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Would you like me to court you?” the earl finally asked.YES. She smoothed her hands over her skirts to keep from confessing it aloud. “I would like to know if you are,” she replied. “Or what your intentions are, if you aren’t.”“My intentions . . .” His slow smile acted like a torch held to her skin. She felt prickly with heat and yet transfixed by the glowing allure of it. “I intend to have you, Maggie, in every way a man can have a woman. I want your hand in mine while we dance. I want you laughing beside me in the theater. I want you lying naked in my arms at night. And I want you standing beside me in church, saying ‘I will.’
Caroline Linden
You don't have to say a thing except yes. You don't have to do anything, either, I'm quite willing to plan it all." "You?""Yes me.""You'd plan all of it? Even the wedding?""Why not?""You don't even like to plan your own breakfast."He grinned. "You mean more to me tban bacon.""More than [i]bacon?[/i] I'm honored.""You should be, my foolish pea brain.
Karen Hawkins
He stood at the foot of the grave, gloved hands clasped behind him, his dark clothes and hair blending into one black silhouette, as if he were not a presence but an absence, a hole cut out of the landscape.
Amanda DeWees
Today’s breakfast consist of rice and a piece of bread fried in a bit of salt pork grease. At least I have my memories of grand banquets and fine foods, but this is all the children have ever known. I suppose it is best not to have anything to compare.
Nancy B. Brewer
She ate it and cried.Soon, he put the melting ice cream away."Shura," Tatiana whispered, "darling, forget what should have been. Remember all that was.""Tatiasha, babe," Alexander whispered, coming back to bed to be covered, "my one and only wife, forget our age, our splendid youth, forget it all and let our crazy love make us young.
Paullina Simons
Angela turned in her chair. Resting her chin on folded hands, the mirror reflected the look of a girl in love. ‘Oh, what a blessing fate has bestowed on me.
Katherine Givens
I only hope I may not be ruined,” she was saying miserably. “I should be obliged to marry you after all, and then I’d likely murder you before the wedding breakfast was over.
Christina Brooke
Keep your hands off me.” She spoke viciously, through her teeth, and he caught a glimpse of her deVere ancestry. She was a virago in tiny, fragile, fairy form.
Christina Brooke
I would feel much better about this whole affair if you would slap me and get it over with. I know you want to.
Moriah Densley
Tears blurred her vision as she leaned over him. His mouth was surely made for smiling. For laughing. For kissing. Grief welled up along with the feeling that he might never do any of those things again.She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his. They were cool and unresponsive.Then they parted.She jerked back, saw his eyes flutter open.“Don’t stop now,” he whispered.
Elena Greene
Don’t. Don’t play that game.” His brow pressed to hers. “When I heard you cry out . . . it was like a saber to the gut. I wanted to die.
Tessa Dare
I know not by what power I am drawn to you, but it is as a moth is drawn to the flame, and I cannot fight it, I must be consumed.
Andrea Zuvich
I was shy,” said six-foot-one of bashful male. He grunted as a sharp, feminine elbow thudded inconspicuously into his side.
Anne Gracie
Do you think ladies’ eyebrows can communicate as well?” she asked.“No, they don’t have sufficient thicketry,” he said with authority.“Thicketry?”“Yes, that is the official term.
Anne Gracie
She's elegant," Olivia stated. "I would kill to have her figure.""Really?""Of course. I have always wished to look precisely like her. Though obviously, not enough to avoid food," she added."That's madness. You have everything she doesn't."Olivia opened her mouth, ready to argue. "Everything she hasn't."She frowned at him."Including me.
Eloisa James
Sea and land may lie between us, but my heart is always there with you.
Nancy B. Brewer
Lord Carradice managed to look wicked, smug, and saintly, all at the same time.
Anne Gracie
Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, a curse that is causeless does not alight.
Nancy B. Brewer
She is a jewel far richer than a mountain of coin could bring!
Andrea Zuvich
Whenever doubts become a crime... whenever parents become afraid their children might turn them in; a country where the power of the government is mired inextricably with the jurisdiction and the executive, where you have three secret polices spying on the population and people disappear without a word, that is not my country... My country and Nazi Germany, those are two very different places. And I dearly hope I’ll live to see the day when the latter one falls.
