuable, but the very fact that it is different means that it will require work, humility, time, and resources to incorporate that perspective. At times, this will require checking one's pride at the door.
Ron Garan
Ability to see the cultural value of wilderness boils down, in the last analysis, to a question of intellectual humility. The shallow-minded modern who has lost his rootage in the land assumes that he has already discovered what is important; it is such who prate of empires, political or economic, that will last a thousand years. It is only the scholar who appreciates that all history consists of successive excursions from a single starting-point, to which man returns again and again to organize yet another search for a durable scale of values. It is only the scholar who understands why the raw wilderness gives definition and meaning to the human enterprise.
Aldo Leopold
Vision and persistence will take you to the top of the leadership mountain, but only humility will keep you there.
Orrin Woodward
He wrote as a young man that God's noblest gift was the gift of an inquiring mind.
John Adams
Quite often we are led to aporia, an impasse, unable to proceed a step further. Socrates is almost always there, but even he is only a supporting character. The starring role is given to the philosophical question. It is the philosophical question that is supposed to take center stage, cracking us open to an entirely new variety of experience.
Rebecca Goldstein
No reproach for a person willing to give honorable service in the passion to become wise.
Unlike Kim Cardassian or Donald Trump, Montaigne regarded the inward glance as an adventure in self-effacement not self infatuation. He was a charming and perceptive critic of his own foibles, especially alert to his weakness for inconsistency.
Danny Heitman
… the Sufi attitude is: ‘Let the real truth, whatever it may be, be revealed to me’.
Idries Shah
It is a sad thing to become so blinded and deafened by pride that you are no longer concerned about whether or not God is pleased with your actions.
Thea Harris
Humility is recognizing we can't give anything to God that He hasn't already given to us.
Benjamin Lotter
1052The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause
Tom Krause
The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause
Tom Krause
Rudeness, abruptness, gory tales of blood and thunder, and coarse language usually show up the greenhorn or counterfeit, and certainly the ill-bred. "The bravest are the tenderest; the gentlest are the daring.
Kenneth W. Estes
The sciences have two extremities which meet. The first is the ignorance in which men find themselves at birth. The second is that attained by great souls. They have surveyed whatever man can know, find that they know all, meet in that same ignorance whence they started. It is a clever ignorance, which knows itself. Those among them who, having emerged from the first ignorance, have been unable to achieve the other & have some smattering of this self-satisfied knowledge, pose as experts. The latter do not disturb people, are no more mistaken in their judgments on everything than others. The masses, the skilled, make up the retinue of a nation. The others, who respect it, are equally respected by it.
Comte de Lautréamont
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