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I tell everyone who asks me about writing...almost everyone has an idea for a book, and some even have a great ending, but it's that 290 or so pages in between that are tough!
Brooklyn Hudson
My mistake was that I didn't kill you.
Kayla Krantz
The biggest difference between writing a movie and writing a novel? No one ever tries to sleep with me to get into one of my novels.
Mylo Carbia
They're Coming.
Chris Mentillo
In The End, Humans Will Become Humans Own Worst Enemy.
Chris Mentillo
While doing an enquiry on renowned horror author, “Edgar Allen Poe” I was astonished to notice how more successful his biographical books sold compared to his own books.
Chris Mentillo
If you work in The Dark, you MUST live in The Light.
Mylo Carbia
Everything is About To Change.
Chris Mentillo
The stink of rot and ruin, of old dreams, broken screams, and wicked, dirty little things.
Damien Angelica Walters
Sometimes good people do bad things.
Andrew Gilmore
Some things you cannot see or explain, but they are there, lurking.Some things dwell in the dark: waiting…watching…haunting.Sometimes evil takes on many forms, many faces.And silence is the last thing you hear, when it’s already too late.THE SILENCE
Barry Brickey
I stumble across the sea of tarmac, finding pavement, concealment and a brick wall. Palms brace against the scrubby surface. My stomach churns and then bubbles over, burning my throat as acrid yellow acid spills from my lips in frothy discomposure. It splatters the pavement like a spray of blood.
Rebecca Clare Smith
No one will ever write a horror novel as scary as reading about my symptoms on WebMD.
John Raptor
Remember that if I were born of the underworld, you were born of flowers. You are the blood the forest feeds upon, and it is you who gave the woods their dark magic. Time doesn’t exist, and in another world I never left you. I’ve transformed your wounds into a scepter for a queen. The nightcatcher may think that she’s had her victory - but your veins are buried in the map of the earth and she can never have you. She thinks she can own the universe because she’s enslaved gods and eaten stars, but she couldn’t even kill me, living here in her tunnels, because you protected me with your love.
Autumn Christian
Books like Twilight are not art. They are mass-produced crap that is meant to be consumed by the widest possible audience, for the largest possible profit.
Oliver Gaspirtz
As the helpless vampire watched the transformation, it started screaming. It was still screaming when his rows of razor sharp teeth sank into its throat.
Alan Kinross
No amount of therapy can replace the joy of revenge writing.
Mylo Carbia
Even though it’s pleasing to boast about achievements I have earned in my generation, nothing makes me more content in the world than just having the exciting opportunity to share my passion of work with the public. What is even more exhilarating, is being able (having the capability) to spend quality time with my loving wife, (Gloria) and family doing what I love most in the world -- writing. Their total well-being and health, along with my health too means everything to me. I have had my fair share of narrow escapes in my life to know how important my family, and health are to me. I will never take that for granted again – ever.
Chris Mentillo
If You Are Not Getting Any Kind of Negative Feedback, Than You Probably Are Not Working Hard Enough.
Chris Mentillo
In My Case, It Did Not All Start With A Mouse, Instead It Started With A House.
Chris Mentillo
I Believe When People Go To Hell, They Relive Their Worst Life Experience, Over And Over Again.
Chris Mentillo
I Wish This To Never End.
Chris Mentillo
Nothing Makes Me Feel Happier Than Seeing A Child Smile From Happiness.
Chris Mentillo
The city had grown, implacably, spreading its concrete and alloy fingers wider every day over the dark and feral country. Nothing could stop it. Mountains were stamped flat. Rivers were dammed off or drained or put elsewhere. The marshes were filled. The animals shot from the trees and then the trees cut down. And the big gray machines moved forward, gobbling up the jungle with their iron teeth, chewing it clean of its life and all its living things.Until it was no more. Leveled, smoothed as a highway is smoothed, its centuries choked beneath millions and millions of tons of hardened stone. The birth of a city... It had become the death of a world.
Charles Beaumont
I Know Many Horror Authors Are Depreesed or Act Misabrle With Their lives. This Seems To Go With The Territory. For Example, Best-selling Horror Author, Joe Hill Talks About His Own Depression And Anxiety And How He Is Too Afraid To Take A Pill Because, of How This May Deminish And Destroy His Creative Side of Writing Horror. I Myself Happen To Feel The Exact Opposite. I Almost Always Noticed A More Creative Output In My Writing When On Pills.
Chris Mentillo
You Can Not Me Honest To Others, If You Are Not First Honest With Yourself.
Chris Mentillo
I Do Not Like Canadians, I Love Them.
Chris Mentillo
You Can Not Be Honest With Others, If You Are Not First Honest With Yourself.
Chris Mentillo
I Grew Up In A Family With No Prejudices. My Father Always Believed There Were Good And Bad In Every Ethnic Background, And Nationality.
Chris Mentillo
Ever Since I Can Remember, I Have Always Been a Huge Advocate for Women and Children.
Chris Mentillo
The Internet Changed My Life.
Chris Mentillo
I Have Always Had A Facination With England, And Their History.
Chris Mentillo
Still onto This Day, I Dawdle to Be Plagued With The Same Unfortunate Reoccurring Nightmare. In My Horrifying Dream, there is an Attractive Women With Piercing Blue Eyes And Light Brownish Hair, Sporting A Lengthy Red Dress With Extended Dark Black Heals Who Kills Me On Christmas Day. In My Dream I am Listening to A Christmas Song… “Jingle Bells” While Rambling Down a Dark Corridor Inside A Home. I am Shot in The Back of The Head And The Music Box Lingers Playing The Same Tune. I Can See Nothing but The Bottom of Her Mends, And Then All Becomes Ample Dark.
