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Second Cosmic Seal:(Seal of Karl 666) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 160,000 spirits. Many great politicians, military commanders, etc. on earth are at this occult level of operations. This will be the occult level of Antichrist.
Compton Gage
Where the cheerful childrenof unwritten poems,play all around,you will find me there.
Khadija Rupa
Always count your blessings, even if you have to count them through your tears
Eleanor Brownn
It is high time that I learn to be more careful about hope, a reckless emotion for travelers. The sensible approach would be to the expect the worst, the very worst, that way you avoid grievous disappointment and who knows with a tiny bit of luck, you might even have a moderately pleasant surprise, like the difference between hell and purgatory.
Martha Gellhorn
There is always a way forward if the responsible parties are willing to act.
To those who, in spite of everything, still choose goodness.
Marie Lu
History has seen many who claim to be deliverer and saviour of the people. They might come with force and violence and parade their might and splendour as conquerors. The pharaohs of Egypt, Sennacherib king of Assyria, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Darius of Persia, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Napoleon, Clive of India, Bismarck, the Kaiser, Hitler, Stalin. The story and scene is always the same. They claim to deliver the people from bondage and to establish justice, freedom and peace. They come in might, riding in splendour, dragging prisoners.
John Myer
Despair is not solid. Neither is joy. They alternate, and contain each other. There is no joy that is not also touched by sorrow, no grief that is not rendered sharper by the memory of bliss. If things move forward in one direction and not another, they do so by rolling there, passing through the same tight orbit, touching here an ecstasy, there another shattering loss.
Ben Ehrenreich
Courage comes from a surrendered heart,a prepared mind, and a good conscience.
Deborah J Johnson
Only to close these eyesto sleep in the lap of loveand stay there forever.
Khadija Rupa
(...) ha! what is hope? a butterfly in a boxof demons, and nothing escapes the darkuntainted, a mockery of politics and greedstamped with treason and dipped inmyths and force-fed brainwashinggoing off after a time for the grandmassacre of faith, humanity, and still we search, scorched feetfor life but find only fake plastic treessatirical, ludicrous, and ironic
Moonshine Noire
Life took longer to reassemble than it did to blow apart, but that didn't mean it wouldn't be lovely, providing that one remembered to go for country walks, and to tune the wireless to music.
Chris Cleave
«Proprio un elfo snob doveva toccarmi in sorte?» le rispose divertito. «Allora, non mi rimane altra scelta che portarti in campeggio, prima o poi, o in canoa o a fare una nuotata nel lago.»Lei lo fissò con la sua più riuscita espressione Scordartelo disegnata sul volto.«Puoi guardarmi come vuoi, ma mai dire mai» ridacchiò lui.«Oh, invece mai è una delle mie parole preferite.» «Scommetto che ti piacerebbe…»«Cosa?»«Il campeggio. Le stelle, il silenzio, le foglie che mormorano al vento, sai, quelle cose lì.» «Per non parlare di orsi, insetti e magari di qualche serpente che ha perso la strada di casa. Mi vengono i brividi solo a pensarci. Sono un elfo cittadino a tutti gli effetti e ho il terrore di tutto ciò che si muove e che non sia addomesticabile.»Lui la fissò con aria divertita. «Incluso il sottoscritto?»Le si era avvicinato troppo e ora la fissava come se volesse divorarla, in modo così sfacciato che, per puro istinto di sopravvivenza, arretrò di un passo. Non abbassò lo sguardo ma per qualche attimo non seppe cosa rispondergli. Non che avesse dubbi che la categoria esseri viventi non addomesticabili e pericolosi includesse anche lui, almeno a dar retta a tutte quelle farfalle che le svolazzavano nello stomaco, ma come avrebbe potuto rispondergli sì? Così gli sorrise a sua volta, pronta all’ennesima bugia.«Sono convinta, predatore, che tu, nonostante i grugniti e i continui brontolii e la tua probabile parentela con un grizzly, sia molto addomesticabile.»Lui alzò un sopracciglio, con un’espressione da schiaffi da premio Oscar.
Viviana Giorgi
Hope is a form of conscious dream making
Kilroy J. Oldster
They wish to build a new and better world, and I would be glad if they could succeed, and if I saw any hope of success I would join them. I ask for their plans, and they offer me vague dreams, in which as a man of affairs, I see no practicality. Is is like the the end of Das Rheingold: there is Valhalla, very beautiful, but only a rainbow bridge on which to get to it, and while the gods ma be able to walk on a rainbow, my investors and working people cannot.
Upton Sinclair
What am I searching for? Maybe its the beliefs I had as a child, that the world is a nice place, that people are genuinely who they say they are, that life is not simply what it is, where the sun shines and the stars glitter for me. Where am I going? I do not know but maybe I am just searching for those beliefs that lead to a happy ending...
