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We need not be afraid of expecting the unexpected, but let us wheedle each instant we enjoy and endear each happy moment we encounter; let us watch each step we take and each move we make, ever since happiness is a loving and appealing fairy, but utterly frail and vulnerable. ("Happy days are back again")
Erik Pevernagie
You smoked another cigarette and we shared another coffee and it was just another morning that made me realise that this is all it takes to be happy.
Charlotte Eriksson
Go for the hum.
Ethan Mordden
Inner beauty, warm-heartedness and compassion, is what brings about peace of mind.
We can show love, respect for others, and honesty in whatever we do to help humanity.
If you have a warm heart and you care for others you'll be happy and the community in which you live will be happier too.
When you expect nothing and receive something, it's such a nice surprise. I'm not saying to be pessimistic. Just when it comes to other people, don't hinge your happiness to expectation and outcome. Don't make it tit for tat. Don't keep score. Don't expect or demand something back. Do the best you can. Work passionately towards your dreams. Be a good person. Liberate yourself from expectation so much that when something does happen: when someone does do something nice, you can be surprised. Celebrate in that joy. It makes it all the more fun when it comes unexpectedly! Expectations in relationships suck all the gratitude and appreciation out of everything. Beyond honesty, respect and basic decency nothing need be "expected". Let it occur naturally. Go with the flow. Whatever you end up with will be more honest and real.
Akiroq Brost
There is no fortitude like patience, just as there is no destructive emotion worse than hatred.
Self-acceptance is the basis of a happy life.
We experience happiness on a sensory level that is relatively short-lived. But lasting happiness is related to our state of mind.
Compassion brings us peace of mind. It brings a smile to our face and genuine smiles bring us closer together.
On a mental level, kindness and compassion give rise to lasting joy.
A more peaceful world and a more peaceful century require that we rely not on weapons but on developing a widespread inner peace.
Peace in the world depends on our relating to each other with compassion.
Love is like a drug that can either kill you, weaken you or make you stronger. Like a poison that finds it way through you body with each kiss, each touch and each look.It makes you feel euphoric. Makes you feel like you can take on anything that comes on your path. Whether it walks behind, in front or beside you. No mountain is high enough, no ocean deep enough and the sky had no limit.It can make you feel weak. Make you question everything around except the person who the love is for. But it can also destroy you in a way you never would have imagined was even possible. It hurts like a thousand knives twisting against your spine, paralyzing you. It can make you feel like the world just caved in around you, beneath you.You ask yourself if this is all worth it. Worth the euphoric feeling of someone loving you. Worth everything.I can tell you that in the end, it is. Because now you may feel destroyed, but keep in mind that a feeling is something that can be changed. There is someone who will build you up. Who will climb the highest mountain or cross the deepest oceans. Who makes you feel alive all for the right reasons. Someone who will not sugar coat his intentions. Who will not say he's someone he actually is not. Someone who wants you in his life. Who shows you off like a show pony to show everyone how proud he/she is to have you in his/her life.The feeling of destruction will fade when you meet someone who is willing to build you up. Who doesn't care how deep your roots have rooted itself into the earth to keep yourself grounded. Who will find every last stone to make sure your as strong as ever when everything else came crumbling down.
Kim Pape
A simple act of kindness is happiness gained.
Julia Kushemererwa
If in day to day life you lead a good life, honestly, with love, compassion, and less selfishness, then automatically you will find peace.
None of us has an obligation to accept the definitions of ‘respect’ and ‘gratitude’ our parents espoused, especially when those definitions can be used to guilt-trip us, or when they are being used for the purpose of forcing us to do certain things (as an extortion mechanism).