Chris Mentillo
I Know Many Horror Authors Are Depressed or Act Miserable With Their lives. This Seems To Go With The Territory. For Example, Best-selling Horror Author, Joe Hill Talks About His Own Depression And Anxiety And How He Is Too Afraid To Take A Pill Because, of How This May Diminish And Destroy His Creative Side of Writing Horror. I Myself Happen To Feel The Exact Opposite. I Almost Always Noticed A More Creative Output In My Writing When On Pills.
Chris Mentillo
My original intent was to write a horror story about someone who loses his mind and slowly begins to unravel. The story, as I envisioned it, would evoke horror within the context of psychological decay, entropy.
Jupiter Cutter
I am amazed at how much I can learn by watching interviews of successful people.
Chris Mentillo
The corridor didn't seem long enough to contain so much blackness.'Passing Through Peacehaven
Ramsey Campbell
When he shut himself in his apartment he found that he hoped he was waiting for nothing at all.
Ramsey Campbell
As soon as Todd drove off the motorway it vanished from the mirror, and so did the sun across the moor.
Ramsey Campbell
The mind is a thing capable of destroying itself when deep grief sets in, and when left alone to muse over one’s misery, the most irreparable damage can be done. You need people to heal.
Austin Cochran
The only way to achieve success is by believing you can achieve your goals, no matter what. The story you tell yourself has the power to transform your life or destroy it. When you change your story, you can change your life.
Tony Robbins
In a way, Darius brings the vampire back to a more classical interpretation. A modern day Dracula who is charming, sensual, and completely monstrous. There is no pretense of humanity with him. He considers himself a member of a species that is the true apex predator of the world, feeding on humans and using them as puppets for their own bizarre games. He's not struggling with any inner angst. Most humans are either food, entertainment, or useful tools to him. Sometimes all three. He finds the modern popular interpretation of vampires both amusing and useful for his own agenda.
Julie Ann Dawson
Did I never tell you Sassicaia makes me horny?
Steve Emmett
Monsters are real and ghosts are real too they live inside us and sometimes they win.
Stephen King
When I Find Myself in A Depressed State, I Try and Write to Feel Better. However, If Writing Doesn't Work, Then You Can Almost Always Catch Me Watching Cartoons on Television, Like Scooby-Dooby-Do or The Munster’s. Unfortunately, I Am Watching These Programs Nearly Every Day.
Chris Mentillo
I Still Have So Much I Wish to Accomplish in My Life, Before I Finally leave This Godforsaken Place -- For Good.
Chris Mentillo
Before You Begin Writing Your Book, Ask Yourself A Very Important Question: What Kind of Results Do I Plan To Receive From Writing This Book? If You Say Money, Then Don't Bother Even Writing The Book.
Chris Mentillo
Don't Become An Artist, Actor, Muscian, Producer or Writer, Etc, For Only The Money. You May Be Very Dissapointed.
Chris Mentillo
It’s Not About How Much Money You Make, Instead It’s About What You Do With The Money That You Do Make.
Chris Mentillo
In my opinion, not all famous people are loaded with tons of money.
Chris Mentillo
Sulphurous wind gusted in his wake the dust of the street swirled and the folds of his black coat flapped against his thin body.
A.F. Stewart
I Can See Nothing But The Bottom Sides of Her Shoes, And Then All Became Ample Dark.
Chris Mentillo
I fear for the safety and well-being of our children.
Chris Mentillo
Try to listen more and talk less.
Chris Mentillo
A quotation can often give the best advice.
Chris Mentillo
During my tenure at Bradford College, located in Haverhill Massachusetts - Assemblies of God, and Northpoint Bible College had not yet taken over. The school was very prestigious and expensive, but was worth every penny spent, and left me with an experience of which I shall indeed never forget. I say this for a couple of reasons. First, my degree major was in creative arts (creative writing) and psychology as my minor. Later in life, I was able to use my degree to become an award-winning, and best-selling horror author, and producer. Something by the way for which I am very proud of today. I truly owe this all from what I learned at this remarkable school.""So indeed I have great things to speak of when harping back to my Bradford college days. In addition, I was also able to make wonderful connections with many famous people who's sons and daughters attended this school. One of my roommates was David Charles who is Bob Charle's son. Bob Charles was a famous professional golfer." "To date, pondering on my college days spent at Bradford College has given me an appreciation for which I am very grateful for. I wanted to say, "thank you" for being part of the reason why I have prospered." "I am a proud graduate of Bradford, and all others whom also attended should also be more than proud of their attendance there. Thank you again, and God Bless you. one of my other roommates was Japanese chap, and his father was some kind of high political ruler of the country at the time. Thinking back on all this makes me proud of having been affiliated with Bradford College. Thank you.
Chris Mentillo
I can't help thinking that somewhere in the vast universe, there has to be something better than man - Has to be.
Chris Mentillo
Don't be afraid to express to the world about how you feel... Ask Donald Trump.
Chris Mentillo
Kurt Cobain was a musical lyric genius. He was the Edgar Allan Poe of songwriting.
Chris Mentillo
With Eyes Like Charles Manson, a life similar to H.P Lovecraft, and lyrics like Edgar Allan Poe, Kurt Cobain was the master of horror in music.
Chris Mentillo
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