Osiris Brackhaus
Her blonde tresses now lay unbound and flowing in comely waves down her back, like pale serpents against the blue sea of her costume.
Andrea Zuvich
Aye, we are. Ye told me that ye loved me, and that this is where ye wished to be. I told ye that I wished for ye to remain here with me. I offered a betrothal, if ye’ll recall, when ye were ready. But I neglected to tell ye the most important thing before our passions overtook us yesterday. I love ye, too, Aileana. I never want to lose ye again. I want ye beside me, always.
Willa Blair
I'm fat," she blurted out. "You are not fat. You're the most beautiful, voluptuous woman I know." His eyes moved down her body, deliberately, slowly, then back up to her face. What she saw in them sent fire squirming through her stomach and lower."I want every inch of you," he said, growling it. "I want to fall on my knees and worship at your hips." He reach out, shaped her curves from breast to hips with a burning sweep of his hand that a man was allowed to give only his wife.
Eloisa James
Quin reached out, spun her back to him, and pulled her into his arms, held her tight, so tight that she could hardly breathe. "I need you," he said, low and fierce, into her hair. "Oh, G-d, Olivia, how did I ever live without you?"She reached up, pulled his face down to hers. "I'm yours, for good or ill."There was a little click as the door to the ballroom closed, but Olivia paid no mind. "You're the missing piece of me," Quin said. "You make me feel.
Eloisa James
Under the sanctuary are the catacombs where the dead wait for resurrection. The living do not venture there. The caverns here underneath the Sanctuary are illuminated only by dim shafts of light from the sanctuary. The walls are etched with flowers of frost, but at least I am out of the wind. Dark bays line the hall in front of me, a vast rabbit warren, each hold filled to the brim with the scent of the past.
Ned Hayes
Devilment showed in his eyes. “Well, since it is a trial, we should practice so that we can perfect our kisses.”“You need no practice. You are clearly an expert.
Vicky Dreiling
Papa had always told Justine that guns had a remarkable capacity to focus the mind. She couldn’t say with any confidence that her actions had cleared the minds of the drunken louts before her, but she’d sharpened their attention. They gaped at her, slack-mouth and stupefied, trying to make sense of what their bleary eyes told them.
Vanessa Kelly
Like the magnolia tree, She bends with the wind,Trials and tribulation may weather her, Yet, after the storm her beauty blooms, See her standing there, like steel, With her roots forever buried,Deep in her Southern soil.
Nancy B. Brewer
I suppose when you say you slept with him, it was more than just a nap?"Lillian shot her a withering glance. "Daisy, don’t be a pea wit.
Lisa Kleypas
I am afraid of him now. The one I love most in the world.
Neil Jordan
Miranda shook her head slowly. 'Good heavens. That's quite an act you put on.'He drew himself up haughtily. 'I beg your pardon.''An act,' Miranda repeated. 'Stand as tall as you like, and frown at me all you wish. I saw you just now. You were feeding cats.''So I was. And do you make something of that?''You,' Miranda said daringly, 'have a kind heart.'He turned away from her, the tails of his greatcoat swirling about him. 'Don't enlarge too much upon the matter. The cats were hungry. I had food. This seemed to be a problem with a ready solution. It's not kindness to solve problems; it's efficiency.''I stand corrected. You have an efficient heart.
Courtney Milan
Beatrix wished she were a swooning sort of female. It seemed the only appropriate response to the situation.Unfortunately, no matter how she tried to summon a swoon, her mind remained intractably conscious.
Lisa Kleypas
Don't you understand brother? I want to find a love...that will free me from this love...
Neil Jordan
Just look at the fellow, standing there like a bloody Greek god. Do you think she chose him because of his intellect?”“I graduated from Cambridge,” Christopher said acidly. “Should I have brought my diploma?
Lisa Kleypas
I'm not broken,' he repeated. 'Although at the moment . . . ' This was what came of violating the sentimentality quota. Everything he kept bottled inside him came out. He shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. 'At the moment,' he muttered numbly, 'I may be coming a bit unraveled.
Courtney Milan
You are intelligent, you are diplomatic, you are beautiful, and you are and always will be...[he kisses her]...MINE...
