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To secure his king's trust, his family's future, and perhaps even his own happiness, he needed to convince her he was more than a mercenary -- in fact, a man who would stand by her side.
Sandra Jones
A woman must find a husband, otherwise she is at the mercy of the world. If she waits for love and it never arrives, what is to become of her? I consented to Edward's proposal because he wanted me, and it was quite possible no other man would.
Ayana Prende
Mon dieu. I cannot leave without tasting your lips once more."tShe read the question in his hooded gaze. She would not let him leave, of course, but allowing him a kiss seemed a reasonable consolation after saving her life. Especially as she wanted it , too. Longed for it.tShe put her hand behind his neck, mimicking him, and threaded her fingers through his thick, wavy hair. "Take your kiss, my lord.
Sandra Jones
What have you to trade for my silence?" ...tHe opened his mouth to beckon the men, but Eleri moved like lightning. With her right arm restrained, she couldn't cut him. However, her weapon of choice caught him completely off-guard.tHer lips sealed to his, cutting off his voice in a hard kiss...tBracing his back against the gnarled tree branches, he relaxed for more, but the kiss ended as briskly as it had begun....tBlood surging through his body, Warren grinned and lowered his face over hers. "Not the price I had in mind, but...um, shall we see what else you have to offer?
Sandra Jones
She lifted her chin and glared at him. “If you had but asked, I would’ve informed you that I do not attend masquerades.” “That is precisely why I didn’t ask.
Erica Ridley
Have you considered—between now and any future leg-shackling, that is—the possibility of spending some time not running things?” “Oh, I do,” she said earnestly. “Twice daily! I try very hard not to run things in my sleep, nor whilst cleaning my teeth. Far too difficult to bark orders with tooth powder in one’s mouth.
Erica Ridley
As a lady of clocklike precision yourself, you may appreciate my schedule. I have kept strictly to it every day for the past decade. From eight in the morning to eight in the evening, I devote myself to my duties. Then from eight in the evening to eight in the morning, I . . . do . . . not.
Erica Ridley
He had a hint of a Southern drawl, as if he’d worked hard to hide it, but couldn’t quite rid himself of the last of it. It was rough and gravelly, and had the seductive warmth of sinking into strong arms in front of a cozy fire. To my surprise, a spark of that long-dead heat stirred in my belly. This wasn’t the sort of response a woman should have to finding a strange man in her barn.
Margaret Madigan
I won’t pretend that I deserve you. I am faithless. I have done unforgivable things. And I am broken.” He gestured to his face and body with trembling hands. “I know you see past these things when you look at me . . . but I hope I can be enough for you.”“What? Enough for me? Gabriel, you are everything.
Rachel L. Demeter
Now, tomorrow, and always.
Rachel L. Demeter
She was dangerous. I’d heard the rumors, that she had a history as a wild woman, that she’d been married to a gambler, maybe even been one herself, that her past was scandalous at best. But who was I to judge? My past was littered with scandal.
Margaret Madigan
The only thing that can hurt me now is the thought of never knowing this feeling again. To never be able to touch you this way again...
Shelly Thacker
Whether David believed in her affliction or not didn’t change the fact that it existed, and some day it would catch up with her.
Tamara Hughes
How were we so lucky? Two people lost in a world only to find solace and companionship in someone just as fractured as they are. I think destiny has played a hand in our union.
K. Webster
Let this moment whisper through eternity. Let it fill my every dream and visit me each night.
Rachel L. Demeter
He leaned back. “What, may I ask, is the nature of our business?” She inclined her head. “Just so. It came to my attention earlier today that you had canceled the seventy-fifth annual Christmas Eve ball. I would have called upon you immediately, but I’m afraid a prior engagement tied my hands until this very moment.” He tried to make sense of her words. She was apologizing for not descending upon him more promptly for a meeting he’d never in his wildest dreams anticipated?
Erica Ridley
I must remember to be troublesome now and again, else you are going to be impossible to live with. And by what magic did you find the gown and the horse?""Scottish fairy magic." His grin widened."Do you mean that fairies are real in Scotland?
Shelly Thacker
In America, I appear more simple that I am, because I was completely out of my element. It was my misfortune, not my fault, that I was born in a country which was not congenial to my desires. -1815, in a letter to her father William Patterson
Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte
He watched her emerald eyes darken with need until they were the color of the Highland hills warmed by the summer sun.
Shelly Thacker
At first, I did not tell you any of this because...you were not supposed to mean anything to me. And later..." His voice became rough with emotion. "Later, I did not tell you because you mean so much to me.
