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Even the most sadistic and destructive man is human, as human as the saint.
Erich Fromm
Even if everybody is looking at the same light bulb, the unique composition of an individual will dictate how they interpret and see things. Some people will only see things with their left eye (mind/moon), while others will use only their right (heart/sun). Some people are completely void of light and repel it immediately. For instance, a beetle will chase after an opening of light, while a cockroach will scatter at a crack of it. How are we different than the insects? Nobody is purely good or purely evil. Most of us are in-between. There are moths that explore the day and butterflies that play at night. Polarity is an integral part of nature — human or not human.
Suzy Kassem
Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.For what is evil but good tortured by it’s own hunger and thirst?Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters.
Kahlil Gibran
Monopoly is a market, or part of a market, reserved to the exclusive possession of one or more sellers by means of the initiation of physical force by the government, or with the sanction of the government. Monopoly exists insofar as the freedom of competition is violated, with the freedom of competition being understood as the absence of the initiation of physical force as the preventive of competition. Where there is no initiation of physical force to violate the freedom of competition, there is no monopoly. The freedom of competition is violated only insofar as individuals are excluded from markets or parts of markets by means of the initiation of physical force. Monopoly is thus a market or part of a market reserved to the exclusive possession of one or more sellers by means of the initiation of physical force. It is thus something imposed upon the market from without—by the government. (Private individuals—gangsters—can initiate force to reserve markets only if the government allows it and thereby sanctions it.)Thus, monopoly is not something which emerges from the normal operation of the economic system, and which the government must control.
George Reisman
Be very careful when you judge another human being. Do not measure anybody strictly based on the bad you see in them and ignore all the good. Be wary of any man who intentionally ignores another man's record of deeds or work history simply to impose their own agenda. Such a man's judgment lacks merit and should be disregarded immediately. Without a conscience, there is no truth in them.
Suzy Kassem
Do you know the amount of evil done by well-meaning humans? Oodles. Do you know the amount done by ill-meaning devils? Infinitesimal.
Thomm Quackenbush
The human beings must be mentally immensely strong, during the encounter with the true malevolence in others, because on it's own it doesn't belong to their species.
Mladen Đorđević
It is neither just the religious, the spiritual, the power-hungry, the evil, the ignorant, the corrupt, the Christian, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Jew, nor the atheist that makes a hypocrite, but being a human being. Any man who thinks himself to be free of hypocrisy while committed to cherry-picking others for such, I am confident, the Almighty can prove to him a great deal of his own hypocrisy even beyond his earthly comprehension.
Criss Jami
We don't value craftsmanship anymore! All we value is ruthless efficiency, and I say we deny our own humanity that way! Without appreciation for grace and beauty, there's no pleasure in creating things and no pleasure in having them! Our lives are made drearier, rather than richer! How can a person take pride in his work when skill and care are considered luxuries! We're not machines! We have a human need for craftsmanship!
Bill Watterson
Plant life is like the canary in the cage. When it starts to die off, we know we have problems. To ignore plant die off would be like the human race committing suicide. Human extinction would surely follow.
Steven Magee
If you are reading this, you will get what you want. Believe in yourself and that's inspiration.
Chandan Sharma
Stop living the life with possibilities and probabilities, live the life with certainties.
Amit Kalantri
My confidence is in the idea that I may be wrong on this or that. No man in this life should ever have to bear the burden of perfection.
Criss Jami
Plans change, Iktomi said. Got a plan that doesn’t require explosives.Are you confident in that? Mangas asked.I’m a god, Iktomi replied. I’m always confident.I’m a human, Mangas thought, and we know shit happens.
Brandon Nolta
I have learnt that a good marriage is healing for the soul, something to relish. But a bad marriage is long-suffering, a thing to be endured. The only good thing about marriage is that it’s perishable like human life.
Meghna Pant
A human being can only take so much when their basic rights as a citizen of the earth are being denied to them – or sold at a high cost.
Suzy Kassem
The day we forget the horror, Sam, we will repeat it. Never forget your past. It will make you less human, less than human.
Katherine Reay
I came to see that man finds meaning in his existence only through the active demonstration of his human self, a cosmos comprising the entire constellation of life's factors: culture, civilization, tradition, history, ideals, facts, physical conditions, one's mental state, the ecology, and so on.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Levinas describes that faith as crucial to what it means to be human: (...) "its capacity to fear injustice more than death, to prefer to suffer than to commit injustice, and to prefer that which justifies being over that which assures it".
Bert H. Hodges
Search for truth, not for meaning. Meaning comes from the perspective of a person who interprets the truth.
J.R. Rim
A true legacy is established over a lifetime and relates to what a human being does for others, not for himself.
Bill Courtney
The leading research in the adverse human health effects of electromagnetic radiation is not being done by well funded governments or corporations, it is coming from a few self funded independent researchers.
Steven Magee
These people all woke up this morning and reminded themselves to be human beings. Not everyone knows how to do that. No vermin, my people. Real human beings.
Jami Attenberg
She had needed kindness before, and had received none. Now it was too late, and she did not know what to do with it.
Frances Hardinge
Rather than being a human, be a humanitarian
Kowtham Kumar K
What we call human is nothing but a dance of trillions of well organized, interconnected, interesting, and magical molecules.
Debasish Mridha
The pain on the inside is what keeps you human,' she said. 'Never forget that.
