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I pour another drink and wash the taste of dashed dreams from the back of my tongue. I feel half-dead, but my broken heart somehow still beats. What a stubborn, senseless organ, to keep going when all hope and happiness are lost.
Julie Johnson
To those who would love me - I offer you a warning. Do no get to close. You won't survive.
Julie Johnson
I am not the Juliet to his Romeo. I am not the lodestar around which he orbits. I am not the trade wind by which he sets the course of his sails. I am not essential or exceptional.I was his Monday girl. Shitty, really, since he was my whole damn week.
Julie Johnson
You think you can change a guy, that he’ll be different with you, that you’ll finally be the one to tame him… and before you know it, you’re alone in your underwear at nine o’clock on a Saturday night, crying to Adele songs, eating ice cream straight from the gallon, and wondering what the hell is the matter with you that you fell for such a goddamned man-child, after he explicitly warned you not to.
Julie Johnson
...I experienced a sudden ache -- part desolation, part panic -- to observe the speed with which this mate, this familiar, was transforming herself into a separate person.
Ian McEwan
I feel as though the end is never worth the pain of fearingYou listen to the words I say without ever truly hearingI've noticed you are simply just another human beingYou look into my eyes and smile without ever truly seeingI no longer see the point in trying to be overbearingBecause you told me that you loved me without ever truly caring
Anissa Sorenson
Love had failed. Love was an emotion through which you occasionally enjoyed yourself. it could not do things.
E.M. Forster
Kiss me back into place and remind me why we can't be together.
You can't be the cause and the cure, mon amour.
Ahmed Mostafa
She still loves him. This is the fact she wakes up to each morning. She checks it, sometimes, a tongue probing an aching tooth, making sure it still hurts.
Hala Alyan
Then you'd sob and sob and sob so hard you couldn't stand up until finally you'd go quiet and your head would weigh seven hundred pounds and you'd lift it from your hands and rise to walk into the bathroom to look at yourself solemnly in the mirror and you'd know for sure that you were dead. Living but dead. And all because this person didn't love you anymore, or even if he/she loved you he/she didn't want you and what kind of life was that? it was no life. There would be no life anymore. There would be only one unbearable minute after another and during each of those minutes this person you wanted would not want you and so you would begin to cry again and you'd watch yourself cry pathetically in the mirror until you couldn't cry anymore, so you'd stop.
Cheryl Strayed
I've got such an envious heart;It sloshes and acheswhen you touch her face,and I don't know what to do with it,other than to justlet it break.
Hayley Stumbo
I know she's just trying to protect me, just as I was to protect myself a few short weeks ago, but her words make me aware that the heart in my chest is a muscles like any other. It can hurt.
Nicola Yoon
It will hurt and when it does, it will hurt so bad.
Joselle Anne Gayanes
No, Ashok. Love is not a tap. It flows and flows like blood from a wound, and you can die of it.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
One truth that has helped me accept some of the most difficult moments and heartbreaking decisions in my life is that I already have all for which I ask. I am blessed! I am delivered from my worries!
Carlos Wallace
No hard feelings, lover. You can't break my heart. It stopped beating a long time ago.
Dez Schwartz
The thing about heartbreak, I realized, is it's not really about waiting for things to stop hurting before you start moving. A broken heart can and will heal in time, but for time to actually do its job, I needed to acknowledge what I had lost, and move on.
Ana Tejano
To be heartbroken means to have a story
Austin Wright
But then I remembered that our heartsdidn’t care about logic or time. My heart didn’t play by rules that my mind made up. It didn’t follow silly timelines or measure its feelings based on the number of days it had known someone. No, hearts simply felt, whether you wanted them to or not.
J. Sterling
He made me feel less lonely tonight by letting me into his world, and I found that I really liked being there. I wasn't ready to go back to my own.
Ana Tejano
Five years of love , and they only fit in such a small box.
