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I had someone once who made every day mean something.And now…. I am lost….And nothing means anything anymore.
Ranata Suzuki
It’s painful, loving someone from afar.Watching them – from the outside.The once familiar elements of their life reduced to nothing more than occasional mentions in conversations and faces changing in photographs…..They exist to you now as nothing more than living proof that something can still hurt you … with no contact at all.
Ranata Suzuki
If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard.And if I cannot be in your life, then at least let me live in your heart.
Ranata Suzuki
I miss that feeling of connection.Knowing he was out there somewhere thinking about me at the same time I was thinking about him.
Ranata Suzuki
There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it.
Ranata Suzuki
…the sad part is, that I will probably end up loving you without you for much longer than I loved you when I knew you.Some people might find that strange.But the truth of it is that the amount of love you feel for someone and the impact they have on you as a person, is in no way relative to the amount of time you have known them.
Ranata Suzuki
...what happens when you returnand find nothingbut a hollowed shell,shingles and floor,walls and echoesand the light that lead you herehas now burned outand the ones who built ithave traveled afarand you cant go to them,no matter what shoes you wear.
Kellie Elmore
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!
Edgar Allan Poe
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.From an Irish headstone
Richard Puz
But death was her curse and her gift, and death had been her good friend these long, long years.
Sarah J Maas
Bruised, beaten, shaken, weakened, tossed, thrown, lost, alone, heard, helped, healed, hope... it still works.
N'Zuri Za Austin
the opening,the breaking,the falling apartis always so quick.the hurting,the healing,the putting back togetheris always too long.
i can't hold onto love.i'm not gentle enough.i always end upcrushing the thingin between my fingertips.
There are still Ava Maddoxes to find and sets to create and girls to kiss and colleges to attend. It's possible that someday I will hear a patsy Cline song and the heartbreak will barely register. It will be some distant, buried feeling. I won't remember how much it once hurt.
Nina LaCour
I wear a necklace of hope with pearly beads. When I met you, it broke, and the beads spilled all over the floor, into the gutters.
Karen Quan
Deep grief sometimes is almost like a specific location, a coordinate on a map of time. When you are standing in that forest of sorrow, you cannot imagine that you could ever find your way to a better place. But if someone can assure you that they themselves have stood in that same place, and now have moved on, sometimes this will bring hope
Elizabeth Gilbert
If a soul could drown in its own tears, then hers was already dead.
R. W. Patterson
Hope is the easiest thing that turn into dust.
Prachi Prangya Agasti
Alex chuckled and whispered in her ear. “I’m feeling huge . . . I mean I have this huge desire . . . Crap, you feel good tonight. And you smell so good.
Melisa M. Hamling
Better this way, what remained of his battered sensibilities told him. He was no good for her, anyway. She didn’t understand him. She didn’t understand that he was cursed. And, selfish as he was, he’d rather she hate him than he hate himself any more than he was already going to. Any more than he already did.
V.S. Carnes
Caine might have smiled at her, had his heart not been breaking to smithereens inside of him.
V.S. Carnes
In that one moment, I wrapped a thousand others. A lifetime of joy, sorrow, laughter, frowns, smiles, tears... life!
Faraaz Kazi
I gasped and pointed the way. I gave you an adventure, Ed, right in front of you but you never saw it until I showed you, and that's why we broke up.
Daniel Handler
She’s wild, unpredictable and dangerous as hell. Not just to my sanity, but to my health. She’s the kind of girl you know you’ll want forever with and forever will still not be enough. But she’s not the type of girl to give forever to you willingly. I’m pretty sure you’d have to drag it out of her kicking and screaming.” - Dominic Delaney -Damaged
Nina D'Angelo
I don’t want to hear it. Go back to Sammy and get your platter of gonorrhea with a heaping side order of chlamydia. It’s free. Please leave.
Melisa M. Hamling
Morning breath here. ‘A dirty mouth you say,’ clean it up with Orbit.” Maya chuckled. “Unless you have gum, I’m not letting you near me.” She reached for a pillow and plopped it over her face. “Ha-ha! Good one. No gum on me, but I’ll settle for kissing your belly.” Alex whisked her pajama top up and knelt down to kiss the roundest part of her tummy.
Melisa M. Hamling
Loving you was like jumping into the dark side of a pool, and drowning.
Lori Jenessa Nelson
Lips that have tasted the salt of tears always give the sweetest kiss.
C.J. Carlyon
It took me two years to give him all of my heart, and he threw it away in one night.
Dannika Dark
Being heartbroken doesn’t mean you stop feeling. Just the opposite — it means you feel it all more. With your heart in fragments, every sensation is sharper, every emotion more acute. Your feelings are enhanced, like a blind man with an impeccable sense of smell, or a deaf woman whose eyes can perceive things a normal person would never recognize. The brokenhearted are the best empaths of all.
Julie Johnson
Your memory feels like home to me.So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.
Ranata Suzuki
This is not something anyone can teach you. Heartbreak you must learn on your own.
