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Your smile is a messenger of your good will.
Dale Carnegie
Being happy on seeing others happy is happiness multiplied.
Tapan Ghosh
The whole world would be much happier if everyone was just average.
Ron Baratono
Sweetheart, happily ever after does exist, it’s just not what you think,” he said. “Happily ever after isn’t a solution to life’s problems or a guarantee that life will be easy; it’s a promise we make ourselves to always live our best lives, despite whatever circumstance comes our way. When we focus on joy in times of heartbreak, when we choose to laugh on the days it’s hard to smile, and when we count our blessings over our losses—that’s what a true happily ever after is all about. You don’t get there by being perfect; on the contrary, it’s our humanity that guides us. And that’s what fairy tales have been trying to teach us all along.
Chris Colfer
You just cannot have the same thing twice without being disappointed.
Vann Chow
Much that for us is fraught with with happiness or misery, remains almost unnoticed by the rest of the world.
Marcel Proust
Don’t ever lose your smile. Don’t ever let anything take away the joy from your laugh. You never know when the taste of laughter on the tongue or the scent of happiness in the air might save one’s life.
Emory R. Frie
When you surround yourself with wonderful, productive people, you become enhanced. Your level of happiness increases, which is your success.
Ron Baratono
You change our world for the better by changing our world for the better.
Scott Stabile
If only I could spend all my days surrounded by people brave enough to open their hearts for real.
Scott Stabile
Be a person who gives a shit about other people.
Scott Stabile
I’m super fucking sensitive. I love this about myself only slightly more than I can’t stand it. Sometimes I wish I were an unfeeling stone who didn’t take everything so personally and didn’t need so much space all the time. Feeling can get exhausting fast. Mostly, though, I know my sensitivity is a superpower, perhaps my greatest, and it’s the thing that keeps me loving our world in a profound way, when I’m not too busy hiding from it, that is.
Scott Stabile
Just like anything, don't rush a good thing. Enjoy it. Just like in a game of chess, all of the pieces serve a different purpose . In conquering daily battles, we must remember to set our bars a little lower to discover the immediate joys existing right under our our nose.
Machel Shull
Why is it that happiness remembered feels like despair?
Heather Chaplin
Living life without a goal is like sailing the sea without a compass.
Unhappy! of course you'll be unhappy. Who the devil are you that you shouldn't be unhappy, like the mother that bore you?
G.K. Chesterton
The right to the pursuit of happiness, originally envisaged as a restraint on state power, has imperceptibly morphed into the right to happiness – as if human beings have a natural right to be happy, and anything which makes us dissatisfied is a violation of our basic human rights, so the state should do something about it.
Yuval Noah Harari
If people aren't able to see your magnificence that's their loss, not yours.
Scott Stabile
I didn't hit other people or hit purposefully, I just hit. Some object would be at fault. My anger was at myself, every time, all vanity. As an adolescent I was a slammer of drawers and a packer of suitcases. I was responsible for scenes.Control came imperfectly to all of us: we reached it at different times of life, frustrated, shot into indignation, by different things - some that are grown out of, and others not.Of all my strong emotions, anger is the one least responsible for any of my work. I don't write out of anger. For one thing, simply as a fiction writer, I am minus an adversary - except, of course, that of time - and for another thing, the act of writing in itself brings me happiness.
Eudora Welty
Who are you not to be yourself?
Scott Stabile
Happiness is exercising the little freedom that we have by choosing things that create harmony in our lives.
Kamand Kojouri
Sometimes my mind goes dark, and every single part of my life goes dark with it. Any happiness I thought I knew gets replaced by a sadness so big it must be for the whole world. I convince myself that I have nothing to offer, and that nobody has anything to offer me, either. I commit to hopelessness. In these dark moments I remind myself, ( because I’d be too lost without the reminder) that what I'm feeling isn't the full truth of the world, not by miles, and that though I can't see it, nothing is as dire as the nightmare my mind conjures, and that i, and the world, will be okay. In time, with hope. Slowly I come out of the darkness again. I reject my mind's devotion to misery and fear, and reroute myself on a path of acceptance and love. I focus on the beauty in our world, and in myself, and I remember that we are family, all of us, and we each matter. We each shine. Certainly.