Ana Tejano
I always think everybody has only one major heartbreak in their life. If you think you've had two, you can't have. The big one just musn't have happened to you yet - so watch your back. If you'd had it, you wouldn't mistake it for anything else.
Joanna Barnard
Her bright green eyes pop against the smudged black mascara. There’s so much pain hidden inside those liquid pools, and I want to unravel her.I’d like to soften up her edges till they’re so blurry I’m the only thing she can focus on, the only thing she can see. I need to light a fire where her heart has been left cold and hardened, rearranging her broken pieces around mine in a way I can make them fit together. I want to crawl inside of her so deep she can’t use me like she’s used to and then get rid of me and forget we happened.
Tammy Faith
I love you. Let's get this over with.
Kris Kidd
When we feel the clown, when we have been played, if we have lived by heart, acted out of compassion, we are the substance of the play,rather than merely being played.
Tom Althouse
Dear . . .You’re the poem I couldn’t finish The journey I should have never started I saw tragedy in our ending My pen bled its heart out trying to change it But you were the fight I didn’t want to lose The addiction I didn’t want to quitYet there was only one of us holding on I wasn’t attached to the man you areBut the one you could be I tried to build where there was no foundationCreate a fairy tale on blank pages But some stories need not be told, let alone written You’ll read my words and won’t be moved Your arrogance will not soften You won’t be changed Your heart, if you should have one, will not bend or break The worst part of it all Is this poem is about you and you’ll never even know it
Samantha King
I carried around five tons of pain where she used to be.
Even at the Gallagher Academy, they don't teach you to break somebody's heart.
Ally Carter
But even the Gallagher Academy hadn't figured out a way to help us protect our hearts.
Ally Carter
People say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. They say that when you been through something terrible ... But it doesn't. It breaks your bones, leaving everything splintered and held together with grubby bandages and yellowing sticky tape. Creaking along the fault lines, Fragile and exhausting to hold together. Sometimes you wish it had killed you.
Fiona Barton
I felt it. I heard the snap of my heart tearing in half. It wasn’t a messy, dirty rip like I’d expected, but a smooth, clean line that knew just where to break to hurt me the most.
T.L. Martin
Love doesn't leave you. Not all at once. It creeps back in, making you think it can be another way, that it can still be another way, and you have to remind yourself of the reasons that it probably won't be.
Laura Dave
Flora hadn't signed my yearbook. When I got it back from the cheerleaders, I skimmed over the last few pages and saw that every one of them signed except for her. I was disappointed but I wasn't surprised.We were too much of everything to be summed up in a few sentences. -Sean Foster
But I’m not wearing the appropriate clothes for the occasion. “You’re always more than appropriate.
Emiliano Campuzano
You make every case for marriage but love.
Rachel Hauck
Why must duty require me to break my own heart?
Rachel Hauck
He was the kind of boy to crush your heart into dust then snort it off the table in front of you.
P.A. Bitez
I knew I couldn’t let her go, not again, especially then that I knew she would not ever come back if she did.
Emiliano Campuzano
You can't protect him from being hurt, babe, no mattter what you do. Being vulnerable, letting people in, getting hurt...it's all a part of being in love.
Jenny Han
Supplication comes from a place of intrinsic desperation resulting from a broken and contrite heart.
Robin Bertram
Hearts don’t break.It’s just another thing the poets say.Hearts are not madeOf glassOr boneOr any material that couldSplinterOr FragmentOr Shatter.They don’tCrack Into Pieces.They don’tFall Apart.Hearts don’t break.They just stop working.An old watch from another time and no parts to fix it.
Nicola Yoon
I feel almost, then, that I can hear within me the sound of my own heart breaking, the way you could hear outside in the open air-when the conditions were exactly right-the corn growing in the fields of my youth...You cannot hear my heart breaking, and I know that part is true, but to me, they are inseparable, the sound of growing corn and the sound of my heart breaking.