Lukasz Laniecki
Первое, на что я обратил внимание в тот первый день в Бомбее, – непривычный запах. Я почувствовал его уже в переходе от самолета к зданию аэровокзала – прежде, чем услышал или увидел что-либо в Индии. Этот запах был приятен и будоражил меня, в ту первую минуту в Бомбее, когда я, вырвавшись на свободу, заново вступал в большой мир, но он был мне абсолютно незнаком. Теперь я знаю, что это сладкий, тревожный запах надежды, уничтожающей ненависть, и в то же время кислый, затхлый запах жадности, уничтожающей любовь. Это запах богов и демонов, распадающихся и возрожденных империй и цивилизаций. Это голубой запах морской кожи, ощутимый в любой точке города на семи островах, и кроваво-металлический запах машин. Это запах суеты и покоя, всей жизнедеятельности шестидесяти миллионов животных, больше половины которых – человеческие существа и крысы. Это запах любви и разбитых сердец, борьбы за выживание и жестоких поражений, выковывающих нашу храбрость. Это запах десяти тысяч ресторанов, пяти тысяч храмов, усыпальниц, церквей и мечетей, а также сотен базаров, где торгуют исключительно духами, пряностями, благовониями и свежими цветами. Карла назвала его однажды худшим из самых прекрасных ароматов, и она была, несомненно, права, как она всегда бывает по-своему права в своих оценках. И теперь, когда бы я ни приехал в Бомбей, прежде всего я ощущаю этот запах – он приветствует меня и говорит, что я вернулся домой.
Gregory David Roberts
In order to fall asleep we must first close our eyes and pretend to be sleeping. Can the same be true for happiness and success?
Ross Caligiuriri
A man desire two things: love and happiness.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The greatest joy is the grace of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Life should be simple and easy. If you're doing it hard, you're doing it wrong.
Conrad Aquino
Life only wants us to be happy. We impose these burdens on ourselves.
Marty Rubin
Good or bad, happy or sad, everything that happens does so for a reason; no incident in this world is a stray occurrence. Don’t be unnecessarily perplexed or anxious about it- accept it. There’s no point resisting it because it was ordained. A strain of music, perhaps a song, at times a stray incident brings back memories of another day. Some may be nostalgically beautiful others may bring back that ache in the heart that you thought you had overcome long ago. Don’t stop them, let them keep flooding in. They are your memories of an era gone by. Feel them. Relive the good ones. Chew the cud of nostalgia. You will feel energized. The unhappy ones too are welcome, let them in. That pain that you feel once again is the purging of your heart. Feel that the ache for one last time and forgive those that caused the pain. Let go of those memories tenderly. Gently bid them adieu with love. You are a new person now. Those old memories have gone and they have left a space; you are now ready to accept new ones. Fill your life with love; spread it. Live life the way you want to. Do things that you have wanted to do all this while but were afraid to. Live the life that brings you happiness and makes your heart sing with joy...
Latika Teotia
According to just about every poll on happiness, people on the Left are generally less happy than conservatives.
Dennis Prager
I have devoted much of my life to studying, writing, and lecturing about the subject of happiness. In particular, I have advocated that people act as happy as possible even when they do not feel happy. This is, I believe, both a moral obligation to all those who are in our lives—it is unfair to others to inflict our bad moods on them—and a particularly effective way to increase our own happiness, since acting happy elevates one’s mood. This is hardly controversial—in just about every area of life, human beings deeply influence how they feel by how they act. As a rule, those who object to this idea of acting contrary to how one feels are people on the Left—because on the Left, feelings are sacrosanct.
Dennis Prager
Yes I value strong friendships on a very deep level, I value these connections because time and time again i will go through heartbreak, I will forget my self worth, I will make mistakes and my world will feel broken beyond repair and to have these special people in your life that will be there to help you pick up the pieces and remind you what makes you special and worth being alive is the most amazing feeling in the world and I would never trade that for anything.
John Maiorana (oohGiovanni)
As we did without clergy, let us do without soldiers. The joy built upon successful slaughter is not the right kind of joy; it will not do; it is fearful and it is trivial.
Ursula K Le Guin
Saying yes comes very easily to me and, more often than not, I get into situations that could have been avoided by using the magical two letter word, ‘NO’. Then I sit back and regret having said yes to something which is guaranteed to take away my peace of mind. Enough of pandering to others, enough of indulging those who do not help me grow enough of saying ‘yes’ to those who are not good for my well being. I have consciously decided to be very very choosy about saying yes. I will say yes to my happiness, contentment and growth. My ‘yes’ will also be given to those who inspire me and who motivate me to reach higher.
Latika Teotia
i believe happiness do not transform man .rather happiness gives growth after achieving happiness passing through transformation
Doing the next "right thing" will always bring more genuine happiness than simply doing the next fun thing.