Virginia Alison
She didn’t know how this ended, she just knew that it needed to, one way or another.
Ross Turner
One could always imagine that one's life, though smoldering in parts, might be undamaged in the west.
Chris Cleave
One could always imagine that one's life, though smoldering parts, might be undamaged in the west." "We also serve who live with grace." "If there had been more time, or less, it all would have been easier. If its an hour one can say what one likes. If it's a year, one can be what one is like. A day is exactly the wrong lenght of time to be oneself in, don't you think?" "In the end I suppose we lay flowers on a grave because we cannot lay ourselves on it." "The dead were filthy, half buried, sometimes barely distinguishable from the mud or the rubble they lay in. One didn't understand, until one had seen a great many bodies, the unconscious effort that one must be making every minute simply to keep one's hands and face and clothes clean. The world's surfaces were so filthy that the living touched them only with the tips of their fingers and the soles of their shoes. How grubby it was to die, to give up making that effort." Life took longer to reassemble than it did to blow apart, but that didn't mean it wouldn't be lovely, providing that one remembered to go for country walks, and to tune the wireless to music.
Chris Cleave
It’s not by accident that people talk of a state of confusion as not being able to see the wood for the trees, or of being out of the woods when some crisis is surmopunted. It is a place of loss, confusion, terror and anger, a place where you can, like Dante, find yourself going down into Hell. But if it’s any comfort, the dark wood isn’t just that. It’s also a place of opportunity and adventure. It is the place in which fortunes can be reversed, hearts mended, hopes reborn.
Amanda Craig
There are seven occult kingdoms in the universe, which are the kingdoms of Satan and the fallen angels. There are various planes, zones, realms and centers as well as deities, gods and lords. The Five Cosmic Seals (occult levels) are the universal summary of the 400,000 categories of occult initiations, powers and demons (Astrometaphysical Operations). There are male and female, neuter and mermaid spirits (demons or Cosmic Forces).
Compton Gage
There are occult Esoteric Metaphysics (the secret and most confidential aspect of occult teachings) and Mystical Sciences practiced by mystical adepts, Living Grand Masters. This is the cosmological verdict of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierarchy universal occult recognition. Exoteric is public occult teachings. An Adept uses the Technique of the Master. Hell is called After-Life-Hallucination. There are entities, spirits, demons, demi-gods, Archangels and other names for evil beings. A Guru is a spiritual Master.
Compton Gage
Wasting time is living in self glorification instead of glorifying God as God is time
I wish I could tell every single woman with depression or anxiety or who has gotten herself into a situation that she doesn't think she can get out of, that something life-changing could be around the corner. You just have to wait, it will come, this slump isn't forever.
Constance Hall
You want help? Ask for help. You want love? Ask for love. If you want anything from the universe, anything from yourself, you must first ask.
Kamand Kojouri
Hope is a slighter, tougher thing even than trust, he thought, pacing his room as the soundless, vague lightning flashed overhead. In a good season one trusts life; in a bad season one only hopes, But they are of the same essence: they are the mind's indispensable relationship with other minds, with the world, and with time. Without trust, a man lives, but not a human life; without hope, he dies. When there is no relationship, where hands do not touch, emotion atrophies in void and intelligence goes sterile and obsessed. Between men the only link left is that of owner to slave, or murderer to victim.
Ursula K Le Guin
Believe me, the loss of hope is far worse than the loss of limbs.
Nick Vujicic
Believe you can, and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt
Just keep hope within you and your path will be lit.
Isabella Poretsis
The most important lesson life has taught me: Nothing can kill us other than death itself. So, be fearless, take chances, step out of your comfort zone, spread your wings and soar high. Live while you are alive.
Asma Naqi
Like rain HOPE trickles little by little at a time so that life may spring up when you're parched.
Tim Liwanag
You walk by faith and not by sight, because you do not hope for your future; instead, you envision it with detail, clarity, and confidence. Your expectations for what is to come and for other people are built on solid foundations, creating higher standards and greater value in your life, relationships, family, and friends.
Farshad Asl
Human ia such that everyone leaves you to your fate during your darkest moments even those you could trust with your life. But in as much as you love and care for them you need to start cutting off all strings that tie you to them and groom those few that firmly stand by you through these times. And surely just as the sun set for the moon to rise, that same sun will rise once again and shine brighter than it used to be.
Without trust in the possibilities for your life, where would you be? Where would any of us be? Our hopes for the future give us momentum.
Nick Vujicic
With great emptiness and a vacuum none can fill we push on through the shadows, complied to walk in the darkness and never allowed to appreciate it with the hope of a light unseen but we will still get there.
Your breaking point will be a bloody refuge, not a clean slate.
Christina Hopp
You must have hope in a better future and have faith in this hope. But then you must forget your hope and focus on this moment now.