Elizabeth Strout
Just remember, though you may have an ample set of well-wishers who would pray for you, there would always be an extra set of prayer called out for you in some part of the world.
Sapan Saxena
How come they get to be gray-haired and still in love with each other, while Lilly tears out what's left of my heart and dumps it into her Jill-The-Ripper shredder?
Daven Anderson
Don’t take away my dignity While patching up my broken dreams
Holly Ducarte
I create my own heartbreaks!
Shehrin Odri
3:29:50 pmwhat is it that you love about himis it the way he lets you downincapable of lifting you upis it the way your heart breakswhen he says somethingthat shatters your self-esteemis it the fact he never shows upwhen you need himtell me again what is there to loveabout a man who doesn't love you
R H Sin
listen girl,’ Medea says, ‘you arenot the first person in the world tosuffer from a broken heart.but i will treat you like you are.listen girl. he is not calling out your name.your name to him is nothing.it might have been before.once, your name might have beenthe only word he knew when hewas blind sad or bursting with sun.those days are over.your name can only exist in your own mouth now.say it over and over. say it until it doesn’t soundlike a name, but just a sound. the promises he made you are just sounds now too. remember that.your hands are what will hold you together now.and you want to be mad? be mad.here is a plate. throw it through his window,listen to the crack. the shatter. laugh into the night.call yourself the sun. see, you will rise.and are you less of a woman for this? nowhat is woman?woman is this–enduring.listen girl, you will get over this– you will.but what fool said you had to do it silently?here is a tip – scream
Salma Deera
You live to poison every beautiful flower that you come in contactwith- I pray for the next girlyou may or may notdestroy
McKayla Debonis
The return journey was nothing like the arrival. Bea couldn’t wait to get out of the car. She remembered feeling like this before, with Brandon, on several occasions. It was an excruciating need to escape the confinement of being in too close a proximity to passive-aggressive behaviour. She hated conflict, after a row, it would take her hours, perhaps days to become fully relaxed and herself again. She became anxious, not entirely brought on by his coldness, but by old memories, and the way her body would instinctively react to them. It wasn’t a feeling that she wanted to experience with someone new, of whom she’d told his sister only a short time ago that she was falling in love with.
Tracey-anne McCartney
(...) like he left a piece of himself with youand you are terrifiedhe is coming back for it.Or he left a piece of himself with you and you are terrified he is not coming back for it.
Brenna Twohy
God's breath is like a fresh wind that renews us. Frail and weak as we are,we have hope. We find healing.
Jocelyn Soriano
I realized that that was how heartbreak occurred. Your heart wants something, but reality resists it. Death is inert and heavy, and it has no relation to your heart's desires.
Zinzi Clemmons
To love is to risk, and to risk is to lose sometimes, to get hurt. But let it not deter you from loving again, from being happy.
Jocelyn Soriano
I'm sorry that when you say 'love', I always hear'heartbreak'.
Darshana Suresh
I wonder what you want from meServed you my heart on a silver platterAnd I watched you devour itEating daintily with your forks and your knivesWatched you stab me downWatched you cut me offAnd during every single second of itI gazed at you with lovedAs you ate your fill of meAnd tossed the rest in the trash
I think it’s pretty common to hold onto people, to bribe them with things, say, a body, in the hopes of keeping them from leaving you. I don’t think it’s uncommon to invert such behaviors, to become something unlovable, in an effort to speed up the process of the inevitable. Fighting is an instinct. So is running. Everybody knows how to destroy a good thing. It’s easy.
Kris Kidd
What if I were to tell you the game’s been rigged, that I was destined to win from the very beginning? To be clear: Winning is subjective. For the record: I win by losing, by avoiding the confusion of possibility, the sheer terror of potential. To make a long story short: I win when I lose and I lose by running, by pushing you away.
Kris Kidd
Perhaps the year and a half spenttrying to make sense of all this has finally drained meMaybe, just maybe, I always know I deserved better, but was too afraid to accept it
Samantha King
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