John Bruna
All changes are positive, just look in the bright side, always and you find the pearl that lies beneath in the sand and a sunny way is there ahead for you!:)
Ana Claudia Antunes
No, you pessimistic fool, I am saying that if we can find it in ourselves to be miserable even when things are actually pretty good then there should be no difficulty being happy even when there is gloom and doom all around us.
Anuja Chandramouli
It's important to achieve balance in sandwiches, because who really knows how to achieve it in life? Life is messy, difficult, occasionally great but mostly upsetting and out of your control. But you can always make a good sandwich, and a good sandwich will make you happy!
Tyler Kord
Hope lies in what action we take.
It is in the nature of the mind that the more we cultivate and familiarize ourselves with positive emotions, the more powerful they become.
The future can be different if we choose to make it so.
Positive emotions like compassion and loving kindness engender in us a deep sense of peace and serenity, and benefits others as well.
Is happiness a sort of blissful state of mind or just a kind of surreal propensity? It may be hard to recognize its very nature, if we remain guilelessly confined in a state of woeful unawareness or in a no-man’s-land of emotions. In their dogged and obstinate quest for the zenith of happiness, many forget to take pleasure in the small things of everyday and, thus, become disgruntled and depressed instead, which leads them to a mire of gloom. ("C’est quand le bonheur “)
Erik Pevernagie
Happiness, said De Quincey, on his discovery of the paradise that he thought he had found in opium, could be sent down by the mail-coach; more truly I could announce my discovery that delight could be contained in small octavos and small type, in a bookshelf three feet long.
Arthur Machen
The heart knows what it feels.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Every human being desires love and happiness.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Rule 1: Be kind.Rule 2: Don't be a doormat when they step on you.Kindness and sticking up for yourself go hand in hand if you want happiness.
Richie Norton
Happiness is a masterpiece: the slightest error compromises it, the slightest hesitation undermines it, the slightest excess corrupts it, the slightest vulgarity defiles it.
Marguerite Yourcenar
Happiness is my drug of choice.
Marty Rubin
Indulge yourself because you have to learn to love yourself first before you try to reconstruct your life and piece it together. Go on, release those bottled up feelings, let your hair down and do what gives you real happiness. Believe me, you will feel relieved and feel much lighter. Don’t let situations and people pull you down. Promise yourself that you will live life your way on your terms and put your own self first. Surround yourself with positive people and never ever feel sorry for yourself- self pity will only bring negativity in its wake. So go ahead rebuild your life and live it the way you want to.
Latika Teotia
Be kind. Be happy. Be free.
Marty Rubin
Anything that drains your emotions or fills you with negativity is not good for your soul; avoid such people, thoughts, situations and so on. Surround yourself with positive people whose company gives you happiness and peace of mind.
Latika Teotia
Happiness at work is not associated with people it is a result of our own actions, happiness from achievements becomes a proud moment because we can see an improvement in own abilities, but we don't live with that and start expecting praise and recognition from others, and if it doesn't happen we make it an unhappy moment. But once we start celebrating achievements, the achievement process itself becomes a happy moment.
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
Explaining or defending your dreams to people who don't understand them will actually take away time to making them come true!
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
At one point in your life you start to understand that all what really matters is the love you give and the love you receive.
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
People who tell you to stop living in a fairytale world are very likely people who live in a horror movie.
Jennifer White - Strong Heart Awakening
Before we can bring happiness to others, we first must be happy ourselves; nor will happiness abide within us unless we confer it on others. If there be a smile upon our lips, those around us will soon smile too; and our happiness will become the truer and deeper as we see that these others are happy. "It is not seemly that I, who, willingly, have brought sorrow to none, should permit myself to be sad," said Marcus Aurelius, in one of his noblest passages.
Maurice Maeterlinck
By learning to be more warm-hearted we can create a more compassionate world.
Never let anybody destroy your own ability to create happiness.Its the only thing that will let you succeed when you feel everything else has let you down.Peace and love.
John Maiorana (oohGiovanni)
De temps à autre, il est bon de faire une pause dans notre quête du bonheur et d'être simplement heureux.
Guillaume Apollinaire
Life said to me, Be happy. Don't let me down.
Marty Rubin
Can a man's life be complete without his Maker?
Lailah Gifty Akita
Coffee and books are a simple recipe for happiness.
Nourhan Mamdouh
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