Taylor Stevens
I was in awe of the mystery of human compassion and the inability of love to make the distance between us any more bearable.
Keith Hollihan
Even in the most compassionate, humankind's limited scope of mercy was reserved for their own.
Stephenie Meyer
She had stars in her eyes and galaxies in her veins
Rosie Perry
God out of His own will expresses and manifests Himself in the human body and not to be obtained by self-exertion. The question may rise what others will do? The answer is the life of Jesus and Sri Ramkrishna. Others will lead their lives according to the instructions as given to them by their own lives. - Sri Jibankrishna (Diamond)
What I am is a proud humanist. Atheism says what I don't accept, humanism says what I do." - Nathan Phelps
Nathan Phelps
But that's not how God views the cross, Jake. His wrath wasn't an expression of the punishment sin deserves; it was the antidote for sin and shame. The purpose of the cross, as Paul wrote of it, was for God to make his Son to become sin itself so that he could condemn sin in the likeness of human flesh and purge it from the race. His plan was not just to provide a way to forgive sin, but to destroy it so that we might live free.
Wayne Jacobsen and Dave Coleman
Find me the perfect human being and I'll show you Jesus Christ.
J.R. Rim
There is no record in Scripture that an angel visited John’s cell to explain the meaning of his persecution. This great, godly man who was the designated forerunner to Jesus went through the same confusing experiences as we. It is comforting to know that John responded in a very human way. He sent a secret message to Jesus from his prison cell, asking “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” (Matthew 11:3). Have you ever felt like asking that question?
James C. Dobson
Dad?" Jesus asked."Yes, son," God said."Why do people have sins?" Jesus asked."It's to remind them that they're human," God replied."But, wouldn't they be better off just being perfect?" Jesus now asked.God smiled, "Then they wouldn't learn anything," he said.
Anthony T.Hincks
There is no one way to be a magician any more than there is only one way to be human.
Laura Lam
There's no magic more powerful than the human spirit.
Vic James
I picked up one and then a second and then a third of these stones, finding them at about the rate of one stone to the acre. And here is where my adventure became magical, for in a striking foreshortening of time that embraced thousands of years, I had become the witness of this miserly rain from the stars. the marvel of marvels was that there on the rounded back of the planet, between this magnetic sheet and those stars, a human consciousness was present in which as in a mirror that rain could be reflected.
Antoine De Saint Exupery
. . . things whose perishing had been arrested by their power to make her love them.
Denis Johnson
So why bother investing in one’s memory in an age of externalized memories? The best answer I can give is the one I received unwittingly from EP, whose memory had been so completely lost that he could not place himself in time or space, or relative to other people. That is: How we perceive the world and how we act in it are products of how and what we remember. We’re all just a bundle of habits shaped by our memories. And to the extent that we control our lives, we do so by gradually altering those habits, which is to say the networks of our memories. No lasting joke, invention, insight, or work of art was ever produced by an external memory. Not yet, at least. Our ability to find humor in the world, to make connections between previously unconnected notions, to create new ideas, to share in a common culture: All these essentially human acts depend on memory. Now more than ever, as the role of memory in our culture erodes at a faster pace than ever before, we need to cultivate our ability to remember. Our memories make us who we are. They are the seat of our values and source of our character.
Joshua Foer
Forgotten hero was never the real hero, real hero can not be forgotten.
Amit Kalantri
Consult your memory to know what matters most in your life.
Amit Kalantri
I don't want you two hurt because of me."..."At least try, sweetling. Please." At her slight nod, he did what came natural and lowered his head. She gasped into his mouth, and he pressed his lips to hers. The electric shock between them only pushed him to kiss her deeper...."I think I can try if you're going to keep kissing me like that," she finally said, and he grinned.
Carrie Ann Ryan
You can't adopt people like kittens! Aiden growled. 'I wouldn't know; someone wouldn't let me get a kitten', Meryn retorted. 'Fine, you can have a kitten, no people''Too late
Alanea Alder
When the weaver bird flies, nobody talks; when the busy bee flies, no one will make comments... But when a human being begins to fly, you begin to hear talks in the town such as "abomination!... where did he get the wings from?". Never mind! Your dreams are your wings, so decide to fly!
Israelmore Ayivor
Let's get one thing clear, there may be few or many successful people in your profession, but there is going to be only one hero in that profession.
Amit Kalantri
Few teams sometimes fails miserably because team members wish to work in the team but they want to be recognized individualy.
Amit Kalantri
In the business always talk to decision makers only, it will save your time and will get you the deal.
Amit Kalantri
Treat your clients with high professionalism and they will no more negotiate with you.
Amit Kalantri
You need a team for war, not for negotiation.
Amit Kalantri
The real rich people doesn't have bank accounts, they have treasures.
Amit Kalantri
Starting and profitably running a business is not just some achievement, it is heroism.
Amit Kalantri
Whatever begun with planning, ends in a victory.
Amit Kalantri
This is what made the difference, they used social networking for entertainment and I used it for business.
Amit Kalantri
Redundancy is my favourite business strategy.
Amit Kalantri
If you think rightly, every problem is financial problem or eventually becomes one.
Amit Kalantri
Successful companies are built by investing large amount of money and hundreds of litres of sweat.
Amit Kalantri
Successful companies are built by investing lare amount of money and hundreds of litres of sweat.
Amit Kalantri
To the issues of friendship, love, business and war, "surprise" is the optimistic solution.
Amit Kalantri
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