Shelly Thacker
He cleared his throat. "I wish I could take back what I said." He looked away. "I behaved like a thoin aiseal.""What does that mean?""A donkey's arse."She glanced down at the furs, found herself fighting a smile. "And how do you pronounce that? I somehow suspect I may have need of that phrase again.
Shelly Thacker
You are a soldier. A fighter. And now you must fight. Not for the emperor, not for France . . . but for yourself.
Rachel L. Demeter
He drew her into his arms, gathering her close, and dusted kisses over her cheek, her hair. Wrapped in his embrace, Laurien closed her eyes, murmuring a sigh of exquisite satisfaction. A delightful drowsiness overtook her and she gave in to it, snuggled securely against Darach's chest, lying on a stolen wolf pelt, in the hold on a ship of thieves.
Shelly Thacker
She clenched her fists. "I believe, milord, that I have endured my full limit of male tyranny." "I am afraid, milady, that you will have to become accustomed to it. It is the way of things, here in the world beyond your cloister." He turned her forward and nudged her to continue down the stairs. "This world would fall into chaos if women were allowed to do whatever they wished.
Shelly Thacker
He stared at her, his dark eyes unfathomable. "You could meet a better, worthier man."She laughed, a strained, harsh sound. "I've already met one--he's marrying my sister!"The words blazed forth, hanging in the air as though etched in fire, impossible to recall or deny. They stared at each other, scarcely breathing--then, in an instant, Trevenan closed the distance between them in one stride and pulled her to him, arms banding around her like iron.Their mouths met in a fierce mutual claiming, and the world went white around them--white as lightning, white as the heart of a flame. Closing her eyes, Aurelia let herself fall, deep into a void where all that existed was his touch, his taste, and the hot, urgent press of his lips against hers. This, she thought hazily. Yes, this. And knew by his response, the guttural moan in his throat, that it was the same for him. Love, that is first and last of all things made..."Damn you, James! Why couldn't you wait for me?
Pamela Sherwood
Why should I mind?” She drummed her fingertips against his knee. “Because you got asked to play baseball, while I got a lecture on circumspection, Jezebels, and leading men into sin?” “Did you really?” He managed to sound annoyed, fascinated, and amused all at once.“It’s not funny.” “Of course it’s not.” He was quick to try and placate her. “But we can do something about those lectures real quick. All you have to do is marry me.”Coyote Bluff had too many secrets that weren’t hers to share. She couldn’t put him in that position. He was a federal marshal. And she’d seen what all the lies her father told had done to her mother. She’d died hating him.The last remnants of her earlier contentment vanished. “I like my independence.” “Then I guess you’ll have to get used to the lectures, Sheriff Jezebel,” he replied.
Paula Altenburg
What the hell do you think you are doing, creeping about in the night in woman's clothing? I could just as easily have killed you?"tThe sheer audacity of her remark rendered him speechless for a moment, and then Finlay laughed. "This, senorita, is a kilt, not a skirt, and you did not for a moment come close to killing me, though I don't doubt that you'd have tried if I'd given you half a chance.
Marguerite Kaye
I steal from the rich to give to myself.
Robert Thier
I believe yours is the only wisdom, Demelza.
Winston Graham
Having our voices heard in the wilderness is akin to sharing our souls. Angelina J. Windsor
Angelina J. Windsor
My butler informs me you had a book on your person when you came to call.” She did not look up. “His vision is excellent, my lord.” “Was it your journal?” he pressed. He wondered if she kept a diary as well . . . and what she might write about him. He hoped something scandalous. He’d love to make it come true.
Erica Ridley
I've seen enough cowboys in my life to know I don't want one for a husband."...Victoria"Every good man I know is a cowboy."...ColtPromises Kept
Scarlett Dunn
Romance means believing you are worthy of a happy ending.
Sarah Wendell
Whites and pastels — colors suitable for a girl’s come-out, though not always suited to the girls coming out — eddied erratically around gowns in every brilliant hue ladies married, widowed or on the shelf could imagine, and a few they ought not have.
Colleen Ladd
What’s bosoms?” Cade asked.“You’ll find out when you get older,” Jake said."A lot older," Colt said.
Scarlett Dunn
Until we find Enio, I'm closer to you than your own shadow.
Meg Hennessy
Do you plan on marrying Charles?”She shook her head.“Good. I wouldn’t want to shoot him, but I would."... Finding Promise
Scarlett Dunn
If you insist on standing in such a state of undress, it is your shadow that will have to get out of my way.