Neil Jordan
You have a spine of steel and fire in your eyes, Rosalie. To have such a quality, one must be shaken to the foundation of one’s soul and put back together. I want to know how you emerged from hell made of steel and fire.
Moriah Densley
Good night, my lord.” The words were pronounced in her most withering tone.By contrast, he remained quite alarmingly unwithered long after she left.
Christina Brooke
But I am a writer, and I deal in words, and I need to have them spelled out for me--precisely.
Sydney Jane Baily
Without entering here into a dissertation upon the historical romance, it may be said that in proper hands it has been and should continue to be one of the most valued and valuable expressions of the literary art. To render and maintain it so, however, it is necessary that certain well-defined limits should be set upon the licence which its writers are to enjoy; it is necessary that the work should be honest work; that preparation for it should be made by a sound, painstaking study of the period to be represented, to the end that a true impression may first be formed and then conveyed. Thus, considering how much more far-reaching is the novel than any other form of literature, the good results that must wait upon such endeavours are beyond question. The neglect of them—the distortion of character to suit the romancer's ends, the like distortion of historical facts, the gross anachronisms arising out of a lack of study, have done much to bring the historical romance into disrepute.
Rafael Sabatini
Thinking back on the outing to the theatre, she added, ‘I want a man, not a preening peacock!
Katherine Givens
A gentleman can’t let a lady sleep in an armchair while he takes his ease in a bed.”“But you are not a gentleman,” she pointed out. “You are the greatest scoundrel in all the land.”He tilted his head to consider that. “All right. You take the chair.
Christina Brooke
She narrowed her gaze. “I don’t trust you to keep your eyes closed.”“Smart woman,” he said. “I wouldn’t trust me, either, if I were you.
Christina Brooke
Dickens must have first heard his famous The law is an ass quote from a woman. And she was damned right, for all the good it did her.
Moriah Densley
Ciara, there are certain things a man does not ask of a lady.""You are not asking.""Aye.
Shelly Thacker
His tongue tapped his top lip as he cupper her breast in his hand. "Tis boidhche --beautiful.
Amy Jarecki
I said kiss me again.” A sultry smile curved her lips. “Would that be such a difficult task to perform?”Christ almighty, she wanted him to kiss her again. And she was ordering him to do so.
Monica Burns
I sincerely pity the poor man you marry. I doubt he’ll have a moment’s peace.
Heather King
Alyssa tried to lift her chin. She was going to do the one thing she loved again- something that reminded her of her mother; something dear to her. So what if she felt this undeniable attraction toward the dark-haired man. Correction. Earl.So what, indeed.
Nicole Castro
Ah, does my princess now want what I offer?
Sai Marie Johnson
I would have asked you to let down your hair" turning to regard her with a grin, his teeth a slash of white in his blackened face."But it is not quite long enough anymore.
Shelly Thacker
If one plays with fire, one should be prepared to burn, Jane.”“You say that as if I’m in danger from you.”“Maybe you are,” Tobias growled as the scent of her invaded his nostrils...
Monica Burns
A fiery little cat you are, Caecelia. Like a lioness in heat, oh how you bloom.
Sai Marie Johnson
His tongue tapped his top lip as he cupped her breast in his hand. "Tis boidhche --beautiful.
Amy Jarecki
Keep the guests company, and mind your asses! Stay out of the hall before my chamber!
Sai Marie Johnson
Gideon could not imagine any other young unmarried woman of his acquaintance passing up the opportunity to snare, if not himself, then the Carradice fortune. In any case, the number of women who’d rejected him in any way was gratifyingly small. Yet Miss Prudence Merridew had most unmistakably rejected him. Several times. Wielding that damned lethal reticule like a little Amazon, to emphasize her point.
Anne Gracie
Now you also know what it is to be wanted and loved.
Julianne Donaldson
Let me have you in the most intimate ofways, let me give you a part of myself that no other man may touch.Make me yours forever.
Rachel L. Demeter
Pain is in the mind. And, in my mind, ma chérie … I was withyou.
Rachel L. Demeter
The arrogant man probably thought his path to heaven was already assured, and that he acted in accordance to God’s will just by breathing.
Maya Banks
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