Chelsey Philpot
We ruined each other by being together. We destroyed each other’s dreams.
Kate Chisman
Even though I knew this might end in heartbreak, that he might make my life scary and complicated and unpredictable, I knew I couldn't let him walk away. Because I knew he'd also make my life happy and comforting and full.
Kasie West
Life is a useless passion, an exciting journey of a mammal in survival mode. Each day is a miracle, a blessing unexplored and the more you immerse yourself in light, the less you will feel the darkness. There is more to life than nothingness. And cynicism. And nihilism. And selfishness. And glorious isolation. Be selfish with yourself, but live your life through your immortal acts, acts that engrain your legacy onto humanity. Transcend your fears and follow yourself into the void instead of letting yourself get eaten up by entropy and decay. Freedom is being yourself without permission. Be soft and leave a lasting impression on everybody you meet
Mohadesa Najumi
Your fear of becoming a cliche is what turns you into one. If you remove the fear, we are all really walking contradictions, hypocrites and paradoxical cliches
Mohadesa Najumi
You are not always right. It’s not always about being right. The best thing you can offer others is understanding. Being an active listener is about more than just listening, it is about reciprocating and being receptive to somebody else. Everybody has woes. Nobody is safe from pain. However, we all suffer in different ways. So learn to adapt to each person, know your audience and reserve yourself for people who have earned the depths of you
Mohadesa Najumi
I am a habitual rule-breaker
Mohadesa Najumi
Vulnerability is the least celebrated emotion in our society
Mohadesa Najumi
I have been at war with parts of myself for so long
Mohadesa Najumi
All my life I have heard the term happiness thrown around like a buzzword as if it is something to be gained. As I have previously expressed, I do not view happiness as a tangible thing. To me happinesss is the elimination of accumulated darkness. Self-sustaining happiness comes from contentment of acceptance, compassion and sympathetic joy, qualities which cannot be developed like a muscle, but rather they must be actualized by the removal of fetters in the mind
Mohadesa Najumi
I take it as a compliment when somebody calls me crazy. I would be offended if I was one of the sheeple, one of the sleepwalkers in the matrix or part of the collective hallucination we call 'normal
Mohadesa Najumi
I don't trust anybody who isn't a little bit neurotic
Mohadesa Najumi
I was yours once till death if you cared to keep me, but I'm someone else's now--I can't hang about whining for ever--and he's mine in a way that shocks you, but why don't you stop being shocked and attend to your own happiness?
E.M. Forster
Yes I value strong friendships on a very deep level, I value these connections because time and time again i will go through heartbreak, I will forget my self worth, I will make mistakes and my world will feel broken beyond repair and to have these special people in your life that will be there to help you pick up the pieces and remind you what makes you special and worth being alive is the most amazing feeling in the world and I would never trade that for anything.
John Maiorana (oohGiovanni)
And me, standing under the splintered night, catching fractured glimpses into the black behind the black, hearing the prayers of stars, the angry whispers of the dark summer night.Its voice cracks,on your name.My eyes close,on your name.
Marlen Komar
If you stand right at the edge of the night sky, some place where one o’clock leaves to meet two, the breeze will carry your words up to the stars. And they’ll swallow your secrets until its time to hand them over to the truths in the sky- the ones that draw maps in the black. They carve their answers into the backs of my hands, the grooves of the words running deep in my palms.
Marlen Komar
I have been poisoned in your love and now I need antidote Jacqueline.L.J! <3
Omaid olovejlj Zazai
Sometimes you get everything you ever wanted, only it doesn't look like what you wanted anymore.
Leila Sales
Sometimes you break your heart in the right way, if you know what I mean.
Gregory David Roberts
Karma says what you give is what you get, so why do the loyal person end up being betrayed
Treyco From Waco
Most things break, including hearts. The lessons of life amount not towisdom, but to scar tissue and callus.
Wallace Stegner
It is strange how often a heart must be broken Before the years can make it wise.
Sara Teasdale
Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears.
Criss Jami
The nostalgia of a moment's love can be an illusionary precipice from which we fall from truth; in heartbreak, what we escape to in the past is what tortures us in the present.
Mike Norton
Accidents happen. Our bones shatter, our skin splits, our hearts break. We burn, we drown, we stay alive.
Moïra Fowley-Doyle
He looked at me intently, from what seemed behind the veil of a grave experience. Then slowly and prophetically, he said the scariest thing I'd ever heard: "Because the answer to a heartfelt question, Jack, will always break your heart.
Thomas H. Cook
They'll say you are bador perhaps you are mador at least you should stay undercover.Your mind must be bareif you would dareto think you can love more than one lover.
David Rovics
She had not made a decision to give up sex, only the clamor of romance, because it was exhausting her, doing her no good and too much harm...
Michelle Herman
To make real friends you have to put yourself out there. Sometimes people will let you down, but you can't let that stop you. If you get hurt, you just pick yourself up, dust off your feelings, and try again.
Kristin Hannah
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