Scott Stabile
Find people who can handle your darkest truths, who don’t change the subject when you share your pain, or try to make you feel bad for feeling bad. Find people who understand we all struggle, some of us more than others, and that there’s no weakness in admitting it. In fact, few things take as much strength. Find people who want to be real, however that looks and feels, and who want you to be real, too. Find people who get that life is hard, and who get that life is also beautiful, and who aren’t afraid to honor both those realities. Find people who help you feel more at home in your heart, mind and body, and who take joy in your joy. Find people who love you, for real, and who accept you, for real. Just as you are. They’re out there, these people. Your tribe is waiting for you. Don’t stop searching until you find them.9/30/16Then her heart opened wider than it ever had before,and all she saw before her, everywhere she looked, were people to love.
Scott Stabile
I looked at my life and for the first time felt like I could hold it all. That I didn’t need to let go of anything in order to be whole. That even those things I’d been clinging to had a place in my freedom. That every single thing played its role.
Scott Stabile
It’s easy to rebuke each other’s opinions, but can we honor each other’s pain? Can we make the effort to see beyond the portraits we’ve painted of one another, and to connect to the humanity that thrives beneath our own assumptions? Can we be relentless in our desire to tear down walls, and to build bridges? Can we be brave and stay committed to the conversations that need to be had?The only thing I know about these questions is that I need to replace the we with I, and begin to answer them from there.One thing I know for sure: I want to become the example I wish to see in others. That's a good place to start.Another thing I know for sure: I love you. You're beautiful. You rock.
Scott Stabile
One of the most empowering things about being human is the fact that a single choice can change the entire direction of our lives. What are you choosing for yourself?
Scott Stabile
To all the friends out there struggling while so many are celebrating right now, please know that you are not alone, and you are so loved. I hold you in my heart and send you extra support and love these days, and all the light I know how to muster. I love you.
Scott Stabile
Aren’t you tired of shutting up? Aren’t you sick of choking down your truth?Aren’t you over nodding yes when you mean no?Then stop—shutting and choking and nodding.You have not come this far to stay silent.You have not endured so much to give up now.You have not awakened just to go back to sleep.Right now is the time to announce yourself. Who are you? What do we need to know?Only you make claim to who you are.Only you decide what’s right, and not, for you.Only you choose how you want to shine.You—only you—get to create your singular life.
Scott Stabile
I was still water, held by my surroundings.I am now a river, carving my own path.
Scott Stabile
Making someone responsible for your misery also makes them responsible for your happiness. Why give that power to anyone but yourself?
Scott Stabile
Friends...we can paralyze ourselves with the need to have all the details in order, with the desire to know all of the hows, with the reasons why we're not quite ready, and whatever other story we tell ourselves to keep from diving into the changes/dreams/goals we know we need to go after in our lives. At some point, though, we have to dive in. You'll never have all the details worked out, and they'll change along the way. You'll never know all the hows, and you don't need to. Nobody does. There will always be reasons you're not ready enough, and always fears that will beg you not to do a thing. Sometimes the only way we can overcome all of these obstacles is by starting, wherever we are, with whatever we have to offer in the moment. Really, just begin.
Scott Stabile
We decide how much we want our past to be a part of our present.I stopped inviting the past into my life.It took the hint and stopped showing up.
Scott Stabile
I stayed, to love you.I left, to love myself.
Scott Stabile
When we open ourselves up to feeling, we can't only open ourselves up to feeling certain things. The same is true when we shut ourselves down. The walls that guard against sadness also guard against happiness.
Scott Stabile
We are powerful beyond measure,and we must stand powerfully in the face of injustice and hate.United.
Scott Stabile
How much longer until we finally figure out how to be with one another?How many times do we have to play out this pain?I’m ready for something different.Aren’t you.
Scott Stabile
If you believe in God,then you’re a child of God.As such, you’re as worthy of loveas anyone who has ever lived. If you don’t believe in God,then you’re a child of Nature.As such, you’re as worthy of loveas anyone who has ever lived.Nothing you can do will make youany more or any less worthy of lovethan you already are, and always have been.You’re as worthy as they come, my friend.Please try not to forget that.
Scott Stabile
Enjoy small moments as they come. At the end, That's what makes life worthwhile...