Meg Hennessy
Her feet shifted underneath her. “I’m not sure what troublesyou.”The wolf prowled, though he sat in a great chair. His uneasinessmade her skin tight and her heart race. Hakan was a handsomeman, very appealing to all of the fairer sex tonight with his blackjerkin stretched across broad shoulders. He had shaved for theGlima festival, and his blonde hair, lighter from summer, loosenedfrom the leather tie.“Many thoughts trouble me tonight, but Astrid’s not one ofthem.” In the dim light of the longhouse, his white teeth gleamedagainst his tanned face.“Does your head ail you?” She clasped her hands together,comfortable with the role of nurturing thrall.“Nay, but ‘twould please me if you sat close to me and playedyour harp.”“Music would be pleasant.” Skittish and studying him underthe veil of her lashes, Helena retrieved her harp.She sat cross-legged on a pelt near his chair. ‘Twas easy tostrum a soothing song and lose herself in the delicate notes herfingers plucked. But when the last note faded, the restless wolfstirred on his throne, unpacified.“Why did you play that game with Astrid? Letting her thinkmore goes on between us?”Ice-blue eyes pinned her, yet, ‘twas his voice, dangerous andsoft, that did things to her.“I…I don’t know.” Her own voice faltered as warmth flushedher skin.Glowing embers molded his face with dim light. Hakanleaned forward, resting both elbows on his knees. His sinewy handplucked the harp from her, placing it on the ground.“Why?” Hakan’s fingertips tilted her chin.
Gina Conkle
There is always a danger that those who are less obviously and traditionally important, prominent, or powerful will be left out of the history of human experience.
Chloe Schama
He stopped, gazing at the girl who stood before it. The man guessed the child to be ten years old. She had dark brown hair to her neck with ends that showed curls, ivory skin and large eyes of sapphire blue. Thin and barefooted, with soot on her face she wore an old, tattered white dress. As the child turned to look at him, the man thought she must be an orphan beggar and he was unable to tear his face away from her eyes. Those bright blue eyes filled with an incomprehensible sadness. What pain did she carry?
Suilyaniz Cintron
Love has a heavy load of possibilities. You can't have it without some measure of pain. They go together with an inseparable bond in this world. But it's worth it. I promise you, the treasure is worth the pain.
Miranda Shisler
Lord Sheffield tucked a stray tendril behind her ear and cupped her cheek in one hand. “Do you see a kissing ball anywhere?” “N-no.” She darted a quick glance about the room. It was decorated as a Venetian masquerade, not as a Christmastide celebration. There was no holly to be found. “Why do you ask?” “Because I don’t want you to think I have any reason for doing this other than because I wish to.
Erica Ridley
A footman approached bearing a tray of sparkling wine. Lord Sheffield motioned the footman away before he could offer them a glass of champagne. “Forgive me,” he murmured in Amelia’s ear. “I cannot wait another moment to have you in my arms.
Erica Ridley
He tasted like Edmund, smelled like Edmund, felt like second chances. He kissed her as if she were as indispensable as air. As though his every heartbeat belonged as much to her as it did to him.
Erica Ridley
She turned to him with wide, shocked eyes. "Why did he..."tHis lips twitched. No coarse language in front of the infants limited the ability to discuss the fountain of baby piss that had just arced halfway across the room.t"Twasn't you, darling. It's one of their favorite bath-time games.t"Something about the cool air on their naked...berries," he substituted at the last second....t"Do I have piddle in my hair?" she whispered, her eyes sparkling with laughter above her flushed cheeks.t"Not much," he assured her with a straight face. "You look almost becoming."...t"Decades from now, when our children ask how I fell in love with their mother, I'll say 'twas her sweet, gentle compliments during bath-time, and her fleetness of foot whilst dodging a flow of ---
Erica Ridley
I've come to seduce you."tHis pupils dilated as his gaze heated.tShe smiled. He hadn't been surprised at her presence, but he'd been very surprised at the reason.tHe held up a palm. "By all means.
Erica Ridley
Can't sleep?" he murmured, the corners of his eyes crinkling.tShe blushed, but held his gaze. "Don't wish to sleep."t"Mmm. I can help with that."...t"Do you have anything particular in mind?"t"Everything.
Erica Ridley
The point is, people have been having babies for thousands of years. There will be frightening moments and exhausting moments, but more than anything---"t"--- there will just be love.