Kamand Kojouri
Sometimes it's easier to go on living, not even knowing who you are, when at least you know precisely where you are while you go on not knowing.
Fredrik Backman
Seals:The Five Cosmic Seals are five occult Level 333, 666, 999, 1330 and 003 operating 400,000 minuet mystical degrees.
Compton Gage
I have this one little life to live with, it's not the plan I had in mind but I can accept its the calling of my soul. The irony in gaining freedom through the heartbreak of stillness.
Nikki Rowe
Destroying hope is a critically important project. And when it is achieved, formal democracy is allowed—even preferred, if only for public relation purposes. In more honest circles, much of this is conceded. Of course, it is understood much more profoundly by beasts in men's shapes who endure the consequences of challenging the imperatives of stability and order.
Noam Chomsky
This is what the good guys do. They keep trying. They don't give up.
Cormac McCarthy
Not only do our trials become classrooms that teach us life’s most profound lessons, they add joy and meaning to daily living.
While there is life, there is hope.
Jules Verne
There was no public to humiliate him here. They already knew he was a lunatic. They expected it. He could burst into howls of insanity, and they would only smile those gentle smiles at him and wrestle him into the chains.
Laura Kinsale
Chronicling the passage of whales has led me to an understanding that we, as a species, now sand at a crossroads. We can face the possibility of our own extinction and work to avert it, or we can flow the more traditional path of earths organisms and fall blindly over the edge. If there's one trait that characterised human beings, it's the will to survive. This, I believe, will motivate us to work with the natural world rather than opposite it, which is all we need to do to give the children of earth - of all species - the opportunity to thrive.
Alexandra Morton
Without the rocks, the streams will lose their song
Bernard Kelvin Clive
Since birth, life is about stumbling into the unknown by every turn. One hopes there is a grand purpose to it all.Few are lucky to encounter the right people, along the journey.
Kaleb Kilton
Fifth Cosmic Seal:(Liber 003 - Seal of Tuzassotama) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is mystically empowered to proclaim himself as "God, Lord, Universal Master or God-Incarnate" on earth and he controls all spirits of the occult kingdoms.
Compton Gage
Fourth Cosmic Seal:(Terrestrial Seal 1330 - Seal of Ba-Vara) One who has received this Cosmic Seal (Living Grand Master of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierachy) is empowered to control not less than 100,000,000 spirits and 33,000,000 demi-gods.
Compton Gage
Third Cosmic Seal:(Shiva Seal 999 - Seal Destruction) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 2,500,000 spirits which depends on the mastership of one's occult and psychic projections. Women are generally kept at this level with a few women exceeding this level.
Compton Gage
Maybe people like us can’t be happy. Maybe we’re too damaged and the only thing we can do is to learn how to hate ourselves a little less.
Asper Blurry
Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered.
Michelle Obama
Why do you feel so powerless? Go spend an hour with ants. Each of those black specks you see is a life. One whole life that you can save, take, or affect in some way. You have the power to make so many lives better. It is within you. Don’t lose sight of that.
Kamand Kojouri
The Son symbolizes the hope of humanity, bringing light to the darkness of our material existence, and reuniting us with the divinity of our own higher nature.
To have my hopes raised and dashed again, it's like cold steel twisting in my gut.
Paula Hawkins
Mumbai is the sweet, sweaty smell of hope, which is the opposite of hate; and it's the sour, stifled smell of greed, which is the opposite of love. It's the smell of Gods, demons, empires, and civilizations in resurrection and decay. Its the blue skin-smell of the sea, no matter where you are in the island city, and the blood metal smell of machines. It smells of the stir and sleep and the waste of sixty million animals, more than half of them humans and rats. It smells of heartbreak, and the struggle to live, and of the crucial failures and love that produces courage. It smells of ten thousand restaurants, five thousand temples, shrines, churches and mosques, and of hunderd bazaar devoted exclusively to perfume, spices, incense, and freshly cut flowers. That smell, above all things - is that what welcomes me and tells me that I have come home. Then there were people. Assamese, Jats, and Punjabis; people from Rajasthan, Bengal, and Tamil Nadu; from Pushkar, Cochin, and Konark; warrior caste, Brahmin, and untouchable; Hindi, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, Parsee, Animist; fair skin and dark, green eyes and golden brown and black; every different face and form of that extravagant variety, that incoparable beauty, India.
Gregory David Roberts
Hope is like a balloon. It seems like it swells up just so someone else can pop it in your face.
Betsy Schow
I who know many present things by my art," replied the Hermit with a smile, "have yet little knowledge of things future. Therefore I do not know whether any man or woman or beast in the whole world will be alive when the sun sets tonight. But be of good hope. The damsel is likely to live as long as any her age.
C.S. Lewis
...nothing helps a lie float like a hopeful listener.
Joshilyn Jackson
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