Nadun Lokuliyanage
As much as I love to see the sun setting behind a city skyline,and to feel the pure majesty of a wild river or soaring mountain,and to fade, then disappear into a transcendent book, song or film,I am always most astounded, moved and transported by the warmthand kindness of a loving person. Always.
Scott Stabile
Today, I choose not to take my life for granted. I choose not to look upon the fact that I am healthy, have food in my refrigerator and have clean water to drink as givens. They are not givens for so many people in our world. The fact that I am safe and (relatively) sane are not givens. That I was born into a family who loves me and into a country not ravaged by war are not givens. It is impossible to name all of the circumstances in my life I’ve taken for granted. All of the basic needs I’ve had met, all of the friendships and job opportunities and financial blessings and the list, truly, goes on and on. The fact that I am breathing is a miracle, one I too rarely stop to appreciate. I’m stopping, right now, to be grateful for everything I am and everything I’ve been given. I’m stopping, right now, to be grateful for every pleasure and every pain that has contributed to the me who sits here and writes these words. I am thankful for my life. This moment is a blessing. Each breath a gift. That I’ve been able to take so much for granted is a gift, too. But it’s not how I want to live—not when gratitude is an option, now when wonder and awe are choices. I choose gratitude. I choose wonder. I choose awe. I choose everything that suggest I’m opening myself to the miraculous reality of simply being alive for one moment more.
Scott Stabile
Sexual intimacy is a relationship, not just body parts coming together. The more comfortable you are with each other outside the bedroom; the easier it is to relax and the sweeter the intimacy!
Ngina Otiende
No one determines your truth but you.You can’t paint your own self-portrait with someone else’s hand.
Scott Stabile
I finally stopped seeking in others everything I could only find in myself.
Scott Stabile
We can’t heal what we refuse to acknowledge.
Scott Stabile
A spouse who refuses to cultivate or fan physical intimacy first devalued the marriage in their mind and priorities. Spouses who defile their marriage bed first lost honor for their marriage.
Ngina Otiende
A true saying it is, ‘Desire hath no rest;‘ is infinite in itself, endless; and as one calls it, a perpetual rack, or horse-mill, according to Austin, still going round as in a ring.
Robert Burton
The heart knows all the sacredness of happiness.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I can’t control my feelings, but I’m learning to have a say in how much my feelings control me.
Scott Stabile
Some seasons later, the Princess of the kingdom was riding with her handmaiden on the edge of the dark woods. Though once she had been very ill, the Princess had recovered miraculously and was now married to a fine prince. She lived a full and happy life: walked and danced and sang, and enjoyed all the vast riches of health. They had a dear baby girl who was much loved and ate pure honey and drank the dew from rose petals and had beautiful butterflies for playthings.
Kate Morton
Follow your heart, be happy forever.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Have the courage to follow your heart.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Your commitment to your happiness and well-being serves our entire world in powerful ways. Stay committed.You change our world for the better by changing your world for the better.
Scott Stabile
I am continually coming back to the belief that I know nothing, or that there are much deeper places to go with what I think I know. It's liberating, actually. I don't think the biggest questions can be answered with any certainty. I'm becoming more and more peaceful not knowing.
Scott Stabile
When some things don’t work out, other things do.Some of life’s most memorable and fun experiences happen precisely because things don’t go as planned.
Scott Stabile
Rather than seek happiness living my life to please the will of others, I will seek happiness where I know it can be found - living my life to please the will of my heart.
Scott Stabile
And what’s your unhappiness due to, Harry?The words came out before he had time to think. “Loving someone who loves me.
Jo Nesbø
Don't waste mirror time criticizing your appearance when you could be spending it complementing the one person who has seen you through all of life's challenges and will get you through all that’s coming. that reflection of yours deserves nothing but praise, for as long as you're able to look in the mirror and see the it.
Scott Stabile
You have what you need to be happy.
Scott Stabile
I’ve finally figured out a way to stand strong on my own.
Scott Stabile
The Christian should be characterized by an effort to see things in the best light; if it is true that the word Evangelos means good news, then Christian means happy man, spreader of happiness. 'Grim faces,' Saint Philip Neri used to say, 'are not made for the merry house of Paradise!
Pope John Paul I
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