Erica Ridley
Be thankful all she did was raise her voice," Mr. Blackpool told Sarah conspiratorially. "During the ride to London, I had to talk her out of scaling up the townhouse walls, should the door go unanswered."tShe had to hide her smile at the image of flamboyant Mrs. Blackpool climbing row houses like a circus monkey. "We are fortunate indeed that such measures did not prove necessary.
Erica Ridley
She would do whatever she had to, even make this man’s life a living hell if it were required, and judging by the arrogance of Thomas Glanville, that possibility was quite likely.
Tamara Hughes
Those green eyes mocked her, and the ass leaned into her blade as if daring her to slice him
Tamara Hughes
You could cut...all that
Mel Bossa
You don’t have to prove something to feel it, to know it exists.
Ally Broadfield
Catherine bristled at the amusement in his voice. He could laugh all he wanted when he stood tied to a wall utterly naked. A little humiliation might do him good.
Tamara Hughes
Do you miss wearing your kilt?" she asked.t"In London, it caused more bother than it was worth. Ladies either found it indecent or intriguing. A fair few found it to be both. I was never quite sure whether it was indecently intriguing or intriguingly indecent!
Marguerite Kaye
Antonia Valleau cast the first shovelful of dirt onto her husband’s fur-shrouded body, lying in the grave she’d dug in their garden plot, the only place where the soil wasn’t still rock hard. I won’t be breakin’ down. For the sake of my children, I must be strong. Pain squeezed her chest like a steel trap. She had to force herself to take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of loam and pine. I must be doing this.She drove the shovel into the soil heaped next to the grave, hefted the laden blade, and dumped the earth over Jean-Claude, trying to block out the thumping sound the soil made as it covered him. Even as Antonia scooped and tossed, her muscles aching from the effort, her heart stayed numb, and her mind kept playing out the last sight of her husband. The memory haunting her, she paused to catch her breath and wipe the sweat off her brow, her face hot from exertion in spite of the cool spring air.Antonia touched the tips of her dirty fingers to her lips. She could still feel the pressure of Jean-Claude’s mouth on hers as he’d kissed her before striding out the door for a day of hunting. She’d held up baby Jacques, and Jean-Claude had tapped his son’s nose. Jacques had let out a belly laugh that made his father respond in kind. Her heart had filled with so much love and pride in her family that she’d chuckled, too. Stepping outside, she’d watched Jean-Claude ruffle the dark hair of their six-year-old, Henri. Then he strode off, whistling, with his rifle carried over his shoulder. She’d thought it would be a good day—a normal day. She assumed her husband would return to their mountain home in the afternoon before dusk as he always did, unless he had a longer hunt planned.As Antonia filled the grave, she denied she was burying her husband. Jean-Claude be gone a checkin’ the trap line, she told herself, flipping the dirt onto his shroud.She moved through the nightmare with leaden limbs, a knotted stomach, burning dry eyes, and a throat that felt as though a log had lodged there. While Antonia shoveled, she kept glancing at her little house, where, inside, Henri watched over the sleeping baby. From the garden, she couldn’t see the doorway.She worried about her son—what the glimpse of his father’s bloody body had done to the boy. Mon Dieu, she couldn’t stop to comfort him. Not yet. Henri had promised to stay inside with the baby, but she didn’t know how long she had before Jacques woke up. Once she finished burying Jean-Claude, Antonia would have to put her sons on a mule and trek to where she’d found her husband’s body clutched in the great arms of the dead grizzly. She wasn’t about to let his last kill lie there for the animals and the elements to claim. Her family needed that meat and the fur. She heard a sleepy wail that meant Jacques had awakened. Just a few more shovelfuls. Antonia forced herself to hurry, despite how her arms, shoulders, and back screamed in pain.When she finished the last shovelful of earth, exhausted, Antonia sank to her knees, facing the cabin, her back to the grave, placing herself between her sons and where their father lay. She should go to them, but she was too depleted to move.
Debra Holland
I kissed you," Finlay said roughly. "for the very simple reason that you are irresistible."t"I think that is what is known as serendipity," Isabella replied, "for it's the very same reason I kissed you back."t"Serendipity," Finlay said, sliding his arm around her waist. "I've always wondered what it tasted like."t"Strawberries, and lavender, and vintage wine, I believe is how you described it."t"No," he said decidedly. "It tastes of nothing other than essence of you. The most intoxicating and delicious taste imaginable.
Marguerite Kaye
Vintage kisses," Finlay said. "If only they could be bottled, you would have an elixir beyond price.
Marguerite Kaye
Those were the kind of kisses to keep a man awake at night, wanting more. Now, shall we drink this excellent wine and get on with the rest of the tour?
Marguerite Kaye
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